- Author: HAO Peng, WANG Zi, LI Hai, AN Li, WANG Baiqiu, JI Mo, WU Yuqiu
- Keywords: Grape; New variety; Lizhu rose
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20220582
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Lizhu Rose is a new grape variety with high quality, which was bred from cross between Zifeng (♀) and New York Rose (♂). More than 300 hybrid seeds were obtained by artificial cross pollination in 2007. They were planted in nutrition cups in the second year and the transplanted in the grape plot of Liaoning Institute of Saline-alkali Land Utilization. Regional trials were carried out in Yingkou, Dalian and other sites. The botanical characters, adaptability, disease resistance and yield were investigated and evaluated. It was certified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People 's Republic of China in 2022. The registration code is GPD grape (2022) 210014. Lizhu Rose belongs to hybrid of Vitis vinifera and V. labrusca. The tree vigor is very strong. Young leaves are yellow green and have medium- density white fluff. The mature leaves are nearly pentagonal in shape, with five-lobed. The leaf upper surface is flat, smooth and hairless, while the lower surfaces is covered by mediumly dense white fluff. The upper lobe is deep, while the lower lobes are shallow. The petiole depression is narrow and arched; the leaf margin is crenate with blunt teeth which are convex on both sides; and the coloration due to anthocyanin in the veins is weak. The mature shoots are dark brown. Flowers are bisexual. The average cluster weight is 230 g and can reach up to 350 g. The color of berry is purple black and the shape is long elliptic. The average berry weight is 3.3 g and may reach up to 4 g. The flesh is crisp and sweet, with a strong strawberry aroma and palatably sweet and sour flavor. The contents of soluble solids, total acid, and vitamin c was 16.59%, 0.47%, 3.29 mg · 100 g-1 , respectively. In the Panjing area of Liaoning province, the beginning of bud-burst occurs in Early-April. Flowering takes place in mid-to-late May; berry coloration starts in early and late-July, and berry fully matures at early August. It takes about 126 d from budbreak to harvest. Therefore, it is an early maturing variety. The bud break rate is 62.5%; the average fruiting shoot rate is 72.7%. The average number of fruit branches is 1.6. Juice recovery was about 71.9%. Plants are easy to cultivate because of the strong adaptability and resistance to diseases. It is suitable for cultivation in Panjin and similar areas.