- Author: WANG Chao, HAN Gang
- Keywords: Jujube; Flavor; Sugar; Acid; Aroma
- DOI: DOI:10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20190495
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Abstract: Jujube fruit flavor is an important component of fruit quality. It mainly consists of sugar, acid and volatile aromatic substances contained in the fruit, which directly affects the quality of jujube fruit formed by affecting human taste and smell. In recent years, with the rapid improvement of living stan- dards, consumers have higher and higher requirements for the quality of jujube, and the most original flavor of jujube has become the first and most direct choice. Fruit flavor substances can be divided into taste and aroma substances, which are perceived by taste and smell, respectively. The research focus of the former is still sugar and acid substances, which determine the most important sweet and sour taste of fruits. Previous studies have been carried out on different fruits, varieties, treatment methods and fruits at different stages of maturity. Sugar is the basic material that constitutes the nutrition and flavor of the fruit, and it also has some important physiological functions. Jujube is mostly sucrose-accumulat- ing fruit with the highest sucrose content, followed by fructose and glucose, in addition to sorbitol, lactose, etc.; organic acid is an important element in determining flavor, and most jujube varieties are ma- lic acid dominant The highest contents of succinic acid and tartaric acid are found, followed by oxalic acid, fumaric acid, betulinic acid, and behenic acid. The latter consists of a large number of volatile aro- matic substances, and the different aroma components of different fruits are generally divided into fruity, fragrant, aldehyde, spicy and woody. At present, the research on fruit aroma has gradually be- come a hot spot in the world. In recent years, with the development and application of gas chromatogra- phy-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis and testing technology, a great progress has been made in ju- jube aroma research, and there have been many reports on the formation of aroma, its production path- ways, and species changes. However, there are few reports on key aroma factors in jujube fruit. The ju-jube planting industry has spread all over the country. Different environmental conditions lead to differ- ent flavors of jujube fruit. Soil type, fertilizer ratio, water irrigation and climatic conditions mainly af- fect the taste of jujube fruit by changing the content and proportion of sugar and acid in jujube fruit. In addition to the method and drying temperature, the content and proportion of sugar and acid in jujube fruit can be changed, and the flavor of the fruit can be changed by changing the aroma content and com- position of the fruit. At present, the research on jujube flavor mainly focuses on the composition, con- tent and dynamic changes of jujube fructose, and further explores its formation pathway, influencing factors and effects on quality formation, and has obtained remarkable achievement. However, the research on volatile aromatic substances is not enough, and some exploratory research is carried out mainly for some jujube varieties. If you have an in-depth understanding of the conversion conditions and mechanism of sugars, acids and aroma substances in jujube fruit, it will solve a series of problems such as the maintenance and improvement of jujube flavor and quality, and explore the key aroma compo- nents of jujube fruit. Volatile aromatic substances and their dynamic changes will make the evaluation of jujube flavor more comprehensive and accurate. Southern Xinjiang is the largest dried jujube cultiva- tion area in the country. The quality of jujube fruit is deeply studied in the Mainland due to its flavor in- fluence factor. The quality improvement of varieties and dates in the Mainland is of key significance. In this paper, the relevant literatures related to jujube flavor have been reviewed in recent years, and the fu- ture research prospects are put forward to provide reference for those engaged in related fields.