Journal of Fruit Science Statement of Competing Interests
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《果树学报》遵从国际出版伦理委员会(COPE)的有关规范,要求所有作者披露和稿件内容有关的所有关系、活动、利益。“有关”的含义是指任何盈利或非盈利第三方机构与稿件内容可能存在的利益关系。利益冲突的披露是为了遵从公开透明的原则,并不代表研究一定存在偏倚。如果您对一项关系、活动或利益是否列出不太确定,那么建议您将其列出,需要声明的潜在利益关系包括: 1. 任何时间内,任何企事业单位为作者或作者所在机构提供和研究有关的各类经济支持; 2. 研究期间,任何企事业单位为研究提供的非经济支持,如帮助进行研究设计、数据收集、数据分析、提供药品或仪器、软件等的使用、帮助写作、语言润色等; 3. 持有相关公司企业的股份,存在顾问、兼职或其他雇佣及合作关系,接受利益相关企业的劳务报酬、差旅支持、礼品等; 4. 在专利、版权等方面和相关公司企业存在共同利益关系; 5. 作者认为的其他可能影响论文客观性的利益关系。
Journal of Fruit Science, in compliance with the guidance of the Committee of Publishing Ethics (COPE), asks the authors to disclose all relationships/activities/interests listed below that are related to the content of your manuscript. “Related” means any relation with for-profit or not-for-profit third parties whose interests may be affected by the content of the manuscript. Disclosure represents a commitment to transparency and does not necessarily indicate a bias. If you are in doubt about whether to disclose a relationship/activity/interest, it is preferable that you do so. 1. All financial support for authors and their institutes from any institute or company at any time. 2. Non-financial support for the present manuscript from any institute or company such as research design, data collection, data analysis, provision of materials or equipment, provision of software, medical writing and polishing and so on. 3. Possessing stocks, having consultancy or other employment relationship or receiving any payment from a company such as honoraria, travel support, gift and so on. 4. Common interest with a company such as patents and loyalties. 5. Any other competing interests which may impair the credibility of the manuscript. |
需要声明的利益冲突如下(没有请写“无”): Statement of competing interest:
所有作者签名: Signature of all authors: