- Author: WU Wei, PENG Jiaqing, PAN Liang, ZHU Xianbo, LIU Tao, XIAO Lili, WANG Hualing, CHENG Junhuan, XIAO Tao
- Keywords: Kiwifruit; New cultivar; Hanmei; Good yield
- DOI: DOI:10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20200587
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Abstract: Hanmei is a new cultivar of delicious green- fleshed kiwifruit bred by Shiyan Economic Crops Research Institute from the high-quality resources of wild kiwifruit populations. The seeds of high-quality resources were collected in autumn of 2007, and then sowed to culture the seedlings in spring of 2008. On February 25, 2009, 150 vigorous seedings were selected and planted in the experi- mental field. A plant (07-6-5) which showed big sized, sustainable stability of good flavor, outstanding high yield was selected and named to Hanmei. Plants demonstrating superior characteristics both in cul- tivation and fruit were selected to test the adaptability of different environments. Throught regional adaptability test at three province with six experimental fields and productive trial planting from 2014 to 2017, it was finally selected. The plant variety of Hanmei was applied in 2015, and authorized by Ministry of Agriculture, China in 2018 (Variety Right Number CNA20160825.1). In general, the shape of the fruit is straight and uniform, showing a long cylindrical shape, the beak is slightly obtusely con- vex or flat, the fruit surface is covered with yellowish brown hispidulous hairs, the average weight of single fruit is 109.3 g, and the maximum weight of single fruit is 150.6 g. The flesh is light green, the central column is yellowish white, the meat is slippery, succulent, full-bodied, sour and sweet, aromatic taste, average soluble solids content is 17.5%, dry matter content is 17.1%-21.5%, total sugar content is 10.7%-12.6%, titratable acid content is 1.2%-1.6%, fruit vitamin C content is 1400 mg·kg-1. The germi- nation rate is 52.1%, the branching rate is 94.5%, and the fruit branch rate is 94.3%. There are 4-7 inflo- rescences of 1-7 nodes of medium fruit branch and short fruit branch, mainly single flower. The fruit growth period is about 150 days. In Shiyan city, it starts to bloom in late April, fruit matures in late Oc- tober. The chromosome of Hanmei is sextuploid, with moderate to strong vigor. The cultivar has strong heat-tolerance, which has strong growth in high temperature area in summer and no physiological fruit drop. The fruit is resistant to storage and has a long shelf life after soft ripening. The inheritance charac- ter of Hanmei is stable, with the characteristics of large fruit, good yield, strong growth potential, mod- erately resistant to canker. Hanmei is less susceptible to bacterial canker of kiwifruit, and has better performance under canker of kiwifruit condition, heat and drought. Hanmei fruit have good storage quality and have a long shelf life:storage life 1-2 months at ambient temperature and more than 4-5 months at cool store; the shelf life at room temperature after softening to eating ripeness could be 10-15 days at ambient temperature. Orchard should choose sub-acidty and fertile soil which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention. The grafted of this cultivar start fruiting at the second year, and the out- put is more than 2000 kg per 666.7 m2 at the fourth year after grafting. Planting density could be 3 m×4 m or 3.5 m×4 m, using the pergola and T-bar systems, with a single trunk and two permanent leaders. The climatic region similar as northwest of Hubei or similar regions are suitable for cultivation.