- Author: WANG Xiaomei, REN Hui, LIU Yeqiang, SU Weiqiang, LI Zhi, HUANG Huiye, FANG Weikuan, LU Guifeng
- Keywords: Pineapple; New variety; ‘Jinxiang Boluo';
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20150210
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Abstract: ‘Jinxiang Boluo'is a new variety which was selected from an early maturity pineapple,‘Bali',by using clonal selection method. One superior individual pineapple was found among the leading varietyat Guangxi in 2001. It's leaf morphological, fruit shapes, fruit surface color and terminal buds were obvi-ously different from‘Bali', and the pulp with aromas of honey, the quality performance is better than‘Ba-li'. After 8 years production testing from 2006 to 2013 in north and south pineapple planting region ofGuangxi, we found that the genetic characteristics remained relatively stable, the complex characteristicsis better than‘Bali'. Meanwhile, SCo T marker technique were used to analyze the genetic diversity of‘Jinxiang Boluo'and‘Bali'pineapple, combining the result with morphological observation, it can drawa conclusion that the‘Jinxiang Boluo'is a new pineapple variety which was differ from the‘Bali', andhad been examined and approved by the Guangxi Crop Variety Approval Committee in June 2014. Beforethis, lots of agricultural experiment and variety comparative test were carried out from 2003 to 2013. Theresults showed that it has a cylinder shaped with golden peel and yellow flesh, moderate sweetness andacidities, and flavourful. The average fruit weight of‘Jinxiang Boluo'is 1 150 g, fruit shape index is 1.24.The content of soluble solid is 15.2%, with excellent quality. Plant growth period from planting to harvestis 16-18 month. Commonly it can harvest twice in three years. After years of field observation showed thatthe‘Jinxiang Boluo'was adapted to Nanning and Fangcheng area. In Fangcheng city, the fruits was mature from the beginning of July to the mid-July in normal-season, that is, the fruits development periodfrom flower bud appeared to harvest is 110-120 d, and the off-season fruits can blossom at the end ofJune to the beginning July by flower forcing technique, mature from the end of October to the beginning ofNovember, the development periods is 110-130 d. This variety has high and stable yield potential, withmore resistant to cold, desert and drought. The desert resistance and drought resistance is the same as the‘Bali', the hardiness resistance is superior than‘Bali'. At the end of winter, before the temperatures riseup, there was a few mealybug will damaged the fruit, and at the harvest time, there was a little cricket. Be-yond that, very few pests and diseases will damage this variety. Years of cultivation showed that‘JinxiangBoluo'has a uniformplant growth vigour, strong and healthy, better adaptability and resistance to all kindsof climatic environment and disease situation.