- Author: MAO Ruzhi, ZHANG Guotao, DU Fei, DENG Weiping, SHAO Jianhui, ZHAO Xinjie, HE Xiahong, ZHU Shusheng
- Keywords: ‘Rose Honey'grape; Altitudes gradients; Meteorological parameters; Berry composition;
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20150223
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Abstract: 【Objective】‘Rose Honey '(Vitis vinifera-V. labrusca) was identified as a hybrid species byV. vinifera and V. labrusca, it provides special grape varieties for table wines which have been cultivatedin the Widely Shangri-La Valley within high altitude regions, including the Yunnan plateau region of Deq-in County.‘Rose Honey'grapes have been cultivated in Cizhong since 1848 by French missionaries whenthe grapes became extinct in their original region of French. it is therefore necessary to provide more agri-cultural information on the Shangri- La Valleys' ‘Rose Honey'grapes, to better understand the‘RoseHoney'berry's genesis in the Shangri-La Valley. It is also necessary to explore the relationship betweenthe different altitudes' effect on the‘Rose Honey'vineyard's microclimate and berry composition accumu-lation, and finally, to understanding the theoretical basis for producing the high-quality‘Rose Honey'grape and brewing the high-quality wines in the Shangri-La Valley.【Methods】Experiment sites: altitudesof 1 117 m, 1 860 m, 2 102 m, and 2 797 m representing Xichang, Cizhong, Buncun, Hongpo respectively;these four different altitude gradient vineyards' used 40 plants of the‘Rose Honey'grapes for the experi-ments. Meteorological data collected: Meteorological data of 1 117 m, 1 860 m, 2 102 m, and 2 797 m alti-tude gradient vineyards were collected by using the GPRS-Base system, along with continuous monitoringof the climate parameters such as solar radiation, temperature, daylong, rainfall and relative humidity; thedata was recorded each 15 minutes during the years, 2013 and 2014. Sample collection and preparation:samples consisted of randomly collected grapes from the various vineyards. Samples were stored at 4 ℃for transportation and laboratory analysis. Samples were crushed using a winepress, 1 349 centrifugalgrams for 10 minutes, then the filtration fluid was carefully collected and stored at-20 ℃ for the‘RoseHoney'berry composition test, soluble solids were determined by using PAL-1, p H was determined by us-ing Ti-touch 5.0, tartaric acid was determined by Ti-touch with 0.1 mol·L- 1Na OH, the reduced sugarcontent was determined by using DNS(3,5 nitro salicylic acid) methods, the anthocyanin content was de-termined by using the methanol-HCl method, phenol content was determined by using the Folin-phenolmethod, the tannin content was determined by using Folin Denis, flavonoids and the flavone compoundwas determined by using the aluminum nitrate method, the amount of soluble protein was determined byusing the Bradford method. Data statistics: ANOVE was used to test the‘Rose Honey'berry soluble sol-ids, reduced sugar, total acid, p H, anthocyanin, total phenol, tannin, flavonoid and flavone content differ-ences for the 1 117 m, 1 860 m, 2 102 m, and 2 797 m altitude gradient vineyards. A two-dimensionaldistribution map of PLS- DA(partial least squares discriminant analysis) indicated the differences ingrape quality for the different altitude regions, and the VIP(Variable important) measured altitude gradi-ent impacts on the berry composition. Average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum tempera-ture, effective accumulated temperature, average relative humidity, rainfall, average daylong, average so-lar radiation intensity, total radiation intensity, average ultraviolet intensity, and total ultraviolet intensitywere statistics obtained through using the SQL(Structured Query Language) database software statisticsfor the years 2013 and 2014. meteorological data from grapevine germination to grape harvesting time. Lin-ear regression and Polynomial simulation was used to explore the relationship between the meteorologicalparameters and berry composition.【Results】The 1 117 m, 1 860 m, 2 102 m, and 2 797 m vineyards' av-erage temperatures and effective accumulated temperatures along with the altitude increased at first andthen decreased, with the 1 117 m and 2 102 m vineyards achieving maximum, and the 2 797 m vineyardachieving minimum. Daylong and Ultraviolet increases along with the altitude increased at first and thendecreased, with the 2 102 m vineyard achieving maximum, and the 1 117 m and 2 797 m vineyards achiev-ing minimum; the solar radiation at the 2 102 m vineyard achieved maximum, and the 1 117 m vineyardachieved minimum, and with the vineyard at 1 860 m being higher than the vineyard at 2 797 m. Also the1 117 m, 1 860 m, 2 102 m, and 2 797 m vineyards air humidity relationship to rainfall was measured indifferent altitude gradients. In the years 2013 and 2014, the‘Rose Honey'berry soluble solid contents, re-ducing sugars, protein content, p H at 2 012 m were all higher than at 1 117 m and 1 860 m, and the 2 797 m vineyard achieved minimum. The total acid content at 2 797 m vineyard achieved maximum, and the 1860 m and 2 012 m vineyards achieved minimum. The Flavone content at the 2 102 m vineyard achievedminimum in the year 2013, and the 2 797 m vineyard achieved maximum in year 2014. The Flavonoidcontent at the 1 117 m vineyard achieved maximum, and the 2 102 m vineyard achieved minimum. TheAnthocyanin content at the 1 117 m vineyard achieved maximum, and there were no differences in the an-thocyanin content in the year 2013 for the 1 860 m, 2 102 m, and 2 797 m vineyards; there were also nodifferences in anthocyanin content in the year 2014 for the 1 860 m vineyard and the 1 117 m vineyardachieved maximum, and the 2 102 m and 2 797 m vineyards achieved minimum. The Tannin contentswere different for the years 2013 and 2014: the 1 117 m vineyard achieved maximum, and the 1 860 mand 2 797 m vineyards achieved minimum in the year 2013, and the 2 102 m vineyard achieved maxi-mum, and the 1 860 m vineyard achieved minimum in the year 2014. The Phenol content increased alongwith the altitudes in the year 2014, with the 2 102 m vineyard achieving maximum, and the 1 860 m vine-yard achieving minimum, and the 1 117 m vineyard was higher than the 2 797 m vineyard in the year2013. The PLS-DA analysis showed that the quality observed in the different years was different, in 2013 the PC1( 99.4%) could help to explain all the grape berry quality parameters, in 2014 PC1 and PC2 couldhelp to explain all the grape berry quality parameters, however, the trend of berry quality changes alongwith changes in the altitude was similar in the years 2013 and 2014. In addition, the changes in reducingsugar, soluble solids, total phenol and tannin were more easily influenced by altitudes. The relationshipbetween the vineyards' meteorological parameters and berry composition showed the following: solublesolids were positively related to such factors as daylong, ultraviolet radiation, range of temperature; reduc-ing sugar content was positively related to daylong, ultraviolet radiation; total acid content was negativelyrelated to daylong, ultraviolet radiation, and positive binomial expression was related to average tempera-ture; p H was positively related to daylong, ultraviolet radiation, Rainfall; protein content was positively re-lated to range of temperature, positive binomial expression was related to ultraviolet radiation; phenol con-tent's positive binomial expression was related to daylong, ultraviolet radiation; flavone content was nega-tively related to daylong, ultraviolet radiation, and positive binomial expression was related to average tem-perature; flavonoid content was positively related to daylong, ultraviolet radiation, relative humidity; tan-nin content was positively related to total ultraviolet radiation, and positive binomial expression was relat-ed to daylong, ultraviolet radiation; average temperature was positively related to the anthocyanin content.【Conclusion】The altitude gradients have significant effects on climate parameters, at 1 860 m and 2 102 m altitudes they achieved higher daylong, ultraviolet radiation, solar radiation and temperatures; the vine-yards air humidity relationship to rainfall also showed effects, at 2 102 m and 1 117 m the rainfallachieved minimum levels. The altitude gradients have significant effects on the‘Rose Honey'quality cul-tivated in the Shangri-La valley, at 1 860 m and 2 102 m altitudes the results achieved high quality, whilethose grown in high altitude and low altitude vineyards achieved poor quality. At different altitude gradi-ents' temperature, irradiation, water situation all related to the‘Honey Rose'grapes' sugar, acidity, solu-ble protein and polyphenol content. Meteorological parameters at different altitudes impacted the berrycomposition accumulation. The Shangri-La dry valley at 1 860 m and 2 102 m altitudes were more suit-able for high quality grape production.