
高晓兰1,李桂祥1,董晓民1,李 淼1,刘 伟1,宫庆涛1,刘 进2,陈铁牛3,张安宁1*

1山东省果树研究所,山东泰安 271000;2沂源县农业技术服务中心,山东沂源 256100;3蒙阴县林业局,山东蒙阴 276200)

摘 要:黄妃是从晚黄金实生后代中选育出的桃新品种。该品种的花为蔷薇型,花瓣粉红色,花药橘黄色,有花粉,量多;雌蕊与雄蕊等高或稍矮;果实近圆形,平均单果质量223.9 g,最大单果质量350.7 g;果肉黄色、松脆、近核处无红色素沉淀;果肉为硬溶质,硬度4.2 kg·cm-2;果实可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)13.9%,品质上;在不套袋情况下果面为金黄色、无红色素,可进行免套袋栽培。在山东泰安地区,3月中旬萌芽,4月初盛花,7月底至8月初成熟,果实生育期120 d左右;幼树以中果枝结果为主,成龄树以中长果枝结果为主,复花芽多,成枝力中等。抗逆性和适应性较强,无特殊病虫害。适合山东桃产区栽培,第2年开花结果,丰产性好。



1 选育过程

2011 年秋从蒙阴县收取一批自花结实的桃品种晚黄金的自花授粉种子,冬季进行沙藏,2012 年春将沙藏后的实生桃苗播种于山东省果树研究所金牛山试验示范基地,2013 年定植于该基地,2015 年实生苗开始结果,从中筛选出一个果肉黄色、果表不着色、果形整齐、肉质细腻、口感好、丰产的中熟优株(果园代号:板栗地1-13,曾用代号:鲁JN-2),将其定为优系。2016年开始高接优系并进行观察试验,分别在山东省蒙阴县、邹城市和肥城市进行区域试验。为检验该优系的一致性,随机选择其无性繁殖植株80株,连续多年进行植物学特征和生物学性状调查,调查表明无性繁殖植株的植物学特征和生物学性状一致,没有异型株出现。对定植于2012年和2016 年的该品种进行了植物学特征和生物学性状的调查,结果表明,定植于不同时间的两组植株性状一致,具有良好的一致性(表1,表2)。

表1 不同定植年份黄妃植物学特征
Table 1 Botanical characteristics of Huangfei of different planting years

定植年份Planting year 2012节间长度Internode length/cm 2.34叶柄长度Petiole length/cm 0.71数量Quantity 2~4叶片Leaf长度Length/cm 12.78宽度Width/cm 3.45 2016多年生枝颜色Color of perennial branches褐色Brown褐色Brown新梢颜色Color of new shoot红褐色Reddish-brown红褐色Reddish-brown 2.29 0.69蜜腺Nectary形状Shape肾形Reniform肾形Reniform 2~4 12.75 3.44

表2 不同定植年份黄妃桃果实主要经济性状
Table 2 Main economic characters of Huangfei of different planting years

定植年份Planting year 2012 2016单果质量Single fruit mass/g 225.7 229.9茸毛Fluffy短Short短Short对称性Symmetry对称Symmetric对称Symmetric果实硬度Hardness/(kg·cm-2)4.3 4.2 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%13.7 13.2货架期Shelf life/d 55果实发育期Fruit development stage/d 120 120果核黏离性Fruit nucleus adhesiveness黏核Cling stone黏核Cling stone

经过连续多年的观察,该品种性状稳定,泰安地区7月底至8月初成熟,表现为早实丰产,免套袋生产,果面金黄色,果肉黄色,风味甜,黏核。2019年8月专家现场验收。2022 年2 月22 日通过山东省林草品种审定委员会审定(良种编号:鲁S-SV-AP-011-2021),定名为黄妃(图1)。

图1 黄肉桃新品种黄妃
Fig.1 A new yellow pulp peach cultivar Huangfei

试验随机选了4 对SSR 引物,扩增之后没有发现子代母本间不同的扩增片段,且子代与母本的基因型符合孟德尔遗传定律。因此,认为黄妃为晚黄金的后代(图2)。

图2 黄肉桃新品种黄妃与母本分子鉴定
Fig.2 Identification map of Huangfei and female parent

2 主要性状

2.1 经济性状

果实近圆形,果面金黄色、无红色素;果肉黄色、松脆、近核处无红色素沉淀;平均单果质量223.9 g,可溶性固形物含量13.9%,硬溶质;果实发育期120 d左右,泰安地区7月底8月初成熟。对该品种果实品质和产量进行了连续3 a(年)测定,发现产量品质稳定(表3)。抗逆性和适应性较强,无特殊病虫害。

表3 黄妃与晚黄金果实经济性状
Table 3 Economic characters of Huangfei and Wanhuangjin

品种Cultivar硬度Hardness/(kg·cm-2)硬度Hardness/(kg·cm-2)硬度Hardness/(kg·cm-2)黄妃Huangfei晚黄金Wanhuangjin 2018产量Yield per 666.7 m2/kg 992.2 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%13.4 4.2果实发育期Fruit development stage/d 121 2019产量Yield per 666.7 m2/kg 2 820.8 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%13.9 4.1果实发育期Fruit development stage/d 123 2020产量Yield per 666.7 m2/kg 3 534.2 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%14.1 4.0果实发育期Fruit development stage/d 122 779.0 12.6 3.3 135 2 320.6 12.4 3.4 136 2 566.6 12.9 3.2 134

2.2 植物学特征

黄妃桃与对照品种晚黄金桃的植物学特征和果实经济性状均有明显差异,如表4 所示。黄妃桃果实成熟期比晚黄金桃早15 d;黄妃果实表面无红色素,晚黄金果实表面着少量红色。树势中庸,较开张,1 年生新梢绿色,阳面红褐色,平均节间长度2.32 cm,叶片长椭圆披针形,叶片长12.71 cm、宽3.43 cm,叶柄长0.69 cm。该品种的叶芽三角形,花芽圆锥形,多复花芽,花芽密度集中;花为蔷薇型,花瓣粉红色;花药橘黄色,有花粉,量多;雌蕊与雄蕊等高或稍低于雄蕊。

表4 黄妃与对照品种植物学特征比较(2020 年)
Table 4 Comparison of botanical characteristics for Huangfei and the controls

品种Cultivar黄妃Huangfei晚黄金Wanhuangjin多年生枝颜色Color of perennial branches褐色Brown褐色Brown新梢颜色Color of new shoot红褐色Reddish-brown红褐色Reddish-brown节间长度Internode length/cm 2.32叶柄长度Petiole length/cm 0.69数量Quantity 2~4叶片Leaf长度Length/cm 12.71宽度Width/cm 3.43 1.93 0.87蜜腺Nectary形状Shape肾形Reniform肾形Reniform 2~4 15.89 3.86

2.3 物候期

在泰安地区,4 月上旬盛花,花期持续5 d,7 月下旬至8 月上旬成熟,果实发育期为120 d 左右。3月下旬叶芽萌动,11 月中下旬落叶,生育期230 d左右。

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 定植建园

丘陵地或山地梯田,选用自然开心形为好,株行距为3 m×4 m;如为平原地,则选用Y 形为好,株行距为2 m×(4~5)m,定干高度70~80 cm。

3.2 肥水管理

以有机肥为主,9—10月份每666.7 m2施农家肥5000~6000 kg,在果实膨大期,每666.7 m2施复合肥60~75 kg。根据天气情况适时浇水和排涝。

3.3 花果管理

该品种可根据长果枝留3~4 个果实、中果枝留2~3个果、短果枝留1个果的原则确定留果量。本品种不套袋也不着色,可以进行免套袋栽培。在果实发育期加强害虫防治措施,可用黑光灯或糖醋液诱集成虫,集中灭杀桃蛀螟,或喷施50%杀螟松乳油1000 倍液;桃园悬挂迷向丝防治食心虫,其他果实管理同常规即可。该品种花粉量大,自花结实,栽培中无需配置授粉树;如遇花期低温等不良天气,需考虑人工辅助授粉。

3.4 适栽地区及病虫害防治


参考文献 References:

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ZHU Yunqin,ZENG Wenfang,NIU Liang,CAI Zuguo,LU Zhenhua,PAN Lei,CUI Guochao,WANG Zhiqiang. Temporal and spatial expression of carotenoid metabolism and relative genes in flowers and leaves of CN9 nectarine and its yellowfleshed mutant[J].Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2018,45(10):1869-1880.

[2] 鲁振华,牛良,崔国朝,潘磊,曾文芳,王志强.早熟黄肉桃新品种‘黄金蜜桃1 号’的选育[J].果树学报,2020,37(9):1434-1436.

LU Zhenhua,NIU Liang,CUI Guochao,PAN Lei,ZENG Wenfang,WANG Zhiqiang. An early ripening and yellow flesh peach variety‘Huangjinmitao 1’[J]. Journal of Fruit Science,2020,37(9):1434-1436.

[3] 牛良,鲁振华,崔国朝,曾文芳,潘磊,王志强.黄肉鲜食桃品种‘黄金蜜桃3 号’的选育[J].果树学报,2018,35(10):1297-1300.

NIU Liang,LU Zhenhua,CUI Guochao,ZENG Wenfang,PANLei,WANG Zhiqiang.‘Golden Honey 3’,a new yellow-fleshedfresh peach cultivar[J]. Journal of Fruit Science,2018,35(10):1297-1300.

Breeding report of a new mid-maturing yellow-fleshed peach cultivar Huangfei

GAO Xiaolan1, LI Guixiang1, DONG Xiaomin1, LI Miao1, LIU Wei1, GONG Qingtao1, LIU Jin2, CHEN Tieniu3,ZHANG Anning1*
(1Shandong Institute of Pomology, Taian 271000, Shandong, China;2Agricultural Technique Service Center of Yiyuan, Yiyuan 256100,Shandong,China;3Mengyin County Forestry Bureau,Mengyin 276200,Shandong,China)

Abstract: The new cultivar Huangfei is a mid-maturing yellow-fleshed peach with excellent appearance. The seedlings were generate from the seeds of Wanhuangjin in 2012 at Jinniushan experimental station of Shandong Institute of Pomology.It was initially selected in 2015 for its yellow flesh and nonpigmented epidermis. After regional adaptability testing at three sites (including Mengyin, Zoucheng and Feicheng in Shandong province)over four years from 2016 to 2019,it was finally selected in 2019 for its good quality. This cultivar is medium growth potential with open tree gesture. The young tree mainly bears fruits on medium-fruit branches,and the big tree mainly bears fruits on long-fruit branches.The flower buds are abandant and the branching ability is medium.The fruit of the cultivar is nearly round and with medium size. In Tai’an area of Shandong, the blooming time is early April, the florescence lasts for 5 days,and maturation period is from the late July to the early August.The fruit development period is about 120 days.The leaf buds burst in the late March and the leaf fall is in the mid and late November.The tree growth period is about 230 days.The fruit surface is golden yellow without red pigment which can obtain yellow fruit by bag-free cultivation.The pulp is yellow and crispy, and there is no red pigment precipitation near the core.The maximum fruit weight is 350.7 g and the average fruit weight is 223.9 g.The fruit quality is excellent.The content of total soluble solids is 13.9%,the content of total acid is 0.223%, the sugar-acid ratio is 62.33, and the flesh hardness is 4.2 kg·cm-2. The fruits have a very long storage-life, the cold storage life is about 2 months and the shelf life is over 5 days.The aroma of fruit flesh is still very strong after storage.The main peach producing area of Shandong is the suitable cultivation area of this cultivar. Plant spacing and row spacing can be about 2 m×5 m with Y-shaped tree.

Key words:Peach;New cultivar;Huangfei;Mid-maturing;Yellow flesh









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:0538-8237532,E-mail:zan_hope@163.com