- Author: MA Ruijuan, YU Mingliang, XU Jianlan, ZHANG Binbin, YAN Dahua, ZHANG Yuyan
- Keywords: Nectarine;New cultivar;‘Zijinhong 3’; Early ripening
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20170185
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Abstract: ‘Zijinhong 3’is a new early-ripening nectarine cultivar which is derived from the cross of‘W31’and‘Zijinhong 1’,both of them are early ripening nectarine. In March 2005, flowers of‘Zijinhong 1’were taken and the anthers were collected in bell stage, the anthers were spread out on cleanwhite paper and dried under 25 ℃. The corollas of female parent‘W31’were removed in balloon stage ex⁃cept the styles, which then be pollinated and bagged immediately. About two weeks later, the bag proofswere removed. The fruits from artificial pollination were harvested in mid-June, then the embryos werecultured in WPM medium with embryo rescue culture technique and stratified in cold storage at (3±2) ℃.After about one or half month, when the embryos germinated, they were moved to the culture room with(23±2) ℃, 1 500 lx and 12 h/12 h light. Two weeks later, the small plants were further moved to pot withmixed turfy soil and perlite (1∶3 in V/V). The hybrid seedlings were cultured in greenhouse in the wintertime and planted in the field in later April of 2006 with 1.0 m×1.0 m and 1.0 m×3.0 m in density. The seedling numbered‘DN 3-89’was eventually selected after identification and tests and named as‘Zijinhong3’when released. The tree of‘Zijinhong 3’is middle vigorous and semi-opening in canopy. The sproutingand branching ability are moderate. The internode length is medium with the average of 2.62 cm. The greenleaves are usually elliptic-lanceolate. The average length of leaf is 14.97 cm. The average width of leaf is4.43 cm. The length of petioles is 0.71 cm, with 2 round glands. The flower is pink, showy with 5 petals. Theanther is orange-red with much pollen. The matured fruit is round. The yellow skin is mostly covered byred. The average fruit weight is 165 g,maximum fruit weight is 264 g under necessary thinning. The flesh isyellow, firm melting, slow softening, which tastes sweet. The contents of soluble solids, soluble sugar, and ti⁃tratable acid are 12.1%, 8.84% and 0.34%, respectively. The stone is oval and cling to the flesh. The fruitcan be harvested in mid-June in Nanjing, 79-87 day after full bloom. The flower buds mainly appear from2-3nd node. The ratio of flower bud to leaf bud is about 133.1%. The ratio of water branch with flower bud,long fruit branch, middle fruit branch, short fruit branch, spur branch bud is 0.4, 45.1, 15.9, 24.4 and 14.2.Open pollination fruit rate is 48.2%. It is precocious, and can bear fruits on second leaf tree. It is self-fruit⁃ful and very productive. The orchard should be built on sandy, light acidic soil. According to the soil fertileand management way, select a suitable planting density, 5 meters between row is favorable, accordingly 2-4skeleton branches are suggested. Organic fertilizer like straw and farmyard manure are necessary beforeplanting. The irrigation and drainage system are also needed. Training a stable and specific tree architecture is the first priority in the first two seasons. In full productive stage, good light penetration is very impor⁃tant for the tree and fruit quality, therefore summer pruning should be done routinely.