- Author: BAI Yunhe, ZHANG Wenying, JIA Haifeng, JIU Songtao, FANG Jinggui, WANG Chen
- Keywords: Pomegranate; Coloration; PgDFR protein; Bioinformatics analysis
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.2017.S.11
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Abstract: 【Objective】Punica granatum has been cultivated for more than 2 000 years in our country. Thecolor and luster have great influence on fruit quality, and the appearance of color is closely related to flavo⁃noid metabolism. Anthocyanin is an important flavonoid compound. In the pathway of anthocyanin synthe⁃sis, two hydrogen brass 4- reductase (DFR) plays an important role in the regulation of anthocyanin syn⁃thesis. The biological analysis of DFR protein was conducted to understand the biological information ofpomegranate DFR protein and the relationship between pomegranate DFR protein and other species DFRprotein.【Methods】In this paper, we analyzed pomegranate DFR protein (PgDFR) and 19 related speciesby bioinformatics methods, and elaborate FeDFR, AtDFR and PgDFR’s amino acid composition, proteinphysical and chemical properties, two stage structure, three stage structure, domain and motif.【Results】DFR phylogenetic tree shows that FeDFR is closely related to PgDFR in 20 species, and AtDFR is farfrom PgDFR; in the two stage structure, PgDFR, FeDFR and AtDFR are from random coil, but there aresome differences in the proportion of AtDFR, the proportion reached 56%, the proportion of PgDFR andFeDFR are relatively close, about 48%; no significant difference between the three level structure of PgDFR, FeDFR and AtDFR protein; PgDFR, FeDFR and AtDFR protein domain showed that its containPLN02896 superfamily, but AtDFR is also the PLN02650 domain containing PgDFR and FeDFR had nomotif element in the analysis; 20 species of DFR protein in motif, the number and location of pomegranateDFR protein and most species are similar, that is close genetic relationship, and the motif number and loca⁃tion of DFR protein in Arabidopsis and other species differences that distantly related.【Conclusion】Theseresults show that the PgDFR protein is highly conserved with its close relative FeDFR protein, while theAtDFR protein, which is far from its phylogenetic relationship, may have different functions. Therefore, theresults of this study explains the evolution and function of conservative pomegranate DFR protein, for fur⁃ther understanding the biological function of pomegranate DFR protein and its regulation on basic worklay on anthocyanins for other plants, coloring mechanism research to provide certain reference.