
李 勇,黄 锦,于 翠,莫荣利,朱志贤,董朝霞,胡兴明,邓 文*

(湖北省农业科学院经济作物研究所,武汉 430064)

摘 要楚椹1号是由竹山3号×粤诱78号杂交选育出的中熟果桑新品种。果实黑色,椭圆形,风味酸甜适中,口感好,平均单果质量4.9 g,最大单果质量5.02 g。可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)10.7%~13.4%,可滴定酸含量5.01~11.50 g·kg-1,花青素含量1 562.6~1 996.7 mg·kg-1,品质优。在武汉地区(北纬29°58′~31°22′、东经113°41′~115°05′)花期3月下旬,果实4月下旬成熟,花芽率93%~97%,坐果率91%~98%,单芽果数6~8粒,成枝力较强。越冬枝条冻枯率为2.2%,菌核病发病率1.41%,具有较强的抗寒性和抗菌核病能力。桑椹属于浆果类果实,皮薄多汁不耐贮藏。适合长江流域栽培,第2年开花结果,第3年即可进入盛果期。



1 选育经过

楚椹1号选育工作始于1994年,父本为粤诱78号,母本为竹山3 号,同年获得1000 余株一代杂交苗,分别进行枝、叶特性调查和染色体倍数鉴定,选留30份具有明显三倍体桑特征,生长旺盛,株型高、叶片大的优良株系,入冬编号移入选育圃。在1995年至1999年期间,通过对杂交后代的生物学特性研究和染色体倍数评估,初步选出了94032 优良单株。2000年至2010年,开展了稳定性和特异性研究,并开展了扩繁建圃工作。2011年,建立了品比试验圃,开展了系统观察和评估。2016年,开始在武汉、十堰和孝感等地开展多点区域试验,系统调查和评估了结果性状、果实品质、抗性和其他经济性状。2022年,楚椹1 号通过湖北省林木品种审定委员会的审定,良种编号为鄂S-SV-MA-009-2022(图1)。

图1 果桑新品种楚椹1 号
Fig.1 A new fruit mulberry cultivar Chushen 1

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

楚椹1 号树姿较直立,树冠紧凑,树势中庸,枝条长而直,发根能力强,可以扦插繁殖。节距3.5~5.0 cm,叶序2/5 或3/8,枝皮灰紫红,皮孔椭圆形,灰白色,散布匀称。冬芽呈三角状,红紫色,贴生;副芽较少而显著。叶片长心脏形,长度在20~25 cm之间,宽度在18~22 cm 之间,叶片绿色,叶尖短尾状,叶缘锯齿状,叶基心形,叶脉茸毛较密,开雌花[2-3]。

2.2 物候期

武汉地区,2月下旬露青,3月上旬进入脱苞、鹊口期,3 月中旬展叶,3 月下旬进入花期,4 月下旬初熟,采收期15~20 d。

2.3 生长结果习性

经连续无性繁殖试验,结果性状稳定,遗传性一致。在平地、浅丘陵、丘陵地区,红黄壤、黄棕壤等不同土壤类型等环境条件下均可种植(表1)。尤其在高海拔、低降雨量的十堰市丘陵地带,楚椹1号外观更好,品质优良,丰产性好(表2)。嫁接苗定植后,2 a(年)就可以结果,3 a 后就可以步入丰产期,单株产果量超过12 kg,结果性状表现稳定,成熟期4 月下旬,采收期15~20 d,桑椹风味酸甜适中,口感好,用途广泛,可兼作鲜食和加工品种。

表1 楚椹1 号区域试验性状测定(2020—2022 年)
Table 1 Character determination of Chushen 1 in regional experiment(during 2020 to 2022)


表2 楚椹1 号桑椹品质比较(2020—2022 年)
Table 2 Comparison of mulberry quality of Chushen 1(during 2020 to 2022)


2.4 果实经济性状

发芽率超过95%,生长芽率4.2%,花芽率在92.8%~97.05%,坐果率在87.8%~99.25%,单芽果数在6~8 粒,单果质量在4.86~5.02 g,果长在3.77~3.99 cm,果径在1.68~1.80 cm,株产一般在12~20 kg,666.7 m2产量为1500~2000 kg。果实整齐度好,耐贮运性中等,口感好,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)10.7%~13.4%,可滴定酸含量5.01~11.50 g·kg-1,花青素含量1 562.6~1 996.7 mg·kg-1。风味酸甜适中,口感好,用途广泛,可兼作鲜食和加工。

2.5 抗性

楚椹1 号具有较强的抗寒性,其越冬枝条冻枯率仅为2.2%,即使在早春桑芽萌发后遭遇倒春寒的条件下,其主芽也不会受到冻害,副芽仍可以正常萌发生长。然而,桑椹菌核病仍然是影响桑果产量的重要病害,根据湖北省多地果用桑园的田间调查,楚椹1 号菌核病的一般发病率1.41%,因此,为了有效地预防菌核病,应当以农业防控为根本,综合运用物理、生物和化学措施,加强对桑椹菌核病的监测和防控,以期取得良好的效果。

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 建园栽培模式

定植前深翻整地,依据地形按株行距(1.0~2.0)m×(3.0~3.5)m挖深80 cm、宽100 cm的栽植沟,并每666.7 m2施有机肥1 t 以上,树形采用开心形拳式养成树形,主干高度50 cm,二级干长度30 cm。

3.2 土肥水管理


3.3 整形修剪

采取开心形拳式养成树形,主干高50 cm,整形带15~20 cm,整形带内错落着生3个主枝,主枝呈仰角,与垂直面夹角45°~50°,3 主枝的片面夹角各120°(俯视),枝梢在同一个平面上,每个主枝上着生3~4 个侧枝。果实采收后进行夏季整形修剪,冬季修剪主要是剪梢和下垂枯弱枝。

3.4 花果管理


3.5 病虫害防治



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[4] 于洁,韩智宏,郭俊英,高俊兰,孙明娜,杨璐,丁天龙,邓永进.果桑新品种桑梓1 号的选育[J]. 果树学报,2021,38(10):1824-1827.YU Jie,HAN Zhihong,GUO Junying,GAO Junlan,SUN Mingna,YANG Lu,DING Tianlong,DENG Yongjin.Breeding report on a new fruit mulberry cultivar Sangzi 1[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2021,38(10):1824-1827.

Breeding report of a new fruit mulberry cultivar Chushen 1

LI Yong, HUANG Jin, YU Cui, MO Rongli, ZHU Zhixian, DONG Zhaoxia, HU Xingming, DENG Wen*

(Cash Crops Research Institute,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China)

Abstract: Chushen 1 is a medium-season ripening and fruit-purposed mulberry variety with excellent appearance.The seedling was derived from a cross between Zhushan3 and Yueyou78 in 1994 at the experimental field.From 1995 to 1999,we investigated the persistent biological characteristics and identified the chromosome ploidy of the hybrid progeny, and selected the superior single plant coded No.94032. From 2000 to 2010, we investigated its stability, specificity and propagation methods, and in 2011, a comparative nursery was established for systematic observation and identification. In 2016,multi-site regional trials(situated in Wuhan,Shiyan and Xiaogan)were conducted and named Chu Fruit No.1,and in 2022 it was approved by the Hubei Province Variety Examination and Approval Committee. Chushen 1 tree is more erect with compact crown, moderate tree vigor, long and straight branches and strong rooting ability, and it can be propagated by cuttings. The internode distance is 3.5-5.0 cm,leaf order is 2/5 or 3/8,branch bark is gray purplish red,and lenticel is elliptic,gray white and scattered symmetry.The winter buds are triangular,and red and purple flowers are adnate;the accessory buds are few and remarkable. The leaves are elliptic, 20-25 cm in length and 1.8-22.0 cm in width. They are green,with a short tail-like tip and a serrated edge,a shallow heart-shaped base,and a dense hairy vein with female flowers.The fruit of Chushen 1 is black,oval,moderate sweet and sour flavor,which had a good taste,The average fruit weight was 4.9 g, and the maximum fruit weight was 5.02 g.The content of soluble solid is 10.7%-13.4%,the content of titratable acid is 5.01-11.50 g·kg-1,the content of anthocyanin is 1 562.6-1 996.7 mg·kg-1, and it has excellent quality.The fruit ripens in late April in Wuhan area(29°58′-31°22′N,113°41′-115°05′E).The flower bud rate is 93%-97%,the fruit set rate is 91%-98%, the number of fruit per bud is 6-8, and the branch-forming ability is strong. The incidence of freezing blight and sclerotinia sclerotiorum is 2.2% and 1.41%, respectively. It has strong cold resistance and resistance to sclerotinia sclerotiorum.The fruit of mulberry belongs to the berry fruit, so thin and juicy skin is not resistant to storage.It is suitable for cultivation in the Yangtze River valley,this variety can bear fruits next year after planted, and in the third year it can enter the full fruit period. Orchard should be chosen on deep soil layer which is of loose texture, high content of organic matter,good drainage, moderate pH value and far away from pollution source. The spacing in the rows and spacing between rows are (1.0-2.0) m × (3.0-3.5) m. It is recommended to adhere to the principle of good spring fertilizer, re-application of summer fertilizer, multi-application of organic fertilizer, open canopy, the trunk height of 50 cm, and the lateral shoot length of 30 cm. Based on agricultural control,other procedures should be conducted, including comprehensive physical, biological and chemical control measures,scientific and rational use of chemical pesticides,and effective control of mulberry sclerotinia sclerotiorum,mulberry gall midge,mulberry longicorn and other diseases and pests.

Key words:Fruit mulberry;New cultivar;Chushen 1









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:027-87106001,E-mail:dengwen@hbaas.ac.cn