- Author: FENG Lijuan, YIN Yanlei, YANG Xuemei, TANG Haixia, JIAO Qiqing
- Keywords: Pomegranate; Mineral nutrients; Dynamic variation; Fruit quality; Correlation
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.2017.S.16
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Abstract: 【Objective】The relationship between fruit quality and dynamic variation of leaf mineral ele⁃ments in different pomegranate cultivars was clarified in the study. The result could provide the theoretical basis for scientific fertilization, high quality and high yield cultivation of pomegranate garden.【Methods】The six major pomegranate cultivars were used as the experimental material. The dynamic variationof N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn content in leaves and content difference of fruit quality were analyzedby Kjeldahl method, flame spectrophotometry, atomic absorption method and conventional fruit quality de⁃termination method. The correlation of leaf different mineral elements was analyzed. The relationship be⁃tween leaf mineral elements and fruit quality was explored in different pomegranate cultivars.【Results】The content of N, P, Cu and Zn presented decrease →increase →decrease change trend with the develop⁃ment days increasing. The K content decreased at first and then increased. The Ca content increased grad⁃ually with development. The Mg content increased at first and then decreased. The content of Fe and Mn both showed increase →decrease →increase variation. The content of N and Fe was highest in‘Mantian⁃hong’leaves. The K and Cu contents were highest in‘Lanbaoshi’leaves.‘Yuahiliu4’had the highestcontent of P and Ca. The content of Mg and Mn was highest in‘Piyaman’leaves. The Zn content washighest in‘Taishanhong’leaves. There were significant differences in single fruit mass, soluble solids, ti⁃tratable acid, soluble sugar and vitamin C content of different pomegranate cultivars. There was synergy effect between N, P and K in pomegranate leaves. Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn and Mn had different antagonistic effectson N, P and K. There was significant positive correlation between Ca and Fe in leaves. Mg was positivelycorrelated with Zn and Mn. There was significant negative correlation between vitamin C content and Zn,Cu, Mn. The soluble solid content had significantly positive correlation with Zn, significantly negative cor⁃relation with Ca. The soluble sugar content was significantly and positively correlated with Mg and Cu.【Conclusion】There were some variation regularity and content difference of mineral elements in theleaves of different pomegranate cultivars. There were significant differences in fruit quality between the ex⁃perimental cultivars at maturity period. The correlation of various mineral elements was different in theleaves of different pomegranate cultivars. The leaf mineral elements had different effects on fruit quality atthe development period. The result could provide theoretical basis for the diagnosis of nutrient conditionand timely formula fertilization of pomegranate garden.