
唐 娟1,望飞勇1a,高 明2,张 兰1*

1广西壮族自治区农业科学院,南宁 530007;2广西农之源农业投资有限公司,南宁 532704)

摘 要:宝石红柚是由越南青柚芽变单株选育而成的新品种。果实梨形,果径长,果面黄绿色、着色均匀、光滑,海绵层为粉红色。平均单果质量1447 g,无核,果肉红色,果心中空。果肉甜脆爽口,水分足,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)10%~12.5%,总酸含量0.44%,总糖含量6.3%,维生素C 含量60.7 mg·100 g-1,可食率59.4%。在广西隆安(107.92 E、23.09 N)成熟期为10月上旬,早结丰产稳产,喜高温,自花结实能力强,5年生树平均株产85 kg,自花,不需配置授粉树,与酸柚砧木嫁接亲和性好,幼年树生长较快,树姿较直立,分枝力强,弱枝为主要结果母枝。在生产中要注意防控溃疡病和柑橘褪绿矮缩病,对微量元素镁需求量较高。适宜在广西北回归线以南的桂中、桂南地区种植。采摘期较短,留树久会出现油胞干水粒化现象。


柚(Citrus grandis Osbeck)是柑橘类果实中种子最多的类型,培育无核品种可以提高其商品价值,增强在国际市场上的竞争力[1]。青柚系列品种因品质佳、经济价值高受到广大种植户欢迎。2013年前后,青柚系列品种逐渐被引入华南地区栽培,不过存在品种混杂、区试表现差异大、品质不稳定等问题,严重制约着产业的发展。因此,开展青柚品种选育工作,对满足广大消费者、种植户的需求及产业结构调整十分必要。汪奇等[2]指出芽变选种是柑橘育种的重要途经之一,迄今为止从地方品种或品种群中选出的柚新品种有20个。目前,中国大部分审(认)定、登记和获植物新品种授权的柑橘品种是通过芽变途径选育的[3]。无核柚新品种宝石红柚是由越南青柚芽变选育而来的(图1),于2021年8月获得农业农村部颁发的非主要农作物品种登记证书,品种编号[GDP柑橘(2021)450014],极具市场推广价值。

图1 柚新品种宝石红柚与对照品种越南青柚
Fig.1 A new pomelo cultivar Baoshi Hongyou and the control cultivar Vietnam Green pomelo

1 选育经过

广西农之源农业投资有限公司于2013—2014年先后从越南引进越南青柚50株,在广西隆安种植于其柑橘种质资源圃,开展生物学特性观察。2018年第1次挂果,经过长期田间观察,发现了芽变优良单株,其果形发生了明显变异,有果颈,果肉颜色也差异显著。同年该公司将芽变单株接穗高接在5年生的三红蜜柚树上,在南宁隆安、玉林北流、云南西双版纳等地都开展了高接工作,中间砧皆为三红蜜柚,连续多年进行了田间观察。2020 年开始挂果,表现一致,稳定性好,无非典型株。经过近几年试种观察,该品种具有良好的稳定性、特异性、一致性,因果肉细腻脆甜,果肉红色鲜艳,晶莹剔透,定名为宝石红柚。以越南青柚为近似品种作对照,2019年和2020 年,参照NY/T 2435—2013《植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南柑橘》评价遗传稳定性、观察物候期、记录产量、分析果实品质等,总结新株系栽培关键技术。

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

树姿披垂,树势中庸,枝干形态斜生(图2)。叶片阔披针形,绿色,长14.03 cm,宽7.84 cm,叶基形状楔形。开花习性1 年1 次,花色白色,花瓣数量5枚,蚕豆形。果皮薄,油胞多,果心中空,瓤瓣10~14瓣,易分离,囊皮薄,柔软,无苦味,无核,耐贮藏。种植第3 年开始结果,第4 年每666.7 m2产量2575 kg,丰产稳产,抗逆性和适应性较强。相较于近似品种越南青柚,宝石红柚果实表现为果实形状差异明显,有果颈;白皮层粉红色、囊瓣壁粉红色、果肉红色,不同于越南青柚,且差异显著(表1)。

表1 宝石红柚与对照品种果实性状比较
Table 1 Comparison of fruit traits between Baoshi Hongyou and Vietnam Green pomelo

品种Cultivar宝石红柚Baoshi Hongyou越南青柚Vietnam Green pomelo果形Shape of fruit梨形Pear-shaped圆形Cycle果颈长度Length of fruit neck长Long短Short白皮层颜色Color of albedo layers粉色Pink浅粉色Light-pink瓤皮颜色Color of pulp skin粉红色Pink浅粉色Light-pink果肉颜色Fresh color红色Red淡粉色Light-pink

图2 柚新品种宝石红柚
Fig.2 A new pomelo cultivar Baoshi Hongyou

2.2 物候期

宝石红柚在桂中地区栽培,幼年树1年抽生4~5次梢,分别是2 月上旬抽春梢、5 月上旬抽早夏梢、7月上旬抽夏梢、9月上旬抽秋梢。成年树现蕾期2月初,始花期2 月底3 月初,盛花期3 月中旬,末花期3月下旬,第1 次生理落果发生在4 月上旬,第2 次生理落果发生在4月中下旬,秋梢生长期为7月中旬至9 月上旬,果实9 月下旬至10 月上旬成熟采摘。果实发育期210 d左右。果实成熟期不宜留树保鲜,留树太久容易出现干水粒化现象。

2.3 果实经济性状

宝石红柚果实大小适中,单果质量1447 g,果实纵径161.64 mm,果实横径168.04 mm,果形指数1.1,果实梨形,果颈长,果面黄绿色、光滑,果顶无印圈。果实采收时,皮紧实、较硬,有中心柱,囊瓣梳形、不易分瓣,囊瓣壁较厚、易剥开,果肉红色,甜脆爽口,软硬适中,水分充足,无籽。果心大小约26 mm,果皮厚约17 mm,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)10.0%~12.5%,总酸含量0.44%,总糖含量6.3%,维生素C含量60.7 mg·100 g-1,可食率59.4%。广西隆安地区果实10 月上旬成熟,采摘期较短,留树久会出现油胞干水粒化现象。

2.4 分子鉴定

采用CTAB法分别提取宝石红柚和对照越南青柚健康叶片的基因组DNA,参照高恒锦等[4]的方法,采用SSR 分子标记对新品种进行遗传鉴定。以宝石红柚和越南青柚叶片的基因组DNA为模板,采用SSR14 引物(Forward:5’-TCACAGGTAGCAAGAG TAAAAAGG-3’;Reverse:5’-CTGCTTCCTACCCAAATTGC-3’)进行PCR 扩增。结果显示,二者扩增得到的产物条带不同(图3),说明二者基因组存在差异,从遗传上表明宝石红柚是一个新品种。

图3 宝石红柚与对照越南青柚SSR14 引物PCR 扩增产物谱带分析
Fig.3 Analysis of PCR bands between Baoshi Hongyou and Vietnam Green pomelo by SSR14

M.DNA marker;SSR14-H.用SSR14 引物扩增出的宝石红柚新品种基因组DNA 片段;SSR14-Y.用SSR14 引物扩增出的越南青柚基因组DNA 片段。
M. DNA marker; SSR14-H. Fragments from new cultivar of Baoshi Hongyou genome DNA amplified by SSR14 primers; SSR14-Y. Fragments from Vietnam Green pomelo genome DNA amplified by SSR14 primers.

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 定植

宜选择疏松肥沃的壤土或砂质壤土定植,丘陵坡地的土层厚度1 m 以上,平地的地下水位1.5 m以下,pH 值5.5~6.5,避免坡度较大的山地或土壤相对瘠薄的地块建园。选用酸柚作砧木,栽植株行距3 m×4 m,每666.7 m2种植55株,第4年进入丰产期,666.7 m2产量超过3000 kg,该品种栽培过程中对微量元素镁元素需求较大,容易保花保果,需要每年环割促进花芽分化。挖定植大穴,施足基肥,建议选择根系发达的容器无病大苗建园,成本高,但见效快,易早结丰产稳产。

3.2 土肥水管理

高接树按照“一梢二肥”进行施肥管理,以勤施薄施为主,促进树冠扩大。结果树在1 月下旬施春季萌芽肥,以速效氮肥为主,每株施用尿素、复合肥各0.5 kg,并配合适量的中微量元素肥;在4 月下旬第2 次生理落果后每株树增施油枯饼肥、复合肥各1 kg,促进果实膨大。在果实膨大期若遇高温干旱及时进行灌溉。7 月下旬开始施秋梢肥,每株施复合肥和尿素各0.5 kg,叶面喷施0.5%磷酸二氢钾和0.5%尿素促进秋梢老熟。10月中下旬开沟,每株施有机肥20 kg。栽培过程中易出现缺镁症状,可以喷洒含镁元素的叶面肥或撒施钙镁磷肥。采果后对结果树进行修剪回缩,剪除结果枝、病虫枝和枯枝等,病虫害的防治和果园日常管理按照一般柚类管理进行。

3.3 适宜区域


4 应用推广前景


参考文献 References:

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Breeding report of a new red pomelo cultivar Baoshi Hongyou

TANG Juan1,WANG Feiyong1a,GAO Ming2,ZHANG Lan1*
(1Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China;2 Guangxi Nongzhiyuan Agricultural Investment Co.Ltd.,Nanning 532704,Guangxi,China)

Abstract: Baoshi Hongyou, a new pomelo cultivar, originated from a bud mutation of Vietnam Green pomelo (Citrus grandis L.). It has strong tree vigor, dense branches and high fruit setting rate. Green pomelo was originated in Vietnam, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. Its fruit quality is good and has a relatively high economic value.The bud of the mutant was selected and then grafted on Sour pomelo rootstocks.The cultivar was registered in 2021 after DUS testing.This cultivar has an upright tree shape and a high branching ability,and shows strong self-incompatibility.The fruits are larger than its parent, pear-shaped with a smooth and yellow green color peel, and the average single fruit weight is about 1447 g.The length of fruit neck is longer than that of Vietnam Green pomelo.It is easier to peel than its parent, and the albedo color is pink. Its shape index is 1.1. The fruit is seedless and the eatable proportion is 59.4%. The peel is yellow-green. The flesh is red, seedless, crisp and tender.The total soluble solid,total sugar and titratable acid contents are 10%-12.5%,6.3%and 0.44%,respectively, and the ascorbic acid content is 60.7 mg·100 g-1.The fruit taste is pure sweet and acid free, and there are no bitterness and numbness.It has high yield,and the tree prefers to high temperature,and it is suitable to be planted in the central and southern regions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.The spring shoots start to grow in early February, the flower blooms in early to late February, and the fruit ripens in early October in Longan (107.92 E, 23.09 N) of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The flower number of inflorescence is 5-13. The fruit growth period is about 160 days. The cultivar has strong cold,drought and disease resistance.It should be paid special attention to the prevention and control of canker disease and CCDaV (citrus chlorotic dwarf-associated virus) disease during production,and it has high demand for magnesium element.The picking period is short,and the phenomenon of oil cell drying and juice sac granulation will occur if the fruit is kept on the tree for a long time.This cultivar is suitable for planting on the sandy loam with pH value of 5.5-6.5, and the growth and development will be affected if the groundwater level exceeds 1.5 m. Planting density is 3 m × 4 m, and 825 plants are planted per hectare. In the fourth year, it will reach the productive period, and the yield per hectare can reach 45 tons. This variety needs to take girdling measures every year to promote flower bud differentiation, and has a large demand for magnesium. If this cultivar shows symptoms of magnesium deficiency during cultivation, it can be improved by spraying foliar fertilizers containing magnesium or calcium magnesium phosphate.Top-grafting trees should be fertilized according to the frequent thinning method to promote crown expansion. It is better to use container seedlings with developed roots to establish an orchard to achieve early yield and income.

Key words: Pomelo;New cultivar;Baoshi Hongyou;Mutation









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:0771-3246396,E-mail:zhanglan2008@163.com