- Author: YANG Xiaofang, MIAO Lixiang, ZHANG Yuchao, JIANG Guihua
- Keywords: Strawberry; New cultivar; 'Yuezhu' ;Peach flavor;
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20180311
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Abstract: 'Yuezhu' is a new strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivar which was developed from a cross between 'Akihime' and 'Tochiotome' in 2006 at experimental field.It was initially selected in2006 for its bright color and peach flavor.Through artificial hybridization pollination, 332 hybrid seedlings were obtained.In 2006—2007, 14 plants with excellent fruit shape and good quality were selected.In 2007—2008, the 14 plantlets were further screened.The superior line '06-10-208' was characterized by its bright color, rich flavor and peach flavor.From 2008 to 2010, the line was further evaluated in Yangdu.From 2010, regional adaptability testing was carried out in Fuyang and Jiande.The traits of '06-10-208' line were stable, and the traits were consistent with those of Yangdu.It was finally selected in 2012.And it was authorized by New Variety Right in November 2015, receiving its patent number CNA20120590.8.The plant was semi erect gesture with a height of 14.20 cm and a crown diameter of 44.60 cm×37.90 cm.Leaves are large with medium green in color, elliptic, and leaf margin is serrate obtuse.The leaf length is 8.11 cm and the leaf width is 6.30 cm.Flower is white, 1.20-1.45 across, bisexual, medium pollen content.The average number of flowers per inflorescence is 17.2.The development period of the first fruit is 31 d.The fruit is cone-shaped or wedge-shaped.The average fruit weight is 17.86 g and the apical fruit weight is 46.23 g.It has red peel and full of luster fruit surface.The flesh is light red and the fruit has aroma of peach.The content of soluble solids is 11.80%.The sucrose, glucose, fructose, and organic acid content is 20.04 mg· g-1, 20.56 mg·g-1, 23.12 mg·g-1, and 5.31 mg·g-1, respectively.The sugar and acid ratio is 12.02, and the fruit hardness is 0.36 kg·cm-2.The disease resistance is similar to Benihoppe.It is susceptible to anthracnose.The plantlets usually planted in early September, and the fruit ripens in late December in the protected culture of Zhejiang province.'Yuezhu' is a special cultivar for protected cultivation and is not suitable for open field cultivation.Orchard should choose neutral soil or with weak acidic which is flat and has ability of moisture and fertilizer retention.The cultivation technique of'Yuezhu'is similar to that of common strawberry varieties.In the seedlingstage, special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of anthrax.The old or diseased leaves should be removed in time.And the gray mold, mites and aphids should be paid to attention in fruit period.Fruit should be harvested in 80% to 90% ripeness.