
吴夏明,周陈平,杨 敏,邝瑞彬,杨 护,黄炳雄,魏岳荣*

(广东省农业科学院果树研究所·农业农村部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室·广东省热带亚热带果树研究重点实验室,广州 510640)

摘 要:黄花佑番木瓜是以泰国红为母本、GZ201301301 为父本杂交育成的鲜食番木瓜新品种。该品种植株生长旺盛,结果性状优良,受高温影响小,间断结果现象轻,连续坐果率94.3%,平均单株商品果为71.8 个,平均单果质量为790.3 g,果实呈梨形,整齐度高,商品性状优良,平均纵径17.3 cm,横径10.3 cm。果实果皮光滑,果肉较厚呈橙红色,口感柔嫩多汁、无渣,风味清香。可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为13.5%,还原糖含量为10.5 g∙100 g-1,总糖含量为12.8 g∙100 g-1,总酸含量为0.16 g∙100 g-1,维生素C含量为84.7 mg∙100 g-1,粗纤维含量为0.5 g∙100 g-1。在珠三角地区,组培苗春季定植至始花时间约59 d,定植至始采收时间约177 d,丰产性强,当年平均株产量约56.8 kg,每666.7 m2产量为6816 kg。果实在常温条件下保鲜贮藏期为7 d。适应性较强,适宜在我国番木瓜产区种植。感环斑花叶病毒病和畸叶病毒病,建议采用轮作方式种植,重点防控病毒病。


番木瓜(Carica papaya L.)又称万寿果,属于番木瓜科番木瓜属,是多年生肉质草本植物,全年栽培生产果实,原产于美洲南部,现于热带或亚热带国家和地区有广泛栽培[1]。番木瓜因生长快、收获早、产量高、用途广、供应期长等特点,在我国广东、广西、海南、福建等地广泛种植[2,3]。据FAO 统计,全球番木瓜种植面积接近42万hm2,年产量超1200万t,成为世界第三大热带水果,仅次于香蕉和菠萝[4]。由于番木瓜果实具有食用价值、药用价值和工业价值,随着社会进步、物流产业的发展,销售范围扩大,需求量不断增加,且消费需求日趋多样化,因此产业市场对番木瓜品种的需求也逐步呈多元化态势,此外番木瓜环斑花叶病毒病往往导致在番木瓜定植第2年后开始大幅减产,成为番木瓜产业发展的主要瓶颈[5]。因此通过传统杂交育种途径培育丰产、优质、商品性好、整齐度高的小果型非转基因番木瓜新品种,实现当年丰收的目的,成为该品种选育的目标。

1 选育过程

黄花佑番木瓜是以广东省农业科学院果树研究所收集的种质资源泰国红优株为母本、小果型夏威夷类GZ201301301 为父本,于2016 年11 月通过常规杂交的方式获得杂交种子358粒。2016年12月,将杂交种子播种于温室营养杯中,通过常规水肥管理,获得健康种苗296株。于2017年2月将296株F1代种苗定植于广州试验基地。根据丰产、优质、商品性好、整齐度高的选育目标,经综合性状评价,选择植株生长速度快、生长势强、黄花、连续结果能力强、挂果数量多、果形好、果皮光滑、果肉紧实、产量高、品质优良的两性株优株,编号为GZ16-8。于2017年10月开始,通过采取截干、单独建立简易温室拱棚、低温期辅助加热等措施,在保护优株避免感染环斑花叶病毒病的情况下,促进植株在低温期的侧芽萌发和正常生长。利用截干20~30 d 后萌生的大量侧芽,通过靠接和组织培养快繁方式获得无性繁殖种苗。2018—2019 年期间于广州市天河区五山镇、白云区钟落潭镇和人和镇开展品种比较试验。2020—2021 年于广州市增城区石滩镇、佛山市大塘镇、湛江市麻章区等地开展多年多点试验。2023年3月获得农业农村部植物新品种权授权,品种权号:CNA20211000173(图1)。

图1 丰产优质小果型番木瓜新品种黄花佑
Fig.1 A new papaya cultivar Huanghuayou with good quality and high yield

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

黄花佑植株生长壮旺,平均株高288.5 cm,冠幅298.7 cm。成年植株茎干呈圆柱形,灰绿色,内中空。茎干高218.5 cm,茎干周长48.3 cm。叶片呈浓绿色,掌状缺刻状,缺刻深度中,无旗叶,平均叶片长87.1 cm,宽93.8 cm。叶脉清晰呈绿色,平均叶柄长98.2 cm,叶柄周长11.5 cm。花数量较多,花冠呈黄色,基部呈黄绿色,花冠长度约3.7 cm,直径约3.2 cm,花序主轴为绿色,平均长约8.8 cm。

2.2 果实经济性状

该品种与2023 年广东省农业主导品种紫晖相比,结果性状优良,受高温影响小,间断结果现象轻,连续坐果率94.3%。在3月初定植的情况下,当年平均单株收获商品果为71.8 个。平均单果质量为790.3 g,每666.7 m2 产量为6816 kg。果实呈梨形,整齐度高,商品性状优良,果皮光滑,果肩、果顶均为圆形,果实纵径17.3 cm,横径10.3 cm,纵横径比为1.68。果肉较厚,约3.2 cm,中果腔宽度约5.0 cm。果肉橙红色,口感柔嫩多汁、无渣,风味清香。可溶性固形物含量(w,含量)为13.5%,还原糖含量为10.5 g∙100 g-1,总糖含量为12.8 g∙100 g-1,总酸含量为0.16 g∙100 g-1,维生素C 含量为84.7 mg∙100 g-1,粗纤维含量为0.5 g∙100 g-1(表1)。

表1 黄花佑番木瓜与对照品种性状比较
Table 1 Comparison of characters between Huanghuayou and the control cultivar

品种Cultivar黄花佑Huanghuayou紫晖Zihui单株商品果数Commercial fruits Number per plant 71.8平均单果质量Average fruit mass/g 790.3单株产量Plant yield/kg 56.8 666.7 m2产量Yield per 666.7 m2/kg 6816 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solids content/%13.5 w(总糖)Total sugar content/(g∙100 g-1)12.8 w(总酸)Total acid content/(g∙100 g-1)0.16 w(维生素C)Vitamin C content/(mg∙100 g-1)84.7 w(粗纤维)Crude fiber content/(g∙100 g-1)0.5 56.3 1142.7 64.4 7728 11.2 8.9 0.20 93.8 0.3

2.3 物候期

在采用春植栽培模式的情况下,2月中旬至3月中旬定植,4月底至5月初现蕾,5月上中旬始花,定植至始花时间约59 d。9月上中旬开始采收,定植至始采时间约177 d,10—11 月为采收盛期,可延续采收至12月中下旬。

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 适栽区域


3.2 壮苗培育

利用富含有机质的基质培育植株健壮、株高15~20 cm、具6~8 枚功能叶、根系发达、无病虫害的营养杯组培苗,备用。

3.3 选址建园,施足基肥

重点针对番木瓜环斑花叶病毒病和畸叶病毒病,选择远离病源的地块建园,忌连作。要求土壤肥沃疏松、富含有机质,避风向阳、通风透气、排灌良好的地块,做好排灌系统设施建设,按照种植规格整地和挖种植坑,并施足基肥,每666.7 m2施入腐熟有机肥1500 kg、过磷酸钙或钙镁磷60 kg、硼肥1 kg作为基肥。

3.4 适时定植

根据种植地实际情况选择春植、夏植或秋植,采用株行距(1.8~2.0)m × 2.5 m 进行定植,建议每666.7 m2种植130~150株。宜在晴天或阴天时进行,定植时尽量避免伤根和种植过深。定植后淋透定根水,避免露根和积水。

3.5 科学田间管理


肥水管理:(1)幼苗期:定植10~15 d 后薄施速效氮肥,每7~10 d 施肥1次,连续2~3次,每株共施尿素120 g、磷肥20 g、钾肥15 g,并辅以叶面喷施0.2%~0.3%的尿素或磷酸二氢钾等。(2)现蕾前后:以氮肥为主,适当增施磷、钾肥。每株施尿素50 g、磷肥25 g、钾肥25 g,每15 d施1次。缺硼砂果园在植株开花后应喷施0.1%的硼酸2~3 次,或每株土施硼砂3~5 g,防止瘤状病发生。(3)盛花坐果期:增施重肥,满足基部果实发育和顶部开花坐果的需要,每月1次,每次每株施复合肥100 g、氯化钾100 g。(4)壮果成熟期:有机肥与无机肥结合施用,增施磷钾肥,少施氮肥。在成熟前2个月开始增施有机肥,在果皮呈浅绿色时及时叶面喷施0.2%~0.3%磷酸二氢钾,以提高果实品质。有机肥与无机肥结合施用,增施磷钾肥有利于提高果实品质。(5)水分管理:保持土壤湿润,控制土壤含水量70%左右,忌积水。

3.6 树体和果实管理

及时摘除幼龄树腋芽、衰老叶片、畸形果和病虫果,盛果期及时疏果,每个节位留正常果1~2 个,以利于养分集中供应,提高单果的质量、品质和有效产量,减少病虫害发生。台风季节及壮果期应及时用树桩支撑树干,防倒伏或折干。

3.7 病虫害防治


4 综合评价



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[3] 杨培生,钟思现,杜中军,周鹏,陈业渊.我国番木瓜产业发展现状和主要问题[J].中国热带农业,2007(4):8-9.YANG Peisheng,ZHONG Sixian,DU Zhongjun,ZHOU Peng,CHEN Yeyuan.The problems and current situation of papaya industry in China[J].China Tropical Agriculture,2007(4):8-9.

[4] 周鹏,沈文涛,言普,黎小瑛.我国番木瓜产业发展的关键问题及对策[J].热带生物学报,2010,1(3):257-260.ZHOU Peng,SHEN Wentao,YAN Pu,LⅠXiaoying.Key problemes and solve measures of Carica papaya production in China[J].Journal of Tropical Organisms,2010,1(3):257-260.

[5] 魏岳荣,杨护,周陈平,邝瑞彬,黄炳雄,杨敏.优质丰产番木瓜新品种紫晖的选育[J].果树学报,2022,39(6):1129-1132.WEⅠYuerong,YANG Hu,ZHOU Chenping,KUANG Ruibin,HUANG Bingxiong,YANG Min.Breeding of a new papaya cultivar Zihui with good quality and high yield[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2022,39(6):1129-1132.

Breeding of a new non-transgene and small-fruit-sized papaya cultivar Huanghuayou

WU Xiaming, ZHOU Chenping, YANG Min, KUANG Ruibin, YANG Hu, HUANG Bingxiong, WEⅠYuerong*

(Institute of Fruit Tree Research, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of South Subtropical Fruit Biology and Genetic Resource Utilization,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Tree Research,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China)

Abstract:Huahuangyou is a new high-quality fruit papaya cultivar,which was crossed between Taiguohong (female parent) and the small fruit Hawaiian type GZ201301301 (male parent) by the Ⅰnstitute of Fruit Research, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2016 and 358 hybrid seeds were obtained.Ⅰn December 2016,the hybrid seeds were sown in nutrient pots in a greenhouse,and 296 healthy seedlings were obtained through conventional water and fertilizer management.Those seedlings were planted in Guangzhou Experiment Base in February 2017.According to the breeding purpose for high yield, high quality and good commercial appeal, Huahuangyou was first selected in 2017.After variety test and regional adaptability test at Guangzhou,Foshan and Zhanjiang from 2019 to 2021,it was finally selected in 2021.The plant grows vigorously with high temperature resistance, the average plant height is 288.5 cm and the crown width is 298.7 cm.The stem of the adult plant is cylindrical, gray green and hollow with 218.5 cm high and 48.3 cm thick.The leaves are dark green and the average leaf length and the width are 87.1 cm and 93.8 cm,respectively.The veins are clear and green,and the petiole is 98.2 cm long and 11.5 cm thick.The corolla is yellow while,the base is yellow green,and the corolla length and diameter are 3.7 cm and 3.2 cm, respectively.The main axis of the inflorescence is green, and the average length is about 8.8 cm.The fruit is pear-shaped with high regularity, the fruit stalk is green with an average length of about 3.5 cm,the peel of the fruit is smooth and orange yellow after ripening.The flesh is of superior quality,with orange-red color,and the taste is tender,smooth and sweet.The longitudinal and transverse diameters of the fruit are 17.3 cm and 10.3 cm,respectively.The ratio of longitudinal to transverse diameters is 1.68, and the average width of the middle fruit cavity is about 5.0 cm.The contents of soluble solid,reducing sugar,total sugar,total acid,Vitamin C and crude fiber are 13.5%,10.5 g∙100 g-1,12.8 g∙100 g-1,0.16 g∙100 g-1,84.7 mg∙100 g-1 and 0.5 g∙100 g-1,respectively.The period from planting to first flowering and planting to first harvesting was about 59 d and 177 d, respectively when the tissue culture seedlings were planted in the Pearl River Delta Region in spring.This cultivar has high yield performance, and the average number of commercial fruits per plant is 71.8 with the average single fruit weight being 790.3 g,the average yield per plant is 56.8 kg in the year of planting,and the yield is 6816 kg per 666.7 m2in the case of planting 120 plants.The storage period under normal temperature is 7 days.The variety has strong adaptability, but it is susceptible to papaya ring spot and malformed virus disease.Ⅰt is suitable for cultivation in the papaya producing areas in China and suggested to adopt rotation planting mode for sake of the prevention and control of virus disease.

Key words:Papaya;New cultivar;Huanghuayou;Superior quality









*通信作者Author for correspondence.E-mail:weid18@163.com