- Author: WANG Yongbo WANG Yingtao WANG Yaru LI Xiao HAN Yanxiao LI Yong
- Keywords: Pear; New cultivar; ‘Jisu'; Late ripening;
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20150356
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‘Jisu'is a new late-maturing pear cultivar derived from the cross between‘Huangguan'and‘Jinhua'cultivar. Through artificial hybridization pollination, 556 hybrid seeds were got. Hybrid seedlings were planted respectively, good quality, late-maturing and scab resistant seed was obtained. After regional adaptability testing at three sites(including Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, and Handan) over four years since 2009, it was finally selected in 2013. This species is vigorous with semicircular and open tree gesture. Annual branches are grey-brown in color, and the size of lenticels is small and densely. Leaves are ovate, acuminate, sharply serrated. Flower is white, and the anther is pink. The fruit shape is nearly round with an average fruit mass of 325 g. The fruit peel is green-yellow and bright. The fruit dot is small and the peel is thin. The flesh is white in color, crisp, rich juice and tasted sour-sweet. The content of soluble solids is 12.5% with little stone cell and residue. The quality is excellent. The fruit development period is135-145 d and it matures at the early September in Shijiazhuang area. The number of flowers per inflorescence is from six to eight. The germination rate is 49.2%, branching ability is medium, main fruit is short branch, fruiting continuously of bourse shoot is strong, and fruiting number of flower per inflorescence is2.79. It can be used as mutual pollination varietirs among‘Zaoguan'and Yali. It is resistant to drought,high temperature, high humidity and pear scab. The fruit has long storage-life, The fruit could be conserved over 20 days in room temperature. When stored at 0-5 ℃, the fruit would be conserved 4 months or more. The adaptability of the variety is strong, and the suitable planting range is wide. The cultivar can be cultivated in flat ground and hilly region. It can flower and bear fruits at 2-3 years after planted with high yield potential. Orchard should choose spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are 3 m×(4-5)m.The tree form should choose three fan-shaped cracks. Training good tree shape is important in young tree stage. The technology of bending is often used, and the main branch opening angle between 70° to 80°.The tree could control tree size and maintain tree vigor by pruning includes cutting back and back spune in full fruit period. Fruit bearing amount of tree can be regulated by flower and fruit thinning, and retain single fruit per inflorescence, space distance of each fruit is 20 to 30 cm. Orchard should use high quality organic fertilizer in autumn, while with appropriate compound fertilizer.