
郭 靖1,韩政伟1,潘 越1,张振飞1,2,杨新荣1

1新疆林科院园林绿化研究所,乌鲁木齐 830092;2新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052)

摘 要:秋立蒙是2006年在新疆伊犁州发现的乡土树种,在伊犁河流域和昌吉州奇台县具有几十年栽培历史,具体亲本不详。秋立蒙果实扁圆锥形,底色黄绿,阳面有洋红晕或霞,果面光滑,肉质较细、较软,果柄处有果锈,果汁多,风味甜酸,香气浓郁;纵径5 cm左右,横径在7 cm左右,平均单果质量120 g。可溶性糖含量(w,后同)3.16%,可溶性固形物含量11.1%,总酸含量3.17 mg·g-1,维生素C(抗坏血酸)含量3.98 mg·100g-1。果实生育期140~150 d,在新疆北疆地区果实9月上、中旬成熟,属于中熟品种,植株生长势极强,树冠高大。植株适应性强,较耐瘠薄,耐寒能力强,在新疆北疆地区可直立越冬。在新疆北疆苹果适宜栽培区均可种植,嫁接苗第3年开始少量开花结果,第5年进入丰产期,每666.7 m2产量可达3000 kg。


新疆是我国苹果的重要产区,新疆苹果甘甜味厚,口感上佳,广受国内外消费者喜爱[1]。但新疆苹果品种结构单一,栽培品种以富士系为主,缺乏合理的品种搭配,优良的黄色、绿色系品种和早、中熟品种配置不足[2]。伊犁是新疆最主要的苹果种植地区,伊犁河谷之地的苹果栽培历史悠久,具有丰富的苹果种质资源[3]。但新疆的一些野生和地方苹果种质资源由于人为和环境的影响,种群数量正在大量减少,部分种质逐步消失[1]。因此为积极开展新疆地方苹果种质资源的调查与选育,合理利用新疆丰富的苹果种质资源开发选育出更多的不同成熟期、不同用途和抗逆性较强的新疆乡土苹果,丰富新疆苹果种植品种,推动新疆苹果产业更合理发展,经过7 a(年)的调查与试验,选育出了一种中熟的新疆乡土苹果—秋立蒙。

1 选育经过

秋立蒙,又名“闻香苹果”,伊犁当地人俗称为“二秋子”。该品种是伊犁州乡土树种,亲本不详,在伊犁河流域和昌吉州奇台县具有几十年栽培历史,品种性状稳定,是新疆北疆优良苹果品种,多在伊犁州的各县市和奇台县果园、庭院内栽培,以其独特的香气畅销。因其种植面积小一直未被发现推广。自2006 年发现后开始连续多年观察,发现其性状稳定。2014年开始进一步进行区域化栽培试验,通过嫁接技术,在特克斯县、塔城市和奇台县进行区试和建园,同时对该品种物候期、生物学特性、果实品质、栽培技术要点等进行了全面的调查记录,研究表明该品种生物学特性稳定。

为进一步研究秋立蒙与新疆现有栽培苹果品种的区别,2021 年6 月采用SSR 分子标记技术对秋立蒙和国光、富士、海棠等24 个品种进行了苹果种质指纹图谱鉴定(图1,图2)。结果表明,引物MOG1:上游引物5’—3’(AATACGCGATCCAGACAAGG)下游引物3’—5’(TGCCAAACTCCAAATTCTCC),引物MOG6:上游引物5’—3’(CTCTCAAGGTCGTCTCCACC)下游引物3’—5’(TTGGGCTTGTACCAGAGCTT),引物MOG19:上游引物5’—3’(GATTCCAACTGGGGTTAGCA)下游引物3’—5’(CTTAATCGCCGACACCATCT),可以将24份苹果样品进行有效区分;秋立蒙与其他23个苹果品种种质都不相同,可以确定为独立的种质。

图1 各引物对24 份苹果样品SSR 标记电泳图
Fig.1 Electrophoretic map of SSR markers in 24 apple samples with each primer

a.MOG1;b.MOG6;c.MOG19;1~24 分别是奶白果子、孜莫夫卡、夏油果子、蒙派斯、秋立蒙、洋芋果子、夏立蒙、斯塔干、阿吐努克、斯托诺维、王林1 号、王林、维纳斯黄金、黄元帅、玻璃海棠、八棱海棠、佳木1 号、粉红女士、嘎啦、玛平1 号、国光、富士、小苹果、长富2 号。
a.MOG1;b.MOG6;c.MOG19;The numbers from 1 to 24 represent Naibaiguozi,Zimokafu,Xiayouguozi,Mengpaisi,Qiulimeng,Yangyuguozi,Xialimeng,Sitagan,Atunuke,Situonuowei,Wanglin 1,Orin,Weinasihuangjin,Golden Delicious,Bolihaitang,Malus robusta Rehd,Jiamu 1,Pink Lady,Gala,Maping 1,Ralls Janet,Fuji,Xiaopingguo,Changfu 2,respectively.

图2 24 份苹果样品的指纹图谱
Fig.2 Fingerprints of 24 apple samples

2021 年通过新疆维吾尔自治区林业和草原局优良品种审定,定名为秋立蒙(良种编号:新S-SVMP-016-2021)。

2 品种特性

2.1 植物学特征

秋立蒙植株生长势极强,树冠高大,树姿开张,树冠呈圆头形。多年生枝阳面灰褐色,阴面绿褐色,1年生枝紫褐色,有皮孔,中粗,横生或下垂,节间中长,皮孔中密、小、椭圆形。叶片大,长12.5 cm,宽8.5 cm,椭圆形,叶面浅绿色。叶背茸毛中多,叶缘锯齿浅、钝圆,叶柄长约4 cm。

2.2 生长结果习性

秋立蒙幼树生长旺盛,嫁接当年苗高1~1.2 m,嫁接苗第3年开始少量开花结果,以短、中果枝结果为主,有腋花芽结果习性,第5年进入丰产期。采前落果较重,可在落果前10~15 d 喷施萘乙酸,以喷湿果柄处为主;可在生理落果前20~30 d 追肥和叶面喷肥,按不同成熟度及时地分批次采摘,从而降低落果率。

2.3 物候期

秋立蒙在新疆北疆地区4月中旬萌芽,5月上旬开花,果实9月上、中旬成熟,果实生育期140~150 d(表1)。

表1 秋立蒙苹果物候期(特克斯县)
Table 1 Phenology of Qiulimeng apple in Tekes County,Yili,Xinjiang

年份Year 2017 2018 2019 2020萌芽期Date of leaf bud sprouting 4月中旬Mid Apr.4月中旬Mid Apr.4月中旬Mid Apr.4月中旬Mid Apr.展叶期Leaf spreading stage 4月下旬Late Apr.4月下旬Late Apr.4月下旬Late Apr.4月下旬Late Apr.初花期Date of initial blooming 5月中旬Mid May 5月上旬Early May 5月上旬Early May 5月中旬Mid May盛花期Date of full blooming 5月中旬Mid May 5月中旬Mid May 5月中旬Mid May 5月中旬Mid May果实着色期Date of Fruit coloring 8月中旬Mid Aug.8月中旬Mid Aug.8月中旬Mid Aug.8月中旬Mid Aug.果实成熟期Date of fruit maturity 9月上旬Early Sept.9月上旬Early Sept.9月中旬Mid Sept.9月中旬Mid Sept.

2.4 果实经济性状

秋立蒙果实扁圆锥形,纵径5 cm 左右,横径在7 cm左右,平均单果质量120 g;果面光滑,底色黄绿,阳面有洋红晕或霞,果点小,果柄处有果锈(图3);肉质较细、较软,果汁多,味酸甜;香气浓郁且保留时间长,在秋立蒙果实中检测到香气挥发物主要成分有20种,其中酯类6种、醛类3种、醇类2种、酮类3种、其他6种,检测到的特征香气成分有2-甲基丁酸丁酯、己醛、1-己醇、2-甲基丁酸己酯等;可溶性糖含量(w,后同)3.16%,可溶性固形物含量11.1%,总酸含量3.17 mg·g-1,维生素C(抗坏血酸)含量3.98 mg·100 g-1,均高于同期上架的奶白果子;果实常温下可存放数日,果实蔫瘪但不宜腐烂。主要用于鲜食,亦可做闻香苹果。秋立蒙与奶白果子主要性状比较见表2。

表2 秋立蒙与奶白果子苹果主要性状比较
Table 2 Comparison of main characters between Naibaiguozi and Qiulimeng

性状Character单果质量Average fruit mass/g果实纵径Fruit longitudinal diameter/mm果实横径Fruit transverse diameter/mm w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%w(可溶性糖)Soluble sugar/%w(维生素C)Vitamin C content/(mg·g-1)w(总酚)Total phenol content/(mg·g-1)果实形状Fruit shape果实底色Ground color果面光滑度Fruit surface smoothness果点大小Fruit point size汁液多少Amount of juice of flesh风味Flavor香气Aroma果肉质地Fruit quality of a material果肉粗细Coarseness of flesh秋立蒙Qiulimeng 120.0 a 50.0 a 70.0 a 11.1 a 3.16 a 3.98 a 3.17 a扁圆锥形Oblate cone黄绿Green yellow光滑Smooth小Small多Many酸甜Sour and sweet浓Rich较软Soft较细Exquisite奶白果子Naibaiguozi 110.0 a 45.0 b 68.0 a 10.7 a 2.95 b 3.22 b 2.24 b扁圆锥形Oblate cone淡绿色Light green光滑Smooth中Medium中Medium较酸Comparative acid浓Rich软Soft较细Exquisite

图3 秋立蒙果实
Fig.3 Fruit of Qiulimeng

2.5 特异性和抗逆性


3 果实产量及经济效益

连续3 a观察数据表明,该品种每666.7 m2产量3000 kg 左右,略高于奶白果子产量(表3)。其香气浓郁、独特,常温下可存放数日,果实失水蔫瘪但不易腐烂,可持续散发香味,适宜在室内代替香薰,深受消费者喜爱。经调查,该品种市场售价显著高于同期成熟品种,经济效益显著。

表3 秋立蒙和奶白果子产量调查(特克斯县)
Table 3 Investigation on the yield of Qiulimeng and
Naibaiguozi in Tekes County

注:特克斯县区域试验点,株行距3 m×3 m。
Note:Regional test site in Tekes County,Plant row spacing 3 m×3 m.

年份Year 2017 2018 2019品种Cultivar秋立蒙Qiulimeng奶白果子Naibaiguozi秋立蒙Qiulimeng奶白果子Naibaiguozi秋立蒙Qiulimeng奶白果子Naibaiguozi平均单果质量Average fruit mass/g 116.0 98.0 122.0 110.0 119.0 115.0单株产量Yield per plant/kg 40.0 30.0 42.0 35.0 41.0 38.0折合每666.7 m2产量Yield per 666.7 m2/kg 2950.0 2220.0 3100.0 2590.0 3050.0 2812.0

4 栽培技术要点

该品种宜采用嫁接无性繁殖育苗,乔化砧木以新疆野苹果为宜,矮化砧木以新疆野苹果+KM23+秋立蒙为宜,主栽品种为秋立蒙,授粉树推荐采用海棠、新苹2号、新苹3号,主栽品种与授粉树的比例为5∶1到8∶1;秋立蒙株行距一般需根据建园的立地条件来定,如果土壤及水、肥条件较好可采用矮化砧木苗建园,栽植株行距为(1.5~3)m×(3~4)m,每666.7 m2栽55~148 株;以乔化砧木苗建园,栽植株行距为(3~4)m×(4~5)m,每666.7 m2栽33~55株。推荐株行距3 m×5 m,每666.7 m2可栽44株;由于秋立蒙树体长势强,树冠高大,新疆北疆气候寒冷,应注意整形修剪,采取控冠致矮技术,树形矮对抵御寒冷有一定作用,树形选择中干开心形为宜;栽后第一年在定干的基础上,夏季进行扭梢,冬季进行短截。栽后第2年、第3年春季进行拉枝,夏季扭梢控制旺梢和竞争梢,冬季进行短截。栽后第4 年、第5 年春季进行扭梢、拉枝,夏季对徒长枝进行造伤控长,冬季疏除大于主枝粗度1/4 的旺枝、背上枝、下垂枝、交叉枝等。该品种对水肥以及病虫害防治等方面无特殊要求,只是为控制成熟期落果问题需在8 月上中旬补充1~2次钾肥,其余与富士系等主栽品种管理措施一致,保证各生长期水肥充足、注意入冬前灌水即可。


[1] 刘金爱,郭德明,高栾,于丹.新疆苹果出口现状及对策:基于和山东省的比较[J].林业经济,2016,38(11):60-62.LIU Jin’ai,GUO Deming,GAO Luan,YU Dan. The study on present situation and countermeasure of apple export in Xinjiang:Based on the comparison with Shandong province[J].Forestry Economics,2016,38(11):60-62.

[2] 王继勋,梅闯,闫鹏,冯贝贝.新疆苹果产业现状、存在问题及对策建议[J].农村科技,2022(3):65-70.WANG Jixun,MEI Chuang,YAN Peng,FENG Beibei. Current situation,existing problems and countermeasures of apple industry in Xinjiang[J].Rural Science&Technology,2022(3):65-70.

[3] 章世奎.新疆苹果种质资源特征研究[D].乌鲁木齐:新疆农业大学,2015.ZHANG Shikui. The research of characteristic on apple germplasm resources in Xinjiang[D]. Urumqi:Xinjiang Agricultural Universit y,2015.

Breeding of a Xinjiang native mid-season apple variety,Qiulimeng

GUO Jing1,HAN Zhengwei1,PAN Yue1,ZHANG Zhenfei1,2,YANG Xinrong1
(1Institute of landscape architecture,Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences,Urumqi 830092,Xinjiang,China;2College of resources and environment,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,Xinjiang,China)

Abstract:Qiulimeng is a native variety found in Ili Prefecture of Xinjiang in 2006.It has been cultivated for decades in the Ili River basin and Qitai County of Changji Prefecture, and its parents are unknown. Because of its small planting area, it has not been well-known and promoted. Since its discovery, regional tests have been carried out in three regions in Northern Xinjiang (Tekes County, Tacheng City and Qitai County) for seven years.After years of continuous evaluation and observation, it shows that the biological characteristics of this variety are stable.Finally,it was certified as an improved variety in 2021 and named Qiulimeng.Qiulimeng plants grow very strongly,with tall and open crowns.The 1-year-old branches are purple brown; the perennial branches are grayish brown on the sunny side and greenish brown on the shady side.The leaves are large, 12.5 cm long and 8.5 cm wide, oval, and light green.There are many hairs on the back of the leaf; the leaf margin is lobed; and the petiole is about 4 cm long.The fruit is oblate to conical,with yellow green background,magenta or rosy glow on the sunny side, smooth fruit surface, fine and soft flesh, rust on the handle, much juice, sweet and sour flavor,and strong aroma.The longitudinal diameter is about 5 cm;the transverse diameter about 7 cm;and the average single fruit weight is 120 g.The content of soluble sugar is about 3.16%;the content of soluble solids about 11.1%;the content of total phenol 3.17 mg·g-1;the content of Vitamin C 3.98 mg·100 g-1.The saplings of Qiulimeng grow vigorously, and the seedlings may grow up to 1.0-1.2 m in the first year after grafting.The grafted seedlings may start to bloom and bear fruit in the third year.In the fifth year,it enters the high-yield period,with a yield of 3000 kg per 666.7 m2.The fruit development period is 140-150 days, and ripens in late September in Northern Xinjiang. The variety has a strong plant adaptability, strong barren resistance and cold resistance. It can survive the winter safely on ground in Northern Xinjiang.This apple variety can be planted in areas of Northern Xinjiang.The spacing of Qiulimeng plant is recommended to be 3 m × 5 m, i.e. 44 plants per mu. It is advisable to adopt grafting propagation.Wild apple is the appropriate invigorating rootstock.The combination of wild apple (rootstock)+KM23(inter stock)+Qiulimeng displays dwarfness.Haitao,Xinping 2,and Xinping 3 are recommended for pollinizers,and the ratio of the main cultivars to the pollinizer trees is 5∶1 to 8∶1.Due to the strong vigor of the trees and tall crowns and the cold climate in northern Xinjiang, attention should be paid on tree training and pruning, and adopt crown control to reduce the height of trees. Attention should also be paid on prevention and control of pests and diseases such as heartworms,green leafhoppers,aphids,red spiders,spring geometrids,rot,defoliation,powdery mildew and so on.

Key words:Xinjiang apple;Qiulimeng;Native varieties;Medium maturity;Rich fragrance







