
杨海波1,赵旗峰1,孟利峰1,周鹏程1,陈永珍2,李庆亮1,3,梁 燕4,聂磊云1,张晓萍1,李继萍5,王占勤6,赵龙龙1*

1山西农业大学果树研究所,山西太谷 030815;2山西临县碛口红农业科技公司,山西临县 033200;3枣庄学院生命科学学院,山东枣庄 277160;4山西省林业和草原工程站,太原 030000;5山西省孝义市林业局,山西孝义 032300;6山西省自然保护地服务中心,太原 030000)

摘 要:晋酸1号是从山西临县野生酸枣种质资源群体中选育出来的优良品种。果实近圆形,果顶平,果皮薄,红色,果个大;平均单果质量4.75 g,最大单果质量5.8 g,平均横径1.9 cm、纵径2.2 cm;果肉多汁,风味酸甜,可食率84.7%,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为27.6%,还原糖含量为8.5%,总糖含量为27.04%,维生素C含量为419 mg·100 g-1,可滴定酸含量为1.032%;果仁饱满,含仁率100%,平均单仁质量0.1 g;营养生长期170~180 d,果实生育期115 d左右,为晚熟品种。山西吕梁地区,6月上旬为盛花期,9月中下旬果实进入脆熟期,10月中上旬为果实完熟期。晋酸1号适宜于鲜食、加工、取仁,也可用于开发特色饮品。适合在山西省中南部酸枣适生区及国内同类气候地区栽培。


酸枣(Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa)为鼠李科(Rhamanaceae)枣属(Zizyphus)植物[1],原产中国,又称“棘”。《神农本草经》中记载,酸枣可“安五脏,轻身延年”,酸枣仁、叶、花均具有不同的营养或药用价值[2-3]。酸枣富含多种维生素,尤其是抗坏血酸(维生素C)含量明显高于枣[4],在医学上被用来降血压和清洁血液,常用作神经镇静剂、胃补品、止咳药和抗哮喘药,也被用作一般补品[5-6]。随着社会的发展、生活节奏的加快、人们健康意识的增强,医疗、保健、饮食等对酸枣的需求也逐渐增加。过去对酸枣的研究主要集中在酸枣杂交技术[7-8]、遗传多样性[9-10]、无性繁殖技术[11-12]以及酸枣抗性评价[13-14]等方面,而酸枣品种选育工作相对薄弱。


1 选育过程

2006年,山西农业大学(山西省农科院)果树研究所,对酸枣主产区的地方品种资源进行了系统调查,在野生酸枣群体中以丰产性强、果个大、果肉口感好、枣仁饱满、抗病、抗裂等为目标进行酸枣优良单株的筛选。2007 年初在临县野生酸枣群体中筛选出37株综合表现良好的单株,嫁接在临县林家坪镇薛家圪台枣园里进行比较试验,经3 a(年)的观察和研究,发现其中3号、8号、9号、21号、35号综合性状较好;随后进行了3 a 的对比研究,决选出综合性状最为优异的3 号单株。3 号单株主要表现为长势旺盛,果个大,肉质厚,口感酸甜,酸枣仁肥大饱满,10月中上旬完熟,裂果率低。即以其作为母株采集接穗,分别在临县林家坪、碛口等地枣园进行高接试验。

2015年以嫁接植株作为采穗母株,扩大嫁接面积。高接酸枣树嫁接当年即可挂果,3 a后可形成产量,5 a 后进入盛果期,丰产性状稳定。2017 年在临县林家坪、碛口大面积嫁接发展的同时,也在临汾永和县、晋中太谷县进行区域栽培试验,均表现良好。综上,经过5 a 的区域栽培试验、该酸枣品种表现良好,性状稳定,无变异现象。2022年9月该品系通过田间鉴定,12月通过山西省林业和草原局林木品种审定委员会审定,定名为晋酸1 号(良种编号:晋SSV-ZJ-017-2022)。

根据中华人民共和国林业行业标准LY/T 2426—2015《枣品种鉴定技术规程SSR 分子标记法》发布的核心引物24对,对晋酸1号和山西临县野生酸枣进行分子鉴定,结果显示,24对引物中,有17对引物可将野生酸枣与晋酸1号区分(表1),通过引物BFU1205测序后的区分结果见图1。

图1 SSR 分子标记在酸枣(上)和晋酸1 号(下)中的扩增结果(引物BFU1205)
Fig.1 Amplification results of wild jujube(up)and Jinsuan No.1(down)by SSR molecular markers BFU1205

表1 酸枣SSR 标记引物及鉴定区分情况
Table 1 SSR marker primers and identification of wild jujube

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

晋酸1号树姿开张,树势中庸。叶片卵状披针形,长2.5~6.8 cm,宽2.0~3.5 cm,叶基偏斜1.1~2.9 mm;叶柄长3~6 mm;枣吊长13~25 cm(图2、图3)。

图2 晋酸1 号长势情况
Fig.2 Growth situation of Jinsuan No.1

图3 晋酸1 号枣叶片和花性状
Fig.3 Leaf and flower traits of Jinsuan No.1

2.2 果实经济性状和营养成分含量

晋酸1号果实近圆形、果顶平,果皮薄,红色,果个大(图4)。平均单果质量4.75 g,最大单果质量5.8 g,平均横径1.9 cm,平均纵径2.2 cm;果肉厚、汁液多、致密细脆、无渣、风味酸甜、可食率84.7%、可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为27.6%、还原糖(以葡萄糖计)含量为8.5%、总糖含量为27.04%、维生素C含量为419 mg·100 g-1,可滴定酸含量为1.032%;果仁饱满、含仁率100%、平均单仁质量0.1 g。该品种与对照品种(临县野生酸枣)的果实主要经济性状和营养成分含量的对比见表2和表3。

图4 晋酸1 号枣果性状
Fig.4 Fruit characters of Jinsuan No.1

表2 晋酸1 号及对照品种果实主要经济性状
Table 2 Economic characters of fruits of Jinsuan No.1 and control cultivar

表3 晋酸1 号及对照品种鲜果营养成分含量
Table 3 Fresh fruit nutrition of Jinsuan No.1 and control cultivar

2.3 物候期

晋酸1 号在吕梁临县沿黄丘陵山地4 月20 日左右开始萌芽,5 月下旬进入初花期,6 月上旬进入盛花期,9 月中下旬果实进入脆熟期,10 月中上旬果实进入完熟期,10 月下旬落叶期。营养生长170~180 d,果实生育期115 d 左右,属晚熟品种。比当地常见野生酸枣品种晚熟20 d 以上。该品种与对照品种(当地常见野生酸枣)的主要物候期见表4。

表4 晋酸1 号及参照品种的主要物候期
Table 4 Phenological periods of Jinsuan No.1 and control cultivar

2.4 果实抗裂性能

2017—2021年调查了晋酸1号和临县丘陵山地酸枣枣果的抗裂表现。在酸枣枣果成熟期遇到连阴雨天气,晋酸1号由于具有成熟期极晚的特性,避开当地雨季,未出现裂果,经过连续5 a调查,晋酸1号酸枣枣果裂果率均低于1.0%。

2.5 主要用途

晋酸1 号具有果个大、皮薄、肉多、商品性好等特点,可作为鲜食品种或用于制作高档果汁、果酒、果酱的重要原料。其果仁饱满、果实含仁率高,也可作为优异的仁用酸枣品种。除上述用途外也可将晋酸1号制干后作为休闲食品或零食。

2.6 适应性

晋酸1 号适栽于山西1200 m 以下海拔区域及山西省中南部(太原以南)酸枣适生区,该品种表现出早果丰产,综合品质优良,抗逆性、适应性强,性状稳定等特点,也适宜国内同类气候地区栽培。

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 选地建园

晋酸1 号建园时要选择交通便利、通风向阳的山坡、丘陵、平原等地,地块土壤湿度不能过大,黏性不能过重,具备良好的排水条件。

3.2 栽植密度

该品种适宜高密度栽培,建议株行距为1.0 m×2.0 m,每666.7 m2栽植333 株。可依据当地土壤及土地环境条件、树形及栽培模式等决定适宜的密度。

3.3 土肥水条件要求


3.4 树形和整形修剪技术



3.5 高接换优技术

选择树体生长旺盛、树龄15 a 以下枣树进行改接。枣树发芽后1个月内嫁接,北方地区一般在5月初开始至6 月初结束,可采用劈接或皮下嫁接法。改接后用愈合剂涂抹伤口促进愈合,对有甲口虫等害虫侵染的果园,需涂抹杀虫剂预防害虫危害愈伤组织;及时除蘖、抹芽,新梢长至30 cm左右时,绑缚支架,预防风折。

3.6 花果管理技术



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Breeding report of a new wild jujube cultivar Jinsuan No.1(Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa)

YANG Haibo1,ZHAO Qifeng1,MENG Lifeng1,ZHOU Pengcheng1,CHEN Yongzhen2,LI Qingliang1,3,LIANG Yan4,NIE Leiyun1,ZHANG Xiaoping1,LI Jiping5,WANG Zhanqin6,ZHAO Longlong1*

(1Pomology Institute,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030815,Shanxi,China;2Linxian Qikouhong Agricultural Technology Company,Linxian 033200,Shanxi,China;3College of Life Sciences,Zaozhuang University,Zaozhuang 277160,Shandong,China;4Forestry and Grassland Engineering Station of Shanxi Province,Taiyuan 030000,Shanxi,China;5 Forestry Bureau of Xiaoyi City,Xiaoyi 032300,Shanxi,China;6 Shanxi Province Nature Reserve Service Center,Taiyuan 030000,Shanxi,China)

Abstract: Jinsuan No.1 is an excellent cultival selected from high-quality wild jujube germplasm resources in Linxian county,Shanxi province.In 2006,the first investigation and screening of wild jujube cultivars were carried out in Linxian county,the dominant producing area of wild jujube.In 2007,37 kinds of wild jujube cultivars with good performance were obtained from the selected wild jujube cultivar.In 2010,through the comparative investigation on grafting experiments,it was found that among the selected wild jujubes,No.3,No.8,No.9,No.21 and No.35 showed better comprehensive traits.Subsequently,a three-year comparative trial was carried out,and finally the No.3 wild jujube with the most excellent comprehensive traits was selected.In 2017,a large-scale grafting cultivation experiments were carried out in Linjiaping and Qikou of Linxian county,Yonghe county of Linfen and Taigu county of Jinzhong.Field identification was performed in September 2022 and the cultivar was received approval from the Forest Variety Approval Committee of Shanxi Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau in December,named Jinsuan No.1 (Benefit number: Jin S-SV-ZJ-017-2022).Jinsuan No.1 wild jujube tree shape is open and the tree vigor is moderate.Leaves are ovate-lanceolate,2.5-6.8 cm long and 2.0-3.5 cm wide with leaf base slanting 1.1-2.9 mm;the petiole is 3-6 mm long;jujube hanging is 13-25 cm long.Jinsuan No.1 wild jujube fruit is nearly round,the top of the fruit is flat,the pericarp is thin and red,and the fruit is large.The average single fruit weight is 4.75 g,the maximum single fruit weight is 5.8 g,the average transverse diameter is 1.9 cm,and the average longitudinal diameter is 2.2 cm;the flesh is thick,juicy,dense and crisp,sweet and sour,and the edible rate is 84.7% without residue.The soluble solids content is 27.6%,reducing sugar (glucose) content is 8.5%,total sugar content is 27.04%,VC content is 419 mg·100 g-1,and titratable acid is 1.032%.The kernel is full,with a kernel rate of 100%,and the average single kernel weight is 0.1 g.The vegetative growth period is 170-180 days,and the fruit growth period is about 115 days.Jinsuan No.1 wild jujube belongs to late-maturing cultivar,20 days later than other common jujube cultivars in Linxian county.With Jinsuan No.1 wild jujube,the bud break is seen around April 20,the early flowering period is in late May,the full flowering period is in early June,the fruit enters the crisp ripening period in mid-to-late September,the fruit maturity is in mid-to-early October,and the defoliation period is in late October in the mountains along the Yellow River in Linxian county,Lüliang City.The fruit cracking rate of Jinsan No.1 is lower than 1.0%.Jinsuan No.1 jujube cultivar is suitable for both fresh consumption and drying,and can also be used to process special drink and snacks.Jinsuan No.1 is suitable for cultivation in the suitable growing areas of jujube in the south-central Shanxi province and somewhere with similar climates in China.

Key words: Wild jujube;New cultivar;Jinsuan No.1;Common jujube seed









*通信作者Author for correspondence.E-mail:xiaoxiaolong007@outlook.com