- Author: FAN Miaomiao, TAO Ru, ZHANG Tianhao, WANG Hui, WANG Shuang, SUN Lulong, GAO Hua
- Keywords: ‘Ruixue’apple; Fruit bag; Quality; Aroma
- DOI: DOI:10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20200147
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Abstract:【Objective】The effect of fruit bagging with different bag types on fruit quality of‘Ruixue’apple were studied in order to screen the suitable bags for‘Rixue’apple【. Methods】Four-year-old‘Ruixue’apple trees grafted on dwarfing self-rooted M26 were used as the test material. Use different fruit bags to process‘Ruixue’fruit, including inner infrared brown fruit bag (A), yellow stripe + white double light fruit bag (B), yellow stripe + white cotton paper fruit bag (C), red stripe + white cotton pa- per fruit bag (D), Baikang fruit bag (E), surface-coated green fruit bag (F), Laiyang green fruit bag (G). With fruit without bagging serving as the control, 7 types of fruit bags were used to study their effects on the fruit quality of‘Ruixue’.【Results】Compared with the control, type A bag, a double-layer bag significantly increased the L* value compared with the other fruit bag types and the control. Compared with the control, the treatment increased L* value by 16.0% and vitamin C content by 3.33%. The rela- tive content of aldehydes increased by 85.48%; fruit shape index, chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid con- tents decreased by 6.52%, 94.44%, 80.00%, and 69.23%, respectively; the soluble solids decreased by 11.11%. There were 12 species of aroma substances detected, 50.0% fewer compared with the control. Type B bag significantly decreased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid contents by 50.00%, 46.67% and 53.85% compared with the control, respectively. There were 16 species of aroma substanc- es detected, 33.33% fewer than the control. The fruit shape index, soluble solids, titratable acid and vita-min C were not significantly affected. The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids in fruit bagged by type C bags were 36.11%, 40.00%, and 46.16% significantly lower than the control, re- spectively. Vitamin C content was significantly and 12.10% lower than the control. 14 kinds of aroma substances were detected in this treatment. The other indicators were not significantly affected. Type D bags significantly reduced the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids by 61.11% , 46.67%, and 46.15%, respectively. Vitamin C was 2.93% lower than that of the control, and there were 16 species of aroma substances detected. The other indicators were not significantly different from the control. The single-layer type E bags significantly improved the smoothness of the fruit surface. The relative content of aldehydes was significantly and 66.56% lower than that of the control. 21 species of aroma substances were detected. In addition, there was no significant difference between the fruit shape index, fruit soluble solid content, titratable acid and vitamin C content of the fruits treated with different fruit bags and the control fruits. In treatment with type F bags, there were 19 aroma species detected, and fruit shape index, soluble solids, titratable acid and vitamin C were not significantly affected. The ti- tratable acid in the treatment with type G bag was 20.0% higher than that of the control, while fruit shape index was 5.43% lower than the control. 17 kinds of aroma substances were detected in this bagging treatment. The content of solids and vitamin C were not significantly different from the control.【Conclusion】Bagging significantly improved the appearance quality of‘Ruixue’fruit, but it had some impact on the intrinsic quality of the fruit. Different types of fruit bags displayed different effects on the internal and external quality of the fruit. The 7 types of fruit bags all improved the smoothness of the peel of the fruit. The fruit bagged tended to become smaller and the color became lighter. Bagging reduced the intrinsic quality at varied degrees. Aroma substances were reduced by bagging treatments. The single-layer fruit bag had less change in fruit quality compared with the double layered bags. Based on the effects on the appearance quality and intrinsic quality of‘Ruixue’fruit, the double-layered type B bags (yellow stripes + white double light) and the single-layered type E bags (white resistance) were the best.