- Author: SUN Xiaohong , XU Jihua , HOU Hongmin , DAI Hongyi , ZHU Jun , ZHANG Yugang
- Keywords: Apple; New cultivar; Fuxing; Late-ripening; Bagless cultivation
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20230237
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PDF (37) Abstract(37)
Abstract: Fuxing is a late-ripening apple cultivar derived from the cross between Shinsekai (female parent) and Cripps Pink (male parent). The cross was made in the spring of 2010 in the Modern Agricultural Technology Demonstration Farm of Qingdao Agricultural University, and 2498 seeds were obtained in the autumn. The seeds were sown in the early spring of 2011 and the seedlings were raised in a greenhouse. The buds taken from the upper parts of the seedlings were grafted in March of 2012 on M26 interstocks previously planted in the field. The hybrid tree numbered 2010-W15-13Z-N3 was noticed for elegant fruits in 2014. It was determined as a promising strain for further field trail in 2015. The regional cultivation experiments were undertaken in 2016. The provincial variety certificate of fruit crop was obtained in 2019 (S-SV-MD-013-2019). It was registrated as Fuxing by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2020 (GPD apple(2020) 370015) and the plant variety right (CNA20184367.5) was obtained in the same year. The tree has moderate growth vigor with an open canopy. The color of tree trunk is taupe, with a slightly rough surface. The perennial branches are brown and relatively smooth. The leaf sizes are medium to large, the leaf is elliptical in shape and flat, with slightly clasped edges on both sides, the leaf color is thick green, and the back of the leaf is furry and sparse; and the petiole has small stipules at the base. The leaf buds are nearly triangular in shape, pointed in the middle, tightly attached on the branch, with tight scales and furry hairs. The flower buds are large in size, conical in shape, and pink in color, slightly pointed at the apex, with tight scales. The initial flowering period isfrom April 17 to 20 (Jiaozhou, Qingdao). The average fruit weight is 238.08 g. The fruit is nearly round in shape and the fruit shape index (L/D) is 0.93. The length of fruit stem is 3.17 cm. The fruit is fully bright red in color. The fruit surface is smooth with wax and good skin finish. The fruit flesh is light yellow, juicy and sweet. The fruit flesh texture is hard and crispy. The fruit firmness is 11.61 kg· cm-2 . The total soluble solids content is 17.83%, and the titratable acid content is 0.28%. The trees are very productive and resistant to leaf diseases and apple canker. Suitable cultivation areas may cover many areas in China according to the results of the field trails, and this cultivar has high yield potential as the seedlings with branches can bear fruits next year after planting. The average yield of 3 years old Fuxing trees can achieve 1 504.60 kg per 666.7 m2 on M9T337 rootstocks. The time of fruit harvest is in late October in Shandong. The fruits have long storage life and shelf life, cold storage life is seven months and shelf life is over 240 days, and after storage the fruit aroma is quite strong. Spacing in the rows and between rows are (2.5-3.5) m×(3.5-4.5) m on vigorous rootstocks and (1.0-1.5) m×3.5 m on dwarf rootstocks. The suitable stocks are M26 interstock or M9T337 rootstock. Suitable pollination varieties can be chosen from Fuji, Gala, etc. Trees should be trained as the high spindle or thin spindle system. It would be a good variety for the bagless cultivation.