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Home-Journal Online-2025 No.2

Breeding report of a new Canarium album cultivar Qingyin Ganlan

Online:2025/2/18 17:40:45 Browsing times:
Author: XIAO Weiqiang, LI Zhucheng, CHEN Gaixun, NI Xiaorong, LAI Duo, ZHUANG Qingli, SHAO Xuehua, QIN Jian, ZHANG LI, LIN Jieyao, LIU Chuanbin
Keywords: Canarium album; New cultivar; Qingyin Ganlan
DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20240336
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PDF Abstract

Qingyin is an middle-late- season and table Chinese olive selected from a seeding of Tianzhong olive. It was initially selected in 2012 for its good taste with light astringency and full aroma. Through propagation by grafting, the fruit of grafted progeny was crisp and refreshing, and had certain aftertaste, with a litte fiber and light astringency. However, the fine characteristic of Qingyin Ganlan remained basically. After regional adaptability testing at three sites (including Chaozhou, Jieyang, and Shantou cities) over two years from 2021 to 2023, it was finally selected in 2023. This cultivar is tall, attaining a height of 10-20 m, and the tree is vigorous with semicircular crown and upright tree gesture. Young branches are rough, and dull grey-brown in color. Leaf is imparipinnate and 19.7-41.5 cm long, and leaflets are elliptic, acuminate, leathery, 3.7-16.7 cm long, 2.1-6.3 cm wide, and smoothness. Inflorescences are racemose and panicle, and the flower is yellowish- white, 0.3- 0.5 cm in diameter, and pedicel without villous. Its fruit is oval and the average fruit weight is 8.32 g. When the fruit is ripe, the skin is yellowish green and the flesh is yellowish white. And it tastes crisp and refreshing with some aftertaste, a litte fiber and light astringency. The fruit edible rate is 82.3%, with the soluble solids content 14.4%, crude fiber 3.7%, the total sugar content 5.3 g·100 g-1 , the titratable acidity content 10.56 g kg-1 , the vitamin C content 20.96 mg · 100 g- 1 , the tannin content 1.21×104 mg kg- 1 , and the calcium content1.56×103 mg kg- 1 . The edible rate is 82.3%. The flowering period is from late April to early June. The fruit development period is 210-225 days, and it matures at the end of November in the east area of Guangdong province. The fruit branches are the spring shoots, with about 75% growing from the previous autumn shoots. The inflorescences are extracted from the axils of fruit branches, mostly on the top of the final and subfinal branches. Fruit setting rate is 18.5%-22.3%. It is resistant to drought, but frigolabile, and the disease resistance is moderate. Suitable cultivation area is in Guangdong province, and this variety can bear fruits next year after grafted, and has a high yield potential. The average yield of ten-year-old trees in Guangdong province is 1 002.5 kg·666.7 m- ². Orchards should be chosen on lateritic soil which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention; spacing in the row and spacing between rows are (4-5) m×6 m; pruning includes pinching, bending and cutting-back, aiming at controlling tree height and maintaining tree vigor.