- Author: YU Hong, XIAO Wenfei* , LAI Wenguo, WANG Jianrong, LIU Aichun
- Keywords: Strawberry; New cultivar; Fenyu No.1; Pink-peel fruit
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20230214
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Fenyu No.1 is an early-ripening, disease-resistant and pink-peel strawberry cultivar (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) derived from a cross between Kaorino as a female parent and 2012-W-02 as a male parent. Through artificial hybridization pollination, 860 hybrid seeds were obtained in April 2016 and 658 seedlings growing from these seeds were planted in September. From November 2016 to April 2017, 25 superior plants were initially selected in terms of their plant growth vigor, disease resistance, mature period, fruit size, soluble solid content and flavor, and then they were propagated largely for further test. Superior line 2016-17-276 matured early during 2017 to 2018 growing season in Hangzhou, with beautiful fruit color, good fruit quality, delicious flavor, moderate fruit firmness, good successive flowering and fruiting capacity, and high disease resistance. From 2019, the regional adaptive cultivation test was conducted in Jiande and Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province and Xundian county, Yunnan province. The traits of superior line 2016- 17- 276 were stable and consistent in Hangzhou. Then, it was identified as a new strain named Fenyu No.1. The plant has moderate growth vigor with erect posture, the plant height is 24.5 cm and the crown diameter is 37.0 cm. The leaf is of yellow-green color and shiny, the leaf length is 7.9 cm, width is 8.0 cm, thickness is 0.3 mm, and the petiole length is 22.2 cm. The inflorescence is dichasium, which is below the foliage, and the peduncle length is 18.3 cm. The inflorescences commonly have 22~27 bisexual flowers with white petals. The fruit is conicshaped. The average weight of the fruits on the first-order is 27.6 g and that on whole plant is 17.0 g. The fruit peel color is pink with white flesh, the size of the fruit cavity is either absent or small, the fruit texture is fine and the aroma is excellent. It contains average soluble solids content of 11.03%, vitamin C of 0.742 mg·g-1 , the total sugar content of 8.61%, the total acidity of 0.54%, and the fruit firmness of1.82 kg · cm-2 . The plants are resistant to Anthracnose, and moderately resistant to powdery mildew and gray mold, but susceptible to spider mites. The plant flowers continuously, produces high yield, and easily produces sufficient runners to form daughter plants. In Zhejiang province, the appropriate planting time is from early to mid-September, and the harvest time is in mid-November. This variety is suitable for forcing cultivation under protected conditions in most areas of China.