- Author: YAN Zhenyu, LIU Tianjun, LIU Jundi, HUO Xuexi
- Keywords: Apple; Inefficient orchard transform; Transform effect; Regional differences
- DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20160171
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Abstract: The fruit industry in China is facing serious problems generated by emphasizing area expansionwhile neglecting orchard upgrading. Apple is the most important fruit in China. Inefficient apple orchardsaccount for 51% of the total acreage of old orchards in the country, which is a core issue to be solved viaorchard transformation. Results show that, 30% of the trees in apple orchards are over 20 years old. Theaged orchards are of low productivity, have difficulties in implementing labor-saving cultivation practices,produce low quality fruit, and demand high management costs. Issues like this are especially prominent insome predominant production regions. Transforming the low efficient old chards based on regional condi⁃tions is a crucial task to promote the work centered around cultivar improvement, quality upgrading andbrand establishment for increasing productivity, quality and profit of apple orchards. The technologicalpath of orchard transformation in China has been formed based on tree thinning combined with the treestructure alternation, which has been commonly practiced in orchard transformation. In some predominantapple production regions, projects of old orchard transformation have been implemented since 2006 andthe attempts have been made nationwide. The process of transforming inefficient apple orchards is facingsome issues, such as the complexity in orchard transformation technology that makes it hard to master,and the conflicting emotion of the growers towards tree cuttings involved in transforming inefficient appleorchards. Questions are raised after a considerable time of transforming. What is the current status andprogress of old orchard transformation? What are the outcomes of orchard transformation? How do growerstransform their old orchards? What is the difference between major apple cultivation regions in terms oftransformation outcomes and techniques? However, there is hardly any research done to answer thesequestions. Targeting at these issues, the Apple Industry Economic Research Center conducted investiga⁃tions at 25 comprehensive experimental stations within China Agriculture Research System in Novemberand December 2015. The purpose of this study was to examine the status of low-efficiency orchards inChina and the technological paths and outcomes of transformation, and to compare the differences be⁃tween three major apple production regions, namely the Loess Plateau, the Bohai Bay, and the characteris⁃tic region. The paper also concludes the existing effects and issues in the transforming process and offersreferences for authorities to promote the project of inefficient orchard transformation. The research adopt⁃ed on-site questionnaires and electronic questionnaires via the internet. We sent electronic question⁃naires to the 25 comprehensive experimental stations. At the same time, the Apple Industry Economic Re⁃search members conducted field investigation at 15 comprehensive experimental stations that includedBaoji, Pingliang, Tianshui, Yinchuan, Yuncheng, Sanmenxia, Shangqiu, Qingdao, Xiongyue, Huludao,Changli, Taigu, Shijiazhuang, Baoding and Changping, and got the feedback data from 24 comprehensiveexperimental stations except for Xi'an Association of Orchard Workers. The sample covered 120 appleproduction demonstration counties in China. According to the investigations, there were 43.50 millionhectares of inefficient apple orchards in 2015. Inefficient orchards caused by shading and inefficient man⁃agement accounted for 54.42% and 26.82% respectively. There were 13.41 million hectares of orchardsthat had been transformed in 2015. After transformation, the tree density was reduced to 210 plants·hm-2 in average. The fruit productivity and quality had been improved significantly. For example, the averageyield in transformed orchards in Loess Plateau region, Bohai Bay area and character region was 9 833.40,13 178.55 and 13 500.00 kg·hm-2 respectively. The orchard economic return increased significantly. Forexample, the average income per hectare increased to 53 175.00, 80 625.00, and 45 840.00 yuan·hm-2 ,respectively in the above 3 regions. The efficiency and performance of transformed orchards were improved remarkably, and it is worthwhile to push forward orchard transformation. Growers highly recognizethe transforming technology and result, but they have a greater dependence on government subsidies.