

1西北农林科技大学,陕西杨凌 712100;2陕西省洛川县苹果产业研发中心,陕西洛川 727400)

摘 要:【目的】探究旱地苹果园草被群落演替特征和生态适应性,为人工干预自然生草过程中草被高效管理提供参考。【方法】以洛川县凤栖镇苹果园为代表,调查了果园全年草本植物的发生特点及群落组成,用不同时期的草种密度计算Margalef丰富度指数、辛普森指数、生态位指数和统计草本植物全年相对高度、根长等指标,筛选适合旱地苹果园自然生草的优良草本植物种类。【结果】以洛川县凤栖镇为代表的旱地苹果园中,草本植物共32种,隶属于15个科。春季以繁缕、藜科、十字花科草本植物为主,入夏后十字花科草本植物逐渐消退,繁缕、禾本科和菊科草本植物占主导位置,直至11月,8、9月为苹果园全年草本植物丰富度指数最高的月份。狗尾草、虎尾草、稗草、马唐、繁缕这5种草在果园中年覆盖时间最长,覆盖密度最大。【结论】果园的自然生草群落会随着季节变化而变化,综合所有结果筛选出,狗尾草、虎尾草、马唐、稗草、繁缕、蒲公英、苣荬菜、活血丹可作为旱地苹果园自然生草的优良草本植物种类。



近年来,果树产业发展迅速,苹果种植面积增大,尤其是陕西苹果产量占全国苹果总产量的1/3和世界总产量的1/8,苹果产业已经成为陕西发展现代农业和增加农民收入的支柱产业[4-5]。但是在果园管理中,目前对果园杂草的处理方式单一,除草工作投入大量的劳动力导致生产成本增加,因此,通过人为干预有效利用杂草可显著减少刈割频次,降低生产成本。良好的苹果园生态系统是生产优质果品的基础,果园生草作为一项重要的果园土壤生态维护措施,已逐步在全国推广开来。果园生草通常分为人工种草和自然生草,由于洛川干旱少雨,果园的土壤养分不能有效循环利用,人工生草对草种的选择和后期的管理要求相对较高,见效慢,而自然生草具有投资少、生长快、适应性强、易于管护等优势,是果园生草的优先选择[6]。在研究中发现,陕西省苹果园样点地中出现的杂草主要有18个科,约38个种,其中阔叶草有马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)、藜(Chenopodium album)、苣荬菜(Ixeris denticulate)、秃苍花(Dicranostigma leptopodum)、葎草(Humulus scandens)、繁缕(Stellaria media)、蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum)等30 种,有马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)等7 种禾本科杂草,莎草科1 种为香附子(Cyperus rotundus[7]。阔叶草种仅部分草种可以运用在果园生草中,经试验证实,繁缕对果园环境的调节十分有利[8],禾本科草种在人为的干预下,在果园自然生草中可以发挥良好的作用,有效提高土壤有机碳含量[9]


1 材料和方法

1.1 试验地点

试验在洛川县凤栖镇桥西村的农户果园中进行,洛川县属渭北黄土高原沟壑区,是黄土高原面积最大、土层最厚的塬区,土壤类型为典型的褐土,素有“苹果之乡”的誉称。年平均气温9.9 ℃,年降雨量600 mm 左右,主要集中在5—9 月,株行距为3 m × 4 m,树体健康生长。选中试验的果园实施自然生草制,未进行人工生草。在对洛川果园土壤状况的调查中显示,氮、磷、钾化肥平均施用量依次为1208、828 和1114 kg·hm- 2,土壤pH 值偏高,为7.84~8.33,各果园间土壤pH 值变异很小[11]。果园的土壤有机质含量偏低,洛川苹果园的土壤全氮、全磷、全钾和速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量(w,后同)分别为0.72、0.85、20.09 g·kg-1和43.93、9.28、138.14 mg·kg-1。洛川苹果园土壤的全氮、全磷含量与国内其他苹果主产区相近,全钾含量较高;碱解氮、速效磷含量远低于国内其他苹果主产区[12]

1.2 调查方法

采用拍照、收集、查阅文献资料、经草种专家鉴定等方式确定草种类别,在每个果园中以对角线为基准随机调查自然生草的3 个样方,每个样方的面积为1 m2,调查20 个果园,总共调查60 个样方。分析并记录每个月草种的生长情况(草种株数、高度)和群落分布,为便于记录,以杂草茎秆数来表示杂草的株数,草种的地下部分记作草种根长。通过文献查阅掌握主要优势草种的生态习性,筛选出适合试验地苹果园自然生草的优势良性草种。

1.3 数据分析

将采得的标本进行分类并鉴定到种,以种为统计单元,计算Margalef 丰富度指数、辛普森指数、优势度、生态位宽度[10,13]

Margalef 丰富度指数DMg=(S-1)/lnN,S 指物种种类数,N 为样方各物种的数量总和。Margalef 丰富度指数代表了一个群落或环境中物种数目的多少。

辛普森指数为第i 个种的个体数量。辛普森指数越大,说明群落中种数越多,各种个体分配越均匀,物种多样性程度高。



生态优势度C=ni(ni-1)/[N(N-1)],N 为样方各物种的数量总和,ni为第i 个种的个体数量。当优势度>0.01时,该种即为优势种。

上述数据采用Microsoft Excel 2016 进行整理并制图,利用SPSS Statistics 21 软件进行Duncan’s法多重比较,所有样本数据均为3组重复。

2 结果与分析

2.1 苹果园草种群落组成

洛川县凤栖镇苹果园共有草种32 种(表1),分别隶属于15个科,其中草种种类最多的是禾本科和菊科,各占比19%;其次是豆科,占比9%;十字花科、蓼科、唇形科、藜科、茄科,占比均为6%;其他占比均为3%。另外,在果园附近发现的杂草还有刺儿菜、葎草、苜蓿草、尖裂假还阳参、黑麦草、早熟禾等,因其多生长在道路两旁并且数量极少,对果园土壤环境没有影响,故未做统计。

表1 洛川县凤栖镇苹果园草种组成
Table 1 Grass species composition in apple orchard in Fengqi town,Luochuan county

科Family禾本科Gramineae数量Quantity 6占比Proportion%19石竹科Caryophyllaceae十字花科Brassicaceae草本植物名称Herb species狗尾草Setaria viridis虎尾草Chloris virgata稗草Echinochloa crusgalli马唐Digitaria sanguinalis知风草Eragrostis ferruginea臭草Melica turczaninowiana繁缕Stellaria media马齿苋科Portulacaceae蓼科Polygonaceae紫草科Boraginaceae唇形科Labiatae豆科Leguminosae小花糖芥Erysimum cheiranthoides荠菜Capsella bursa-pastoris马齿苋Portulaca oleracea菊科Compositae 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 9 1 9罂粟科Papaveraceae车前科Plantaginaceae蔷薇科Rosaceae百合科Liliaceae藜科Chenopodiaceae茄科Solanaceae萹蓄Polygonumaviculare酸模Rumex acetosa附地草Trigonotis peduncularis夏至草Lagopsis supina活血丹Glechoma longituba白车轴草Trifolium repens野豌豆Vicia sepium多变小冠花Coronilla varia苣荬菜Ixeris denticulate蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum青蒿Artemisia carvifolia白莲蒿Artemisia sacrorum小蓬草Conyza Canadensis飞廉Carduuscrispus秃疮花Dicranostigma leptopodum车前草Plantago asiatica蛇含委陵菜Potentilla kleiniana薤白Allium macrostemon灰藜Chenopodium album地肤Kochia scoparia青杞Solanum septemlobum龙葵Solanum nigrum 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 6

2.2 旱地苹果园中草本植物多样性指标随月份变化特点

调查8 个月的样方草本植物多样性指数如图1所示,物种丰富度9 月最高,4 月、5 月、7 月、11 月物种丰富度比较低,主要受天气变化影响,6月的草种多样性指数最低,其原因是农户因为田间作业进行了刈割,并且由于气温越来越高,直到7月的旱地苹果园温度达到全年最高值且降雨量少,影响了草被的生长,导致草被覆盖率相对较低。Simpson 指数显示,4 月、5 月、8 月、9 月、10 月指数大小变化小,生草覆盖率高,草密度较大,并且草在果园内分布均匀,4 月、5 月以荠菜和臭草为主,分布集中且均匀。8 月、9 月、10 月主要是狗尾草、虎尾草、马唐、稗草、繁缕、活血丹、薤白在果园中大量分布,均匀且稳定。

图1 凤栖镇苹果园中草本植物多样性指标变化特点
Fig.1 Variation characteristics of herbaceous plant diversity index in Fengqi apple orchard

2.3 旱地苹果园优势草种的生态位宽度

由表2 中的Levins 生态位宽度可以看出,蒲公英、蛇含委陵菜、青杞、苣荬菜、马唐、稗草、灰藜、荠菜、臭草、活血丹、虎尾草、薤白、狗尾草、繁缕生态位宽度数值依次减少,说明蒲公英、蛇含委陵菜、青杞植株相对高大,对不同生境资源的利用能力较强,而繁缕则对不同生境资源的利用能力较弱。由表2中Shannon 生态位宽度数值可以看出,繁缕、狗尾草、虎尾草的数值较大并依次减少,说明其在田间覆盖的时间较长,反之,蛇含委陵菜的覆盖时间较短。因为每种草种的Levins生态位宽度与Shannon生态位宽度数值大小排名不同,因此生态位宽度较大的种,不一定是群落的优势种,群落的优势种生态位宽度不一定最大。在这14个优势种中,生态位宽度较大的物种,对环境资源的利用能力较强;而没有列出的植物种的生态宽度较小,它们在该区分布范围较小,对该果园的生态环境适应性较差,长势较弱。因此,生态位宽度与物种本身的生理和生态适应性、竞争力、种间竞争强度、利用资源数量和分布空间等因素有关。

表2 凤栖镇苹果园优势草种的生态位宽度
Table 2 Niche width of dominant herb species in Fengqi apple orchard

Note: Different small letters indicate significant difference at p<0.05.The same below.

草本植物名称Herb species狗尾草Setaria viridis虎尾草Chloris virgata稗草Echinochloa crusgalli马唐Digitaria sanguinalis繁缕Stellaria media灰藜Chenopodium album臭草Melica turczaninowiana荠菜Capsella bursa-pastoris苣荬菜Ixeris denticulate蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum薤白Allium macrostemon活血丹Glechoma longituba青杞Solanum septemlobum蛇含委陵菜Potentilla kleiniana Levins 生态位宽度Levins niche breadth index,B1 3.95±1.06 m 7.10±1.36 k 20.82±3.63 f 23.18±2.27 e 0.89±0.15 n 17.32±1.25 g 8.73±1.21 i 10.06±1.18 h 156.70±26.09 d Shannon生态位宽度Shannon niche breadth index,B2 1.56±0.04 b 1.42±0.06 c 0.91±0.08 e 0.88±0.05 f 2.34±0.10 a 0.84±0.09 f 0.68±0.13 h 0.67±0.14 h 0.50±0.12 i 0.23±0.08 j 1 465.20±31.43 a 6.10±0.73 l 8.58±1.25 j 955.43±40.87 c 1 337.66±31.70 b 0.70±0.11 h 1.19±0.26 d 0.17±0.06 k 0.15±0.05 k

2.4 旱地苹果园中草本植物优势种组成

根据旱地苹果园草本植物的组成及出现频率等特点,主要筛选并计算14 个草种优势度,草种分别隶属于9 个科,其中繁缕、狗尾草、虎尾草全年的生长优势明显,其余草种的优势度会随着时间的变化而变化。旱地苹果园草本植物在4 月和5 月主要由石竹科、藜科、十字花科杂草组成,进入6 月十字花科、藜科杂草经人工干预彻底被取代和逐渐被取代,进入7月出现禾本科、唇形科杂草,并逐渐成为优势草种。8月、9月、10月伴随着降雨,杂草种类逐渐增多,以禾本科、石竹科、唇形科、百合科为主(表3)。

表3 凤栖镇苹果园全年各个月份的草种优势度
Table 3 The dominance of grass species in each month of the year in Fengqi apple orchard

草本植物名称Herb species狗尾草Setaria viridis虎尾草Chloris virgata稗草Echinochloa crusgalli马唐Digitaria sanguinalis繁缕Stellaria media灰藜Chenopodium album臭草Melica turczaninowiana荠菜Capsella bursa-pastoris苣荬菜Ixeris denticulate蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum薤白Allium macrostemon活血丹Glechoma longituba青杞Solanum septemlobum蛇含委陵菜Potentilla kleiniana 4月Apr.5月May 6月Jun.7月Jul.0.121 40±0.012 00 a 0.055 87±0.007 78 a 0.103 22±0.007 93 a 0.027 62±0.005 27 c 0.055 98±0.002 28 b 0.049 72±0.000 39 b 0.001 64±0.000 56 d 0.000 15±0.000 05 d 0.109 76±0.007 34 a 0.027 70±0.006 07 a 0.058 52±0.004 46 a 0.049 63±0.001 54 a 0.000 81±0.000 32 a 0.000 08±0.000 00 a 0.758 98±0.060 52 a 0.002 14±0.000 36 b 0.034 93±0.003 61 a 0.000 03±0.000 13 a 8月Aug.0.046 86±0.002 72 b 0.014 41±0.001 55c 0.004 34±0.000 50 d 0.003 80±0.000 08 d 0.016 98±0.001 63 c 0.000 16±0.000 01 e 9月Sept.0.014 05±0.000 50 a 0.011 75±0.001 00 ab 0.006 19±0.001 37 b 0.005 64±0.002 58 b 0.022 59±0.000 60 ab 0.000 01±0.000 00 b 10月Oct.0.017 91±0.000 24 ab 0.015 80±0.000 57 ab 0.009 83±0.000 57 b 0.009 64±0.000 35 b 0.022 07±0.003 77 a 11月Nov.0.052 62±0.004 34 a 0.042 80±0.003 03 b 0.027 59±0.001 86 c 0.023 98±0.001 18 c 0.058 59±0.001 65 a 0.003 75±0.000 82 b 0.000 41±0.000 07 b 0.000 06±0.000 00 a 0.000 01±0.000 00 a 0.044 79±0.003 77 a 0.000 03±0.000 00 e 0.000 01±0.000 00 e 0.064 99±0.003 93 a 0.016 57±0.000 23 c 0.000 03±0.000 00 b 0.000 01±0.000 00 b 0.069 08±0.000 60 a 0.022 03±0.000 34 ab 0.000 56±0.000 05 b 0.000 41±0.000 07 b 0.029 66±0.001 61 ab 0.033 02±0.001 58 ab 0.000 48±0.000 04 b 0.000 33±0.000 05 b

2.5 旱地苹果园优势草种的相对高度

对于优势草种高度的测量,采取一月一测的方式,求得全年平均相对高度,对14 种草本植物的高度进行分析比较。如图2 所示,年平均相对高度较高的草种为蛇含委陵菜、青杞、灰藜、荠菜,年平均相对高度超过25 cm,草种高度过高,不利于改善旱地苹果园的生态环境,同时影响果园作业,应及时拔除。狗尾草、虎尾草、稗草、马唐、繁缕、苣荬菜、蒲公英、活血丹年平均相对高度在人为干预的条件下不超过25 cm,尤其繁缕可以覆盖8 个月,但生长高度均不超过15 cm,非常适合果园生草。

图2 凤栖镇苹果园优势草种的相对高度
Fig.2 Relative height of dominant herbaceous species in Fengqi apple orchard

2.6 旱地苹果园优势草本植物根系长度

植物的根系是吸收水分和矿物质的重要部位,因此草的根系扎入土壤越深,除了能够更好地固定植株本身外,更重要的是可以更好地吸收土壤中的营养,但是草根长得越长,越容易造成与果树的根系竞争营养和水分,所以根据旱地果园的特点,为有效避免水分及营养的竞争,要及时进行人工干预,留下根系较浅的草种,最好须根系发达,无主根,这样既可以促进土壤表面的团聚体形成,也可以优先避免水分竞争。因此,由图3 可以看出,狗尾草、虎尾草、稗草、马唐、繁缕、苣荬菜、蒲公英、薤白、活血丹都是可以留下的优势草种,尤其繁缕和活血丹须根发达,根系分布较浅,而灰藜和青杞要及时清除。

图3 凤栖镇苹果园优势草本植物的根系长度
Fig.3 Root length of dominant herbaceous plants in Fengqi apple orchard

3 讨 论


研究发现,果园生草的效果主要取决于园内自然草种的选择[19]。在本试验中,繁缕非常适用于果园自然生草,因其具有植株低矮,覆盖时间长,覆盖密度均匀稳定,并且无主根,须根发达且分布较浅,抗性强的特点,繁缕生草可以显著减少果园刈割次数,这与郝燕燕等[8]的研究结果完全相同。生长特性、覆盖时间(绿期)、覆盖密度、草种产量等都是评价草种质量的重要指标。一般认为,草种须根系越发达,土壤微生物结构越丰富;覆盖时间越长,草的生命力越强;覆盖密度越大,生长量就越大,对于提高土壤有机质含量更有利,并且草种叶片细长更适合应用于果园生草[20],这在本试验中也得到了验证,笔者在本试验中筛选出的狗尾草、虎尾草、马唐、稗草、繁缕、蒲公英、苣荬菜、活血丹均符合全年覆盖地表时间长且覆盖密度大、耐旱、根系浅、生长需水量少和抗性强的特点。因此旱区果园选取的自然生草草种不宜有主根,须根系发达且根长不宜超过10 cm,否则草种生长需水量增加,并且植株低矮,最高不超过30 cm,不影响果园作业,草种耐阴,耐踩踏,同时不存在与果树共生的病虫害。

果园自然生草管理逐渐被人们接受,但在管理前期仍需要人工长时间的干预,不断地将选择好的良性草种留下,拔除有攀援性、植株高大、有主根且根系长、覆盖周期短、有特殊分泌物会影响周边其他生物生长的草种,例如:灰藜长势迅速,主根系长且容易木质化;小蓬草根系会分泌特殊物质影响周围植物生长;青杞植株高大,影响果园作业等,此类草种都应及时拔除。在进行一至多个生长周期的草种筛选后,草种群落结构会逐渐稳定,在除草方面人工投入会减少,并且长期的生草管理有利于土壤环境的改善。从目前已有的研究结果来看,生草会与果树争肥这一观点仍存在争议,Monteiro 等[21]的试验证明生草可明显降低树体生长势,尤其是幼树,全园生草使树体生长减弱是由于草对水分的过度竞争,但当水分供应充足时,这种竞争就会减弱。同时,进行刈割处理也会有效缓解生草争水争肥的现象。果园自然生草草种选择需慎重,笔者在本试验中仅对当地原有草种进行大田试验,筛选出可以作为果园自然生草的草种,并且果园生草对果树生长发育和土壤环境有明显改善(该数据未发表),但果园生草处理是否会加重果树病虫害还有待进一步研究。

4 结 论



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A study on the community characteristics of natural cover grasses in apple orchard in Luochuan county

MA Zhengyan1,SONG Zhijuan1,WANG Zhiqi1,LIU Yani1,LI Qianjin2,MA Fengwang1,LI Mingjun1*
(1College of Horticulture,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China;2Shaanxi Luochuan County Apple Industry Research and Development Center,Luochuan 727400,Shaanxi,China)

Abstract:【Objective】As a widely used soil management in the world, grass-growing in orchards has many advantages,such as increasing soil organic matter,improving soil microbial community diversity,enhancing orchard ecosystem diversity, and improving fruit quality.According to the current situation of rural development, labor losses have caused orchards with poor management, where weeds are rampant.There is an urgent need to develop a set of management and protection methods for dryland natural grass orchards,so as to reduce labor input in cutting while ensuring fruit quality.Therefore,it is necessary to clarify the growth habits of orchard weeds and screen out the dominant benign grass species suitable for apple orchards. This experiment explored the ecological adaptability of different dominant grass species in the process of community succession in dryland apple orchards with natural grass cover, and provided reference for screening available natural grass species in apple orchard (Fengqi town,Luochuan county as an example).【Methods】The species of grass was determined by photographing,sample collecting, consulting literature, and expert identification. Three quadrats of natural grass each of 1 m2 were randomly investigated in each orchard with the diagonal as the benchmark. Twenty orchards were investigated, and a total of 60 quadrats were investigated. The growth (plant number,height) and community distribution of grass species per month were analyzed and recorded. In order to record conveniently,the underground part of grass species was recorded as the root length of grass.The ecological habits of the dominant grass species were mastered through literature review, and the dominant benign grass species suitable for natural cover in apple orchard were screened.The collected samples were classified and identified based on species. With species as the statistical unit, Margalef richness index,Simpson index,dominance and niche breadth were calculated.【Results】Through the investigation of the annual succession of grass species in Luochuan apple orchard, it was found that there were 32 main grass species belonging to 15 families growing in the orchard in one year.Among them,the grass species of Gramineae and Compositae were the dominant,accounting for 19%of the total species. The species richness was highest in August and September, and relatively low in April, May and November. The species richness was mainly affected by weather changes. In April, May,August, September and October,the Simpson index hardly changed;the coverage rate of grass was high;the density of grass was large;and the distribution of grass was uniform.In April and May,the species distribution of Capsella bursa-pastoris and Melica turczaninowiana Ohwi grass was concentrated and uniform.Additionally,the diversity index was the lowest in June because farmers were mowing.The temperature in apple orchard in July reached the highest value in the whole year with low rainfall, which affected the growth rate of grass cover, resulting in a relatively low coverage rate. Ixeris denticulata, Taraxacum mongolicum, Potentilla kleiniana and Solanum septemlobum Bunge plants were relatively large, the cover density was larger, and their ability to use different habitat resources was stronger, while that of Stellaria media, Setaria viridis and Chloris virgata was weal. Therefore, the grass species with larger niche breadth were not necessarily the dominant species of the community,and the niche breadth of the dominant species of the community was not necessarily the largest.According to the composition and frequency of herbaceous plants in the dryland apple orchards, 14 dominant species were screened, belonging to 9 families. Among them, Setaria viridis, Chloris virgate and Stellaria media had obvious growth advantages.In spring,Stellaria media,Chenopodiaceae and cruciferous herbaceous plants were the main species.From summer,cruciferous herbaceous plants gradually subsided,Stellaria media,Gramineae and Compositae herbaceous plants dominated until November. Setaria viridis, showy chloris,Echinochloa crusgalli,Digitaria sanguinalis and Stellaria media have the longest covering time and the largest covering density in the orchards. Through the experimental data analysis, affected by weather(temperature and precipitation)in August and September,the richness index of herbaceous plants in apple orchards is higher and the coverage density is the highest.Plants that are too tall can easily affect orchard operations, and plants that are too large usually have taproots and the root system is deeply rooted. However, the longer the grass root is, the more likely to compete for nutrition and water with the root of fruit trees,which is not conducive to the development of dryland orchards.Therefore,we should timely carry out artificial intervention to leave grass species with shallow roots or with no main root.This can not only promote the formation of aggregates on the soil surface,but also prioritize the avoidance of water competition. The comprehensive comparison showed that Setaria viridis, showy chloris,Echinochloa crusgalli,Digitaria sanguinalis and Stellariamedia,Taraxacum mongolicum,Ixeris denticulate and Glechoma longituba cover the surface for a long time and have high density, drought tolerance and shallow roots. Their water requirement is low with strong drought resistance. Therefore, they can be used as excellent species for natural grass cover in dryland apple orchard.【Conclusion】The natural grass species in orchards change with seasons, but it is necessary to ensure that the left grass species have the basic characteristics of high coating density,strong resistance and shallow root system.In future studies, the influence of root exudates of grass species left under artificial intervention on grass species and soil will be analyzed. Many grass species have certain medicinal value. Under the basic screening rules,they can be cultivated in the orchard for medical purpose,which can not only optimize the microclimate environment of the orchard,but also increase the economic value of the orchard.

Key words: Dryland apple orchard; Natural grass; Grass species succession; Dominant grass species;Luochuan









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:029-87082613,E-mail:limingjun@nwsuaf.edu.cn