
吴伟民,王壮伟,钱亚明,王西成,王 博,闫莉春

(江苏省农业科学院果树研究所·江苏省高效园艺作物遗传改良重点实验室,南京 210014)

摘 要:紫金秋浓是以魏可为母本、京秀为父本杂交选育出的中熟鲜食葡萄新品种,属欧亚种葡萄。果穗圆锥形,平均穗质量648.8 g;果粒椭圆形,平均果粒质量9.1 g,每果粒含种子2~3粒;果皮薄,无涩味,紫红色至红紫色;果粉中等厚;果肉脆,果汁较多,无香味;平均可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)20.3%,可滴定酸含量0.48%,浓郁酸甜风味。该品种植株生长势强,坐果率高,丰产,在南京地区避雨栽培条件下,3月下旬萌芽,5月上旬开花,8月中旬果实成熟。



图1 葡萄新品种紫金秋浓
Fig.1 A new grape cultivar Zijinqiunong

1 选育经过

2008年5月,以魏可为母本、京秀为父本进行人工授粉杂交,当年9月份收获杂交种子,12月进行种子沙藏处理,2009年3月播种育苗,2010年3月将杂交后代定植到江苏省农业科学院葡萄育种圃,2012年杂交后代开始结果,经过3 a(年)的连续观察、测定,编号为08-14-16的杂交后代综合性状表现优良,2014年确定其为初选优系。2015年嫁接扩繁08-14-16,经2016—2018年多点试验观察与鉴定,08-14-16具有着色好、肉质脆、汁液丰富的特性,且成熟期趋于双亲之间,结果性状稳定,抗病性中等,风味浓郁,综合性状优良。2018 年12 月14 日将08-14-16 命名为紫金秋浓,并申报品种权,2021年12月30日获得品种权授权,品种权号为CNA20184136.5。

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征


2.2 果实经济性状

紫金秋浓果穗圆锥形,紧,平均穗长19.2 cm,穗宽15.5 cm,穗梗长度7.1 cm,平均穗质量648.8 g。果粒椭圆形,着生较紧密,平均单果粒质量9.1 g,果皮紫红色至红紫色,果皮薄,无涩味,果粉中等厚,全穗果粒成熟较一致,果粒与果柄分离难易程度中等,果肉质地脆,汁液较多,无香味,每果粒含种子2~3粒。可溶性固形物含量20.3%,可滴定酸含量0.48%,酸甜,风味浓郁,鲜食品质中等(表1)。

表1 紫金秋浓与魏可果实性状比较
Table 1 Main economic characteristics of Zijinqiunong and the control variety Wink

年份Year 2019单粒质量Berry weight/g 9.05果穗质量Cluster weight/g 654.3香味Fragrance无None果肉质地Texture脆Crisp果皮涩味Astringent of skin无None w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%20.7 w(可滴定酸)Titratable acid content/%0.461 2020品种Cultivar紫金秋浓Zijinqiunong魏可Wink紫金秋浓Zijinqiunong魏可Wink 9.02 8.99 643.7 643.2无None无None脆Crisp脆Crisp无None无None 20.5 19.9 0.427 0.497 9.01637.5风味Flavor酸甜Sour and sweet甜Sweet酸甜Sour and sweet甜Sweet 无None 脆Crisp 无None 19.70.431

2.3 生长结果习性

紫金秋浓植株生长势强。芽眼平均萌发率为92.7%,结果枝率为92.1%。花序着生于结果枝第2~3节位,每结果枝平均着生果穗数为1.6个。定植第2年开始结果,并易早期丰产,盛果期需合理疏果,适当控产,以提高果实品质,每666.7 m2产量在1250 kg左右。

2.4 物候期

紫金秋浓在南京地区避雨栽培条件下,3 月下旬萌芽,5月上旬开花,8月中旬果实成熟,从萌芽到果实成熟需135 d左右,属中熟品种。与亲本魏可相比,紫金秋浓果实成熟期可提前17 d左右(表2)。

表2 紫金秋浓与魏可物候期比较
Table 2 The comparison phenological period between Zijinqiunong and the control cultivar Wink

年份Year 2019 2020品种Cultivar紫金秋浓Zijinqiunong魏可Wink紫金秋浓Zijinqiunong魏可Wink萌芽期Date of bud burst 3月下旬Late March 3月下旬Late March 3月下旬Late March 3月下旬Late March初花期Beginning date of flowering 5月上旬Early May 5月上旬Early May 5月上旬Early May 5月上旬Early May果实成熟期Date of berry ripe 8月中旬Middle August 9月上旬Early September 8月中旬Middle August 9月上旬Early September

2.5 抗逆性与栽培适应性


3 栽培技术要点

3.1 栽培方式与架式

紫金秋浓在江苏地区栽培时需采用设施避雨栽培方式。栽培架式可采用水平棚架、V 形架或Y 形架。依据不同的栽培架式和整形方式,株行距选择2 m×3 m或4 m×6 m。

3.2 整形修剪

紫金秋浓在江苏地区栽培时可采用一字形整形或H 形整形。冬季修剪以短梢或极短梢修剪为主,夏季修剪以抹芽定梢摘心为主,每666.7 m2 留枝2500个左右,花期摘心,果穗以下不留副梢,果穗以上留1叶副梢后摘心。

3.3 花果管理

现蕾至开花前期进行疏穗,每666.7 m2留2500穗左右。合理疏果修穗,每穗保留果粒70 粒左右。疏果定穗后,药剂预防病虫害,并套葡萄专用纸袋。如果对紫金秋浓进行无核化栽培,则可参照魏可葡萄无核化生产技术[5]

3.4 肥水管理

幼苗定植前施足量有机肥,定植当年4—8 月,幼树采取少量多次方法进行追肥促长;成龄树每年萌芽期、花后及果实转色期分别进行追肥。发芽前和果粒前期加速生长时适当灌水,着色期停止灌水,雨季要及时排水,注意水分平衡,防止裂果。

3.5 病虫害防治



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A new mid-ripening table grape cultivar Zijinqiunong

WU Weimin,WANG Zhuangwei,QIAN Yaming,WANG Xicheng,WANG Bo,YAN Lichun
(Insititute of Pomology,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory for Horticultural Crop Genetic Improvement,Nanjing 210014,Jiangsu,China)

Abstract:Zijinqiunong is a new mid-ripening table grape cultivar derived from the cross between Wink(♀) and Jingxiu (♂) in 2008. Seeding and propagation were carried out in 2009, and the plant was transplanted to the grape breeding nursery of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2010.It was initially selected in 2012.In 2013,it entered the secondary selection program.After regional adaptability test in multi-plot demonstration for 3 years (2016 to 2018), it was finally named Zijinqiunong. The shoot tip of Zijinqiunong is closed and erect.The tip hair density is sparse and has no anthocyanin.The shoot is semi-erect, and the dorsal of internode is red. The color of internode ventral is green with red strips.The surface of young leaves is yellowish green, and no erect hair is on the main veins of young leaves on the lower side.The creeping hairs between main veins on the lower side are sparse.The distribution of tendril is discontinuous,and the length is medium.The shape of the mature leaves is subcircular.Anthocyanins in the main veins on leaf surface are low.The petiole sinus is closed.The teeth of leaf margin are straight at both sides long.Number of leaf lobes is 5.The upper lateral sinus of leaf is overlapped. The mature branches are reddish brown. The flowers are bisexual and inflorescence usually is born at the second to third node. The clusters are cone, and the average weight is 648.8 g. The berries are oval shaped, with 2-3 seeds per berry, weighing averagely 9.1 g, and of attractive amaranth to purple color. The skin is thin and no acerbity, and the powder on the outer skin is medium thickness. The flesh is crisp and juicy with rich sour-sweet flavor. The average content of soluble solid in berry is 20.3%, and acid content is 0.48%. Berry quality is excellent. Flowering occurs in early May, similar to the major table grape varieties,and the berries ripen around middle August under the condition of sheltered cultivation in Nanjing area. The number of inflorescences is 1.6. Winter bud break rate is 92.7%and fruiting branches rate is 92.1%. The variety is vigorous and has higher fruit-setting rate and, good harvest.

Key words:Grape;New cultivar;Zijinqiunong;Mid-ripening







