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Breeding report of a new pomelo with green skin and red pulp cultivar Yunqing

Date:2024/5/29 15:59:07 Visit:

Abstract: Yunqing 1 is a new pomelo cultivar selected by Honghe Tropical Agricultural Science Institute of Yunnan.In September 2007, researchers of Honghe Tropical Agricultural Science Institute of Yunnan purchased a batch of pomelo with green skin and red pulp from the market of Hekou County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Finally, 104 mother trees were obtained through seedling breeding. The mother trees began to bear fruit in 2013. After two consecutive years of observation, an optimized strain with early flowering, medium ripening, large fruit juice content, high sweetness, long fruit retention time and resistance to granulation of flesh was selected. In 2014, local sour pomelo was used as the rootstock for top grafting high-branch replacement and observation experiment was conducted. In 2016, the flower and fruit were tested. After two consecutive years of investigation on the botanical characteristics of the high-branch replacement Qingpi red pomelo, no atypical plant appeared in the investigation. In 2018, the application for protection of new varieties was submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.After years of continuous observation, the variety performance was stable in Hekou of Yunnan Province. In October 2021, it passed the on-site examination of experts. On March 7, 2023, it was authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for the protection of new varieties of plants (Plant variety rights: CNA20184826.0) and named Yunqing 1.The cultivar has strong tree potential, open tree gesture, medium sprouting and strong branching ability. It is enjoying light and high temperature environment. It began to production in third years, and entered the fertile period in the fifth years. The fruit have long water droplet shape.The average single fruit of the mature fruit weight is 1.56kg and the edible rate of fruit is 68%. The soluble solid is 11.3, the total acid is 0.47g·100g-1, the solid acid ratio is 24.04, the content of vitamin C is 56.7mg100g-1, and the content of vitamin E is 0.407mg·100g-1 all of them were superior to the control variety Chandler pomelo. In Hekou area of Yunnan, the buds appear in early February, bloom in March, mature in late September, and the fruit growth period is about 190d. After the fruit matured, the main color of the fruit surface is green and the flesh is red. The juice cell is crystal three-dimensional slice crystal clear, which no bitter hemp taste and the juice sac is not granulated. Seedless or less seeded pomelo fruit can be obtained under monoculture. The plant of this variety is resistant to barren, high temperature and high humidity, which is suitable for cultivation in hot areas, and can be planted in southern hot areas and low hot valley areas of Yunnan.