- Author: SHI Tianlei, LI Xiaoying, ZUO Bo, XU Ping, ZHANG Libin, SHEN Yanhong
- Keywords: Walnut; Aroma substance; Condition optimization; HS-SPME/GC-MS
- DOI: DOI:10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20190641
- Received date:
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Abstract:【Objective】Eight walnut accessions were used as materials for analyzing their main aroma
substances, and the differences between these accessions were clarified.【Methods】The variety of
‘Kuixiang’was from Chongyukou walnut plantation, Lulong county, Qinhuangdao.‘Kuixiang’‘Liaoning No. 1’‘Qingxiang’‘Xiangling’‘Xiling’‘Yuanbao’and‘Zanmei’were from Qipanshan plantation, Lulong county.‘FN39’is a superior line selected from‘Shimen walnut’seedling populations.
HSSPME/GC-MS was used to determine the aroma components in the kernels of these walnut varieties.
‘Kuixiang’was used as the test material for optimization of the extraction protocol. Then extraction
temperature was set in four levels, 40, 50, 60 and 70 ℃, the extraction time was 40 min, then 230 ℃ for
5 min. For optimizing the extraction time, the extraction temperature was set as 70 ℃; the extraction
time was set in three levels, 40, 50 and 60 min; and the solution was performed at 230 ℃ for 5 min. After optimization, the best conditions were applied to determine the aroma substances of the eight walnut
accessions. The walnut kernels were crushed, and 3.0 g of the kernels powder were put into a 15 mL
headspace injection bottle, sealed and adsorbed at 70 ℃ for 60 min. The extracted sample was then inserted into the gas chromatography with an injection port set at 230 ℃ for 5 min. The chromatographic
conditions included an HP-5ms quartz elastic capillary column (30 m×250 μm×0.25 μm), carrier gas of
He (99.999% ), a split ratio of 20∶1, a flow rate of 1.0 mL · min- 1
, an inlet temperature, which started
with 40 ℃ for 5 min, increased to 70 ℃ at 5 ℃·min-1 and maintained for 2 min, increased to 120 ℃ at
5 ℃·min-1 and maintained for 6 min, and finally increased to 230 ℃ at 10 ℃·min-1 and maintained for 5 min. The mass spectrum conditions included an EI source voltage of 70 eV, an ion source temperature
of 230 °C, an interface temperature of 250 °C, a quadrupole temperature of 150 °C, and a mass scanning
range of 30-500 Da. The content of aroma substance was calculated using 3-octanol the internal stan-
dard.【Results】A total of 29 compounds were detected in the eight walnut accessions, including 11 alde-
hydes, 4 alkanes, 3 alcohols, 3 esters, 1 phenols, 4 acids and 3 other substances. Among them, the main
aroma substances were aldehydes and alkanes. There were remarkable differences in aroma components
among different walnut varieties. Aldehydes were the main aroma substance in the kernels of‘Shimen
walnut’‘Liaoning No.1’and‘Xiangling’, while alkane was the main substance in‘Qingxiang’. In ad-
dition, 1-nonanal and (2E,4E)-undeca-2,4-dienalnonaldehyde were rich in the‘Shimen walnut’‘. Yuan-
bao’hadthehighestcontentofaromasubstanceandaldehydes,whichwas484.75μg·g-1 and339.80μg · g- 1, respectively. 1- nonanal and gamma- caprolactone were detected in all the eight walnut acces-
sions, with a content ranging from 56.72 to 168.81 μg · g- 1 and from 2.98 to 19.95 μg · g- 1, respectively.
Except for‘Yuanbao’, 1-nonanal, ranging from 56.72 to 168.81 μg·g-1, was the most abundant aroma
substance in all the accessions. Besides 1-nonanal, Kuixiang’was rich in (E)-2-octenal and tetradecane;‘Liaoning no.1’was rich in (2E,4E)-undeca-2,4-dienal and 2-pentylfuran.‘Qingxiang’had high con-
tent of tetradecane and pentadecane;‘Xiangling’was high in (E)-2-octenal.‘Xiling’was rich in 2-un-
decenal;‘Zanmei’was rich in 2-pentylfuran and (E)-2-octenal; and‘FN39’was rich in pentadecane.
In general, the slight difference in aroma components led to different oder types of walnut. The scents
of different aroma components were classified and described according to Chemical Dictionary and Per-
flavoury. Most of aldehydes have very pleasant odor, such as 1-nonanal has a waxy aldehydic rose fresh
orris orange fatty peely flavor, (2E, 4E)-undeca-2,4-dienal has a green oily caramellic pungent citrus
buttery baked flavor. Meanwhile, most of alkanes have waxy odor.‘Kuixiang’and‘FN39’with high
content of 1-nonanal (114.11 and 168.81 μg·g-1, respectively) belongs to the odor type of aldehydic. Be-
cause‘Qingxiang’was rich in alkanes, it had a waxy flavor. (2E,4E)-undeca-2,4-dienal was the highest
aromatic substance in‘Yuanbao’, it tasted a little different from‘Kuixiang’, the odor type of‘Yuan-
bao’is green.【 Conclusion】The optimal extraction protocol for the determination of aroma components
of walnut kernel by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with GC-MS was established,
which included 50/30 μm DVB/CAR/PDMS extraction head, 3.0 g walnut kernels powder, adsorption
at 70 °C for 60 min, and analysis at 230 °C for 5 min. A total of 29 compounds were detected in the
eight walnut accessions, including 11 aldehydes, 4 alkanes, 3 alcohols, 3 esters, 1 phenols, 4 acids and 3
other substances. There were significant differences in aroma substances among the accessions. The
content of aromatic substances in‘Yuanbao’was the highest (484.75 μg·g-1) with rich varieties of aro-
matic substances (16 kinds).‘Xiling’had the lowest amount of aromatic substances (200.59 μg · g- 1)
and the least varieties (13 kinds). The main aromatic substances in the eight walnut accessions were al-
dehydes and alkanes, followed by alcohols and esters. Aldehydes play the most prominent role and are
the most diversified aroma components, resulting in a strong fatty, green and fruity flavor.