- Author: LI Guirong, QUAN Ran, CHENG Shanshan, HOU Xiaojin, CAI Zuguo, HU Huiling
- Keywords: Seedless grape; Embryo rescue; Abnormal embryo rescue seedlings; Normal grape seed- lings; Acclimation and transplantation
- DOI: DOI:10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20190492
- Received date:
- Accepted date:
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Abstract: 【Objective】The objective of this study was to explore the causes of abnormal plantlets in
the process of embryo rescue of seedless grapes and to find effective measures to prevent the occur-
rence abnormal seedlings. With embryo rescue, efficiency of seedless grape breeding can be improved.【Methods】Abnormal seedlings were used as the test materials. These abnormal seedlings developed
from embryos rescued in vitro from self-pollination of four seedless grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars‘( Thompson seedless’‘Flame seedless’‘Heshi seedless’and‘Ruby seedless’) and embryos from dif-
ferent crosses of seedless grapes. The effects of different parent genotypes and different embryo germi-
nation media on the emergence of abnormal seedlings rescued from seedless grape embryos were studied. The 4 different parent genotypes were‘Thompson seedless’‘Flame seedless’‘Heshi seedless’and‘Ruby seedless’. The 5 different media were MS, MM3, MM4, ER, and modified MM3. Different
methods for transforming abnormal seedlings into normal seedlings were studied in vitro. The methods
included 4 different culture media and different subculture durations. The media included WPM (W1),
WPM + 6-BA 2.0mg·L-1 (W2), WPM + 6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1 + IAA 2.0 mg·L-1 (W3) and WPM + IAA 2.0
mg·L-1 (W4). These media were all added with agar 6 g·L-1 + sucrose 20 g·L-1 + activated carbon 2.0 g·L-1.
Normal seedlings were observed and their number was counted after 45 days. The different subculture durations were 7 d, 14 d, 21 d and 28 d, and normal seedlings were counted after 60 days.【Results】It
was difficult to rescue‘Thompson seedless’embryos. The proportion of abnormal seedlings from res-
cued embryos of‘Thompson seedless’and‘Heshi seedless’was higher that from the other cultivars.
The 5 embryos development media were used to culture in vitro embryos from self-pollination of the
four seedless grape cultivars. The percentage of abnormal seedlings was always highest on the MS me-
dium. The percentage of abnormal seedlings of‘Thompson seedless’was 33.3%,‘Flame seedless’37.5%,‘Heshi seedless’33.3%, and‘Ruby seedless’23.1%. The abnormal germination embryo rate
of the 5 media followed a pattern of modified MM3< MM3< ER< MM4 < MS. Therefore, MS medium
was not suitable to be used as the rescuing medium for seedless grape embryos. The abnormal grape
seedlings were classified into 5 types: (1) albino seedlings, (2) vitrified seedlings, (3) seedlings with ex-
cessive growth, (4) plantlets with contorted cotyledon and no roots, and (5) plantlet without shoot tip.
All these different types of abnormal seedlings could be transformed into normal seedlings using appro-
priate media. The percent of seedlings transformed to normal ones was highest (24.6%) when cultured
on WPM+6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1 +IAA 2.0 mg·L-1, and lowest (8.1%) when cultured on WPM. After leggy
seedlings were cut for subculture every 14 days, the percentage of normal seedlings was higher (33.3%)
than other intervals. Albino and vitrified seedlings were not able to turn into normal seedlings. Finally,
these normal seedlings were hardened and transplanted in the field, and the operation steps for seedling
hardening and transplantation into fields were summarized.【Conclusion】Abnormal plantlet occurrence
from rescued embryos of‘Thompson seedless’,‘Heshi seedless’was high, especially cultured in MS
medium.WPM+6-BA2.0mg·L-1+IAA2.0mg·L-1 +agar6g·L-1 +sucrose20g·L-1 +activatedcarbon
2.0 g·L-1 was suitable to normalize the abnormal seedlings. For leggy plantlets, the transformation rate
was high with a subculture duration of 14 days, reaching 33.3%. The abnormal plantlets produced by
embryo rescue of seedless grapes can be transferred to normal plantlets on proper media and subcultured in a proper way. The abnormal plantlets except albino plantlets and vitrified plantlets could be
transformed into normal plantlets.