- Author: TANG Xiaoping, DONG Zhigang, LI Xiaomei, TAN Wei, MA Xiaohe, ZHAO Qifeng, TAN Min
- Keywords: Grape; New cultivar; Cuihongbao
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20200200
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Abstract: Cuihongbao is a new variety of late ripening seedless grape with excellent appearance and good quality. The seeding was derived from a cross between Muscat Hamburg and Crimson Seedless in 2004 in the Pomology Institute Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was initially selected in 2009 for its seedless, big fruit grain and bright color. After several years of observation, it was finally re-leased as Cuihongbao after the validation by the Forest Tree Variety Registration Committee of Shanxi province in 2017. Cuihongbao grape belongs to Eurasian species. Its tender tip is semi-erect, yellow-green with a band of light purplish red, and its tip is fully open. Young leaves are green with erythema, anthocyanin is deeply colored and shiny, and the leaf surface is thin, and the back of the leaf has medi-um-density creeping and erecting. The mature leaves are pentagonal in shape, green in color, large in size, 14.2 cm in length, 19.0 cm in width, medium in thickness, five-lobed, deeply lobed, serrated on both sides, 0.92 cm in length, 1.0 cm in width and 0.92 in ratio of serrated length to width. The depres-sion of the petiole is slightly overlapped in U shape. The surface of the leaf has no fluff and is smooth. The abaxial surface of the leaf has sparse rigid fluff. The degree of anthocyanin coloring of the veins is medium, and the Petiole is 12.96 cm long. Autumn leaves are yellow with rose patches. The first tendril of the new shoot was placed in the 7 th section of the new shoot. The tendril was spaced and single-branched, with an average length of 5.4 cm. The first inflorescence usually born in section 3-4 and the second in section 4-5. The internode color is light red, and the node color is brownish red, the average length of the nodes is 11.8 cm, the longest is 15.2 cm, the shortest is 8 cm. The growth of the plant is moderate. The flower is bisexual. The fruit cluster is conical shape. The average cluster weight is 292 g and the biggest one reaches 520 g. The berry is purplish red color when fully ripen, the shape of berry is ellipse, the average berry weight is 4.5 g and the biggest one reaches 7.0 g. The thickness of the skin is thin and tough; the flesh is crisp and sweet. The number of residual stones is ranged from 1 to 2. The contents of soluble solids, total soluble sugar, total acid was 21.2%, 18.15%, 0.367%, and the sugar-ac-id ratio reached 49∶1. In the Jinzhong area of Shanxi province, the time from bud breaking to harvest is about 150 d, its time of bud-burst at mid-April, and flowering at the ending of May, fully mature date at mid-September. Plants have strong growth potential, strong adaptability and resistance to disease, and are easy to cultivate. The germination rate was 66.1%, the average rate of fruiting shoot is 28.8%, the number of inflorescences per fruit branch was 1.41, and the natural pollination rate was 36.5%. Suitable cultivation area is in the south of Taiyuan, Shanxi. This variety can bear fruits next year after planted, has high yield potential. Cuihongbao is suitable for V shape frame or horizontal small frame, the plant and row spacing is (2.5-3.0) m× 1.0 m. Seedlings can be grown in nutrient bags or one-year-old Au- tumn seedlings. This variety is a seedless, which needs hormone treatment to increase the grain size in cultivation. Before the fruit is colored (the first 10 days of June in Jinzhong, Shanxi), the whole panicle and bagging of the panicle are carried out.