
黄其椿1,2,汪妮娜1#,黄燕晓1,张海平3,黄爱星4,谭颂玥1,韦正林5,梁 增6,韦 琮7,韦炳安8,陈 亮9,罗增桂10,胡承孝2,陈东奎1,11,覃泽林12,曾志康12*

1广西壮族自治区农业科学院园艺研究所,南宁 530007;2华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉 430070;3桂林市农业科学研究中心,桂林541006;4广西南宁市武鸣区气象局,南宁 530199;5广西鸣鸣果业有限公司,南宁 530199;6广西桂洁农业开发有限公司,南宁 530041;7广西来宾市红河农场有限公司,广西来宾 546100;8广西金竹坡农业科技有限公司,南宁 530047;9广西南宁市武鸣嘉沃农业专业合作社,南宁 530104;10广西起凤橘洲生态农业有限公司,南宁 530199;11国家种质资源武鸣观测站,南宁530107;12广西壮族自治区农业科学院农业科技信息研究所,南宁530007)

摘 要:【目的】研究广西沃柑果实横径的生长动态并构建数学模型,为提升其品质和产量提供科学依据。【方法】以沃柑为材料,于稳果后,连续两年每月1日、15日通过 “定园、定点、定果、定期” 的方法测量并记录广西桂南、桂中、桂北15个果园的沃柑横径数据,直至采收期,研究沃柑横径的变化动态,考察年终横径与各生长节点,月度横径增加值与主要气象信息的相关性并建立数学模型。【结果】各个果园最终的横径差别较大,达到极显著差异水平,多个果园的横径有待提升;对比气象数据,选定2021—2022 年度的沃柑横径数据为正常年份数据,翌年1 月15 日果实横径平均值为69.85 mm,最高的果园达75.33 mm,最小的61.55 mm;以80、75、70、65、60、55 mm为等级,构建桂南、桂北和桂中沃柑果实横径生长动态对照表、横径月度增加值对照表;分别建立年终沃柑横径数值与各生长节点,横径月度增加值与主要月度气象信息的数学模型,年终横径与7月15日呈显著正相关,与8月15日以后呈极显著正相关,至11月1日达到极显著的0.934 0;月度增加值与降雨、温度相关系数分别为显著的0.791 8和极显著的0.879 1。【结论】广西沃柑提质增产仍存在较大空间,可结合当期横径生长对照表、定期差值对照表,科学合理安排水肥药的灌溉来进一步加速果实膨大,从而提升效益。


柑橘(Citrus spp.)是我国栽培面积最大的果树,也是广西栽培面积最大、产量最高的果树,产量占广西水果超过一半,2022年广西柑橘栽培面积和产量达63.10 万hm2和1 808.04 万t,产量连续8 a(年)居全国第一。而沃柑(Orah)具有外观漂亮、汁多爽脆、口感极佳、早结丰产、耐储运及采收期长等特点,是广西近年来发展速度最迅猛的柑橘品种,2022年种植面积达12.13 万hm2,约占全国的60%,其中南宁市及武鸣区沃柑种植面积分别为6.13 万hm2、3.12万hm2,但存在品质、产量参差不齐,特别是果实大小不一、着色不均的问题[1-2],果实大小不同,严重影响果实的商品价值;因此,值得研究如何达成沃柑优质高产,实现果实品质一流,横径应在70~80 mm之间,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)超过13%,果皮光滑,橙红色,无明显花斑、无日灼,果实大小、着色均匀。科技人员在研究中开展了有关沃柑果实横径发育的研究。刘要鑫等[3]在南宁市武鸣区对嫁接在枳橙上的沃柑果实品质进行持续3 a(2018—2020 年)研究,枳橙砧沃柑的单果质量、挂果数量和部分品质指标优于其他砧木。Huang 等[4]研究三个基地沃柑的僵果与正常果时,发现果实横径与单果质量、纵径、糖酸比、维生素C、种子鲜质量、果色红度a*值均呈正相关,在栽培中,重点跟踪横径有利于沃柑提质增产。目前未见广西沃柑果实横径动态生长模型构建的相关报道。通过连续2 a以上跟踪调查、记录15个果园的沃柑果实横径,纳入数据库,建立广西沃柑果实横径生长动态和月度增加值对照表,构建年底收获期与各生长节点横径、月度增加值与气象信息的数学模型,为指导广西沃柑生产提供科学依据。

1 材料和方法

1.1 试验地概况

2021—2022 年度和2022—2023 年度各调查了15个果园(选择有代表性的果园,代表好、中、差,还有桂南、桂中、桂北均有选择,因为广西沃柑主要种植在南宁周边,特别是武鸣是最大的县区),绝大部分为连续2 a 调查,只有少部分变动(变动是为了方便果园的经营管理)。具体调查果园大致情况见表1。

表1 定点调查沃柑果园情况
Table 1 Survey situation of Orah

Note:GY2101-GY2115 will investigate orchards from 2021 to 2022;GY2201-GY2215 will investigate orchards from 2022 to 2023.

果园编号Orchard number GY2101 GY2201果园编号Orchard number GY2109 GY2102 GY2202 GY2209 GY2103 GY2203 GY2110 GY2104 GY2204 GY2210 GY2105 GY2205 GY2111 GY2211 GY2106 GY2112 GY2212 GY2206 GY2113 GY2213 GY2107 GY2207 GY2114 GY2214果园情况Orchard situation双桥镇陆陈村,沃柑面积17 hm2 Luchen village of Shuangqiao town,Orah area of 17 hectares城厢镇九联村,沃柑面积6.7 hm2 Jiulian village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 6.7 hectares中东镇同富村,沃柑面积107 hm2 Tongfu village,Zhongdong town,Orah area of 107 hectares城厢镇联兴村,沃柑面积2.7 hm2 Lianxing village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 2.7 hectares西乡塘街道心圩村,面积400 m2 Xinxu village of Xixiangtang street,Orah area of 400 m2坛洛镇定典村,沃柑面积213 hm2 Dingdian village of Tanluo street,Orah area of 213 hectares江西镇坛心村,沃柑面积57 hm2 Tanxin village of Jiangxi town,Orah area of 57 hectares红河农场,沃柑面积2 hm2 Honghe farm,Orah area of 2 hectares GY2108 GY2208区域District南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning果园情况Orchard situation东盟开发区正安农场,沃柑面积333 hm2 Zheng’an farm of ASEAN development zone,Orah area of 333 hectares双桥镇大皇后村,沃柑面积53 hm2 Dahuanghou village of Shuangqiao town,Orah area of 53 hectares城厢镇九联村,沃柑面积2.4 hm2 Jiulian village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 2.4 hectares锣圩镇小淝阳村,沃柑面积107 hm2 Xiaoyeyang village of Luoxu town,Orah area of 107 hectares城厢镇九联村,沃柑面积4.7 hm2 Jiulian village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 4.7 hectares城厢镇联兴村,沃柑面积40 hm2 Lianxing village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 40 hectares城厢镇九联村,沃柑面积5.7 hm2 Jiulian village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 5.7 hectares城厢镇平等村,沃柑面积80 hm2 Pingdeng village of Chengxiang town,Orah area of 80 hectares团结农场,沃柑面积133 hm2 Tuanjie farm,Orah area of 133 hectares雁山街道办,沃柑面积0.9 hm2 Yanshan street,Orah area of 0.9 hectares GY2115 GY2215区域District南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁西乡塘Xixiangtang,Nanning南宁武鸣Wuming,Nanning南宁西乡塘Xixiangtang,Nanning南宁西乡塘Xixiangtang,Nanning南宁江南Jiangnan,Nanning来宾兴宾Xingbin,Laibin桂林雁山Yanshan,Guilin

1.2 试验材料

柑橘品种均为沃柑,砧木主要为资阳香橙和枳(除GY2109、GY2115、GY2215 为枳砧外,其余均为资阳香橙砧,根据近年观察,对果实横径影响最大的是树体健康程度,如是否携带有黄龙病、衰退病、黄脉病;然后是土壤情况,如有机质、有益菌含量,土层是否疏松透气,以及水肥管理、叶果比、砧木等),均处在丰产挂果期,种植密度在55~83株·666.7 m-2(非密闭树形),常规化管理。

1.3 试验方法以及指标测定

采用 “定园、定点、定果、定期” 的 “四定” 方法测量并记录沃柑横径数据。每个果园选取有代表性的5 株沃柑树,每株选择3 个均匀有代表性的果实,挂牌标记,于6月稳果后每月1日、15日进行定期测量横径并记录。到广西南宁市武鸣区等相关气象部门查阅气象相关数据。

1.4 数据分析

采用Excel 2020对数据进行整理分析。利用统计软件DPS18.10高级版的Duncan’s 新复极差法进行数据差异性测验,通过多元分析进行相关性分析,通过逐步回归建立数学模型。

2 结果与分析

2.1 广西2021—2022年度15个果园的沃柑果实横径生长动态

在2021—2022 年度15 个果园的225 个沃柑横径数据中,1 月15 日横径d≥80 mm 的有10 个,占比4.44%,最大82.44 mm,最小80.23 mm;75 mm≤d<80 mm 的有32 个,占比14.22%;70 mm≤d<75 mm的有73 个,占比32.44%;65 mm≤d<70 mm 的有55个,占比24.00%;60 mm≤d<65 mm的有28个,占比12.44%;55 mm≤d<60 mm 的有10 个,占比4.44%;d<55 mm的有6个,占比2.67%,最小47.51 mm。

将15 个果园定期测量结果平均值汇总于表2,可以看出,15个果园收获期2022年1月15日的果实横径平均值为69.85 mm,平均横径70 mm以上的有8 个果园,刚好过半。果实横径最大的是南宁市武鸣区团结农场GY2108,平均横径达75.33 mm,极显著高于6 个果园,显著高于9 个果园;排第二位的是南宁市武鸣区双桥镇大皇后村GY2102,平均值达74.71 mm,极显著高于4 个果园,显著高于9 个果园大。调查发现,上述两个果园的树整体健康,做好病虫害防控,重施有机肥(每年每株施用腐熟有机肥30 kg以上)和微生物菌肥,水肥管理到位,合理修剪和疏果。最小的GY2111 只有61.55 mm,极显著低于13 个果园,该果园发生有一定比例的黄龙病,较高比例的衰退病和黄脉病,并且有积水沤根情况。

表2 2021—2022 年度基于 15 个果园的沃柑果实横径生 长动态
Table 2 Growth dynamics of transverse diameter of Orah fruit based on 15 orchards in 2021—2022 mm

注:每个果园选取有代表性的 5 株树,每株树选择 3 个有代表性的果,挂牌标记,进行定期测量(每月 1 日、15 日);小、大写字母分别表示 0.05、0.01 水平差异显著性。下同。
Notes: Five representative trees are selected from each orchard, and three representative fruits are selected from each tree, which are listed and marked for regular measurement (1st and 15th of each month). Small and capital letters indicate the significant difference of 0.05 and 0.01 respectively. The same below.

2022-01-15 69.49±4.80 bcABCD 2022-01-01 69.37 2021-12-15 69.23 2021-12-01 69.08 2021-11-15 67.91 2021-11-01 66.39 2021-10-15 63.51 2021-10-01 60.52 2021-09-15 57.62 2021-09-01 54.43 2021-08-15 50.33 2021-08-01 47.58 2021-07-15 42.35 2021-07-01 39.38 2021-06-15 34.24 2021-06-01 29.51号果Orchard编园number GY2101 74.71±4.08 aAB 74.01 73.08 72.37 70.75 68.50 63.67 60.39 56.90 52.54 49.50 46.46 40.79 37.47 31.63 28.27 GY2102 70.26±5.63 bcABC 70.07 69.56 68.89 67.67 67.33 62.95 60.40 57.32 54.28 51.30 48.04 42.56 39.17 33.46 29.10 GY2103 71.53±5.51 abcABC 71.32 70.82 70.06 69.07 66.99 63.43 61.21 57.96 54.49 52.30 47.98 42.43 39.45 36.46 33.47 GY2104 68.80±4.58 bcBCD 70.19 69.34 68.37 67.10 65.40 62.62 60.27 56.89 53.53 51.86 48.19 42.36 40.25 34.30 29.68 GY2105 68.93±6.85 bcBCD 67.96 67.47 66.80 65.10 62.08 59.66 57.04 53.98 50.64 47.57 44.72 38.90 36.15 31.09 27.30 GY2106 73.17±3.00 abABC 72.51 72.04 70.66 69.37 66.50 59.51 57.57 54.80 52.22 49.74 46.42 40.67 38.02 35.08 32.13 GY2107 75.33±5.85 aA 74.71 74.21 74.03 72.98 70.78 66.23 63.23 59.67 56.64 53.80 49.41 44.99 41.62 38.25 34.88 GY2108 64.32±4.15 deDE 63.81 62.70 61.25 59.90 58.64 55.43 52.55 50.11 47.34 44.53 42.23 39.94 37.65 35.35 33.06 GY2109 71.67±3.62 abcABC 71.22 70.61 70.34 69.11 68.07 64.59 62.17 56.76 54.27 51.24 47.65 41.79 38.39 32.75 27.24 GY2110 61.55±11.22 eE 59.54 58.80 56.32 55.89 55.98 54.03 51.52 50.86 48.13 45.45 43.08 38.41 36.19 31.77 27.66 GY2111 69.59±3.54 bcABCD 68.47 67.89 66.99 65.92 64.16 60.33 57.09 54.72 51.65 48.97 45.71 41.24 37.75 33.53 29.03 GY2112 72.38±4.11 abABC 71.59 71.11 70.66 69.51 67.38 63.25 58.95 56.61 52.11 49.40 46.58 40.81 37.64 33.59 29.41 GY2113 68.81±2.84 bcBCD 67.85 66.76 65.55 63.91 60.92 56.01 52.61 48.49 46.81 42.79 38.52 34.83 32.38 26.55 21.43 GY2114 67.24±5.56 cdCD 69.85 66.87 69.30 66.49 68.67 66.07 67.83 64.67 66.59 61.80 64.73 57.57 60.85 55.31 58.06 53.44 55.08 51.06 52.01 47.03 49.05 42.11 45.65 36.47 40.57 33.10 37.64 25.91 32.93 19.41 28.77 GY2115平Average均

翌年1 月15 日果实大部分进入收获期后,继续对南宁市武鸣区东盟技术开发区的GY2101进行测量记录,2 月1 日、2 月15 日、3 月1 日的横径分别是70.13、70.45、70.75 mm,3 月1 日 比1 月15 日 的69.49 mm 增加1.26 mm,增幅1.81%,可见进入1 月份以后沃柑果径还能继续膨大,但是膨大幅度较小。

2.2 广西2022—2023年度15个果园的沃柑果实横径生长动态

将2022—2023 年度的测量结果汇总于表3,可见2023年1月15日的果实横径平均值为67.09 mm。平均横径达到70 mm 以上的仅有4 个果园,平均横径未达70 mm 的占比73.33%。来宾市兴宾区红河农场GY2114平均横径最大,达78.56 mm,极显著比11 个果园大,显著比12 个果园大;排第二位的是南宁市武鸣区双桥镇大皇后村GY2102,平均横径达76.79 mm,极显著大于11 个果园;两个果园均为2021 年调查的果园,并在按照2.1 筛选出合理水肥的基础上,加强有机肥使用,配合水、有益微生物、矿质营养和一定的膨大型植物生长调节剂补充使用,合理修剪和疏果,因而果个较大。南宁市西乡塘区果园GY2211成熟期果实横径最小,只有53.74 mm,均比其他14 个果园小,这主要是该果园受到黄龙病、衰退病、黄脉病等危害导致果实明显变小。通过连续2 a 观测15 个果园的沃柑横径数据,发现广西多个果园沃柑横径有待进一步提升。

表3 2022—2023 年度 基于 15 个果园的沃柑果实横径 生长动态
Table 3 Growth dynamics of transverse diameter of Orah fruit based on 15 orchards in 2022—2023

2023-01-15 61.67±5.92 d DE 2023-01-01 61.00 2022-12-15 61.58 2022-12-01 60.86 2022-11-15 58.76 2022-11-01 56.55 2022-10-15 54.51 2022-10-01 52.89 2022-09-15 49.25 2022-09-01 46.85 2022-08-15 41.91 2022-08-01 38.92 2022-07-15 36.97 2022-07-01 32.88 2022-06-15 27.59 2022-06-01 22.30号果Orchard编园number GY2201 76.79±3.53 ab A 76.31 75.90 74.89 71.03 68.25 63.94 62.53 58.19 54.83 49.67 44.79 41.45 37.68 30.52 27.01 GY2202 63.07±3.92 d D 62.65 62.29 61.32 58.45 56.26 54.50 52.65 50.68 46.84 43.56 39.50 36.11 31.11 27.40 22.37 GY2203 68.73±4.15 c BC 68.13 67.52 66.86 64.50 62.07 60.64 56.86 52.65 49.91 46.56 42.31 38.86 35.24 30.05 25.16 GY2204 65.17±4.64 d BCD 64.41 64.47 64.47 61.25 58.30 56.81 55.05 51.73 48.04 43.36 39.67 36.64 31.87 28.41 21.92 GY2205 62.57±2.87 d D 62.18 61.82 61.26 57.22 54.79 53.50 51.47 48.84 44.04 39.56 36.81 35.23 30.37 27.33 21.36 GY2206 69.15±3.75 c BC 68.23 66.12 63.18 60.06 57.46 56.54 56.44 51.59 48.22 50.19 42.49 38.94 35.50 30.09 25.17 GY2207 76.45±4.11 ab A 75.17 73.26 71.18 67.82 65.04 62.55 60.13 56.43 52.29 48.64 44.61 40.67 35.67 30.49 25.97 GY2208 63.61±4.65 d D 63.34 63.08 61.45 58.15 56.70 55.19 53.43 50.04 47.21 42.81 38.99 35.21 30.55 25.98 20.85 GY2209 57.79±4.85 e EF 58.09 57.12 56.37 53.01 49.08 47.44 46.07 43.21 40.73 37.21 34.09 31.51 27.79 25.41 20.08 GY2210 53.74±6.83 f F 53.62 53.49 53.18 51.75 50.68 49.68 47.62 44.59 43.11 40.23 36.90 34.06 28.35 26.21 22.75 GY2211 74.85±5.09 b A 73.28 72.37 70.94 67.99 64.39 58.99 56.96 54.01 49.81 45.79 41.91 38.90 35.12 29.67 24.93 GY2212 69.57±4.80 c B 69.19 68.59 67.54 64.51 63.29 60.77 58.87 54.13 52.31 47.61 42.93 39.83 34.94 30.89 24.18 GY2213 78.56±3.64 a A 77.53 76.48 74.73 70.30 66.46 63.45 60.34 57.12 53.49 48.45 42.67 41.59 33.79 28.76 22.55 GY2214 64.62±4.99 d CD 67.09 64.61 66.52 64.07 65.88 64.22 64.83 59.92 61.65 58.92 59.22 56.87 57.02 55.12 55.10 52.32 51.65 48.50 48.41 43.81 44.62 39.06 40.38 33.09 37.27 29.86 32.71 24.86 28.24 18.47 23.01 GY2215平Average均

2.3 结合气象信息选定正常年份沃柑横径数据

查阅南宁市武鸣区(表4)、南宁市、来宾市、桂林山等地的近年气象数据,发现南宁市武鸣区的2021 年度前3 个月的平均降雨量28.20 mm,平均温度17.20 ℃,属于正常天气,而2022年前3个月平均降雨量120.30 mm,平均温度14.57 ℃,气候较为反常,沃柑生长发育整体不如2021年,主要原因是早春低温、多雨、寡日照导致整体开花比正常年份晚15 d左右,在6月1日,比上年同期平均横径小5.66 mm,多数果园在6、7 月份的果径数据比2021 年小约5 mm。极端天气影响了沃柑果实的正常发育、膨大。而后,随着时间推移,由于基因控制和雨水、热量、营养的补充,果实横径生长逐渐跟上,但是2022年的平均果实横径(67.09 mm)还是整体比2021 年(69.85 mm)小,所以2022—2023年度的果商收果大多定在60 mm 以上,而非过去的65 mm 起步。因而,选择2021—2022年度的沃柑果实横径数据作为正常年份参考是比较科学合理的。

表4 近年广西南宁市武鸣区气象数据
Table 4 Meteorological data of Wuming district,Nanning,Guangxi in recent years

Note:Data was provided by local meteorological departments.

月份Month 1月January 2月February 3月March 4月April 5月May 6月June 7月July 8月August 9月September 10月October 11月November 12月December合计/平均Total/average 1—3月平均January-March average降雨量Rainfall/mm 2020年Ⅰn 2020 42.2 57.4 177.5 88.5 89.2 509.8 169.7 119.5 99.5 95.7 11.4 7.2 1 467.6 2021年Ⅰn 2021 5.0 55.3 24.3 91.4 118.3 216.1 125.7 60.9 159.4 112.1 43.5 8.3 1 020.3 2022年Ⅰn 2022 142.2 143.9 74.8 56.8 337.7 213.1 98.2 118.3 136.2 9.1 49.9 17.0 1 397.2 2023年Ⅰn 2023 14.9 30.3 36.2 95.8 133.9 314.2 58.2 151.2 145.2 66.0 36.2 18.9 1 101.0平均温度Average temperature/℃2020年Ⅰn 2020 15.6 16.5 19.2 19.9 27.8 28.5 29.4 28.3 27.0 21.9 19.8 13.2 22.3 2021年Ⅰn 2021 13.3 18.6 19.7 21.9 27.0 28.4 29.6 29.3 28.1 22.4 18.3 14.8 22.6 2022年Ⅰn 2022 13.0 9.9 20.8 22.2 23.4 27.8 29.8 28.9 27.6 24.3 22.0 12.9 21.9 2023年Ⅰn 2023 13.7 16.3 20.2 23.2 26.2 28.4 30.1 28.0 26.9 24.4 20.2 15.3 22.7日照时数Sunshine hours/h 2020年Ⅰn 2020 57.8 52.7 32.1 73.0 154.1 125.6 174.4 167.1 101.9 96.2 112.2 111.8 104.9 2021年Ⅰn 2021 105.6 136.8 34.9 31.6 119.5 128.2 205.1 176.2 211.9 123.0 108.5 159.2 128.4 2022年Ⅰn 2022 34.0 44.5 72.7 133.1 81.9 85.0 217.0 179.0 180.1 234.8 104.4 134.1 125.1 2023年Ⅰn 2023 107.2 54.5 74.9 58.0 133.4 139.2 185.9 113.1 120.2 142.0 149.7 143.5 118.5 92.4 28.2 120.3 27.1 17.1 17.2 14.6 16.7 47.5 92.4 50.4 78.9

2.4 构建基于果实横径的沃柑数字化动态生长对照表

果商在田间地头收果一般分为几个档依次定价:果实横径≥70 mm;果实横径≥65 mm;果实横径≥60 mm;果实横径<60 mm。因此,综合分析来看,在沃柑果实收获期平均果实横径达80 mm时生长状态可评价为极优,在75 mm可评价为特优,70 mm为优良(或标准),65 mm为良好,60 mm为一般,55 mm及以下为较差。

从南宁市2021—2022年度的数据中选择5个果径分别比较接近80、75、70、65、60、55 mm 的数据取平均值,构建桂南沃柑果实横径动态生长对照表,如表5所示。利用差值建立桂南沃柑果实膨大期横径月度增加值对照表,如表6所示。利用上述两个表可指导沃柑的智慧灌溉,从而种植出大部分横径在70~80 mm的优质沃柑果(图1)。

图1 桂南果实横径在70~80 mm 的优质沃柑
Fig.1 High-quality Orah with fruit transverse diameter of 70-80 mm in southern Guangxi

表5 广西沃柑果实横径生长动态对照表(桂南)
Table 5 Dynamic comparison table of fruit transverse diameter growth of Guangxi Orah(south Guangxi) mm

序号No.12 3 4 5 6 7 2021-06-01 37.90 2021-06-15 40.43 2021-07-01 43.12 2021-07-15 46.00 2021-08-01 51.72 2021-08-15 56.13 2021-09-01 58.67 2021-09-15 62.85 2021-10-01 66.03 2021-10-15 69.00 2021-11-01 74.49 2021-11-15 77.11 2021-12-01 77.97 2021-12-15 79.00 2022-01-01 79.19 2022-01-15 80.00 32.35 36.09 41.33 44.38 49.55 53.41 56.43 59.62 62.88 65.37 69.98 72.27 73.46 74.28 74.85 75.01 28.75 33.11 38.24 40.78 46.14 50.27 52.77 55.63 60.36 62.64 66.62 67.81 68.95 70.00 70.12 70.23 31.05 34.37 37.95 40.69 44.98 47.94 50.40 53.36 55.89 58.38 62.10 63.35 64.18 64.68 64.98 65.10 29.16 32.70 36.78 39.32 43.10 45.61 47.65 50.27 51.40 54.01 56.86 57.63 58.51 58.68 59.56 60.23 27.74 30.73 33.63 35.05 38.21 40.52 43.72 46.76 48.54 51.34 54.01 54.64 54.69 54.44 55.69 56.04 31.16 34.57 38.51 41.04 45.62 48.98 51.61 54.75 57.52 60.12 64.01 65.47 66.29 66.85 67.40 67.77生长状态评价Evaluation极优Extremely excellent特优Excellent优良Better良好Good一般Common较差Discrepancy中等Medium

表6 沃柑果实膨大期横径月度增加值对照表(桂南)
Table 6 Comparison table of monthly increase in transverse diameter of Orah(south Guangxi) mm

序号No.生长状态Condition 2021 06-01—07-01 07-01—08-01 08-01—09-01 09-01—10-01 10-01—11-01 11-01—12-01 2021-12-01—2022-01-01 2022-01-01—2022-01-15合计Total 12 3 4 5 6 7极优Extremely excellent特优Excellent优良Better良好Good一般Common较差Discrepancy中等Medium 5.22 8.59 6.95 7.36 8.46 3.48 1.21 0.82 42.10 8.98 8.22 6.88 6.45 7.10 3.48 1.39 0.17 42.66 9.48 7.90 6.63 7.58 6.26 2.33 1.17 0.11 41.47 6.89 7.04 5.41 5.50 6.21 2.08 0.79 0.12 34.04 7.63 6.32 4.54 3.76 5.46 1.65 1.05 0.66 31.07 5.89 7.35 4.57 7.11 5.51 5.99 4.82 5.91 5.47 6.49 0.68 2.29 1.00 1.10 0.34 0.37 28.29 36.61

从桂林、来宾的果园两个年度的数据中选择5个果实横径分别比较接近80、75、70、65、60、55 mm的数据取平均值,构建桂北和桂中沃柑果实横径生长动态对照表(表7)。同样建立桂北和桂中沃柑果实膨大期横径月度增加值对照表(表8)。可见,在桂南地区由于前期气温高,开花早,生长发育快,至6、7月份横径相对较大;而桂北和桂中地区由于前期气温低,开花较慢,前半程横径较小,但是基因控制和雨水、积温、营养等补足后果径也逐渐增大。

表7 广西沃柑果实横径生长动态对照表(桂北和桂中)
Table 7 Dynamic comparison table of fruit transverse diameter growth of Guangxi Orah (northern and central Guangxi) mm

价评生Evaluation态状长极Extremely excellent优特Excellent优优Better良良Good好一Common般较Discrepancy差中Medium等15 日1月Jan.15 80.36 75.08 70.20 65.07 60.22 56.61 67.92 1日1月Jan.1 79.46 74.36 69.16 64.77 60.08 56.61 67.41 15 日12月Dec.15 78.69 73.64 68.17 64.48 59.13 56.61 66.79 1日12月Dec.1 76.70 72.24 67.04 63.68 58.70 56.56 65.82 15 日11月Nov.15 72.78 69.54 65.07 62.03 57.21 53.88 63.42 1日11月Nov.1 68.03 65.72 62.13 59.62 55.66 52.69 60.64 15 日10月Oct.15 66.20 62.22 56.99 55.77 53.22 50.42 57.47 1日10月Oct.1 63.25 59.64 54.07 53.38 50.75 48.53 54.94 15 日9月Sept.15 60.08 56.71 50.96 50.62 49.25 47.24 52.48 1日9月Sept.1 56.15 53.51 49.18 48.60 46.57 44.82 49.80 15 日8月Aug.15 50.80 48.81 44.91 44.26 41.58 42.12 45.41 1日8月Aug.1 44.96 43.60 40.57 39.82 36.71 36.94 40.43 15 日7月Jul.15 41.81 38.60 36.41 35.13 30.71 32.08 35.79 1日7月Jul.1 35.32 33.81 33.42 32.31 27.86 30.17 32.15 15 日6月Jun.15 30.46 26.80 27.14 26.26 22.92 24.37 26.33 1日6月Jun.1 23.93 19.95 20.94 20.84 17.81 19.48 20.49序No.号1234567

表8 沃柑果实膨大期横径月度增加值对照表(桂北和桂中)
Table 8 Comparison table of monthly increase in transverse diameter of Orah (northern and central Guangxi)

合Total计56.43 55.13 49.25 44.23 42.41 37.13 47.43 2022-01-01—2022-01-15 0.90 0.72 1.04 0.30 0.13 0.00 0.52 2.76 2021-12-01—2.12 2.12 2022-01-01 1.09 1.39 0.05 1.59 2021-12-01 2021-11-01—8.68 4.91 6.52 4.05 3.04 3.87 5.18 2021-10-01—2021-11-01 4.78 6.08 8.06 6.24 4.91 4.16 5.70 2021-09-01—2021-10-01 7.10 6.13 4.89 4.78 4.18 3.71 5.13 2021-08-01—2021-09-01 11.19 9.91 8.61 8.78 9.85 7.88 9.37 2021-07-01—2021-08-01 9.64 9.79 7.15 7.50 8.86 6.77 8.29 2021-06-01—2021-07-01 11.39 13.86 12.47 11.48 10.05 10.69 11.66生Condition态状Excellent Better Good Common长极Extremely excellent优优良好般差等特优良一较Discrepancy中Medium序No.号1234567

2.5 构建年底与各生长节点沃柑果实横径的数学模型

利用统计软件DPS18.10 高级版,通过多元分析,线性回归方程,得到基于15 个果园年底(农历年)与各生长节点沃柑果实横径的相关系数表(基于2021—2022 年度数据,见表9)。可见,年底与各生长点沃柑横径相关系数3月1日、3月15日分别只有0.315 7 和0.345 3,到了7 月15 日,相关系数达到显著的0.525 6,而到9 月15 日则达到了极显著的0.676 8,进入11 月,相关系数在极显著的0.934 0 以上。说明在6 月份预判最终果实大小准确度较低,而到了9月、10月份以后准确度就很高。

表9 年底(农历年)与各生长节点沃柑果实横径的相关系数
Table 9 Correlation coefficient between the end year (lunar new year) and the Orah fruit transverse diameter of each growth node

注:y 为翌年 1 月 15 日(农历年年底)横径数据;x1 至 x15 分别为各生长节点的横径数据。*、**分别表示显著相关(p<0.05)和极显著相关(p<0.01)。下同。
Note: y was the data of transverse diameter on January 15th; x1 to x15 are the transverse diameter data of each growth node.* and * * indicate significant correlation(p<0.05) and extremely significant correlation(p<0.01) respectively. The same below.

15 日1月Jan.15 1 1日1月Jan.1 10.984 1**12月15 日Dec.15 10.997 9**0.982 8**1日12月10.995 6**0.990 8**Dec.1 0.971 8**15 日10.997 7**11月Nov.15 0.994 6**0.988 1**0.970 9**Nov.1 1日11月10.977 0**0.965 6**0.962 7**0.954 7**0.934 0**15 日10月Oct.15 10.9539**0.902 7**0.886 3**0.869 5**0.857 0**0.821 5**1日10月Oct.1 10.986 8**0.942 3**0.888 5**0.871 0**0.8567**0.841 9**0.796 4**15 日9月Sept.15 10.961 7**0.948 5**0.890 8**0.825 1**0.797 8**0.785 4**0.761 0**0.720 8**1日9月Sept.1 10.978 2**0.962 5**0.930 6**0.887 3**0.821 8**0.793 8**0.778 9**0.752 4**0.707 6**15 日8月Aug.15 10.977 1**0.970 6**0.944 2**0.906 4**0.857 1**0.783 1**0.751 3**0.749 3**0.728 2**0.676 8**1日8月Aug.1 10.967 3**0.928 1**0.950 8**0.904 3**0.876 5**0.802 6**0.703 8**0.670 0**0.671 9**0.650 6**0.606 4*15 日7月Jul.15 10.943 4**0.893 0**0.844 7**0.860 0**0.819 6**0.804 1**0.727 2**0.613 1*0.577 3*0.580 3*0.567 4*0.525 6*1日7月Jul.1 10.982 7**0.908 7**0.842 3**0.771 4**0.788 8**0.746 7**0.724 7**0.637 3*0.521 9*0.485 9 0.496 6 0.487 6 0.433 6 15 日6月Jun.15 10.925 3**0.887 6**0.750 2**0.664 0**0.568 3*0.593 9*0.539 5*0.525 1*0.476 8 0.384 4 0.347 3 0.371 7 0.366 6 0.345 3 1日6月Jun.1 10.981 6**0.859 8**0.810 4**0.657 9**0.558 3*0.451 4 0.493 4 0.438 6 0.427 3 0.398 7 0.321 9 0.290 4 0.323 7 0.324 8 0.315 7横Date of trans-据数径verse diameter x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13x14x15y

随后建立数学模型,通过不断引入自变量,调整相关系数到最大,使得回归模型达到 “最优” ,最后得到基于15 个果园年底(农历年)与各生长节点沃柑果实横径的数学模型:

y 为年底(农历年),新历年翌年1 月15 日沃柑横径(mm)数据,x1为6月1日、x2为6月15日、x3为7月1日、x4为7月15日、x5为8月1日、x6为8月15日、x7为9月1日、x8为9月15日、x10为10月15日、x11为11月1日、x12为11月15日、x14为12月15日的沃柑横径(mm)数据。模型的复相关系数R=0.999 991,决定系数R2=0.999 98,剩余标准差SSE=0.003 8,总变异186.78,F值4431.45,p值0.011 8。

2.6 构建沃柑月度果实横径增长差值与主要气象信息的数学模型

同理,利用统计软件DPS18.10 高级版,通过多元分析→线性回归方程,得到基于15个果园的沃柑月度果实横径增长差值与主要气象信息的相关系数表(基于2021—2022年度数据,见表10)。可见横径增长差值与降雨量、平均温度的相关系数达显著的0.791 8 和极显著的0.879 1,而与日照时数只有0.286 6。说明沃柑果实膨大与降雨量、温度存在较大关联,雨水多、温度高有利于果实膨大,但这两者不是唯二因素,还有其他条件也在影响其膨大发育。也说明加强水肥药管理有助于沃柑膨大,从而提质增产。

表10 沃柑果实横径月度增加值与主要气象信息的相关系数
Table 10 Correlation coefficient between monthly fruit diameter increase and main meteorological information of Orah

Note:* Ⅰndicates a significant correlation, ** indicates extremely significant correlation.

横径数据Date of transverse diameter x1 x2 x3 y降雨量Rainfall 1 0.710 8 0.141 2 0.791 8*平均温度Average temperature日照时数Sunshine hours月度横径增加值Monthlyincrease 1 0.529 0 0.879 1**1 0.286 6 1

同样的建立数学模型,通过不断引入自变量,调整相关系数到最大,使得回归模型达到 “最优” ,最后得到基于15 个果园的沃柑月度果实横径增长差值与主要气象信息数学模型:

y=-1.654 1+0.008 342 x1+0.300 6 x2-0.009 184 x3。

y为月度横径(mm)增加值,x1为降雨量(mm),x2 平均温度(℃),x3 为日照时数(h)。模型的复相关系数R=0.919 5,决定系数R2=0.845 4,剩余标准差SSE=0.182 7,总 变 异31.753 5,F 值5.469 1,p 值0.098 3。

3 讨 论



在2021—2022年调查的15个沃柑果园中,排在前两名的GY2108、GY2102,果树整体健康,做好病虫害防控,重施有机肥和微生物菌肥,水肥管理到位,合理修剪和疏果,所以在12 月上中旬就可以卖果;而排名最后的GY2111有一定比例的黄龙病,较高比例的衰退病和黄脉病。2022—2023 年调查的GY2214 在笔者课题组指导下,选择了正确的水肥方案(重施有机肥,主要为微生物肥、调节剂与矿质营养联用),合理留果,所以果径比上年大许多。另外,之所以把桂南、桂北和桂中分别建表,主要是考虑到气候差异性,桂南地区春季回暖快,开花早,前期果膨大得快,卖得早;而桂中、桂北,回暖慢,花期晚,卖果相对较晚。

笔者课题组近几年研究发现,主要有以下几个因子显著影响了沃柑横径大小:一是树体的健康程度,树体不携带黄龙病、衰退病、黄脉病、碎叶病、退绿萎缩病的果实个头大、着色好、品质高[1];二是建园前对土壤深耕深松,耕作层深厚、保水透气性能好,有利于早生快发,更容易优质高产;三是根际具有丰富的抗病益生菌,如食窦魏斯氏菌(Weissella cibaria)、产氮假单胞菌(Pseudomonas azotoformans)、戊糖片球菌(Pediococcus pentosaceus)等,可以减轻沃柑僵果发生和促进果实正常膨大、着色,原理可能是利用有益微生物拮抗有害微生物[4];四是利用水、有益微生物(EM 菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、解淀粉芽孢杆菌、胶冻样芽孢杆菌等)、植物生长调节剂(胺鲜酯、复硝酚钠、芸薹素内酯)、矿质营养(一般旺树用高钾型、中庸树用平衡型、弱势用高氮型,微量元素可结合测叶配方,缺什么补什么)联合灌根,可加速果实膨大。


4 结 论

通过连续2 a调查广西15个沃柑果园的基础数据,发现各个果园之间的最终横径差别很大,广西沃柑提质增产存在较大空间;建立了桂南、桂北和桂中的沃柑果实横径生长动态对照表、沃柑果实膨大期横径月度增加值对照表,有利于果园管理者根据当期横径大小和定期差值大小来决定何时灌溉,使用什么水肥,结合用药,从而提升果径、品质、产量乃至经济效益,能够用于指导沃柑实际生产。


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Dynamics and modeling of fruit transverse diameter growth in Guangxi Orah

HUANG Qichun1, 2,WANG Nina1#,HUANG Yanxiao1,ZHANG Haiping3,HUANG Aixing4,TAN Songyue1, WEⅠZhenglin5, LⅠANG Zeng6, WEⅠCong7, WEⅠBing’an8, CHEN Liang9, LUO Zenggui10, HU Chengxiao2,CHEN Dongkui1,11,QⅠN Zelin12,ZENG Zhikang12*
(1Horticulture Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China;2College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China;3Guilin Agricultural Science Research Center, Guilin 541006,Guangxi,China;4Wuming District Meteorological Bureau of Nanning City,Nanning 530199,Guangxi,China;5Guangxi Mingming Fruit Industry Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530199,Guangxi,China;6Guangxi Guijie Agricultural Development Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530041,Guangxi,China;7Laibin Honghe Farm Co.,Ltd.,Laibin 546100,Guangxi,China;8Guangxi Jinzhupo Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Nanning 530047, Guangxi, China;9Guangxi Nanning Wuming Jiawo Agricultural Professional Cooperative, Nanning 530104,Guangxi,China;10Guangxi Qifeng Juzhou Ecological Agriculture Co.,Ltd.,Nanning 530199,Guangxi,China;11Wuming Observatory of National Germplasm Resources,Nanning 530107,Guangxi,China;12Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007,Guangxi,China)

Abstract: 【Objectives】Orah is the most popular citrus variety in Guangxi in recent years because of its beautiful appearance, juicy fruit, crisp taste, early fruiting, high yield, endurable storage and long harvest period.This paper aimed to study the growth dynamics of Guangxi Orah fruit transverse diameter and its mathematical modeling, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving its quality and yield.【Methods】After Orah fruit set,the data of fruit transverse diameters of Orah from 15 orchards in southern, central and northern Guangxi were measured and recorded until the harvest period by using the method of "fixed an orchard, fixed a point, fixed a fruit and fixed a period" on the 1st and 15th day of each month for two consecutive years, in order to study the variation of transverse diameter growth of Orah, and investigate the correlation between the year-end transverse diameter and each growth stage,monthly transverse diameter growth and main meteorological information for mathematical modeling.【Results】The final transverse diameters in different orchards were very different, reaching a very significant level, and the transverse diameters in many orchards needed to be improved. Ⅰn the data of 225 transverse diameters(d)of Orah in 15 orchards during 2021—2022,on January 15,Orah fruit size(d ≥80 mm) accounted for 4.44%; Fruit size (75 mm ≤d<80 mm) accounted for 14.22%; Fruit size(70 mm ≤d<75 mm) accounted for 32.44%; Fruit size (65 mm ≤d<70 mm) accounted for 24.00%;Fruit size (60 mm ≤d<65 mm) accounted for 12.44%; Fruit size (55 mm ≤d<60 mm) accounted for 4.44%; Fruit size (d<55 mm) accounted for 2.67%, and the minimum transverse diameter was 47.51 mm.Ⅰn accordance with meteorological data,the transverse diameter data of Orah fruit in 2021—2022 was selected as the normal year data. On January 15th of the following year, the average fruit transverse diameter was 69.85 mm,and the greatest transverse diameter reached 75.33 mm,followed by 74.71 mm.The trees in the above two orchards in main reasons were healthy as a whole,the prevention and control of diseases and pests were done well,organic fertilizer(more than 30 kg of decomposed organic manure applied to each plant every year) and microbial fertilizer were sufficiently applied, water and fertilizer management were supplied in place, and there was reasonable pruning and thinning. The smallest diameter was only 61.55 mm,significantly smaller than that of the other orchards.As the main reasons,there were citrus Huanglongbing,citrus tristeza virus(CTV)and citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV) as well as macerating root in this orchard. Ⅰn the investigation from 2022 to 2023, the transverse diameter of the largest Orah fruit was 78.56 mm, followed by 76.79 mm, mainly because these two orchards strengthened the use of organic manure supplemented with water,beneficial microorganisms,minerals and large plant growth regulators on the basis of selecting reasonable water and fertilizer according to this research method,and reasonably pruned and thinned the fruits.The smallest diameter was only 53.74 mm, significantly smaller than that of the other orchards, mainly because the orchard was affected by citrus Huanglongbing, CTV and CYVCV.According to the grades of 80, 75, 70,65, 60 and 55 mm, we constructed the growth dynamics comparison table of fruit transverse diameters and the monthly increment of transverse diameter in southern,northern and central Guangxi.The mathematical model of year-end transverse diameter and each growth stage was established (R2=0.999 98).The year-end transverse diameter was significantly and positively correlated with July 15th, and extremely significantly and positively correlated with the period after August 15th,reaching a very significant level on November 1st (0.934 0).The mathematical model of monthly increment of transverse diameter and main monthly meteorological information was established(R2=0.845 4).The correlation coefficient between the increment of transverse diameter and rainfall was significant(0.791 8)and the correlation coefficient between the increment of transverse diameter and average temperature was extremely significant(0.879 1),but the correlation coefficient with sunshine hours was only 0.286 6,which indicated that the fruit expansion of Orah was closely related to rainfall and temperature, and more rainfall and higher temperature were beneficial to fruit expansion,but other conditions also affected its development. This also showed that strengthening the management of water, fertilizer and pesticide can help the expansion of Orah fruit, thus improving its quality and yield.【Conclusions】There is still much room to improve the quality and yield of Guangxi Orah. Ⅰn the future, we should vigorously strengthen the virus-free scion and disease-free seedling cultivation.On the basis of deep ploughing,heavy application of organic manure,and paying attention to drainage and reasonable pruning,we can use ampicillin to kill citrus Huanglongbing and canker,strengthen research and explore agricultural chemicals or microorganisms that can effectively cure or prevent CTV and CYVCV. Ⅰn accordance with the current transverse diameter growth comparison table and the periodic difference comparison table, we can scientifically and reasonably arrange water,fertilizer and pesticide to further accelerate the fruit expansion,thus effectively improving the fruit diameter,yield and economic benefits of Orah and promoting the sustainable growth of the industry.

Key words: Citrus;Guangxi Orah;Fruit transverse diameter;Growth dynamics;Mathematical model




DOI: 10.13925/j.cnki.gsxb.20230488



基金项目:广西科技重大专项(桂科AA22036002、桂科AA20108003);南宁市科技重大专项(20212141、20222065);广西武鸣柑橘试验站(桂TS202201);南宁市江南区科技项目(2020020102);桂农科(2021YT051、2022JM32);国家现代农业产业体系广西柑橘创新团队 “栽培与病虫害防治” 岗位功能专家(nycytxgxcxtd-2021-05-02);广西柑橘黄龙病防控工程技术研究中心项目(2018GCZX0021)


*通信作者 Author for correspondence.E-mail:59898701@qq.com