- Author: ZHANG Xueying, LUO Jun, YE Zhengwen, XU Fangjie, SHI Chunhui, WANG Xiaoqing, DU Jihong
- Keywords: Loquat; New cultivar;‘Torch’; Mid-maturing
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20170106
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Abstract: ‘Torch’is a new mid-season loquat cultivar which is derived from the cross between‘Baiyu’בTanaka’in 2002 at experimental field . In the autumn of 2002,the parents was initially selected‘Baiyu’(Jiangsu germplasm) which is sweet, early-maturing as female parent and choose‘Tanaka’(Japan germplasm) which is strong resistance, big fruit, good stability, late-maturing as male parent. Through artificialhybridization pollination, hybrid seeds were got. After regional adapt⁃ability testing at three sites (includ⁃ing Chongming, Jinshan, Fengxian district of Shanghai) over 8 years from 2008 to 2015, it was finally se⁃lected in 2016. This species is vigorous and can self-fruited, attaining a height of 1.70 m for 3 years; thetree is vigorous with ramose crown and open tree gesture. Branches are soft; the length of the centralbranch is 14.80 cm,and the diameter is 0.85 cm; the lateral branch length is 27.80 cm, width is 0.84 cm;young branches are densely pubescent, then glabrous, dull grey-brown in color. Leaves are dark green,19.70 cm long,5.15 cm wide. Inflorescence is 12.00 cm long, 10.95 cm wide. Fruit is mainly oval. Fruithandle end is round, fruit top is flat. Sepals are short, calyx pore is closed, and the base of calyx tube isnarrow and shallow depth. The fruit has orange-red background. Its flesh is orange-red, soft fleshy, richjuice, flesh thickness is 9.40 mm. Powder thin, bright and beautiful. The average fruit weight 60.00 g, fruitshape index is 1.02; each fruit containing 2-5 seeds. The edible rate is 69.00%,the content of soluble solid is 11.0%,the content of suncrosel is 48.9 mg·g-1, glucose 35.9 mg·g-1, fructose 46.9 mg·g-1, malic acid5.3 mg·g-1. Quality is excellent. The fruit growth period is about 180 d. The maturity date is early June inShanghai,the average number of single spike flowers is 86. It is resistant to cold and highly resistant toleaf spot. Loquat fruit is not easy to store, the fruit of the untreated fruit can be stored in a half months atroom temperature, Suitable cultivation area can choose soil deep, loose soil, good drainage of adequate illumination, early frost damage lighter areas planted, high and stable yield. 67 plants per 666.7 m2 is appropriate; the annual number of fertilization is about 4, organic fertilizer should be applied twice, postharvestand autumn, plus the amount of available nitrogen fertilizer. Pruning includes pinching, cutting,thinning,bending and back spune, aiming at controlling tree size and maintaining tree vigor. Flower thinning andfruit thinning must be introduced.