
叶 宇,欧春青a,王 斐,张艳杰,马 力,姜淑苓*

(中国农业科学院果树研究所·农业农村部园艺作物种质资源利用重点实验室,辽宁兴城 125100)

摘 要梨是中国第三大果树,栽培面积、产量和出口量均居世界首位。利用矮化砧木是实现梨矮化密植集约栽培的主要途径,然而其致矮机制尚不清楚,探究梨矮化砧木致矮机制对改进矮砧栽培技术和加快梨矮砧育种进程具有重要的理论和实践意义。从组织解剖结构、物质运输、代谢组学、激素水平和致矮基因等5个方面对梨矮化砧木致矮机制的研究作以综述,发现梨矮化砧木的解剖结构、物质运输、代谢产物、内源激素之间存在相互交叉的关联,共同影响砧木的矮化性状,此外,酚酸及其衍生物和类黄酮被证实是参与矮化调控的2类重要代谢物。同时,对今后的研究方向提出一些建议,以期为梨矮化砧木致矮机制的系统研究提供理论支撑和参考。



近年来,国内外梨矮化砧木的选育工作已取得了不少成果,如Fox 系列、OHF 系列、K 系列和中矮系列等[3-6]。在梨矮化砧木选育工作有序进行的同时,矮化机制的研究也逐步深入并取得了很大的进展[7]。笔者从组织解剖结构、物质运输、代谢组学、激素水平和致矮基因等5个方面对梨矮化砧木致矮机制的研究作以综述,以期为梨矮化砧木致矮机制的系统研究提供理论支撑和参考。

1 梨矮化砧木的解剖结构特点


1.1 根皮率、枝皮率


1.2 叶片结构


1.3 木质部导管结构


1.4 韧皮部筛管结构


2 梨矮化砧木的物质运输特点


赵静等[23]通过探讨5 个不同类型的梨砧木对接穗品种生长发育的影响,发现中矮1 号中间砧上接穗叶片的N、P 元素含量要高于其他砧穗组合,其产量也较高;而OHF51中间砧上接穗叶片的N、P和K元素含量却要低于其他砧穗组合,其单果质量和产量也较低。这与在苹果上的研究结果一致,接穗叶片N、P等元素含量与矮化效应呈正相关[24]。K11和中矮1号中间砧上接穗叶片的Fe元素含量随着新梢的生长而增加,并且一直处于较高水平[23]。有研究发现,与嫁接在巴梨实生苗上的梨树品种相比,榅桲砧木嫁接品种的叶片中K、B 元素含量较高,而Fe、Mn 和Cu 元素含量较低。以上研究结果表明,不同砧穗组合对矿质元素的吸收能力不同,中间砧的不同也会造成树体内同化产物的分配和运转存在显著差异,这种差异会在嫁接复合体的接穗品种上表现出来[25]


3 梨矮化砧木的代谢组学研究


Cui等[33]以矮化砧OHF51和乔化砧豆梨为中间砧,研究其对地上部和根部代谢产物的影响,通过代谢组学分析,发现OHF51和豆梨具有不同的代谢谱并且不同中间砧对接穗和根部的代谢物浓度有不同的影响,表明酚酸及其衍生物和类黄酮是参与梨砧木矮化调控的2类重要代谢物。任婷婷等[34]利用高效液相色谱技术测定6个梨砧木新梢韧皮部酚类物质含量及其动态变化,发现酚类物质含量与树体矮化性状相关。在苹果的研究中[35],也已经证实叶片中的酚类物质含量与树体生长势有关。木质素生物合成基因羟基肉桂酰辅酶A 莽草酸/奎宁酸羟基肉桂酰基转移酶(HCT)的沉默将导致代谢流重定向类黄酮途径[36]。在OHF51砧穗组合中,接穗和中间砧中原花青素B2 和原花青素B3 的含量显著升高[33],类黄酮的积累会引起植物生长严重减慢,从而达到矮化的效果。此外,D-山梨醇和D-甘露醇2 种单糖在OHF51砧穗组合根中的含量显著降低[33],这也是树体矮化的原因之一。


4 梨矮化砧木的激素水平分析


GAs 具有促进细胞分裂、加速细胞伸长等生理作用,在植物体内运输没有极性,茎顶端合成的GAs通过韧皮部向下运输,根系合成的GAs通过木质部向上运输[39]。陈长兰[40]研究认为中矮1 号的矮化是由于其GAs含量低。姜淑苓等[12]通过比较不同紧凑型和普通型梨嫩枝中内源激素水平,发现紧凑型梨嫩枝中GAs含量显著低于普通型,认为梨树紧凑型新梢节间缩短的主要原因是顶端嫩梢中GAs 含量减少。程飞飞等[41]也证实了梨矮化砧新梢叶片中GAs含量显著低于乔化砧。

ABA是一种抑制植物生长的激素。研究表明,苹果和柑橘的矮化砧中的ABA 含量显著高于乔化砧,外源ABA 处理能够使其节间缩短和生长减缓[42-43]。然而,在梨砧木的研究中,姜淑苓等[12]发现紧凑型梨新梢ABA 含量显著低于普通型。Ou 等[44]分析了多个梨矮化砧与乔化砧的内源激素含量趋势,得出矮化砧的ABA 含量显著低于乔化砧。目前,研究人员对于ABA调控植物矮化的机制仍然存在不同的观点,还需要进一步分析研究。

IAA 在顶端分生组织中合成,并通过形成层和韧皮部向下运输到根尖,当IAA 含量较低或很高时都会抑制细胞和茎的伸长[12,45-46]。在苹果的研究中,通常认为砧木的矮化是由于茎间限制了IAA向根系的运输[47]。Zheng 等[48]通过测定矮生型和标准型梨的茎尖、茎中的IAA含量,发现矮生型梨茎尖中IAA含量显著高于标准型梨,而茎中IAA 含量显著低于标准型梨,与苹果中的研究结果一致。这种生长素极性运输能力的降低与PIN运载蛋白的不均匀分布有关[49-50]。此外,由于IAA 的极性运输受到阻碍,抑制了根系的生长以及CKs 的合成,而CKs 向上运输的减少限制了接穗的生长,导致了矮化的循环[47,49,51]

此外,BR在植株营养生长方面同样也扮演着重要的角色,包括细胞分裂、伸长以及茎、根的生长[52]。有研究发现,BR生物合成或信号转导缺陷的植株往往表现出典型的矮化表型[53]。Zheng 等[54]对梨矮化砧外施0.2 mg·L-1 BR,发现其节间从1.40 cm增加至2.13 cm,比未处理的伸长率高52%。郝宁宁等[55]以中矮3 号和早酥为材料,研究其幼叶内源激素含量与枝条生长状态关系的年变化规律,证实了高含量BR可以促进枝条的生长。


5 梨矮化砧木的致矮基因分析


研究表明,梨的矮化表型是由一个显性基因PcDw控制的[57]。为了揭示PcDw的序列信息、结构和功能调控,Wang 等[58]利用SSR 和SNPs 标记进行精细定位,缩小了包含该基因的区域并推测了几个候选基因。Xiao等[59]通过矮生梨和普通梨之间的比较转录组分析,确定了PcDw基因座最有可能的2个候选基因,转录本号为PCP021014和PCP021015,并系统地概述了矮化表型的复杂调控网络。此外,在苹果砧木M9中检测到2个QTL,即Dw1Dw2,它们对接穗的矮化效应起主要作用[60]。Knäbel等[61]利用SNP 遗传图谱将1 个影响梨接穗生长势的QTL定位在M9 的Dw1 基因座的共生位置上,该基因座位于LG5的上端。因此,基于梨和苹果的高度同源性,有必要进行比较转录组分析以探明梨砧木诱导矮化的遗传和分子机制。

植物激素与矮化性的相关性研究多集中于植物激素合成、代谢及信号转导相关酶基因的表达或沉默上。内根-贝壳杉烯合酶(KS)、贝壳杉烯酸氧化酶(KAO)和GA20-氧化酶是GAs 合成的关键酶,有学者通过RT-PCR 技术发现PcKSPcKAO1Pc-GA20ox1 基因的表达与梨砧木生长势呈负相关的趋势,但其是如何调控的还有待进一步研究[41,62-63]。Pang等[64]对杜梨突变株系的内源激素检测和基因表达分析表明,PbPAT14 基因敲除后导致ABA 积累,从而使梨突变系呈现矮化的表型;Liu等[65]也证实了ABA 的积累会抑制植株的生长并导致矮化表型。汤常永等[66]通过转录组测序(RNA-Seq),认为中矮1号PcAHS基因启动子P-box转录因子结合元件和特有的片段缺失是其表达量低的原因,并通过影响IAA 的运输最终引起植株矮化。Zheng 等[48]发现PcPIN-L基因在矮生型梨中的表达量显著低于标准型,这是由于矮生型梨的启动子中存在CT 重复缺失。另外,Jiang等[67]研究miR171-SCL模块在中矮3号和早酥茎尖中的表达模式,发现其对IAA 具有响应作用,并负向调节PyrSCL6PyrSCL22基因的表达,揭示了miR171-SCL途径在中矮3号致矮性中的作用。此外,有研究表明PcAGP7-1 基因高表达的梨砧木表现出明显的矮化表型,并且会降低BR 含量,从而通过负反馈环抑制BR信号,导致植株进一步的矮化[54]

微管蛋白不仅对细胞形态起到支撑作用,还会影响纤维素和木质素的合成,从而直接影响到细胞的生长与分裂,成为梨砧木矮化的原因之一[68]。侯董亮等[69]通过对梨β-微管蛋白基因的荧光定量表达分析,表明定位于chr16 上的基因(转录本号为PCP044487.1)在矮生型和普通型梨茎尖中的转录水平存在极显著的差异,认为该基因与梨矮生性状形成的分子调控有重要关系,但具体的作用机制尚未探明。另外,郝宁宁等[70]认为PcLUE1基因的表达可能受激素信号调控,即低含量GAs和高含量IAA均促进PcLUE1基因的高表达,而高表达的PcLUE1基因通过作用于细胞微管骨架,从而导致植株生长缓慢,表现出矮生性状。


6 总结与展望


因此,对于梨砧木致矮机制的研究,未来的工作应重点关注各激素代谢通路之间对致矮性的调控关系。同时结合系统生物学技术,利用BSA或GWAS关联分析方法对矮化性状进一步进行精细QTL 定位,并对关键的QTL 位点进行综合分析研究,以明确各个基因间上下游调控网络与致矮性的关系。


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Progress in research on the dwarfing mechanism of pear dwarfing rootstocks

YE Yu,OU Chunqinga,WANG Fei,ZHANG Yanjie,MA Li,JIANG Shuling*

(Research Institute of Pomology,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Crops,Germplasm Resources Utilization,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Xingcheng 125100,Liaoning,China)

Abstract: Pear, belonging to the genus Pyrus, is the third-largest fruit crop in China, and its cultivated area, yield, and export volume rank first in the world.Most pear varieties in China have tall trees, exuberant growth and long life.Vigorous rootstock cultivation techniques are widely used in production,which has resulted in some problems,such as too large tree canopy,bearing fruit late,difficult management, or excessive tree vigor, poor orchard ventilation and light transmission, poor fruit quality and so on.As a new cultivation mode, the dwarfing and dense planting has the advantages of early-bearing fruit and high yield, good quality, convenient management and rapid variety renewal, which can make up for the shortcomings of the traditional vigorous growing mode.There are two main measures to achieve dwarfing cultivation of fruit trees, one is to use the dwarfing rootstock, and the other is to use the dwarfing varieties.At present, there are not many pear dwarfing varieties available, so the use of dwarfing rootstocks is the main way to realize the dwarfing and intensive cultivation of pear.However,the dwarfing mechanism of pear dwarfing rootstocks has not been revealed,and it is of great theoretical and practical significance to investigate the dwarfing mechanism of pear dwarfing rootstock to improve the cultivation technology and accelerate the breeding process of pear dwarfing rootstock.In recent years,while the selection and breeding of pear dwarf rootstocks are carried out in order,the research on dwarfing mechanisms is also gradually deepened and has been made a great progress.About the dwarfing mechanism of dwarfing rootstock,the early research was mainly focused on the tissue structure and other aspects.Through the observation of the anatomical structure of different kinds of rootstocks,scholars at home and abroad found that the root/skin ratio, branch/skin ratio, leaf structure, xylem vessel structure, and phloem sieve tube structure were closely related to the height of the plant.Besides,with the increase in the length of the interstock segment,the dwarfing effect will be more obvious.The material transport in plants includes the transport of water,mineral elements,and assimilation products.The rootstock affects the growth and development of the tree and achieves the dwarfing efficacy by influencing the absorption and utilization of water and nutrients by the scions.The response of leaves to soil mineral elements in the whole tree is the most sensitive, and the content level can indicate the absorption and utilization of soil mineral elements.Therefore,the material transport characteristics of pear dwarfing rootstocks can be reflected by the content of mineral elements in scion leaves.At the same time,phenolic acids/derivatives and flavonoids have been proved to be two important categories of metabolites involved in the regulation of dwarfing of pear rootstock.Silencing of the gene for hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT), a lignin biosynthesis enzyme,was previously shown to redirect the metabolic flux from the lignin biosynthesis pathway to the flavonoid pathways.The accumulation of flavonoids will seriously slow down plant growth and achieve the dwarfing effect.In addition,the concentrations of two monosaccharides,D-sorbitol and D-mannitol are drastically reduced in the roots with“OHF51”interstock present, which is also one of the reasons for tree dwarfing.The relationship between plant hormones and dwarfing is one of the current research hotspots.Most scholars believe that plant dwarfing is the result of cell division or reduced elongation,which is usually regulated by plant hormones.Studies have shown that gibberellins(GAs),abscisic acid(ABA), auxin (IAA), cytokinin (CKs), brassinolide (BR), and other hormones are related to the dwarfing ability of rootstocks.With the rapid development of molecular biotechnology, great progress has been made in the study on dwarfing genes in pear rootstocks.According to the current research results,the genes leading to the dwarfing of pear rootstock can be divided into two types: one is the dwarfing gene,that is,the dwarfing gene directly controls the plant characteristic to make it dwarf,and plays a direct role; the other includes plant hormone synthesis and signal transduction related enzyme genes and microtubulin genes, which play an indirect role.At present, most of the current studies focus on single gene regulation of dwarfism in pear trees, and there are few studies on the regulatory relationship of multiple genes on dwarfism, which need to be combined with genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics,and other high-throughput data for in-depth and systematic studies.Therefore,as for the research on the dwarfing mechanism of pear rootstock, future work should focus on the common regulatory relationship among various hormone metabolic pathways on dwarfing.Meanwhile, combined with the technology of system biology, the dwarfing traits are further helpful to fine QTL mapping by Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) or Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS), and key QTL loci are comprehensively analyzed to clarify the upstream and downstream regulatory relationship between each gene.

Key words:Pear;Dwarfing rootstock;Dwarfing mechanism;Hormones;Dwarfing gene









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:0429-3598123,E-mail:Jshuling@163.com