
司 鹏1,2,邵 微2,3,徐国益2,于会丽2,谢 宁2,杜国强1*

1河北农业大学园艺学院,河北保定 071000;2中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009;3河南农业大学林学院,郑州 450002)

摘 要:【目的】探讨柠檬酸、草酸与氮磷钾肥配施对葡萄产量、果实品质、养分吸收的影响,并筛选出最适低分子质量有机酸与应用浓度,为阳光玫瑰葡萄提质增香专用肥料的研发提供参考。【方法】以施用氮磷钾肥为对照,设置5%与10%的柠檬酸(LC与HC)、草酸(LO与HO)与氮磷钾肥配施为处理,测定葡萄单果质量、产量、品质、养分及香气物质含量等指标。【结果】与对照相比,10%草酸处理葡萄产量显著升高36.18%,硬度显著升高11.94%。5%草酸处理下果实可溶性固形物含量与可溶性糖含量均为最高,分别较对照显著升高18.75%与69.21%;5%柠檬酸、草酸处理果实糖酸比显著升高,10%柠檬酸、草酸处理果实维生素C含量显著升高。草酸处理显著提高了葡萄果实感官肉质风味与综合评价指标。5%草酸处理较对照显著降低了叶片中NPK含量,而10%柠檬酸处理果实NPK含量均有所升高,其中P与K含量较对照显著升高60.42%与24.02%;施用柠檬酸与草酸均增加了葡萄果实香气物质含量,其中10%柠檬酸处理醛类物质含量最低,为61%。【结论】草酸与氮磷钾配施提升了阳光玫瑰葡萄产量与品质,其中以10%草酸效果最佳。




1 材料和方法

1.1 试验地基本情况

试验在河南省新乡市获嘉县亢村镇凯富葡萄农庄(35°09′28″N,113°42′17″E)进行。该地区属于黄河流域,年平均降水量为542.15 mm。

1.2 供试材料

供试土壤:表层土壤pH 为8.9,有机质含量(w,后同)0.26%,有效磷(P)含量32.60 mg·kg-1,速效钾(K)含量113.40 mg·kg-1,氨态氮含量4.30 mg·kg-1,硝态氮含量7.70 mg·kg-1


供试作物:5年生阳光玫瑰葡萄,株行距1.5 m×3.0 m。

1.3 试验处理

试验设置不同浓度的柠檬酸、草酸与氮磷钾肥配施处理共5 个,详见表1。其中磷钾肥由尿素、硝酸钾及磷酸二氢钾组成,依据葡萄产量设定全年氮(N)144.00 kg·hm- 2,磷(P2O5)68.06 kg·hm- 2,钾(K2O)147.86 kg·hm-2。按照需肥规律,分别在萌芽期、幼果期、膨大期以及采前20 d 4个时期施肥。每个时期氮磷钾水溶肥中纯氮磷钾养分(N-P2O5-K2O)施用量占全年施用量的比例分别为40%-15%-15%、30%-40%-15%、20%-30%-40%、10%-15%-30%。依据每次施肥量,将低分子有机酸与氮磷钾肥直接混合称样溶解后用施肥枪施入树冠2/3 深度20 cm处。每个处理设置4 个重复小区,每个小区4 株树,小区之间间隔2 株树,各小区完全随机排列。其他栽培与病虫害等相关田间管理均保持一致。

表1 阳光玫瑰葡萄施肥处理方案
Table 1 Fertilization program for the Shine Muscat grapes

Note:5%and 10%refer to the ratio of the mass of low molecular organic acid to the total mass of low molecular organic acid and annual fertilizer application.


2019年9月6日成熟时,每个处理4个重复小区,每个小区从阴阳面随机采摘8 穗果与20 枚叶片,并从果穗上中下部位随机选取果粒80粒,用于测定单粒质量、果实纵横径等指标。果皮去皮后将果肉部分经液氮处理后存于-80 ℃,用于葡萄香气物质的测定。叶片经杀青后与果实一起烘干用于叶片与果实氮磷钾的测定。

1.4 测定项目与方法

1.4.1 单粒质量、单穗质量与产量测定 用精度为0.01 g 的电子天平称量单粒质量,用普通电子天平称量单穗质量。产量计算:产量=每小区平均单穗质量×平均单株挂果量×每666.7 m2株数,各指标均为4次重复。

1.4.2 果实品质指标测定 果粒随机果实硬度采用硬度计(GY-1,浙江托普仪器有限公司,中国)测量,使用手持式数字折光仪(PR-101;ATAGO)测量可溶性固形物含量。可溶性糖含量使用蒽酮法测定[17],维生素C含量采用2,6-二氯酚靛酚法测定[18],可滴定酸含量(TA)采用NaOH滴定法测定[19]。果实纵径和横径采用游标卡尺测量,果形指数为纵径与横径的比值。

1.4.3 葡萄果实感官评价 采用10分制,组织15人以上的品鉴小组(每组男女比例为1∶1,年龄分布为24~50 周岁),通过人体视觉、味觉等对各处理葡萄果实进行打分并计算最终得分,打分参照张振文等[20]、刘崇怀等[21]的方法。

1.4.4 叶片与果实NPK 测定 采用H2SO4-H2O2消煮[19],全自动间断化学分析仪(Clever Chem 380,德国)测定叶片与果实N含量,采用钼蓝比色法测定叶片与果实P 含量,用原子吸收分光光度计(AAS ZEEnit 700P,Jena,德国)测定叶片与果实K含量。

1.4.5 果实香气物质的测定 仪器与试剂:固相微萃取头65 μm PDMS/DVB(美国Supleco 公司);气相色谱质谱联用仪7890-5975C GC/MS(美国Agilent 公司);色谱柱DB-225MS(30.00 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm)。化学试剂均为色谱纯。

参照前人的方法[3,7,22]提取葡萄果实中的挥发性物质:取葡萄果肉150 g 制成匀浆后,取50 g 果浆6000 r·min-1 离心15 min 后过滤,取8 mL 上清液60 ℃条件下水浴15 min,加入NaCl 3 g,加盖封口。插入萃取头,105 ℃条件下吸附40 min,950 r·min-1搅拌。吸附后将萃取头插入气相色谱进样口,250 ℃解吸附萃取头10 min,同时启动仪器采集数据。

质谱条件:电离方式EI,电离能量70 eV,离子源温度250 ℃,扫描质量范围为50~550 amu。

1.5 数据分析

采用Microsoft Excel 2007 进行数据处理与作图;用SPSS 17.0进行单因素方差分析与综合得分分析,以p<0.05作为显著性的标准。

2 结果与分析

2.1 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄果实单果质量、果形指数、穗质量及产量的影响

柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄果形指数、单穗质量及产量,见表2。与对照相比,草酸(LO与HO)处理果形指数无显著差异,而HC 处理则显著下降。柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄单穗质量无显著差异,其中HO 单穗质量最重,显著重于LO。比较各处理葡萄产量可知,两种有机酸处理下葡萄产量均有所升高,其中柠檬酸(LC与HC)与LO较对照无显著差异,而HO较对照显著升高36.18%。

表2 柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄的果形指数、单穗质量及产量
Table 2 Fruit shape index,grain weight per panicle and yield of grapes with citric acid and oxalic acid

Note: Different small letters in each column indicate significant differences among different treatments.(p<0.05).The same below.


2.2 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄果实品质的影响

柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄的果实品质相关指标如表3。与对照相比,LC 与HC 处理的葡萄果实的硬度显著降低了19.03%与23.87%,而草酸处理则增加了果实硬度,其中HO 较对照显著升高11.94%。两种有机酸均较对照提升了果实可溶性固形物与可溶性糖含量,其中LO处理下两者含量均为最高,分别较对照显著升高18.75%与69.21%。柠檬酸与草酸处理葡萄果实可滴定酸含量与对照无显著差异,而同一有机酸的低浓度处理均低于高浓度处理,其中HC 处理果实可滴定酸含量显著高于LC 处理。柠檬酸与草酸处理均较对照升高了果实的糖酸比,其中LC 与LO 分别较对照显著升高37.05%与67.37%。与对照相比,高浓度处理显著升高了果实维生素C 含量,其中HC 与HO 显著升高34.39%与38.74%,而LC与LO则与对照无显著差异。

表3 柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄果实的品质指标
Table 3 Fruit quality indexes of grapes with citric acid and oxalic acid


柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄果实的感官评价列于表4。与对照相比,柠檬酸处理下葡萄外观品质无显著差异,HO显著提高了葡萄果实外观品质,而LO则显著降低。对于果实肉质风味而言,柠檬酸处理(LC 与HC)较对照无显著差异,而草酸处理(LO 与HO)则较对照显著升高。与对照相比,草酸处理(LO 与HO)显著增加了葡萄果实品尝综合评分,其中LO 与HO 分别较对照增加了21.40%与11.53%,而柠檬酸处理(LC与HC)则与对照无显著差异。

表4 柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄果实的感官评价
Table 4 Sensory evaluation of grape with citric acid and oxalic acid


2.3 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄养分吸收的影响

柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄叶片与果实的养分含量如图1所示。比较各处理叶片N与P含量可知,柠檬酸处理与对照无显著差异,其中HC 处理叶片N与P 含量均为最高,而LO 则较对照分别显著降低15.52%与22.68%。叶片K含量:柠檬酸与草酸均降低了叶片K 含量,其中草酸(LO 与HO)处理叶片K含量最低,较对照显著降低30.74%与29.6%。与对照相比,柠檬酸与草酸处理果实N 含量均无显著差异。柠檬酸与草酸处理果实P 含量均显著高于对照。HC 处理果实N、P、K 含量均为最高,其中果实P、K含量较对照显著升高60.42%与24.02%。

图1 柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄叶片与果实氮、磷、钾含量
Fig.1 Nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium content of grape leaves and fruit with citric acid and oxalic acid

Different small letters indicate significant differences among different treatments(p<0.05).The same below.

2.4 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄香气物质的影响

如表5 可知,葡萄果实中的香气物质的种类主要分为醇、醛、酮、烷烃、烯烃、苯衍生物类等香气物质。柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄果实中香气化合物的种类与相对含量存在差异。不同处理间阳光玫瑰葡萄果肉香气化合物中,醛类物质在各处理的相对含量在61%~94%,其中LO最高,HC最低。HC处理醇类相对含量最高为36%,而其他处理仅为1%~4%。柠檬酸与草酸的添加,增加了葡萄果肉中的酯类化合物,其中HO 相对含量与种类数最高,分别为2%与9。与对照相比,LC增加了葡萄酮类化合物的相对含量与种类数,而降低烷烃类化合物的相对含量与种类数。比较各处理化合物种类发现,柠檬酸与草酸均增加了葡萄果实香气化合物种类,其中以HC最高,为38种,其次为HO,数量为37。这表明高浓度柠檬酸与草酸处理增加了葡萄果实中的香气物质的种类。

表5 柠檬酸与草酸处理下葡萄果实中各类香气化合物的种类数和相对含量
Table 5 Kind number and relative contents of aromatic components in grapes with citric acid and oxalic acid


2.5 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄果实品质与养分吸收的综合分析

为了明确柠檬酸与草酸处理对阳光玫瑰葡萄果实品质与养分吸收的影响,本文中将21个相关指标用SPSS 进行了主成分分析。4 个主成分的特征值均大于1(表6),前3个主成分的特征值分别为8.37、6.63与4.68,而贡献率为39.84%、31.59%及22.30%,4个主成分累积贡献率为100%,表明分析结果包含了所测指标的全部信息。

表6 柠檬酸与草酸处理葡萄养分与品质指标的主成分特征值与方差贡献率
Table 6 Eigenvalues and variance contribution rate of principal component analysis for indexes of grape nutrient and quality with citric acid and oxalic acid


如表7 所示,不同浓度柠檬酸与草酸处理对阳光玫瑰葡萄养分与品质的影响不同,其中草酸综合得分均为正值,而柠檬酸处理则均为负值。另外,HC处理得分最低,仅为-1.26,排名低于对照。阳光玫瑰葡萄养分与品质的综合分析表明,草酸处理优于柠檬酸,其中HO优于LO。

表7 柠檬酸与草酸处理葡萄果实养分与品质的综合分析
Table 7 Comprehensive PCA results of fruit nutrients and quality of grape fruit with citric acid and oxalic acid


3 讨 论

3.1 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄果实穗质量与产量的影响

柠檬酸与草酸作为植物光合作用的直接或者间接产物,与植物碳代谢密切相关[23-25]。研究发现,外源柠檬酸和草酸可增强植物的非生物胁迫耐受性,提高叶绿素含量与光合效率,进而促进作物生长与产量的提升[26]。本文结果表明,两者与氮磷钾肥配施均增加了葡萄产量,其中10%草酸显著升高。草酸通过显著提高刺梨坐果率与单果质量,从而显著促进了刺梨产量的增加,其中以10 g·株-1效果最佳[16]。邵微等[8]提出5%柠檬酸、草酸与氮磷钾配施均可增加梨的单果质量,显著提高红宝石梨产量。柠檬酸最佳喷施浓度与果树的树种密切相关。0.05%柠檬酸喷施处理下柠檬的单果质量与产量均为最高,瓦伦西亚橙的最适浓度则为0.1%[27],而400 mg·kg-1柠檬酸喷施可显著促进脐橙叶片生长与单株树产量增加[28]。García-Pastor等[29]发现,叶面喷施草酸可显著增加石榴产量:草酸处理提高了叶片中Rubisco 活化酶、PSⅡ氧气释放复合蛋白等的含量,引发叶片光合速率的升高与果实单果质量的增加。另外,叶面喷施草酸增强了火龙果果实中DPPH 自由基清除力与总抗氧化能力,因而在降低火龙果裂果率的同时促进了产量的增加[30]

3.2 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄果实品质的影响

柠檬酸与草酸作为构成果实风味与口感的重要有机酸,在果实发育过程中发挥着重要作用[31-33]。笔者在本研究中发现,与对照相比,柠檬酸与草酸处理均增加了葡萄果实可溶性固形物与可溶性糖含量,升高了果实糖酸比,其中以5%柠檬酸与草酸显著升高。与此结果保持一致,5%柠檬酸、草酸与氮磷钾配施有利于红宝石梨果实中的可溶性固形物与可溶性糖含量提高[8]。而花期前后叶面喷施500~1500 mg·kg-1柠檬酸亦可显著增加梨果实可溶性固形物与可溶性糖含量[11]。Mandour 等[12]也发现,2 mg·L-1柠檬酸喷施显著提高了两茬草莓果实可溶性固形物含量。另外,El-Al等[34]在研究柠檬酸在叶面喷施与土壤改良两种方式对甜椒的作用效果时发现,叶面喷施与土施均能提高甜椒中可溶性固形物含量。叶面喷施草酸提高了草莓果实总糖量与糖酸比,同时降低了可滴定酸含量[35]。另外,分析两种有机酸对阳光玫瑰葡萄感官评价的影响时,发现草酸处理显著提升了果实肉质风味与品尝综合评分,但对果实外观品质的影响不一,其中10%草酸显著提升了外观感官评价分值,而5%草酸则显著降低。


3.3 柠檬酸与草酸处理对葡萄养分吸收的影响


4 结 论

5%柠檬酸与草酸(5%和10%)均促进了阳光玫瑰葡萄果实品质的提升,以10%草酸与氮磷钾配施效果最佳,显著提高了葡萄666.7 m2产量、可溶性固形物以及维生素C 含量,显著促进了葡萄果实感官评价值的提升。虽然10%柠檬酸与氮磷钾配施显著提升了果实磷钾含量,但其对葡萄果实品质与养分吸收的综合效果较对照差。柠檬酸与草酸处理均增加了葡萄果实香气物质的种类,10%柠檬酸与氮磷钾配施降低了葡萄香气物质中醛类物质的比例。


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Effects of different concentrations of citric acid and oxalic acid on yield,quality and nutrient absorption of grape

SI Peng1,2,SHAO Wei2,3,XU Guoyi2,YU Huili2,XIE Ning2,DU Guoqiang1*

(1College of Horticulture, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China;2Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450009, Henan, China;3College of Forestry, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002,Henan,China)

Abstract:ObjectiveShine Muscat grape is characterized by large berry size,yellow-green peel,crisp and juicy flesh, and rose fragrance, with soluble solids content higher than 20%. In addition, this grape variety has the advantages of disease resistance,high yield,high quality,and good storage and transportation performance. It has been favored by consumers, with high economic value and great market potential. Due to excessive expansion of fruit production and unscientific fertilization, soil hardening and the soil ecosystems deterioration is becoming more and more serious, leading to tree malnutrition and fruit quality decline.All these ultimately seriously restrict the high-quality and efficient development of the grape industry.Citric acid and oxalic acid,as rhizosphere exudates,can activate mineral elements in soil by affecting the rhizosphere microenvironment and microbial community, and participate in the nitrogen cycle,thereby enhancing plant nutrient absorption.Therefore,citric acid and oxalic acid have the potential as fertilizer synergists, but there are few reports on their effects in improving the quality and aroma of grapes and on utilization rate of fertilizers.The effects of citric acid and oxalic acid combined with NPK fertilizer on berry quality, nutrients, and aroma substances were examined and the optimum organic acid application concentrations were screened to provide a reference for the research and development of special fertilizer for improving the quality and aroma of Shine Muscat grape.MethodsIn this paper,application of NPK fertilizer alone was used as the control,and the combination with application of 5%or 10%citric acid(LC or HC,respectively)or 5%or 10%oxalic acid(LO or HO,respectively)was set.Berry quality,yield,nutritional components,and aroma content were determined.ResultsCompared with the control,fruit firmness was significantly increased by HO treatment but significantly decreased by citric acid treatment.Compared with the control,the grape yield of HO treatment was significantly increased by 36.18%. The soluble solids and soluble sugars in the berry under LO treatment were the highest,significantly increased by 18.75%and 69.21%compared with the control,respectively.Compared with the control,the ratio of sugar to acid in fruits treated with low concentration of organic acids (LC and LO) increased significantly, and vitamin C content in treatments with high concentration of organic acids (HC and HO) was significantly increased. There was no significant difference in grape appearance quality under citric acid treatment, and HO significantly increased grape appearance quality,while LO significantly decreased.There was no significant difference in grape flesh flavor sensory score between the citric acid treatments and the control,but oxalic acid treatments significantly improved grape flavor sensory score. In addition, the oxalic acid treatments also significantly increased the comprehensive score of grape sensory evaluation compared with the control, by 21.40% and 11.53%in LO and HO,respectively.Compared with the control,LO treatment significantly reduced nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents in the leaves.There was no significant difference in the nitrogen content in fruits between citric acid and oxalic acid treatments. Fruit phosphorus content in the treatments with citric acid or oxalic acid was significantly higher than the control.The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in fruit in HC treatment were the highest, and phosphorus and potassium in fruit were significantly increased by 60.42% and 24.02%, respectively, compared with the control.The differences in aroma compounds in different treatments showed that the composition and content of aroma substances in Shine Muscat fruit were significantly changed by citric acid or oxalic acid application. Citric acid and oxalic acid increased aroma compounds in the berries.As for aroma compounds in the flesh of Shine Muscat grape, the relative content of aldehydes in each treatment was in a range of 61%-94%. The LO treatment had the highest aldehyde content and HC had the lowest. The highest relative content of alcohols was found in HC treatment(36%),while that in the other treatments was only 1%-4%. In the treatment of HC, the highest number of aroma substances were detected,which was 38,followed by 37 in HO.The result indicated that high concentrations of citric acid or oxalic acid increased the variety of aroma substances in grapefruits.ConclusionOxalic acid treatment improved the yield and quality of Shine Muscat grape,and the best effect was found in 10%oxalic acid.

Key words:Grape;Citric acid;Oxalic acid;Fruit quality;Yield









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:0312-7528300,E-mail:gdu@hebau.edu.cn