- Author: LI Yuxin, CAO Guishou, HUANG Junbao, ZHANG Yongbing, LI Zhuo, WANG Lin, LÜ Yingzhong, CAO Xijuan
- Keywords: Raspberry; Shanxi province; Growth trait; Fruit quality; Comprehensive evaluation
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20240368
- Received date: 2024-07-16
- Accepted date: 2024-09-10
- Online date: 2024-12-10
PDF () Abstract()
Abstract:【Objective】Raspberries, known for their rich nutrient content, are recognized as representatives of the“world's third- generation fruits”. To diversify raspberry varieties in Shanxi Province, this study conducted a comprehensive analysis of the growth characteristics and fruit quality of introduced raspberry varieties. The goal was to identify superior varieties suitable for local cultivation and provide a foundation for the evaluation and selection of raspberry varieties in Shanxi Province.【Methods】16 raspberry varieties from Shenyang Agricultural University were used as experimental materials, including Red Autumn, Royalty, Meeker, Fertodi, Tulameen, Autumn Britten, Autumn Bliss, Caroline, Heritage, Fall Gold, Polana, Nova, Polka, Fengmanhong, Qiuping, and Dinkun. The cultivation experiments were conducted at the Raspberry Resource Nursery of the Pomology Institute at Shanxi Agricultural University. Observations were made on the phenological period of the raspberries, and 23 indicators of biological traits and fruit qualities were measured. The biological trait indicators included plant height, caudex, number of root tiller seedling, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, specific leaf weight, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, and transpiration rate. The fruit quality indicators included single fruit mass, fruit stalk length, fruit longitudinal di-ameter, fruit equatorial diameter, fruit shape index, soluble sugar content, soluble solids content, titratable acid content, sugar-acid ratio, soluble protein content, and vitamin C content. Correlation and principal component analyses were conducted to comprehensively evaluate and rank the 16 raspberry varieties.【Results】All the 16 raspberry varieties exhibited normal growth, budding, blooming, and fruit-bearing in Shanxi Province. The dates of sprouting, mulch removing, leaf-expansion, early blooming, and defoliation of raspberry were concentrated in late March, late March to early April, early April, midMay, and late October, respectively. The date of maturity and date of final harvest for floricane-fruiting raspberries were concentrated in June and late July, respectively. For promicane-fruiting raspberries, the date of maturity was concentrated in June and August, with date of final harvest in July and September. Among the branch traits of raspberries, plant height ranged from 114.5 to 346.0 cm, with Meeker being the tallest and Polana being the shortest. The caudex of raspberries ranged from 10.49 to 13.56 mm, with Red Autumn being the thickest and Fengmanhong being the thinnest. The number of root tiller seedlings of raspberries ranged from 4.7 to 18.7, with Dinkun producing the most and Fengmanhong producing the fewest. Promicane-fruiting raspberries generally exhibited larger leaves compared to floricane-fruiting varieties, with Polka having the largest leaves and Red Autumn, Royalty, and Fertodi having the smallest leaf. In terms of photosynthetic traits of raspberries, Meeker had the highest chlorophyll content (3.41 mg · g- 1 ), Royalty had the highest net photosynthetic rate (13.56 μmol· m- 2 ·s - 1 ) and transpiration rate (7.04 mmol · m- 2 · s - 1 ). Autumn Britten exhibited the highest stomatal conductance (0.353 mol·m-2 ·s -1 ), and Autumn Bliss had the highest intercellular CO2 concentration (385 μmol·mol-1 ). Regarding fruit appearance, floricane-fruiting raspberries generally had a higher single fruit mass than promicane- fruiting varieties, with Royalty having the heaviest mass (7.01 g). Polana had the longest fruit stalk length (3.34 cm), while Royalty had the largest fruit dimensions, with a longitudinal diameter of 2.74 cm and equatorial diameter of 2.26 cm. Caroline exhibited the highest fruit shape index at 1.35. For fruit nutritional traits, Fertodi had the highest soluble sugar content (7.34%) and soluble solids content (13.59%). Tulameen had the highest titratable acidity (2.37%). Meeker exhibited the highest sugaracid ratio (10.83) and soluble protein content (1.20 mg · g- 1 ). And Nova had the highest vitamin C content (392.03 μg·g-1 ). Correlation analysis revealed various degrees of correlation among raspberry traits. For example, single fruit mass was significantly positively correlated with transpiration rate, fruit longitudinal diameter, fruit equatorial diameter, and fruit shape index. Fruit equatorial diameter was significantly positively correlated with plant height and transpiration rate. Soluble solids were significantly negatively correlated with stomatal conductance and fruit stalk length. Soluble protein was significantly positively correlated with leaf length, leaf width, and fruit shape index, and negatively correlated with intercellular CO2 concentration. The sugar-acid ratio was significantly positively correlated with caudex thickness and soluble solids content, and negatively correlated with fruit shape index and titratable acid content. These correlations indicated overlapping information, suggesting the need to simplify evaluation indicators. Principal component analysis extracted seven principal components with a cumulative contribution rate of 88.621%. A comprehensive evaluation model was established, and the raspberry varieties were ranked based on their comprehensive scores.【Conclusion】Principal component analysis results indicate that plant height and caudex can be used to evaluate growth traits; single fruit mass, longitudinal diameter, and equatorial diameter to assess fruit appearance quality; stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentration to evaluate leaf photosynthetic traits; vitamin C content to assess fruit antioxidant capacity; titratable acidity to evaluate sweet and sour flavor; soluble sugar content to assess fruit sweetness; and specific leaf weight to evaluate leaf traits. The comprehensive evaluation resultssuggest that the floricane- fruiting raspberry varieties Fertodi, Royalty, Meeker and promicane- fruiting raspberry varieties Fengmanhong, Autumn Bliss, Autumn Britten are the best-performing varieties and can be promoted as excellent raspberry resources for cultivation in Shanxi Province.