

(西北农林科技大学林学院,陕西杨凌 712100)

摘 要:泰山1号是从山东省果树研究所引进的板栗品种。在陕西秦岭板栗产区引种驯化后,进行了区域试验,性状优异,丰产稳产性能突出。2018 年2 月通过了陕西省林木品种审定委员会审定,仍定名为泰山1 号。该品种丰产稳产,连年结果能力强。强壮枝多,无效细弱枝少。果前梢长,且大芽数量多,易形成雌花,基部芽也能抽生结果枝。单株平均栗苞数254个,空苞率仅1%~2%。嫁接后3~4 a(年)进入丰产期,7年生树株均产7.6 kg。坚果红褐色,有光泽,饱满,平均单粒质量18.0 g,属大型果。栗仁质地细糯香甜,品质优,较耐贮藏,炒食加工皆宜。已在陕西板栗产区大面积栽培。


板栗是中国分布十分广泛的生态经济型干果树种,全国栽培面积大约18×105 hm2,分布在23 个省(自治区、直辖市),南北均有规模化栽培[1]。板栗也是国家确立的6 个战略性干果树种之一,在山地林业中占有重要的地位,具有不可替代性[2]。秦巴山区是中国板栗自然分布区和重要产区,板栗栽培面积约33.5×104 hm2,是秦巴山区的主导产业,也是山区人民脱贫致富的主要依靠。长期以来,秦巴山区板栗实生林面积大,品种混杂,良莠不齐,良种化率不及5%。西北农林科技大学自20世纪80年代就开始了板栗良种选育和引种栽培工作,选育出了5 个适合秦巴山区栽培的优良品种,泰山1 号就是通过引种驯化培育出的、丰产稳产性能突出的板栗品种。良种培育和大面积推广极大地推动了秦巴山区板栗产业的良种化进程,有力地促进了板栗产业的发展。

1 选育过程

泰山1号板栗是山东省果树研究所优选培育的板栗新品种,其亲本来源于安徽省滁县的粘底板农家品系,在山东省新泰市楼德镇东王庄栗园嫁接繁殖后,从无性系中发现了1株变异株,经过多年初复决选,选出了板栗芽变新品种,2000 年通过山东省新品种审定,定名为泰山1号。2001年,西北农林科技大学从山东省果树研究所赵永孝研究员处将其引种到陕西秦巴山区进行区域试验。引种当年即将其嫁接在陕西省宝鸡市坪头镇安坪村的板栗大树和实生苗上。2005 年开始,陆续在陕西省的山阳县、镇安县、柞水县、商南县、丹凤县、商州区、留坝县等地进行多点区域试验,总面积达252 hm2。通过连续物候期和植株性状观测,对遗传稳定性、丰产稳产性、抗逆性等性状指标进行了测定,并进一步优化选择,2010年6月由陕西省林木良种委员会认定为优良品种(良种编号:QLR015-J015-2009)。之后继续在陕西省板栗产区进行多点区域试验和推广,其性状稳定,具有丰产稳产、抗病性强等优点。2018年2月通过了陕西省林木品种审定委员会审定,仍然定名为泰山1 号(良种编号:陕S-ETS-CT-005-2017)。目前,该品种已成为陕西板栗产区的主推品种之一,推广面积已超过750 hm2

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

树姿开张,多呈开心形,树势强旺。7年生树平均高3.7 m,枝下高33.6 cm,地径10.9 cm,冠幅3.1 m×3.2 m。枝长31.5 cm,节间长2.2 cm。枝条灰褐色,皮孔密,呈椭圆形,黄白色。混合芽属中大型,椭球形,饱满。叶片深绿,质地较厚,百叶质量219.3 g,叶椭圆形,先端渐尖,叶长21.6 cm,宽8.2 cm,叶柄粗,长2.1 cm。雄花序长17.9 cm,斜生,每结果枝上着生10~12 条雄花序,混合花序斜生于结果枝先端。刺苞大型,皮较厚,单苞质量100~119 g,成熟时三裂或十字形开裂,平均每刺苞含坚果2.8 粒。苞刺长1.6 cm,较硬,有分叉。坚果外皮红褐色,光泽明亮,茸毛稀少,筋线较明显。果肉黄色,涩皮易剥离(图1)。

图1 板栗新品种泰山1 号
Fig.1 A new chestnut cultivar Taishan 1

2.2 SSR分子鉴定

应用SSR分子标记技术对引种前的泰山1号品种和重新审定的新的泰山1号品种进行SSR 分子鉴定,获得了二者的指纹图谱(图2,图3)。结果表明,在二者扩增的特异性条带上,在110 bp、160 bp、190 bp处出现了差异条带,表明二者在DNA水平上存在差异,具备成为新品种的遗传基础。

图2 引种前的泰山1 号SSR 分子鉴定
Fig.2 SSR molecular identification of Taishan 1 before introduction

图3 重新审定的泰山1 号的SSR 分子鉴定
Fig.3 SSR molecular identification of new chestnut cultivar Taishan 1

2.3 生长结果习性

该品种丰产稳产,连年结果能力强,抽生强壮枝多,无效细弱枝少。幼树生长旺盛,新枝粗壮,果前梢长,且大芽数量多,易形成雌花,基部芽也能抽生结果枝,短截修剪能促生结果。单株平均栗苞数254个,且空苞率低,只有1%~2%,嫁接后2 a(年)即能开花结果,3~4 a 进入丰产期,7 年生树株均产7.6 kg,平均666.7 m2产量超过380 kg。

2.4 坚果经济性状

坚果红褐色,较镇安1号色深,但色泽光亮。大小均匀饱满,平均单粒质量18.0 g,属大型果。板栗仁黄色,细糯香甜,可溶性糖含量(w,后同)12.8%,淀粉含量64.8%,粗蛋白含量4.7%,粗脂肪含量0.9%。较耐贮藏,炒食加工皆宜。

2.5 物候期

在秦岭北麓一带,3 月底萌芽,4 月上旬展叶,6月上旬进入盛花期,9月上旬果实成熟,11月上旬落叶,果实发育期100 d,营养生长期210 d左右。

2.6 丰产稳产性分析

为了进一步测评该品种的丰产稳产性,采用结果母枝抽生的结果枝数、每结果枝着生的栗苞数、单苞内的坚果数、出实率和坚果单粒质量等5 个与产量相关的性状指标进行测评,并对7 年生树进行了连续5 a 的测产(表1)。从分析结果看,泰山1 号在结果枝形成能力、栗苞内坚果数、出实率和单粒质量4个性状都优于对比的其他2个品种,丰产指数高达99.26;单株产量达7.6 kg,高于其他2 个品种,且产量变幅最小。综合评价结果:泰山1 号的丰产性和稳产性都优于对比的镇安1号和秦栗2号。

表1 丰产和稳产性测评
Table 1 Evaluation of high and stable yield

品种Cultivar丰产指数High yield index株产量Yield per tree/kg产量变幅Yield amplitude/%泰山1号Taishan 1秦栗2号Qinli 2镇安1号Zhenan 1每母枝果枝数Amount of fruit branch in one cane测值Value 2.7 2.5 2.1指数Index 20.00 18.52 15.56每果枝刺苞数Amount of bur in one fruit branch测值Value 2.6 2.7 1.8指数Index 19.26 20.00 13.33每刺苞坚果数Nut numbers per bur测值Value 2.8 2.5 2.5指数Index 20.00 17.86 17.86出实率Nut rate/%测值Value 41.9 36.8 35.3指数Index 20.00 17.57 16.85单粒质量single nut weight/g测值Value 16.5 11.7 13.2指数Index 20.00 14.18 16.00 99.26 88.13 79.60 7.6 7.1 6.8 32.2 45.3 36.5

3 栽培技术要点

泰山1 号较耐瘠薄,在丘陵、河滩、贫瘠山地都能栽培,可以在秦岭板栗产区大面积推广。山地建园株行距3 m×4 m为宜,河滩、平地株行距4 m×5 m为宜。授粉树以华丰、秦栗2号为佳,主栽和授粉品种按5∶1 进行配置。该品种树姿开张,幼树期应通过人工拉枝开张角度,增加壮枝数量,促其形成自然开心树形。进入盛果期适当加重修剪量,保持每平方米树冠投影面积内保留6~10条结果母枝,同时进行小回缩更新修剪,保持树势健壮生长。花期喷1次0.3%的硼砂溶液以提高坐果率,秋季施基肥时加施硼砂5~10 g·m-2,冬季深耕或扩盘以降低越冬害虫虫口数量。进入老龄期,结果部位外移时,可采用反向嫁接方法进行更新改造,调整树体结构,增加内膛结果数量[3-4]


[1]曹均.全国板栗产业调查报告[M].北京:中国林业出版社,2013:1-17.CAO Jun. National chestnut industry survey report[M]. Beijing:China Forestry Press,2013:1-17.

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[3]季志平,吕平会,何佳林,李潇雨.板栗大龄树反向嫁接试验[J].黑龙江农业科学,2020(2):78-80.JI Zhiping,LÜ Pinghui,HE Jialin,LI Xiaoyu.Experiment on reverse grafting of Chinese chestnut older trees[J]. Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences,2020(2):78-80

[4]孙海伟,张继亮,杨德平,张本刚,梅立新.泰山板栗早熟优质新品种‘泰林2 号’的选育[J].果树学报,2014,31(3):520-522.SUN Haiwei,ZHANG Jiliang,YANG Deping,ZHANG Bengang,MEI Lixin.A new early ripening Taishan chestnut cultivar with high quality‘Tailin 2’[J]. Journal of Fruit Science,2014,31(3):520-522.

Breeding report of a new chestnut cultivar Taishan 1 with high and stable yield

JI Zhiping,HE Jialin*,LÜ Pinghui
(College of Forestry,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China)

Abstract: Taishan 1 is a new chestnut cultivar with high and stable yield. Its parents come from farm varieties in Chuxian county,Anhui province, P. R. of China. It belongs to the Niandiban strain. It was first introduced by Zhao Yongxiao to Xintai city, Shandong province.A bud variety was selected from the Niandiban strain and approved in 2000. It was introduced to Baoji city, Shaanxi province in 2001,and then the multi-point regional experiments were carried out in various counties and districts of Shaanxi province. In 2018, it was approved by Shaanxi Forest Cultivar Approval Committee and still named Taishan 1.The tree crown is open, mostly in a center-open shape.The bark is taupe with dense lenticels. The leaf color is dark green, and the petiole is stout. The mixed bud is medium and largesized.The mixed inflorescence is oblique bearing at the apex of the fruiting branch.The chestnut hull is large with the bur thorn being long, hard and forked. The number of nuts per bud is 2.8. The nuts are full and uniform in size, and the average weight of nuts is 18.0 g. Nuts are reddish brown with bright luster,few hairs and obvious tendons.The kernel is yellow,fine-waxy and sweet.The tegmen is easy to peel.The soluble sugar content is 12.8%,the starch content is 64.8%,the crude protein content is 4.7%,and the crude fat content is 0.9%.This cultivar has high and stable yield and strong fruiting ability year after year.The current shoot in front of the fruit branch is long,there are many big buds,and it is easy to initiate female flowers.The average number of involucres per plant is 254,but the empty rate is only 1%-2%.After grafting,it can bear nuts in the 2nd year,enter the high-yield period in 3-4 years,and the average yield with 7-year-old trees is 7.6 kg.The average production capacity is more than 380 kg·666.7 m-2.It is resistant to barren soil and has strong disease resistance.It is more resistant to storage and suitable for frying and processing. It is suitable for cultivation in the Qinling mountain area.The buds sprouted at the end of March, the leaves expanded in early April, the tree entered full flowering period in early June, the fruit matured in early September, and the fruit development period lasted 100 days. It is suitable for training natural center-open shape. During the full fruiting period, appropriate short cutting back and pruning should be carried out to promote the growth of nuts, timely retraction and renewal should be carried out to maintain the vigorous growth of trees,borax should be sprayed during the flowering period to improve the nut setting rate, and deep tillage or disc expansion should be carried out in winter to reduce the number of overwintering pests.After chestnut trees enter the old age period,the reverse grafting method can be used for renovation and transformation, so as to adjust the tree structure and increase the number of inner nuts.This cultivar has been cultivated in a large area in Shaanxi chestnut producing area.

Key words:Chestnut;New cultivar;Taishan 1;Stable high yield









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:13002993903,E-mail:hjlhejialin@126.com