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Home-Journal Online-2017 Suppl

Cultivation of the‘Zhongnonghong’pomegranate tissue and genetic transformation of the leaf receptor material were obtained

Online:2020/3/25 9:39:47 Browsing times:
Author: YANG Xuanwen, SHI Yafen, LI Haoxian, XIA Xiaocong, CHEN Lina, LIU Beibei, WANG Qi, CAO Shangyin
Keywords: omegranate; Stem section; Tissue culture; Genetic transformation
DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.2017.S.15
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PDF Abstract

AbstractObjectiveIn order to obtain a stable and sterile pomegranate genetic transformation system receptor material. This is the basis for conducting genetic transformation experimentsand it is also a powerful guarantee for improving reproducibility and reliabilitywhen the proliferation buds reached 3 to 5 cmthey were cut from the basal part putted into MS medium and subcultured. Add 1 mg·L-1 PVP and 200 mg·L-1 coconut and different concentrations of 6-BANAA or IBA. After two subculturesthe shoots necrosisshoots and stem segments were observed and recorded. The rate of shoot formation was the ratio offresh shoots to original plants on the original plants. The rate of stem formation was the ratio of stem segments grown to these shoots. A stable and sterile pomegranate proliferation medium was screened to obtain a stable and robust leaf receptor material.MethodsThe shoots of adult plants were collected from 2to 5 knots as explants from February to March. The leaves were harvested and cutted into 1-2 stem segmentsdilute the solution soak the oscillation wash 30 mintap water rinseplaced in the clean bench sterilization, 75% alcohol surface sterilization 30 s0.1% HgCl2 solution soaking at different timessterile water rinse 5 times; remove the stem section inoculated with different concentrations of 6-BANAA or IBA MSB5 or WPM on the primary medium. The culture conditions were as follows: temperature24±1light intensity 2 500-3 000 lxlight time 16 h·d-1. Each treatment of 20 bottleseach bottle inoculatedwith 3 to 4 explantsrepeated 3 times. Counting the fungibacteria and browning from 10 d to 30 d afterinoculated. When the induced axillary bud grew from 2 to 3 cmit was cut from the basal part and transferred into the MS multiplication mediumadding 6-BAKTNAA and IBAand with different concentrations. Adding 1 g·L-1 PVP anti browningadding anti coconut juice stem tip necrosis and yellow leavesfall off. The proliferation coefficient and growth status were recorded after 30 d. Comparing the effects ofPVP and coconut on the pomegranate material and screening the different medium and concentration ofthe first generation medium.ResultsThe medium with the first generation of pomegranate stem was MS+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.1 mg·L-1 NAA+1 mg·L-1 PVP. After two subculturesthe appropriate medium wasscreened: 1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.1 mg·L-1 NAA+1 mg·L-1 PVP+200 mg·L-1 coconut juice induced into budsfor the best0.3 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.1 mg·L-1 IBA+1 mg·L-1 PVP+200 mg·L-1 coconut juice for induction ofstem elongation. In the growth of pomegranate plantscan get greenstretched the robust red peony leaves.ConclusionThe stable and robust pomegranate experimental material was obtainedwhich laid the foundation for the establishment of stable pomegranate genetic transformation system.