- Author: ZHANG Jianying, MAO Xianghong, ZHANG Yingying, LU Yajun
- Keywords: Wild jujube; New cultivar; 'Lanmao No.1'; 'Lanmao No.2';
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20160370
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Abstract:‘Lanmao No.1'and‘Lanmao No.2', two new cultivars with excellent characteristics (such as bigfruit size, beautiful color, and good taste quality) were selected from wild Jujube resources. Maternal trees of‘Lanmao No.1'and‘Lanmao No.2'were initially selected in 2005 for the strong resistance and excellentcharacters of fresh food. By the method of grafting, they were planted in experimental orchard in 2007.Through the observation about growing and fruiting, they were selected as superior lines. After regionaladaptability testing at three sites (including Hebei Academy of Forestry Science, Tangshan Lanmao DrinkCompany and Qipanshan Fruit Farm, Lulong) over five years from 2010 to 2014, they were finally selectedin 2015. Tree of‘Lanmao No.1'is vigorous with ramose crown and open tree gesture after bearing. Tree of‘Lanmao No.2'is vigorous with conical crown and upright tree gesture. Leaves of them are green, long oval, and acuminate. Flower is yellow-green and the amount is large. 2-8 flowers group as a cyme. Fruit of‘Lan-mao No.1'is long elliptic, red color and big size. Fruit of‘Lanmao No.2'is long elliptic, bright red colorand the size is little smaller than‘Lanmao No.1'. Single fruit weight and edible rate of these two cultivarsare 4.86 g, 89%, 4.78 g and 89%, respectively. Soluble solid content and total acid content of‘LanmaoNo.1'are 25.10% and 2.19%, respectively. The corresponding data of‘Lanmao No.2'are 27.05% and2.12%, respectively. Flesh of these two cultivars taste crisp, delicate, juicy, sweet and sour.‘Lanmao No.2'is sweeter than‘Lanmao No.1'. The germination stage, full-bloom stage, white-ripe period, mature periodand defoliation period of‘Lanmao No.1'are the first and second ten days of April, middle June, middle Sep-tember, late September and the first ten days of November, respectively. The corresponding periods of‘Lan-mao No.2'are the first and second ten days of April, early June, the first ten days of September, middle Sep-tember and the beginning of November, respectively. Both of them have strong disease resistance. If fruitsin white-ripe period meet continuous rainy weather, fruits will suffer from cracking. The resistance to crack-ing of‘Lanmao No.2'is better than‘Lanmao No.1'. suitable area in Hebei province for wild Jujube is suit-able for these two new cultivars. Planting in poor sit condition, the first work is to improve sit condition.There are two ways can be used for orchard, the one is planting grafted seedlings directly, and the other oneis planting seedling firstly, and then grafting. After first irrigation, plastic film should be covered in aridmountain area in order to reduce soil water evaporation. In north China, the weather from May to June is ar-id and rainless, so new plantings should be watered 1-2 times. The shape of open center with multiple mainbranches is applied for wild Jujube production. The heights of trunk and tree body of such shape are 30 cmand 2.5-3.0 m. The technique of reshaping and pruning is about erasing redundant buds, pinching, branchdrawing, thinning dense branches, cutting back and adjusting density of branches. For orchards which haveno irrigation but poor soil condition, some drought-resisting measures and fertilizers should be used for im-proving cultivation condition. Fast released fertilizer is applied for wild jujube orchard as mainly fertilizers.In April, 0.1-0.2 kg rapidly available nitrogen should be applied for each grafted tree before germination.In autumn, top dressing can combine with tillage and covering. The fertilizer amount of rapidly available ni-trogen and phosphorus is 0.1-0.2 kg per tree which depends on tree size.