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Abstract: Objective To establish a spectrophotometric test condition for Folin-Ciocalteus determination of total polyphenols content in fruits and the derived products, after comparing the determination conditions by and between Folin-Denis (FD) method and Folin-Ciocalteus (FC) method. Folin-Phenol is often used for determination of total polyphenols content in fruits and the derived products. This method could be divided into FD method and FC method. When FD method is in use, it requires more on the environment and temperature. After sodium carbonate solution is added, deposit often appears and it is less stable for coloration. FC method is an improved one of FD. It adds lithium salt into FD reagent to overcome its defect of unsteadiness and makes it more sensitive and selective on phenols than FD method with a more narrow absorption. Methods Put 0.5-3 ml of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution in FD reagent, observing the effects on coloration by different amounts. Put 0.5-3 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution in FC reagent, observing the effects on coloration by different amounts. Compare the stability of the two methods. Four kinds of solution, such as 1.0 mL of 5.0 mg·L -1 gallic acid, 1 mL of streak reagents, 2.0 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution (FD Method) and 3.0 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution (FC Method) are taken respectively to make the wavelength scanning after color reaction to compare the peak shapes and sensitivity between the two methods. Six experimental materials (grape, wine, persimmon, apple, pear and banana) are taken for the gallic acid-add recovery experiments comparison by FD method and FC method. Filter the measuring condition of FC method by comparing two standard substances in FC method, one is tannic acid and the other is gallic acid monohydrate. Compare the streak reagents for FC method in three reflowing time points, 10 h, 2 h and 1 h. Determine the sequence for adding streak reagents for FC method and 7.5% sodium carbonate solution. Determine the measuring wavelength through the displays of the wavelength scanning of 5 mg·L -1 gallic acid and extraction of wine, grape, banana, apple and persimmon. Compare the time scanning of 5.0 mg·L -1 gallic acid standard solution and extraction of wine, grape, apple and persimmon to look for the chromogenic stable time and determine the coloration time. Take gallic acid as the standard substance to determine the linear range for FC. Take grape, wine, persimmon, apple, pear and banana as the experimental materials to test the precision and accuracy by selecting 7 parallel samples of each. Results Compare FC method with FD method, adding 0.5 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution for FD method, the blue complex compound is formed slowly. The deposit appears through adding either 2.5 mL or 3 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate. Especially adding 3 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate, the deposit appears much immediately and obviously. By adding 2.0 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate, the coloration is more stable and sensitive with good linearity on standard curve but no deposit. Adding 0.5 mL and 1.0 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution for FC method, the reaction is not complete and yellow the solution. Respectively adding 4, 5, 6 and 7 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution, after one hour coloration, the optical density begins to decrease. The optical density after adding 2 mL or 3 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate is high, but the stability is better with adding 3 mL. The optical density becomes much stable after 2 h coloration. Through the wavelength scanning for both FC method and FD method, FC method is more sensitive than FD method and has a much sharper peak shape. The recovery rate of FD method is commonly higher than that of FC method, and the highest one reaches 132%. But the recovery rate of FC is more stable, between 86% and 110%. FC method is more stable, sensitive and accurate than FD method when being used in determination of total polyphenols content in fruits and the derived products. For FC method, the gallic acid is steady in color and good in linearity with R2 over 0.999, which is in accordance with the requirement of the testing method. Hence, the gallic acid monohydrate is selected as the standard substance of FC method. For streak reagents, the optical density values of 2-hour reflux and 10-hour reflux are apparently higher than the value of 1-hour reflux, while the value difference of 2-hour reflux and 10-hour reflux is not notable. To increase the testing efficiency, the 2-hour reflux is selected for preparing the streak reagent. For FC method, the streak reagent is added first and then the 7.5% sodium carbonate solution, through which the optical density values is obviously higher than that by adding 7.5% sodium carbonate solution first and then streak reagent. The optical density value in the previous resolution is 2.29 times (with 5 mg·L -1 gallic acid) and 2.63 times (with 2 mg·L -1 gallic acid) of that in the latter resolution. Through the after-coloration wavelength scanning of 5.0 mg·L -1 gallic acid standard solution and extraction of samples, their profiles are completely the same and the highest optical density value is at 765 nm. Hence 765 nm is determined to be the measuring wavelength. For FC method, through time scanning of 5.0 mg·L -1 gallic acid standard solution and extraction of samples, at the beginning of coloration, the optical density increases greatly but becomes stable after 120 min, and the value doesn’t change at all, so the coloration time is 2 h. Gallic acid is taken as the standard substance, which is good in linear among the range of 0-0.8 mg·L -1. In case of no more than 6% relative deviation of method, the recovery rate is among 85%-115%.Conclusion Compared with FD method, FC method is more stable, sensitive and accurate and it is much better to be used in the determination of total polyphenols content in fruits and the derived products. The best procedures for FC method after optimization are as follows: 5.0 mL of water, 1.0 mL of coloration reagent and 3.0 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution are orderly added into 1.0 mL extraction of sample or standard solution of Gallic acid monohydrate, shake and blend them, and measure its optical density at wavelength of 765 nm after coloration for 2 hours. And finally the total polyphenols content in the sample could be accounted based on the Gallic Acid Standard Curve.








摘 要:【亲本来源新品种名是由母本品种名’ב父本品种名杂交选育(诱变选育/无性系选育)出的早(中/晚)熟葡萄(苹果/……)新品种。【外部特征】果实形状,果皮颜色,果面光滑度,是否具蜡质,果肉颜色,肉质紧密/疏松,风味甜/酸度,香气;平均单果质量/g,最大单果质量/g,果形指数;每果实含种子粒数。【内在指标】出汁率/%,可溶性固形物含量/%,单糖/%,双糖/%,总糖/%,总酸/%,可溶性糖/%,可滴定酸/%,糖酸比,硬度/kg·cm-2,维生素c含量/mg·g-1;品质(/中上)。【生长结果习性】果实生育期/d,在XX(经度、纬度) x月上//下旬成熟;花序花朵数,萌芽率,成枝力。【抗性】抗逆性,抗病性。【贮藏性】货架期/d,冷藏/月。【适宜栽培区】适合XX地区栽培,第x年开花结果,丰产性。





Breeding report of a new xx cultivar ‘XX’

Abstract:【Source of parents】‘New cultivar’ is an early-season, table grape/apple/pear with excellent appearance. The seeding was derived from a cross between ‘female parent’ and ‘ male parent’ in 1996 at experimental field. 【Breeding procedure】It was initially selected in 1990 for its bright colors and very early ripening time. Through artificial hybridization pollination, 665 hybrid seeds was got. After regional adaptability testing at four sites (including ……) over four years from 1991 to 1995, it was finally selected in 1996. 【Botanical character】This species is a tall/dwarfing tree, attaining a height of 10 m; the tree is vigorous with semicircular/ramose crown and open/upright tree gesture. Young branches are densely pubescent, then glabrous, dull grey-brown in color. Leaves is ovate to elliptic, acuminate, x-x cm long, x cm wide, sharply serrated. Flower is pink, x-x cm across, pedicel villous. Fruit position and fruit uniformity is ……. 【External character】Fruit is mainly round or oblate, has yellowish-red peel and light ware surface. Its flesh is white, crisp, rich juice, fine texture and aroma. The average fruit weight/g, maximum fruit weight/g, fruit shape index; seed numbers per fruit et al.【Inner index】Juice yield/%, the content of soluble solid/%, the content of monosaccharide/%, the content of disaccharide/%, the content of total sugar/%, the content of total acid/%, soluble sugar content/%, the content of soluble acid/%, the sugar-acid ratio, hardness/kg·cm-2, Vitamin C/mg·g-1 et al. Quality is excellent.【Habit of growth and fruit】The fruit development period is x d and it matures at the end August in xx area; the number of inflorescence, proportion of fruit branches/%, germination rate/%, branching ability is …….【Resistance】It is resistant to drought, powdery mildew, downy mildew, etc. 【Storage】The fruit has very long storage-life, cold storage life is x months and shelf life is over x days, after storage the fruit aroma is quite strong.【Suitable cultivation area】Suitable cultivation area is ……, this variety can bear fruits next year after planted, has high yield potential. 【Cultivation technique】Orchard should choose neutral sandy soil which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention; spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are 3 m×4 m, the configuration of pollinizer is ……; pruning includes pinching, bending and back spune, aiming at controlling tree size and maintaining tree vigor.

Key words: 3-8


*注:中文摘要:请作者根据自己研究的内容加以删减, 旨在突出该新品种的特性。200~350字。

英文摘要:请根据模板尽量详细地介绍研究内容, 500~600