- Author: GUO Zijuan, LIU Changjiang, HAN Bin, LI Minmin, YIN Yonggang, SUN Yan, JIA Nan, YUAN Junwei, ZHAO Shengjian
- Keywords: Grape; New cultivar; Miguang;Early-ripening; Muscat flavor
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20200451
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Abstracts: Miguang is an early-ripening table grape with muscat flavor. Artificial hybridization pollina-tion between Kyoho and Zaoheibao was done in 2003 at the vineyard at Institute of Changli Fruit Tree,Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, and 3098 hybrid seeds were got in this year. The seedlings were planted in 2004 and began to produce fruits in 2006. The original plant was selected in 2006 for its good eating quality and skin color and as a line C 5-4-2. From 2008 it was evaluated in re-gional trials under the name of C 5-4-2 in the districts of Luannan, Tanghai, and Changli. It was finally released as Miguang after the validation by the Committee of Hebei Cultivar Registration. The vigor of the vine is medium. The shoot tip is half open with heavy hair, distribution and intensity of anthocyanin coloration in shoot tip is medium, density of prostrate hairs on tip is heavy, and erect hairs on tip is very sparse. The upper surface of a young leaf is wine red color, while the under surface of a young leaf is Spinach Green color. Average intensity of anthocyanin coloration of three distal leaves prior to flowering is heavy. Density of prostrate hairs between veins at lower surface of 4th distal unfolded leaf is sparse, density of prostrate hairs between veins at lower surface is absent, erect hairs on veins at lower surface is absent, prostrate hairs on veins at lower surface is very sparse. The shape of the mature leaves is pentagonal with undulate sides, medium thickness. The blade margin is pronounced in undulation. Upper lateral sinus is open and deep, with“V”shaped. Lower lateral sinus is shallow, with“V”shaped. The petiole si- nus is slight open and“U”shaped. The teeth are open and deep with both convex and straight sides, with “V”shaped. The petiole is about 9.4 cm on average and shorter than the middle vein, prostrate and erect hairs on petiole are sparse. The mature branches are smooth and reddish-brown color. The flower is her-maphrodite and usually positioned at the third or fourth node. The cluster of Miguang is conical, with an average weight of 720.6 g, average length of 16.7 cm and average width of 14.1 cm. The cluster density is medium to tight. The berry is almost circle shaped, 24.8 mm in diameter and 27.2 mm long, and the av-erage weight is 9.5 g with the maximum of 18.7 g. The berries are uniform in shape and color, usually purplish red. The thickness of the skin is medium. The firmness of the berry is high, the flesh is juicy and crisp, with muscat flavor. The average soluble solid content is 19.5% and the average titratable acid is 0.49%. The number of seeds per berry is ranged from 2 to 3. In the Changli area, the time of budburst is usually in middle April, flowering at late May, and the fruit ripens in early to middle August. The average bearing shoot ratio was 53.3% and the number of clusters in each bearing shoot was 1.35. Miguang vines show good productivity with the yield of 24.75 tonnes per hectare. The vine is early fruiting, and easy to manage. Good resistance to powdery mildew and downy mildew was stated.