
庄梦弟1,李 涛1,辛骞祎1,周梦瑶1,张海霞1,2,马 辉1,2,钱 稷1,张玉星1,2,亓宝秀1,3*,许建锋1,2*

1河北农业大学园艺学院,河北保定 071001;2河北省梨技术创新中心,河北保定 071001;3英国利物浦约翰摩尔大学药学和分子生物学学院,英国利物浦 L3 3AF)

摘 要:【目的】建立梨悬浮细胞体系,并利用悬浮细胞体系获得高质量悬浮细胞,进行遗传转化和原生质体的分离。【方法】以新梨7号花药为试材,诱导获得梨花药愈伤组织,研究了细胞悬浮系建立和影响悬浮细胞增殖的主要因子。【结果】花药在1/2 MS+1.0 mg·L-1 2,4-D+0.4 mg·L-1 NAA+30 g·L-1蔗糖+7 g·L-1琼脂(pH值为5.8~6.0)培养基上诱导的愈伤组织,经4~5 次继代得到了黄白色、颗粒状,状态相对较好的愈伤组织;将愈伤组织接种于液体培养基中,于28 ℃,200 r·min-1的黑暗条件下悬浮振荡培养,经4~5次悬浮继代培养建立了悬浮细胞系,适宜的启动和增殖培养基为:MS+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+30 g·L-1蔗糖,细胞生长曲线呈“S”型,活细胞率达81.98%,近圆细胞率达83.66%,可作为遗传转化的受体,转化率为20.00%。也可直接用于原生质体的分离,原生质体产量达3.67×106 个·mL-1,活力可达92.00%。【结论】建立了梨悬浮细胞培养体系,利用所建体系获得了高质量的悬浮细胞,可直接用于遗传转化和原生质体的分离。



梨自花结实率低,生长周期长、影响因素复杂多样,基因组高度杂合[2]。这些特性给梨遗传转化和品种改良带来严重障碍。花药培养是由花粉小孢子产生单倍体植株的一种重要途径,可以有效地缩短育种年限,加快新品种选育进程,其在遗传育种中的意义重大。因此,非常有必要开展梨花药培养的研究。花药培养是利用植物组织培养技术,将发育到特定阶段的花药取出转移到培养基中生长,从而改变花药内部的生理状态,使其在离体条件下分化成胚状体或形成无分化的愈伤组织。目前,国内外关于梨树花药离体培养的研究比较少。1975 年,Jordan[3]在西洋梨花药培养上获得小原胚;1978 年,山东农学院梨花药培养诱导出愈伤组织[4];1996年,薛光荣等[5]在锦丰梨的花药培养上诱导出胚状体,但诱导率不稳定。

花药的细胞全能性较高,由其诱导出来的愈伤组织具有较强的分裂和分化能力;以花药愈伤组织为材料进行植物悬浮培养的细胞,具有材料均一、重复性好、条件易于控制、培养周期短等优点[6]。植物悬浮细胞是遗传转化的理想受体之一,用悬浮细胞作为转化受体可提高转化率,因此,稳定的悬浮细胞系对遗传转化起到了巨大的促进作用。悬浮细胞培养是指在离体的条件下,将愈伤组织或者其他易于分散的组织置于液体培养基中,通过振荡的方式得到分散的细胞或小细胞团,使其保持良好的生长状态且可以不断增殖的技术。1958年,美国的Steward等[7]建立了胡萝卜的悬浮体系,随后悬浮细胞培养技术被广泛应用于草本植物。对木本植物细胞悬浮培养的研究起步较晚,1975年,Wilson等[8]建立了橡胶悬浮体系。1991 年,王影等[9]建立了小叶杨的悬浮细胞体系。此后,经过20 多年的发展,中国在木本植物的研究中也取得了一系列的进展,如荔枝、葡萄、花椒树等也建立了细胞悬浮培养体系,但关于梨细胞悬浮培养方面未见报道[10-13]

笔者在本研究中以新梨7 号花药为试材,对花药愈伤组织的获得、增殖及悬浮培养等条件进行了研究,以期获得高质量的梨细胞悬浮系,悬浮培养获得的小细胞团和单细胞可以直接用于原生质体的分离,也可以作为遗传转化的直接受体,为梨大规模细胞培养以及遗传转化奠定基础。

1 材料和方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 愈伤组织的诱导及继代 选取处于“紧凑期”(花蕾横径为2.7~3.0 mm,纵径为8.0~8.5 mm)的花蕾,将花蕾表面用清水冲洗3~5次洗去灰尘,然后在无菌工作台上按照先75%乙醇浸泡25 s,再用0.1%HgCl2消毒8 min,最后用无菌水冲洗3~4 次。剥开花蕾取出花药,将获得的无菌花药接种于1/2 MS+1.0 mg·L-1 2,4-D+0.4 mg·L-1 NAA+30 g·L-1蔗糖+7 g·L-1琼脂(pH 值5.8~6.0)培养基中,(24±1)℃暗培养30 d。

选取黄白色、较松散且活性较高的愈伤组织,接种于6-BA(0.5、1.0、1.5 mg·L-1)与2,4-D(1.0、1.5、2.0 mg·L-1)的激素配比组合(基础培养基为MS +30 g·L-1蔗糖+7 g·L-1琼脂)中进行继代增殖培养,完全随机组合,共9个处理。每个处理3次重复。培养条件与诱导培养条件相同。

1.2.2 悬浮细胞系的初代培养 细胞悬浮无菌培养基以MS+30 g·L-1蔗糖为基本培养基,添加不同质量浓度的生长调节剂2,4-D、6-BA(表1),以不添加生长调节剂的为对照,pH值5.8~6.0。

表1 梨愈伤组织液体培养基激素配比
Table 1 Hormone ratio of pear callus liquid medium

培养基Culture medium L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 ρ/(mg·L-1)2,4-D 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 6-BA 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5

将分散性好、疏松的愈伤组织,用镊子夹碎将其转移到装有40 mL液体培养基的三角瓶中进行悬浮振荡培养。28 ℃,暗培养,培养周期为8 d,接种量为1.5 g,摇床转速为200 r·min-1,进行启动培养,每个处理3次重复。

1.2.3 悬浮细胞增殖培养 取出装有悬浮物质的三角瓶,静置15~20 min,倒掉2/3 的液体培养基,然后加入与倒掉液体相同体积的新鲜培养基并用无菌玻璃棒将里面的大块愈伤组织压碎。以后每隔7 d继代1次,21 d后用150 μm的细胞筛过滤,获得的细小均匀的悬浮物质继续悬浮培养,得到颗粒分散、稳定性好的悬浮细胞系。全过程无菌操作,培养条件1.2.2。

1.2.4 悬浮细胞生长量的测定 自稳定悬浮系被继代的当天起,每隔1 d取悬浮细胞进行细胞生长量测定。每隔1 d取2 mL悬浮物质,离心称质量,即为鲜质量。

60 ℃下烘干12 h后称质量,即为干质量。

取悬浮液2 mL, 放入2 mL 刻度的离心管中,4500 r·min-1下离心5 min,得到的细胞体积即为细胞密实体积(PCV)。每个处理3次重复。

1.2.5 悬浮细胞死亡率的测定 选取生长稳定的悬浮细胞,每隔1 d 取1 mL 进行悬浮细胞死亡率测定。用0.4%的台盼蓝染色3 min,蒸馏水洗涤3 次,于20倍显微镜下观察其死亡个数,统计死亡率。

1.3 悬浮细胞的转化

将经悬浮培养后获得的活力较强的愈伤组织材料进行转化,浸染流程参照王林苹果愈伤浸染方法并对浸染液浓度、浸染时间等稍作修改[14]。具体流程为将活化好含有pROK2-GFP 质粒的GV3101 农杆菌液离心重悬,重悬后的浸染液(OD600为0.5)与愈伤组织置于28 ℃恒温摇床(100 r·min-1)在黑暗条件培养浸染15 min;将浸染后的愈伤吸干水分后置于共生培养基(MS+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA),黑暗条件下共培养3 d,然后将其接种到筛选培养基(MS+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+20 mg·L-1 Basta + 300 mg·L-1 Cef + 200 mg·L-1 Timentin),黑暗条件下培养20 d。用手持荧光蛋白观测灯(LUYOR-3415 RG Hand-Held Lamp,路阳,美国)拍照,计算转化率。

1.4 原生质体的分离及产量、活力测定

生长稳定悬浮细胞系,取其第4 天时悬浮细胞为材料,6000 r·min-1离心5 min。酶解液成分为:纤维素酶(1.0%)、离析酶(0.5%)、1 mL MES pH 5.7(20 mmol·L-1)、5 mL 甘露醇(0.5 mol·L-1)、2.5 mL KCl(20 mmol·L-1)、无菌水定容到10 mL。55 ℃水浴10 min,冷却至室温25 ℃,加10 mmol·L-1 CaCl2,0.1%牛血清蛋白(BSA)用0.45 μm的滤头过滤。25 ℃黑暗条件下30 r·min-1恒温振荡12 h。将酶解后的材料进行纯化,加入W5 solution[其成分为2 mmol·L-1 MES(pH 5.7)+ 154 mmol·L-1 NaCl+125 mmol·L-1 CaCl2+5 mmol·L-1 KCl],120 r·min-1离心4 min,离心3次。

用血球计数板统计原生质体的产量。检测活力采用FDA染色法:FDA溶于丙酮,用蔗糖稀释,4 ℃保存。使用时取1 滴母液与1 滴原生质体悬浮液混合到一起,室温下静置5~10 min后荧光下观察。

1.5 数据处理与分析

采用Excel 2013和SPSS 24进行数据分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 愈伤组织的获得及增殖培养

接种10 d 后,开始从花药中部慢慢长出愈伤组织,没有长出愈伤组织的花药慢慢褐化死亡。花药接种30 d 后形成的愈伤组织块,一部分愈伤组织微褐化,呈柔软水渍状为湿软型愈伤;一部分愈伤为黄白色,结构紧密,含水量少,此类愈伤经过4 个月的继代培养后即可获得表面有颗粒状突起结构疏松的愈伤组织,可用来作为悬浮培养的材料。

新梨7 号花蕾(图1-A)在“紧凑期”愈伤诱导率达45.80%,此时期的花药(图1-B)颜色为粉白色,花药难以剥离。在6-BA 质量浓度一定时,随着2,4-D质量浓度的增加,结构由紧凑型(图1-C)向疏松型(图1-D)转变,愈伤组织状态相对较好,增殖较多;反之,在2,4-D质量浓度一定时,随着6-BA质量浓度的增加愈伤组织状态相对较差,质地坚硬增殖较少或基本不增殖(表2)。最终在MS+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA的激素质量浓度配比下经过4~5次的继代即可得到生长旺盛且活性强的疏松愈伤,可用来进行悬浮培养。

图1 梨愈伤组织的诱导和增殖
Fig.1 Callus induction and proliferation of pear

A.花蕾;B.接种当天;C.接种30 d 形成紧凑型愈伤组织;D.接种5 个月形成疏松型愈伤。
A.Flower bud;B.The day of inoculation;C.Compact callus formed at 30 d of inoculation;D.The formation of loose callus after 5 months of inoculation.

表2 不同激素质量浓度培养对梨愈伤组织形态的影响
Table 2 Effects of different hormone concentrations on subculture of pear callus

Note:“+”indicated that the number of callus was small;“++”indicates a large number of callus;“+++”indicates the number of callus generated.

培养基Culture medium L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 ρ/(mg·L-1)6-BA 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5愈伤组织状态Callus status黄白色,颗粒(+)Yellow white,grainy(+)黄白色,松散(++)Yellow white,loose(++)黄白色,松散(++)Yellow white,loose(++)黄白色,湿软(+)Yellow white,wet and soft(+)黄白色,松散(+++)Yellow white,loose(+++)黄白色,松散(++)Yellow white,loose(++)灰白色,紧致(+)Grayish white,firm(+)白色,较硬(++)White,hard(++)灰白色,偏硬(++)Grayish white,hard(++)2,4-D 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0

2.2 激素对梨愈伤悬浮细胞生长的影响

不同质量浓度的2,4-D 与6-BA 的组合对梨悬浮细胞状态存在较大影响(表3)。在2,4-D 质量浓度为1.0~1.5 mg·L-1时,随着6-BA 质量浓度的提高活细胞率及近圆细胞率数值均有所升高,悬浮液状态也达到好的状态;而在2,4-D质量浓度为2.0 mg·L-1时,随着6-BA质量浓度的提高其圆细胞及活细胞率数值均有所下降,但两者均显著高于对照(图2-B~C)。在2,4-D 质量浓度为1.5 mg·L-1,6-BA 为1.0 mg·L-1时,细胞活细胞(图2-F)率达到81.98%,近圆细胞(图2-E)率达到83.66%,此时悬浮液状态也达到最好(图2-D)。综上所述,L6培养基为最适合梨悬浮细胞培养的培养基。

图2 梨细胞悬浮体系观察
Fig.2 Observation of pear cell suspension system

A. The appearance of Browning suspension system (control); B. The Browning suspension line cell (control); C. The Browning suspension line cells after staining (control); D.The appearance of stable suspension system (L6); E. Stable suspension line cell (L6); F. Stable suspension line cells after staining(L6).

表3 不同激素质量浓度对梨细胞悬浮培养的影响
Table 3 Effects of different hormone concentrations on suspension culture of pear cells

注:采用Ducan’s multiple range test 方法分析,不同小写字母不同表示在p<0.05 水平差异显著。下同。
Note:The different small letters mean significant difference at p<0.05 by Duncan’s multiple range test.The same below.

培养基Culture medium L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10悬浮液状态Suspension state褐化、稳定性差Browning,poor stability乳白色、稳定性较差Milky white,poor stability乳白色、稳定性较差Milky white,poor stability乳白色、稳定性较好Milky white,better stability乳白色、稳定性好Milky white,good stability乳白色、稳定性好Milky white,good stability乳白色、稳定性较好Milky white,better stability乳白色、稳定性较好Milky white,better stability乳白色、稳定性较好Milky white,better stability乳白色、稳定性较好Milky white,better stability活细胞率Living cell rate/%16.56±0.79 f 54.79±4.46 e 65.38±4.36 d 66.41±1.96 d 79.23±0.63 ab 81.98±0.74 a 73.38±0.50 c 75.34±2.63 bc 72.09±4.28 c 71.84±3.08 c近圆细胞率Suborbicular cell rate/%25.66±1.64 f 69.33±0.75 e 70.84±4.01 de 73.68±2.20 cde 80.00±0.57 ab 83.66±1.67 a 73.25±2.78 cde 76.62±3.51 bc 73.78±0.63 cd 71.92±2.49 de

2.3 悬浮细胞系的建立及细胞学观察

将上述经继代培养得到的疏松愈伤组织,转接到液体培养基中进行悬浮培养。愈伤组织在悬浮培养1周后出现长形细胞(图3-D),细胞多为空的且活力不高,在以后的继代过程中逐步淘汰。2~3 周散出来的既有长形细胞又有圆形小细胞团(图3-E),但长细胞占比相对较大。4 周后长形细胞消失,多为圆形小细胞团,单细胞少量存在。最终建立起来的细胞悬浮系(图3-F)基本没有长形细胞,都是由单细胞和小细胞团组成,也会时常出现多细胞聚集现象,大多数细胞呈圆球形且含有丰富的内含物质(图3-C)。故在前三次继代时,应待悬浮系沉淀后倒去上层2/3的培养液,去除死细胞和空细胞。

图3 梨悬浮细胞系的建立
Fig.3 Establishment of pear suspension cell line

A.稳定增殖的愈伤组织;B.稳定悬浮系外观;C.稳定悬浮系细胞;D.培养1 周后的悬浮细胞;E.培养2~3 周后的悬浮细胞;F.含有丰富内含物质的悬浮细胞;G.培养1 周后的悬浮细胞(对照);H.培养2~3 周后的悬浮细胞(对照);I.稳定悬浮系细胞(对照)。
A.The callus with stable proliferation;B.The appearance of stable suspension system;C.Stable suspension line cells;D.Suspension cells cultured for 1 week;E.The suspension cells after 2-3 weeks of culture;F.Suspension cell with rich content;G.Suspension cells cultured for 1 week(control);H.The suspension cells after 2-3 weeks of culture(control);I.Stable suspension line cell(control).

2.4 悬浮细胞系生长曲线和死亡率的测定

由图4可知,梨悬浮细胞生长量呈“S”型生长曲线,0~2 d 悬浮物质生长量小为迟滞期,细胞死亡率维持在13.97%~22.50%;2~4 d 以后细胞体积、鲜质量、干质量明显增加即为进入对数期,是细胞增殖、生长发育最明显的时期,该时期的细胞死亡率最低,为13.97%~15.40%;4~6 d 细胞生长较平稳,生长速度逐渐降低,此时鲜质量为0.22 g,干质量为0.05 g,均达到最大值进入了静止期,这一时期的细胞死亡率为15.40%~19.14%;6 d 以后开始进入衰亡期,细胞鲜质量、密实体积逐渐趋于下降趋势,此时则认为是悬浮培养物质进入了衰亡期,细胞死亡率为19.14%~19.18%;同时观察到厚厚一层的衰败细胞堆集在瓶壁上,不利于悬浮细胞系的生长。在0~8 d的继代周期内,以花药为外植体获得的愈伤组织细胞悬浮系存活率均超过77.50%,细胞的死亡率均维持在22.5%以下(图4),说明悬浮细胞的活性较强,绝大数细胞的生长状态良好。

图4 梨悬浮细胞系生长曲线及死亡率测定
Fig.4 Growth curve and mortality of pear suspension cell line

综上,细胞悬浮系生长曲线、悬浮细胞死亡率之间存在着一定的对应关系,建立了梨悬浮细胞系,并且确定了2~4 d内的悬浮细胞生长状态最好,活力最高,这一时期的细胞分裂速度很快。因此,可以选择此时期的悬浮液来开展后续工作。

2.5 悬浮细胞系生长情况

将经悬浮培养后的愈伤组织接种于固体培养基中,得到了活性很强的愈伤组织,分裂速度快,状态良好,一般15~20 d即可达到试验所需生长量;而未经悬浮培养的愈伤组织15~20 d才进入快速生长期(图5)。光培养或暗培养1个月后,愈伤组织的状态基本相同,光培养下颜色稍微偏深乳黄色一点并且经悬浮培养的愈伤组织继代后分裂速度也比未经悬浮培养的愈伤组织分裂速度快,颜色差异也较明显(图6)。经悬浮培养得到的愈伤组织呈乳黄色(图6-C),活力以及分裂能力均较强;而未经悬浮培养的愈伤组织呈黄白色(图6-D),生长量和活性均不如经悬浮培养的愈伤组织(图5)。

图5 梨悬浮细胞培养对愈伤组织生长量的影响
Fig.5 Effect of pear suspension cell culture on callus growth

图6 梨愈伤组织生长情况(暗培养)
Fig.6 Growth of pear callus(dark culture)

A.刚接种的经悬浮后的愈伤组织;B.刚接种的未经悬浮培养的愈伤组织;C.经悬浮培养后接种20 d 的愈伤组织;D.未经悬浮培养接种20 d的愈伤组织。
A.The suspension callus after inoculation; B. Newly inoculated callus without suspension culture; C.The callus inoculated 20 days after suspension culture;D.The callus inoculated for 20 days without suspension culture.

2.6 梨悬浮细胞系的转化

利用农杆菌介导法将35S::GFP 植物表达载体转化至经悬浮培养的梨愈伤组织。荧光观察结果表明,愈伤组织呈现绿色(图7),表明35S::GFP已转化至其中,转化率为20.00%。

图7 梨悬浮细胞遗传转化
Fig.7 Genetic transformation of pear suspension cells

2.7 原生质体产量及活力鉴定


图8 梨原生质体的活力鉴定
Fig.8 Identification of vigor of pear protoplasts

A.悬浮细胞系提取的原生质体;B.FDA 染色图。
A.Protoplast extracted from suspension cell line;B.FDA staining diagram.

3 讨 论


前人研究表明,适宜的培养基激素种类及配比是愈伤组织以及细胞悬浮系快速增殖的关键因素[16-17]。本研究结果表明,2,4-D 质量浓度对愈伤的诱导与增殖起着关键作用,增殖量随2,4-D 质量浓度升高而升高[18-20],这与前人研究结果一致。李艳敏等[21]将2,4-D 与NAA、KT 组合使用,作为芍药花药愈伤组织培养基。在适宜的增殖质量浓度下,经过4~5 次继代后即可得到表面有颗粒状突起结构的疏松愈伤,与前人研究结果一致。2,4-D 和6-BA 搭配为细胞悬浮培养的最佳组合,因此本试验采用MS + 1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA 建立了悬浮细胞体系。还有其他文献研究表明在悬浮细胞的长期继代培养过程中添加KT(细胞分裂素),KT 以一个较低质量浓度,一般选择为0.1 mol·L-1为宜,较高质量浓度会造成褐化现象[22]

在整个悬浮培养的过程中植物悬浮细胞开始培养时的接种量以及继代周期、新旧培养基比例等是重要的影响因子,对于不同发育时期生长周期的长短及细胞生长增殖周期有显著影响。张正雪等[23]认为起始接种量为3 g时生长速率可达到最高,本研究起始接种量为1.5 g,究其原因可能是因为不同植物所需要的最低临界生长密度不同。其新旧培养基比例为2∶1,梨悬浮细胞的生长曲线呈“S”型[24],与前人研究一致。0~2 d为迟滞期,2~4 d为对数期,4~6 d为静止期。在一个继代周期内,细胞的死亡率维持在23%以下,表明悬浮细胞状态良好,活性很强。王磊等[25]研究表明接种15 d是悬浮细胞继代培养的较佳时期。本文适宜继代周期为7 d,与前人研究不同,这可能是因为梨愈伤组织在适宜的悬浮培养条件下分裂能力较强,导致液体培养基中的营养成分被过早的消耗殆尽,从而缩短了继代周期。2~4 d内的细胞分裂最快,可以以此阶段的细胞来开展各项研究。


经悬浮培养后的愈伤组织增殖快,活力强是良好的遗传转化的受体,但受品种、染液浓度和时间的影响,愈伤组织转化率较低。李亚梅等[28]表明在浸染液浓度OD600为0.6~0.8 和浸染时间30 min 时,酸枣愈伤组织转化效率超过20%。本文中,以OD600为0.5,浸染时间15 min 为最好,浸染30 min 的愈伤组织会在后期培养过程中被菌吞没,造成褐化死亡。

4 结 论

本研究以无菌的新梨7 号花药为外植体诱导愈伤组织,将其接种到1/2 MS+1.0 mg·L-1 2,4-D+0.4 mg·L-1 NAA+30 g·L-1蔗糖+7 g·L-1琼脂的固体培养基上即可诱导出愈伤组织。将得到的疏松愈伤组织接种到MS+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+30 g·L-1蔗糖的液体培养基中,在(26±1)℃,200 r·min-1的黑暗条件下悬浮振荡培养,每隔7 d继代1 次,新旧培养基比例2∶1,经30 d 后获得了良好的悬浮细胞系,悬浮液的颜色澄清透明,分散性及均一性好,生长分裂速度快,活细胞率可达81.98%,近圆细胞率达83.66%;用悬浮细胞系提取的原生质体产量达3.67×106个·mL-1,活力可达92.00%,愈伤组织转化率达20.00%。本研究结果为建立一套稳定优良的梨细胞悬浮培养体系提供了理论依据及数据支撑。


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Establishment and application of callus induction and suspension culture system of pear anther

ZHUANG Mengdi1, LI Tao1, XIN Qianyi1, ZHOU Mengyao1, ZHANG Haixia1, 2, MA Hui1, 2, QIAN Ji1,ZHANG Yuxing1,2,QI Baoxiu1,3*,XU Jianfeng1,2*
(1College of Horticulture,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071001,Hebei,China;2Hebei Pear Technology and Innovation Center,Baoding 071001, Hebei, China;3School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, James Parsons Building,Byrom StreetLiverpool L3 3AF,UK)

Abstract:【Objective】Pear is one of the important fruit species in the world,and pear growing has become an important pillar industry in many places for its huge economic value,which plays a significant role in farmers’income and social stability. Pear’s genome is highly heterozygous, which is resulted from cross-pollination, bringing serious difficulties to the genetic transformation. Cell suspension culture is an important culture method for cells.It can not only provide raw materials for protoplasm preparation,regeneration,genetic transformation and somatic cell hybridization,but also be used for the production of secondary metabolites. In this paper, we firstly obtained calluses by inducing the anthers of Xinli No.7 pear and then studied effects of culture medium types and hormone combinations on the growth of pear callus under suspension culture conditions by selecting the loose calluses from the vigorous growths after induction as materials, in order to establish a suitable suspension culture system for pear anther calluses, obtain pear calluses of high quality and provide good materials for pear protoplast preparation and pear genetic transformation.【Methods】Pear anthers were taken as the callus induction materials.Flower buds at the“small-balloon stage”(transverse diameter=2.7-3.0 mm,longitudinal diameter=8.0-8.5 mm)of Xinli No.7 pear trees were selected,cleaned and soaked in 75%alcohol for 25 s and 0.1% HgCl2 for 8min successively, and then the petals were removed and the anthers were taken out. The anthers were cultured on the induction medium (1/2 MS + 1.0 mg·L-1 2, 4-D + 0.4 mg·L-1 NAA+ 30 g·L-1 sucrose + 7 g·L-1 agar powder, pH 5.8-6.0) for 30 days.After several subcultures on the medium (MS + 1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D + 0.5 mg·L-1 6-BA+ 30 g·L-1 sucrose + 7 g·L-1 agar powder),loose calluses were selected for the suspension culture experiments,in which the basal medium was MS+30 g·L-1 sucrose(pH 5.8-6.0),and the suspension medium was prepared by adjusting the concentration of 2,4-D(1.0,1.5,2.0 mg·L-1)and 6-BA(0.5,1.0,1.5 mg·L-1)in the basal medium.Then 1.5 g calluses were put into 40mL liquid suspension medium and cultured for 8 days(28 ℃,200 r·min-1,dark)as for the initial culture.The calluses were subcultured every other 7 days,and the growth quantity and mortality of suspended calluses were measured after 28 days.In order to verify whether the callus obtained by suspension culture could be used as genetic transformation material, agrobacterium GV3101 solution containing pROK2-GFP plasmid (OD600=0.5) was used to infect the calluses for 15 min. Subsequently, they were cultured on the symbiotic medium(MS+30 g·L-1 sucrose+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+7 g·L-1 agar powder,pH 5.8-6.0)for 3 days,transferred to the screening medium(MS+30 g·L-1 sucrose+1.5 mg·L-1 2,4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+20 mg·L-1 Basta+300 mg·L-1 Cef+200 mg·L-1 Tim+7 g·L-1 agar powder,pH 5.8-6.0)for 20 days,and the transformation efficiency was calculated.Transformation efficiency(%)=number of green fluorescent calluses/total number of infected calluses×100.In order to identify whether or not the suspension cultured calluses(cells)could be used to extract high-quality protoplasts,we collected the stable suspension cell lines on the 4th day by centrifuging them at 6 000 r·min-1 for 5 min.Then we split them in the lysis buffer for 10 min at 55 ℃.10 mL lysis buffer contained 1.0%cellulase,0.5%macerozyme,1 mL MES pH5.7(20 mmol·L-1),5 mL mannitol(0.5 mol·L-1)and 2.5 mL KCl(20 mmol·L-1).Thereafter,we cooled down the splitting mixture to the room temperature,and added 10 mmol·L-1 CaCl2 and 0.1%bovine serum albumin(BSA)into it.Protoplasts were obtained by filtrating the mixture with a 0.45 μm filter. Moreover, the yield and vitality of the protoplasts were determined.【Results】The induction rate of calluses induced from Xinli No.7 pear anthers during the“smallballoon stage”was 45.80%. When the concentration of 6-BA was constant, the status of callus structures ranged from compact to lose and the status of calluses became better with the increase of the concentration of 2, 4-D. After 4 to 5 times of subculture, yellow and white granular and loose calluses could be obtained. Then the obtained loose calluses were cultured on the suspension medium under 28 ℃and dark conditions,and after 4 to 5 times of subculture suspension,cell lines were gained.When the concentration of 2,4-D was 1.5 mg·L-1 and 6-BA was 1.0 mg·L-1,the living cell rate and the nearround cell rate reached 81.98% and 83.66%, respectively. Both of them were significantly higher than that of the control, and the suspension mixture was milky white and very stable.Therefore, the optimal suspension culture medium for pear anther calluses was MS+1.5 mg·L-1 2, 4-D+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+30 g·L-1 sucrose(pH 5.8-6.0).The growth of pear suspended cells showed a sigmoid curve.From 0 to 2 days,the suspension cells were in the lagging-growing phase,the growth increment was quite low and the cell mortality ranged from 13.97%to 22.50%.From 2 to 4 days,the suspension cells were in the logarithmic-growing phase,the volume,the fresh weight and the dry weight of them increased significantly and the cell mortality was the lowest,ranging from 13.97%to 15.40%.From 4 to 6 days,the suspension cells were in the plateau-growing phase,the growth increment of them was stable,and the cell mortality ranged from 15.40% to 19.14%. In addition, in this stage, the fresh weight was about 0.22 g and the dry weight was about 0.05 g, both of which reached the maximum value.After 6 days, the suspension cells were in the senescence-growing phase, the growth increment of them decreased and the cell death mortality ranged from 19.14%to 19.18%.Simultaneously,it was observed that a thick layer of senescent cells deposited at the bottom of the bottle,which was adverse to the growth of suspended cells.It was obvious that the survival rate of the suspension cells was all above 77.50%during one subculture cycle of 0-8 d,and the cells had the fastest growth rate and the highest activity during 2-4 d.After the suspension culture, calluses were moved onto the solid medium. They also had the fastest growth rate and the highest activity,and could propagate to the required amount within 15-20 days,which was significantly faster than that of the calluses without suspension culture. Moreover, the transformation rate of calluses with suspension culture was 20.00%,the yield and the vitality of protoplasts separated from the calluses was 3.67×106 per milliliter and 92.00%, respectively.【Conclusion】A suspension culture system suitable for pear calluses was established, and pear calluses of high quality were obtained by this suspension culture system. The pear calluses could be used as materials for genetic transformation or protoplast preparation.

Key words:Pear;Callus;Cell suspension culture;Growth curve









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:0312-7528326,E-mail:xjf@hebau.edu.cn;E-mail:b.qi@ljmu.ac.uk