- Author: LIN Hong , GUO Yinshan , LIU Zhendong, LI Kun, LI Chengxiang, GUO Xiuwu
- Keywords: Grape; New cultivar;‘Lingfenghong’; Cold hardness
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20200499
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Abstract: Grape (Vitis spp.) is an important fruit species due to its potential economic value.‘Lingfeng-hong’is a new cold resistant grape variety bred from the interspecific cross of‘Red Globe’(Vitis vinifera L.) and‘Shuangyou’(Vitis amurensis Rupr.). The male parent‘Shuangyou’is an excellent variety with strong cold resistance and suitable for cultivation in Northeast China. The female parent‘Red Globe’is widely cultivated in the world with high total soluble solid (TSS) and low titratable acid (TA)content. The hybrid seeds were collected in September 2009 and sown in March 2010. In 2011,‘Ling-fenghong’was first flowering and fruit setting in Shenyang Agricultural University. It was selected as the primary superior line and grafted on‘Beta’(Vitis riparis Michx× Vitis labruscana Bailey) root-stock for propagation in 2013. After several years of continuous observation, it was selected as superior line in 2016 and final line in 2018 based on various stable traits and released as‘Lingfenghong’in 2019. The tip of new shoots is half open and the young shoots are growth with partly erect. The front of young leaves is green with yellow spots, and there is no leaf trichome on the back of leaves. This culti-var is bisexual flower. The length of tendril is 16.6 cm. The average size of adult leaves was 382.5 cm2,and the petioles of adult leaves are reddish. The cluster shape of‘Lingfenghong’is conical with medi-um density, 14-22 cm long, 6-10 cm wide. The average cluster weight is 254.1 g and the average cluster peduncle length is 5.04 cm. The berries are circular with average weight 3.3 g. The color of pericarp is blue-black without astringency. Its flesh texture is middle without aroma. The content of TSS is 21.5%.Each berry contains 3-4 seeds and the seeds are fully developed.‘Lingfenghong’has strong adaptabili-ty. It has strong resistance to white rot, downy mildew, gray mold and other major diseases, but moder-ate resistance to powdery mildew. Due to this variety can strong resistance cold, the adult tree can over-winter in Shenyang without cold protection. In Shenyang, it sprouts on April 15 and begins to ripen on September 15 in open field cultivation, the berries growth period is 150 days. It is suitable for trellis or hedgerow cultivation, the spacing in the rows is 1 m and spacing between rows are 2.5 m × 3.0 m. The short shoot pruning is the main method in winter cutting for‘Lingfenghong’with‘dragon-stem’shape cultivation. For the one-year-old‘Lingfenghong’, the length of mature branches should remain 1.5-2.0 m after winter cutting by short shoot pruning method, and the thickness under the notch should be more than 0.7 cm. Pinching in growing season, 4- 6 leaves should be left above inflorescence for fruiting branches pruning and the process needs to be completed before flowering. 8-12 leaves should be left for vegetative branches, strong branches should be kept long, and weak branches should be kept short.‘Lingfenghong’has strong flowering ability. After the new shoot extend. The inflorescence should be thinned about half a month before flowering. One inflorescence is suggested to be left for the strong and moderate fruit branches, and no inflorescence is suggested to be left for the thin and weak branches.