
徐小彪,廖光联,黄春辉,贾东峰,钟 敏,曲雪艳,刘 青,高 欢

(江西农业大学农学院·猕猴桃研究所,南昌 330045)

摘 要:赣绿1号系从野生毛花猕猴桃(Actinidia eriantha Benth.)自然变异群体中选育而成的新品种。果实长圆柱形至长卵圆形,果喙微钝凸,果面密被白色短茸毛。果实大小中等,均匀一致,平均单果质量为46.22 g,最大单果质量为73.50 g。果肉翠绿,肉质细嫩,风味香甜,果实可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为18.4%~22.2%,可滴定酸含量为0.94%,可溶性糖含量为9.25%,干物质含量为21.74%,抗坏血酸含量为662.6 mg·100 g-1。在江西省宜春市,盛花期为5月上旬,果实成熟期为10月底至11月上旬。植株树势较强,耐热抗旱,适应性强,果实均匀一致,富含抗坏血酸,易剥皮,鲜食品质佳,果实耐贮藏,常温下可贮藏30~50 d,综合性状优良。


毛花猕猴桃(Actinidia eriantha Benth.)隶属于猕猴桃科(Actinidiaceae)猕猴桃属(Actinidia),是中国特有且丰富的野生种质资源,广泛地分布在江西、浙江、福建、湖南等长江以南的广大丘陵山区[1-2]。毛花猕猴桃果实富含抗坏血酸并含有大量的糖、氨基酸和人体必需的矿物质。此外,毛花猕猴桃还具有高酚类物质、抗病、耐热、果皮易剥离等优良特性,具有良好的营养价值和经济价值,是继中华猕猴桃(A. chinensis var.chinensis)和美味猕猴桃(A. chinensis var.deliciosa)之后极具开发潜力的特色浆果[3-4],但野生状态下毛花猕猴桃果实可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)普遍偏低(低于14.0%),口感偏涩,酸度较高,难以达到鲜果食用标准。甜香型果实已成为毛花猕猴桃品质育种的一个重要目标性状。

1 选育过程

自2008年秋季开始,笔者对江西省境内主要山区的野生猕猴桃种质资源进行普查,定位观察中华猕猴桃、毛花猕猴桃、阔叶猕猴桃等野生猕猴桃400余份,异位高接保存特异种质38份[5]。其中,在江西省抚州市南城县境内发现了果实综合性状优良的毛花猕猴桃高糖型变异单株(代号MM-24)。2009年2月,从该变异母树采集接穗,进行异位高接(砧木为8 年生美味猕猴桃米良1 号),开展该优株的品种选育研究。2010 年始果,对其无性系的生物学特性、果实主要经济性状及遗传稳定性等进行观测分析与系统评价,经多年的高接观察及区域试验,该优株综合性状表现优良且遗传性状稳定。2013 年春季建立了子一代高接鉴定圃。同时,优株母树接穗分别送到江西省奉新县山维猕猴桃科技开发有限公司、赣州市信丰县苌楚果业有限公司等地进行高接观察并开展相关品种区域试验。2017—2019 年,以毛花猕猴桃赣猕6号为对照[6],进行品比试验。试验结果表明,该品种生物学特性、果实经济性状及染色体倍性等遗传性状稳定,果实可溶性固形物和干物质含量高,植株树势较强,耐热抗旱,适应性强,果实均匀一致,综合性状优良,定名为赣绿1 号(图1)。该品种已获中华人民共和国农业农村部植物新品种权(品种权号:CNA20191003213)。

图1 毛花猕猴桃新品种赣绿1 号
Fig.1 A novel A.eriantha cultivar Ganlü No.1

2 主要特征特性

2.1 植物学特征

对毛花猕猴桃赣绿1 号的植物学性状进行观察,发现其幼叶和成叶均为长卵圆形,尖端均呈锐尖状,基部为开状;成叶叶面无茸毛,平均叶长为16.64 cm,平均叶宽为11.69 cm。赣绿1号花常着生于结果枝基部第2~6节的叶腋处,单株花量较大;花为伞房花序,每花序单花3~5朵,每朵具有5~7瓣花瓣,24~28 个花柱,32~42 个花药;花瓣为粉红色,花药为淡黄色,极具观赏性。赣绿1号新梢、半木质化枝条及1年生枝条均密被白色短茸毛,1年生枝平均直径1.23 cm,节间平均长度6.58 cm;芽座微突呈垂直状,被灰色短茸毛;木质化枝绿褐色,皮孔圆形或梭形(表1)。

表1 赣绿1 号和赣猕6 号的植物学性状特性比较
Table 1 Comparison of botanical characteristics of Ganlü No.1 and Ganmi No.6

2.2 果实经济性状

果实长圆柱形至长卵圆形,果皮绿褐色,果面密被白色短茸毛。果柄平均长度1.99 cm。果实中型,平均单果质量46.22 g,最大单果质量73.50 g。果实纵径6.32 cm,横径2.51 cm,果形指数为2.52(表1)。果喙微钝凸,果肩斜。果肉翠绿色,果心淡黄色,髓射线明显。种子黑色,种子纵径0.19 cm,横径0.11 cm,种形指数为1.73。果实横截面种子数24.6粒,平均单果种子数521.5 粒,千粒质量约0.96 g。果实可溶性固形物含量20.3%,可溶性糖含量9.25%,可滴定酸含量0.94%,干物质含量21.74%,抗坏血酸含量662.6 mg·100 g(-1表2)。果实后熟达到食用状态时(果肉硬度为0.8~1.0 kg·cm-2)易剥皮,肉质细嫩,风味甜香。

表2 赣绿1 号和赣猕6 号的果实特性比较
Table 2 Comparison of fruit characteristics of Ganlü No.1 and Ganmi No.6

2.3 生长结果习性与物候期

毛花猕猴桃赣绿1 号及赣猕6 号的伤流期均在2月上中旬,萌芽期为2月中下旬,展叶期3月上旬,花期为5 月上旬,果实成熟期为10 月底至11 月上旬,12 月中下旬落叶。毛花猕猴桃赣绿1 号结枝率高(91.5%),连续结果能力强,正常生长的营养枝均可成为翌年的结果母枝。坐果率在95%以上,落花落果少,果实生育期约170 d。丰产性好,异位高接子一代第3 年平均株产12.59 kg,第4 年平均株产19.5 kg。果实及树体在田间表现出较强的耐热性及抗旱性,田间未发现溃疡病危害。

2.4 DNA指纹图谱鉴定


图2 赣绿1 号分子标记图谱
Fig.2 The SSR molecular markers map of Ganlü No.1

M.Marker;1.华特;2.赣猕6 号;3.赣绿2 号;4.赣绿1 号。
M.Marker;1.White;2.Ganmi No.6;3.Ganlü No.2;4.Ganlü No.1.

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 适宜区域

适宜在江西省、浙江省、福建省、湖南省、贵州省、云南省等具有相同或相近生境的地区种植,选择土壤疏松肥沃、灌溉方便、海拔50~1000 m 地段种植。宜选择在无霜期130 d 以上,土壤pH 6.0~7.0、土壤疏松肥沃、有机质含量丰富、灌溉方便的砂质土壤建园。

3.2 整形修剪

以水平大棚架或T 形小棚架栽培为宜,结果枝率高,正常生长的营养枝均可成为翌年的结果母枝。蕾期及时“零芽”折梢修剪;花期疏除弱花、过密花、晚开花;幼果期疏掉小果、畸形果、病虫果和多余果,然后按结果蔓的强弱适当留果;花后30 d选择白色单层袋进行套袋;果实10 月底至11 月上旬成熟,以果实可溶性固形物含量达6.5%时为最佳采收期;采用单干双主蔓多侧蔓整形方式,冬季落叶后至翌春伤流前宜采用短截、疏剪和回缩的综合修剪方法,及时更新复壮;对较旺的结果母蔓在结果部位以上留8~10 节,普通的结果母蔓在结果部位以上留6~8节,较弱的结果母蔓在结果部位以上留2~4节,太弱的蔓直接疏除。

3.3 栽培密度及授粉品种


3.4 肥水管理



[1] LIAO G L,XU X B,HUANG C H,ZHONG M,JIA D F.Resource evaluation and novel germplasm mining of Actinidia eriantha[J].Scientia Horticulturae,2021,282:110037.

[2] 张慧琴,姚旭日,陆玲鸿,古咸彬,宋根华,谢鸣.毛花猕猴桃新品种甜华特的选育[J].果树学报,2023,40(2):400-403.ZHANG Huiqin,YAO Xuri,LU Linghong,GU Xianbin,SONG Genhua,XIE Ming.Breeding of a kiwifruit cultivar Sweet White(Actinidia eriantha)[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2023,40(2):400-403.

[3] LIAO G L,XU Q,ALLAN A C,XU X B.L-ascorbic acid metabolism and regulation in fruit crops[J].Plant Physiology,2023,192(3):1684-1695.

[4] 王海令,曹家乐,廖光联,黄春辉,贾东峰,曲雪艳,徐小彪.毛花猕猴桃AeAPX 基因家族鉴定与表达分析[J].果树学报,2022,39(12):2225-2240.WANG Hailing,CAO Jiale,LIAO Guanglian,HUANG Chunhui,JIA Dongfeng,QU Xueyan,XU Xiaobiao.Identification and expression analysis of AeAPX gene family in Actinidia eriantha[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2022,39(12):2225-2240.

[5] LIAO G L,XU X B,HUANG C H,QU X Y,JIA D F.A novel early maturing kiwifruit (Actinidia eriantha) cultivar[J].New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science,2023,51(4):585-593.

[6] 徐小彪,黄春辉,曲雪艳,陈明,钟敏,郎彬彬,陈楚佳,谢敏,张文标.毛花猕猴桃新品种‘赣猕6 号’[J].园艺学报,2015,42(12):2539-2540.XU Xiaobiao,HUANG Chunhui,QU Xueyan,CHEN Ming,ZHONG Min,LANG Binbin,CHEN Chujia,XIE Min,ZHANG Wenbiao.A new easy peeling Actinidia eriantha cultivar‘Ganmi 6’[J].Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2015,42(12):2539-2540.

A novel sweet aromatic cultivar of Actinidia eriantha‘Ganlü No.1’

XU Xiaobiao,LIAO Guanglian,HUANG Chunhui,JIA Dongfeng,ZHONG Min,QU Xueyan,LIU Qing,GAO Huan

(College of Agronomy/Institute of Kiwifruit,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,Jiangxi,China)

Abstract: Actinidia eriantha Benth is a species of Actinidia genus in the Actinidiaceae family and is widely distributed in China,including Jiangxi Province.Its fruit is rich in ascorbic acid with great potential for development.However,the soluble solid content of the wild fruit is generally low (less than 14.0%).The fruit tastes sour and astringent,and doesn’t meet the standard of fresh fruit.The sweet fruit has become an important target of genetic improvement in A. eriantha.The abundant germplasm resources of A. eriantha in China provide an opportunity for breeding cultivars with high sugar content.Fortunately,a strain (code:‘MM-24’) from wild seedlings with high sugar content was found in Nancheng County,Fuzhou City,Jiangxi Province.In February 2009,the scions were collected from the strain and grafted on the 8-year old trees of A.chinensis var deliciosa Miliang No.1 for field trail.The leaf shape was oval,with no hairs.Each inflorescence had three to five single flowers.The flowers were corymbose.The color of petal and anther was pink and yellow,respectively.Each flower had 32 to 42 anthers.Both shoot and semi-lignified branch were densely covered with short gray hairs.The shape of pores on the branch was round or fusiform.The fruit was long cylindrical to oval,the beak was slightly obtuse,the surface of the fruit was densely covered with short white hairs.The fruit size was medium and uniform,with an average fruit mass of 46.22 g and a maximum fruit mass of 73.50 g.The flesh was green and had a sweet flavor.The soluble solid content of fruit was 18.4%-22.2%,the titrable acid content was 0.94%,the soluble sugar content was 9.25%,the dry matter content was 21.74%,and the ascorbic acid content was 662.6 mg·100 g-1.The full flowering period was in early May,and the fruit mature period was from late October to early November in Yichun City,Jiangxi Province.The vine had strong growth,heat resistance and drought resistance,and strong adaptability.Its fruits were uniform,easy to peel and could be stored at room temperature for 30 to 50 d,and the comprehensive traits were excellent.It was finally named as Ganlü No.1 and granted new plant patent by China Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2019.It would be recommended to use horizontal greenhouse frames or T-shaped small trellises for cultivation.During the bud stage,it was essential to promptly perform“zero bud”folding and pruning.Fruit thinning and bagging were required at the young fruit stage.The fruits could be harvested when the soluble solid content reached 6.5%.The comprehensive pruning methods of truncation,thinning and retracting should be adopted to renew and rejuvenate in time after the leaf fall in winter and before the next spring.The spacing of plant rows should be (2.5-3.0) m × (3.0-4.0) m.The pollination cultivar was A.chinensis var.chinensis Ganxiong No.2.Generally,fertilization should be applied two to three times a year,mainly with nitrogen fertilizer in spring,and mainly with fast-available phosphorus,potassium and calcium fertilizer in summer,and mainly with organic fertilizer in autumn.

Key words: Actinidia eriantha;New cultivar;Ganlü No.1;Sweet flavor







