
张慧琴,姚旭日,陆玲鸿,古咸彬,宋根华,谢 鸣

(浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所,杭州 310021)

摘 要:甜华特是从华特毛花猕猴桃实生后代中选育而成的新品种。充分授粉后的果实近圆柱形,果皮绿褐色,密集灰白色长茸毛;平均单果质量61.4 g,最大单果质量97.2 g,干物质含量(w,后同)18.79%~21.29%,可溶性固形物含量14.5%~18.1%,总糖含量10.5%~13.1%,总酸含量1.06%~1.16%,维生素C含量589.6~619.3 mg·100 g-1;果肉绿色,髓射线明显,肉质细腻,易剥皮,品质上等,口感甜糯,有果香味;耐贮,货架期长,低温下可贮藏6个月以上。生长健壮,易形成花芽,结果能力强,坐果率高达100%,可在枝蔓上达到食用成熟度,适于采摘园种植;丰产稳产,种植后3 a(年)开始坐果,5 a开始进入盛果期,平均666.7 m2产量在1200 kg以上;抗性强,较耐低温和高温,较抗猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病。适于浙江等生态类似区域栽培。


猕猴桃营养丰富,具有很高的营养和保健价值,是当今世界发展迅速的主要水果种类之一。高糖低酸、口感鲜美、功能成分丰富、抗溃疡病和贮运性好,是当前鲜食猕猴桃育种的主流方向,也是猕猴桃生产者和消费者新的共同愿望。浙江省猕猴桃野生资源丰富,是世界毛花猕猴桃(Acitinidia eriantha)的分布中心之一[1]。毛花猕猴桃果实维生素C含量高,一般是中华猕猴桃、美味猕猴桃的6倍左右,且具容易剥皮、果实货架期长和抗性强等独特优点,是选育猕猴桃主流品种不可多得的宝贵资源[2]。笔者前期在野生资源群体中选育出大果毛花猕猴桃华特[3]和风味浓郁的小果毛花猕猴桃玉玲珑[4]。在此基础上,笔者将优异品种华特进行实生繁育,以期获得果大且风味浓郁的新品种,为丰富猕猴桃种类和拓展猕猴桃遗传背景提供新种质、新材料和新途径。

1 选育经过

2008年3月浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所科研人员将华特猕猴桃种子进行播种,2009 年获得500余株实生苗,并将其定植在浙江省农业科学院杨渡科研创新基地。经3 a(年)培养陆续开花,其中雌株242株。2012年少量挂果,11月上旬采果鉴定,代号为毛花2号,口感表现甜糯且有果香味,与华特口感较酸且有青草味截然不同,2013年和2014年高接在50 株毛花猕猴桃实生植株上并对结果性状进行连续观察,3 a 性状稳定。2016 年定名为甜华特,在浙江仙居、临海、上虞、东阳、天台、浦江、泰顺、淳安、江山等地区试验种植。通过果实品质、适应性、抗逆性、丰产性、稳产性等综合评估,遗传性状表现稳定。2018 年提出新品种保护申请,2021 年6 月获农业农村部植物新品种权证书(品种权号:CNA20183877.0)。

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

1年生枝灰白色,表面密集灰白色茸毛;多年生枝和结果母枝为褐色,皮孔明显,数量中等,皮孔颜色为淡黄褐色。成熟叶长卵形,叶正面绿色无茸毛,叶背淡绿色,叶脉明显。叶柄淡绿色,多白色长茸毛。甜华特和华特的花特性比较如表1所示。甜华特的花序类型属于聚伞花序,每花序3~7朵花,花冠直径平均为4.3 cm,花瓣5~7 片,深红色,萼片2~3片,花柱平均为42枚,花丝平均为145枚。花梗茸毛多,白色,平均长1.5 cm。

表1 甜华特和华特的花特性比较
Table 1 Comparison of flower characteristics of Sweet White and White

品种Cultivar甜华特Sweet White华特White花色Petal color深红Dark red淡红Light red花径Flower size/cm 4.3花瓣数Petal number 5~7萼片数Sepal number 2~3花梗长度Stalk length/cm 1.5花柱数Stigma number 42花丝数Filament number 1455.66~82~31.748150

2.2 果实经济性状

充分授粉后的果实近圆柱形,果顶平或微凸,果皮绿褐色,密集灰白色长茸毛,露地栽培成熟时采收茸毛易脱落(图1)。甜华特和华特的果实特性比较如表2所示。甜华特果实平均单果质量61.4 g,最大单果质量97.2 g,干物质含量(w,后同)18.79%~21.29%,可溶性固形物含量14.5%~18.1%,总糖含量10.5%~13.1%,总酸含量1.06%~1.16%,维生素C 含量589.6~619.3 mg·100 g-1,是当地红阳猕猴桃的6.0~7.2 倍,果肉绿色,髓射线明显,肉质细腻,易剥皮,品质上等,口感甜糯,有果香味;果实较耐贮藏,常温下可贮1~2个月,低温下可贮5~6个月,软熟果货架期较长,常温下20~30 d,低温下1~2 个月。贮藏温度以1~3 ℃为佳。

图1 毛花猕猴桃新品种甜华特果实
Fig.1 Fruit of Actinidia eriantha cultivar Sweet White

表2 甜华特和华特的果实特性比较
Table 2 Comparison of fruit characteristics of Sweet White and White

品种Cultivar甜华特Sweet White华特White果形Fruit shape圆柱形Cylinder长圆柱形Long cylinder平均单果质量Average single fruit mass/g 59~65 w(维生素C)Vitamin C content/(mg·100 g-1)589.6~619.3 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solids content/%14.5~18.1 w(总酸)Total acids content/%1.06~1.1682~94果肉颜色Flesh color绿色Green绿色Green 616.8~656.313.5~15.81.12~1.27口感Taste香甜Fragrant-sweet酸甜Sour-sweet

2.3 开花结果习性与物候期

树势中等偏强,枝条萌发力强,萌芽率71.9%,成枝率100%,坐果率95%以上,无生理落果现象。平均每果枝有花序4~8 个,位于结果枝的1~8 节。浙江省台州地区甜华特猕猴桃于2月中旬为叶芽萌芽期,2月上旬开始进入伤流期,5月中下旬盛花,花期10~12 d,盛花期为3~5 d,果实10 月底至11 月初采收,果实发育期165 d左右。授粉品种以毛雄1号为佳。以果实可溶性固形物含量作为采收成熟度指标,达7.0%时开始采收。

2.4 丰产性和抗病性

2019—2021年在温州、台州、绍兴、金华等猕猴桃产区开展品种区试试验,5年生植株每666.7 m2平均产量1264.3 kg,该品种经示范推广,各地盛果期每666.7 m2平均产量为1200 kg,表现为丰产、稳产、优质。对危害最为严重的细菌性溃疡病进行了抗性评价,经离体鉴定和田间观察比较,与感病品种红阳相比,病情指数低,仅为红阳的7.73%,说明甜华特猕猴桃不易感溃疡病(表3)。

表3 不同猕猴桃品种对溃疡病抗性的比较
Table 3 Comparison of resistance of different kiwifruit cultivars to Psa

品种Cultivar 抗性水平Resistance level甜华特Sweet White华特White红阳Hongyang离体鉴定In vitro identification病情指数Disease index/%7.164.2992.57 RRS

3 分子标记鉴定


图2 引物13 和22 在华特和甜华特中的毛细管电泳检测
Fig.2 Capillary electrophoresis of primer 13 and 22 in White and Sweet White kiwifruit

4 栽培技术要点

4.1 适度稀植

该品种生长健壮,生长量较大,山坡地栽培的适宜种植株行距为(3~4)m×4 m,平地栽培可选择4 m×(4~5)m的株行距栽培,以利于机械化作业。

4.2 合理的架式和整形

以大棚架栽培为宜,山坡地可采用T 形架。采用“一干两蔓”的标准化整形修剪方法,要求主干笔直向上,两个主蔓相背延长至2 m以上,并长期固定在架面上,每个主蔓每隔25~40 cm 培养1 个侧枝作为结果母株。

4.3 充分授粉与适时采收


4.4 平衡施肥与及时排灌

在重施有机肥的基础上,平衡氮、磷、钾、钙、镁等大量元素和锰、铁、锌、铜、硼等微量元素的施用量。土壤要求潮而不涝,50 cm耕作层内不能积水,在猕猴桃需水关键期,干旱时间不得超过24 h。行间最好生草,株间适宜覆草,覆草厚度10~20 cm,既抗旱又保墒。

5 综合评价



[1] 黄宏文.猕猴桃属分类资源驯化栽培[M].北京:科学出版社,2013.HUANG Hongwen. Actinidia: Taxonomy,germplasm,domestication and cultivation[M].Beijing:Science Press,2013.

[2] 戚雯烨,周晨卉,宋丽君,钟雨,郑小林.毛花猕猴桃‘华特’果实采后糖代谢研究[J].果树学报,2016,33(6):744-751.QI Wenye,ZHOU Chenhui,SONG Lijun,ZHONG Yu,ZHENG Xiaolin. Study on sugar metabolism of Actindia eriantha Benth.‘White’during storage[J]. Journal of Fruit Science,2016,33(6):744-751.

[3] 谢鸣,吴延军,蒋桂华,张庆朝,张慧琴,彭尚进,刘康猛.大果毛花猕猴桃新品种‘华特’[J].园艺学报,2008,35(10):1555.XIE Ming,WU Yanjun,JIANG Guihua,ZHANG Qingchao,ZHANG Huiqin,PENG Shangjin,LIU Kangmeng. A new big fruit Actinidia eriantha Benth. cultivar‘White’[J].Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2008,35(10):1555.

[4] 张慧琴,谢鸣,张庆朝,赖维金,肖金平,周利秋.毛花猕猴桃新品种‘玉玲珑’[J].园艺学报,2015,42(S2):2841-2842.ZHANG Huiqin,XIE Ming,ZHANG Qingchao,LAI Weijin,XIAO Jinping,ZHOU Liqiu. A new Actinidia eriantha cultivar‘Yulinglong’[J].Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2015,42(S2):2841-2842.

[5] MENG M,TANG W,LIU J,HUANG S X,YU J D,LIU F F,LIN L ,ZHANG X,LIU Y S. Development of EST-SSR markers in development of EST-SSR markers in Actinidia chinesis‘Hongyang’based on transcriptomic sequences [J]. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology,2014,20(4):564-570.

Breeding of a kiwifruit cultivar Sweet White(Actinidia eriantha)

ZHANG Huiqin,YAO Xuri,LU Linghong,GU Xianbin,SONG Genhua,XIE Ming
(Institute of Horticulture,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310021,Zhejiang,China)

Abstract:Sweet White is a new green-fleshed kiwifruit cultivar(Actinidia eriantha)with excellent fruit quality,and it was selected from White.The seeds germinated in 2008,and the seedling No.2 was significantly different from the female parent, and was found from the candidate population in 2012. The initial selection was carried out from 2013 to 2015 based on fruit weight,fruit shape and superior taste,and it was finally selected and named Sweet White in 2016. Throughout regional adaptability test at four sites(including Taizhou,Shaoxing,Wenzhou and Jinhua),the productive trial plantings were established from 2016 to 2020. In 2021, Sweet White was awarded the new plant variety right certificate by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The fruit is cylindrical shape and moderate in size. It weighs 59-65 grams on average. The stylar end is flat or slightly convex, and the fruit skin is green brown, with dense, long and gray white villi. The fruit flesh is green and the core shows yellowish white.The fruit has a fine texture,and flavor is sweet with aromatic taste and glutinous texture.The contents of soluble solids, dry matters, total sugars, total acids and vitamin C are 14.5%-18.1%,18.79%-21.29%,10.5%-13.1%,1.06%-1.16% and 589.6-619.3 mg·100 g-1 fresh weight, respectively.Timely harvesting is needed.When the soluble solids content in fruit reaches over 7.0%,the harvest should begin.The fruit has good storage quality:storage life can last 1-2 months at ambient temperature and 5-6 months at cool storage.The shelf life of softening fruit at room temperature could be more than 15 days and keep 1-2 months under cool-stored condition. The fruit development period of Sweet White is about 165 days. It begins to bloom in mid-late May and the fruit matures in late October or early November in Taizhou area. Sweet White is vigorous. The percentage of bud break and cane forming are 71.9% and 100%, respectively.The cyme occurs at nodes 1-8 of the fruiting canes, and there are often 4 to 8 inflorescences on these nodes with predominant inflorescences containing 3-7 flowers.The flower size is about 4.3 cm, with 5-7 dark red petals, 2-3 sepals and 42 stigmas.The fruit set rate is above 95%,and there is no physiological fruit drop.Sweet White is less susceptible to bacterial canker of kiwifruit (Psa) and has better performance under Psa condition. This cultivar has been put into production early, with high and stable yield.Grafted plants of this cultivar start fruiting at the second year,and the output is about 1264 kg per 666.7 m2 at the fifth year after grafting.Spacing in the rows and spacing between rows could be 3 m×4 m or 4 m×4 m,using the pergola and T-bar system,with a single trunk and two permanent arms. Maoxiong No. 1 is recommended as a pollinizer, and the ratio of male to female could be (6-8)∶1. The inheritance characteristic of′ this cultivar is stable, with high content of vitamin C, easy peeling, good yield, good quality and less susceptibility to bacterial canker.Areas suitable for cultivation include Zhejiang and some similar regions.

Key words:Actinidia eriantha;New cultivar;Sweet White;Seedling selection







