- Author: WANG Fei, OU Chunqing, ZHANG Yanjie, FANG Ming, FANG Chengquan, MA Li,JIANG Shuling
- Keywords: Pear; New cultivar;‘Huami’; Mid-maturing; Red peel
- DOI: DOI:10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20200360
- Received date:
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- PDF () Abstract()
Abstract:‘Huami’is a new mid-maturing, red pear cultivar, selected from‘Bayuehong’בHongx-
iangsu’. The cross was set in 2005 and sowed the hybrid seeds in the spring of 2006. Five hundred and
seventy-five seedlings were obtained, and from 2010 some seedlings began to fruit. After selection, the
tree code 2005-3-163 had excellent characteristics and was selected as good selection. Then its shoots
were grafted on adult trees. The trees had good characteristics of light red peel, very fine flesh, crisp
and juicy flesh with aroma. At the same time, the trees were planted in Huludao city, Anshan city of Lia-
oning province, Tangshan city of Hebei Province and regional trials were conducted. After years of ob-
servation and identification, it is considered that the selection has good and stable characteristics. In Au-
gust 2020, it was registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the registration num-
ber is: GPD pear (2020)210007. The cultivar was named‘Huami’. The habit of the tree is semi-up-
right. The predominant color on sunny side of the one-year-old shoots is yellow brown. The length of
its internodes is 3.6cm. The shape of flower buds is elliptical. There are seven to nine flowers per inflo-
rescence, and 5 petals per flower. The color of anthers is purple red. The shape of petals is elliptical.
The attitude of flower sepals is recurved in relation to corolla. There are four to six styles per flower.
The color of young leaves is light red. The shape of adult leaves is elliptical. The average length of
leaves is 11.29 cm and the width is 7.25 cm. The incisions of leaf margin have sharply serrate. The aver-
age length of petioles is 3.38 cm with stipules. The shape of fruits is oval or elliptical, and the average
fruit weight is 206.0 g. The ground color of skin is yellow green with over color of light red. The fruit
dots are small and dense. Fruit sepals are persistent and the eye basin is very shallow. The color of flesh
is white. The flesh is very fine, crisp, juicy and sweet with aroma. The core is small. The soluble solids
content is 12.9%, the titratable acid content is 0.12% and the flesh firmness is 6.34 kg·cm-2. The fruits
ripen in early September in Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province. Its quality is excellent.