基于Web of Science的《果树学报》期刊学术影响力分析

张红萍,徐 伟

(中国农业大学图书馆,北京 100193)

摘 要:【目的】客观的评价和认识《果树学报》,为期刊的国际化和影响力提升建设提供参考。【方法】利用文献计量学方法,对SCI引用《果树学报》论文情况进行统计分析。【结果】2011—2020年,《果树学报》发表的论文共有487篇被SCI的683篇论文引用,累计被引用次数为816次。有239种期刊引用了《果树学报》的论文。来自中国的大学和科研机构的研究人员是期刊的主要受众,但也有其他40个国家和地区的研究人员关注《果树学报》。国内优秀作者引用《果树学报》产出的论文很多贡献给了国外的期刊。引用《果树学报》论文的文献分别归属74个学科类别,集中在农学、园艺学、遗传学等学科。【结论】《果树学报》在中国具有一定的影响力,但国际影响力尚待提高。建议期刊开辟交叉学科研究专栏,追踪高水平论文作者及其团队研究动态,采取措施吸引优质学术论文,同时在改进官网英文界面、加大海外宣传力度以及突破传统出版模式等几方面采取进一步的举措。



Web of Science 是一个基于Web 而构建的动态数字研究环境,以著名的三大引文索引——SCI,SSCI,A&HCI 为核心[2],兼具知识的检索、提取、分析、评价、管理与发表等多项功能。其中,SCI是美国科学信息研究所于1957年创办的引文数据库,覆盖了全世界最重要、最有影响的研究领域,收录的科技期刊集中了各学科最优秀的论文,代表着世界基础学科研究的最高水平[3]。一般认为被该数据库引用在一定程度上可以反映期刊在国际科学领域中的显示度及影响力。已有研究人员利用SCI数据库对期刊论文的被引情况进行分析和统计,以考察中文科技期刊的国际化情况[4-8]

《果树学报》自1984年创刊以来,发表了大量高水平研究性论文。期刊被中国科学引文数据库(CSCD),Scopus 数据库、美国的《化学文摘》(CA)、日本的《科学技术文献通报》(JST)、科技期刊世界影响力指数(WJCI)等20 余种国内外重要检索系统与数据库收录[9],已成为国内外有影响的学术期刊之一。本文对《果树学报》2011—2020 年间发表论文被SCI 引用的情况进行统计分析,为今后学报的国际化和影响力提升建设提供参考。

1 《果树学报》被引文献

本文检索数据库:SCI;检索字段:JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE;检索被引年份:2011—2020年;检索时间点:2021年9月7日。

检索结果显示,《果树学报》2011—2020 年发表的论文共有487篇被SCI的683篇论文引用,累计被引用次数为816,平均单篇被引次数为1.68次。

1.1 累计被引

2011年《果树学报》论文累计被引75篇,累计被引140 次,2020 年累计被引487 篇,累计被引816次。图1显示,2011—2020年,累计被引篇数和累计被引次数呈稳定增长趋势,累计被引(篇数)占总文献量的比例呈下降趋势。被引频次排名前5的13篇论文中,发表时间最早为2011 年,有4 篇,最晚为2016 年,有4 篇。结合施引文献来看(图2),10 a(年)间,期刊论文年度被引量呈下降趋势,但年度施引文献量上升趋势显著,显示期刊论文被引有4—9年的窗口期。

图1 累计被引数及其占文献总量的比例
Fig.1 Cumulative number of be cited papers and its proportion in the total number

图2 被引与施引文献数年度分布
Fig.2 Annual distribution of cited and citing documents number

1.2 主要被引论文

487篇被引文献中,累计被引数高于6次的论文有9 篇,均为研究性论文,见表1。有189 篇的被引次数在2~5之间,另外289篇论文均被引1次。

表1 被引次数高于6 的论文
Table 1 Papers cited more than 6 times

文献题目Title 1-MCP处理对‘南果梨’冷藏后货架期果实香气的影响Effects of 1-MCP treatment on aroma components of 'Nanguo' pear during shelf life after cold storage低磷胁迫下嫁接对西瓜生长早期磷素吸收和利用的影响Effects of grafting on phosphorus uptake and utilization of watermelon at early stage under low phosphorus stress苹果种质资源对苹果树腐烂病抗性评价Evaluation of resistance of malus germplasms to apple canker(Valsa ceratosperma)中国樱桃种质资源的考察、收集和评价作者Author纪淑娟,卜庆状,李江阔,张平年,卷(期):页码Year,volume(issue):page 2012,29(4):656-660被引频次Times cited JI Shujuan,BU Qingzhuang,LI Jiangkuo,ZHANG Ping 2012,29(4):656-660张莉,孟祥祥,刘娜,杨景华,张明方2012,29(1):120-124 ZHANG Li,MENG Xiangxiang,LIU Na,YANG Jinghua,ZHANG Mingfang 2012,29(1):120-124 2011,28(5):843-848 2011,28(5):843-848 2016,33(8):917-933 Investigation,collection and preliminary evaluation of genetic resources of Chinese cherry 2016,33(8):917-933不同药剂处理对库尔勒香梨脱萼和宿萼果萼筒显微结构的影响Effects of different reagent treatments on the microstructure of calyx tube with or without calyx of Korla fragrant pear黄胸蓟马高效低毒防治新型药剂的筛选刘欣颖,吕松,王忆,王昆,李天红,韩振海,张新忠LIU Xinying,LÜ Song,WANG Yi,WANG Kun,LI Tianhong,HAN Zhenhai,ZHANG Xinzhong陈涛,李良,张静,黄智林,张洪伟,刘胤,陈清,汤浩茹,王小蓉CHEN Tao,LI Liang,ZHANG Jing,HUANG Zhilin,ZHANG Hongwei,LIU Yin,CHEN Qing,TANG Haoru,WANG Xiaorong马宏超,王燕凌,文旭,齐曼,李疆2011,28(3):518-520 MA Hongchao,WANG Yanling,WEN Xu,QI Man,LI Jiang 2011,28(3):518-520 2016,33(4):473-481 Screening of high effect and low toxicity insecticides for controlling Thrips hawaiiensis Morgan 2016,33(4):473-481小型无人机对柑橘园的喷雾效果研究2016,33(1):34-42 Evaluation of spraying effect using small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)in citrus orchard 2016,33(1):34-42黄肉桃果实中类胡萝卜素提取和测定方法研究Extraction and analytical methods of carotenoids in fruit of yellow flesh peach浙江省葡萄炭疽菌对甲基硫菌灵和戊唑醇的抗药性研究Resistance of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing grape ripe rot to thiophanate-methyl and tebuconazole in Zhejiang付步礼,唐良德,邱海燕,刘俊峰,张瑞敏,曾东强,谢艺贤,刘奎FU Buli,TANG Liangde,QIU Haiyan,LIU Junfeng,ZHANG Ruimin,ZENG Dongqiang,XIE Yixian,LIU Kui张盼,吕强,易时来,刘颖,何绍兰,谢让金,郑永强,潘海洋,邓烈ZHANG Pan,LÜ Qiang,YI Shilai,LIU Ying,HE Shaolan,XIE Rangjin,ZHENG Yongqiang,PAN Haiyang,DENG Lie严娟,蔡志翔,沈志军,张斌斌,马瑞娟,俞明亮YAN Juan,CAI Zhixiang,SHEN Zhijun,ZHANG Binbin,MA Ruijuan,YU Mingliang陈聃,时浩杰,吴慧明,徐志宏,张传清2015,32(6):1267-1274 2015,32(6):1267-1274 2013,30(4):665-668 CHEN Dan,SHI Haojie,WU Huiming,XU Zhihong,ZHANG Chuanqing 2013,30(4):665-668 9 9 9 9 88 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 66 6 6

2 施引文献分析


2.1 施引文献发表年度分布

图3显示,近十年,《果树学报》的年度载文数量稳定,保持一个水平线性趋势,但学报论文被持续新发表高质量论文引用的数量稳定上升,且每3~4 a有一个较大增长幅度,表明学报学术影响力保持持续增强的趋势。

图3 学报载文量与施引文献量年度分布
Fig.3 Annual distribution of Journal articles and citing literature

2.2 主要引用期刊

引用《果树学报》的683篇论文出自239种期刊,其中引用最多的10 种期刊引用篇数合计占总引用数的32.8%。引用最多的是爱思唯尔出版的《园艺科学》,为69篇。表2显示,这10种期刊多出自爱思唯尔、泰勒等全球知名的优质出版商,或是美国园艺科学学会等行业顶级专业学(协)会,期刊的影响因子较高。

表2 主要引用期刊前10
Table 2 Main citing journals TOP 10

期刊名Source title园艺科学Scientia Horticulturae植物科学前沿Frontiers in Plant Science美国科学公共图书馆-综合Plos One综合农业杂志Journal of Integrative Agriculture园艺学Hortscience影响因子JIF 3.463 5.753 3.24 2.848 1.455记录数Counts 69 29 22 19 17出版商Publisher爱思唯尔Elsevier前沿传媒Frontiers Media Sa美国科学公共图书馆Public Library Science爱思唯尔Elsevier美国园艺科学学会American Society of Horticultural Science泰勒.弗朗西斯Taylor&Francis Ltd占比Proportion/%10.102 4.246 3.221 2.782 2.489园艺科学与生物技术杂志Journal of Horticultural Science Biotechnology植物病害Plant Disease 1.641 16 2.343 16 4.438 2.343采后生物学和技术Postharvest Biology and Technology科学报告Scientific Reports食品化学Food Chemistry美国植物病理学协会American Phytopathological Society爱思唯尔Elsevier 5.537 15 2.196自然出版集团Nature Portfolio爱思唯尔Elsevier 4.379 7.514 11 10 1.611 1.464

表3 高被引论文分布
Table 3 Distribution of authors of highly cited papers

被引次数Times cited 129 103 86 73 71 70 64 60 55 54出版国Publication country瑞士Switzerland荷兰Holland英国England中国China英国England荷兰Holland荷兰Holland英国England瑞士Switzerland美国America中国作者数/作者总数Number of Chinese authors/Number of all authors 0/2 6/6 6/7 1/4 7/7 2/3 9/9 6/6 8/8 8/12

2.3 高被引论文分布


2.4 主要引用区域、机构

共有包括中国在内的41 个国家和地区的论文引用了《果树学报》文章,中国引用次数为642,占比94%,遥遥领先。表4为除中国外,引用数量前10位的国家,其中美国最多,为60次。数据显示,引用期刊的地区和国家比较广泛,但引用数量比较集中。

表4 主要引用国家和地区
Table 4 Main citing countries and regions

国家和地区Countries and regions美国USA加拿大Canada巴基斯坦Pakistan印度India新西兰New Zealand德国Germany以色列Israel意大利Italy西班牙Spain澳大利亚Australia记录数Counts 60 887655554占比Proportion/%8.785 1.171 1.171 1.025 0.878 0.732 0.732 0.732 0.732 0.586

有出自589 个机构的文献引用了《果树学报》。表5 为引用篇数超过20 的机构,引用最多的是中国农业科学院,为76 篇。可以看出,农科类大学和研究机构是期刊的主要受众。

表5 主要引用机构
Table 5 Main reference institution

主要引用机构Main reference institution中国农业科学院Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences中国农业大学China Agricultural University中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute,CAAS中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences西北农林科技大学Northwest A&F University China四川农业大学Sichuan Agricultural University沈阳农业大学Shenyang Agricultural University山西农业大学Shanxi Agricultural University南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University华中农业大学Huazhong Agricultural University华南农业大学South China Agricultural University福建农林大学Fujian Agriculture Forestry University记录数Counts 76 31 33 26 49 26 24 23 22 25 25 24

2.5 学科分布

引用《果树学报》的683篇论文分别归属74个学科类别,表6 为论文涉及最多的15 个学科类别。数据显示,施引文献的学科范围相对集中,同时也涉及了诸如能源燃料、人工智能、光学元件、工程电气电子、材料科学等众多学科,显示出《果树学报》载文研究方向与很多学科有交叉点。

表6 施引文献学科类别前15
Table 6 Discipline category of citing documents TOP 15

学科类别Discipline category植物科学Plant sciences园艺学Horticulture农学Agronomy食品科学技术Food science technology基因遗传学Genetics heredity农业多学科Agriculture multidisciplinary多学科科学Multidisciplinary sciences生物化学分子生物学Biochemistry molecular biology环境科学Environmental sciences生物技术应用微生物学Biotechnology applied microbiology昆虫学Entomology化学应用Chemistry applied林业Forestry化学多学科Chemistry multidisciplinary农业工程Agricultural engineering记录数Counts 192 179 65 65 44 43 43 36 36 34 30 21 21 17 12

3 讨 论

2011—2020 年10 年间,《果树学报》论文被SCI引用的数量稳定上升,其中近1/3的引用论文发表在全球有影响力的出版物上,施引文献所属期刊的影响因子最高达到了7.514,显示出《果树学报》的专业水准。《果树学报》在国内大学及研究机构中有一定的影响力,其读者主要是中国研究人员,也受到美国、加拿大等40 个国家和地区研究者的关注,但国际影响力尚待提高。

国内作者引用《果树学报》的论文很多发表在国外的期刊上,期刊潜在优质作者和优质论文流失的情况需引起注意。学报应加强对学科发展前沿的关注,追踪高水平论文作者及其团队研究动态,采取措施吸引优质学术论文。合作研究增强了与高水平合作伙伴的学术联系,促进了论文整体质量的提高[10]。《果树学报》10 篇高被引、施引文献中,合作研究论文为4篇,应持续、重点关注合作研究的进展情况。



(1)从内容、形式、功能等几方面加强期刊英文界面的建设。目前《果树学报》的英文界面,缺乏英文采编平台,“Author submission”、“Peer Review”模块可做英文版改进,以方便国际作者投稿及今后更多的国际专家审稿。“Abstract template”页面应避免中英文混杂,改善视觉效果。

通过期刊官网的英文界面,展示专业、规范、完整的期刊文献信息,尽可能开放论文英文题名、摘要、DOI 号等主要信息,提高各类搜索引擎的命中率,最大限度地避免由引文不能显示而导致的关注度下降,实现期刊文献资源使用效益与覆盖范围的快速增长。

(2)加大在海外媒体的宣传力度。国际社交媒体对科技期刊的国际化能起到明显的助力作用,科技期刊的海外媒体推广是期刊走向国际化的重要一步[11]。研究人员更愿意在ResearchGate(RG)这类专为他们设计的学术社交网站上追踪最新研究论文,RG 对学术成果的传播有显著作用[12]。本着服务研究人员的宗旨,期刊可以促进和帮助学者在学术社交网站上分享研究成果,最终提升期刊在国际研究人员中的影响力。


(3)突破传统出版模式。2021 年,在线发表内容将被正式引入科睿唯安的年度《期刊引证报告》[13]。建议期刊增加论文在线发表数量,给有潜力的年轻学者更多的发文机会,有助于培养人才,并积累一个潜在的优秀作者群体。

尝试部分OA 或混合OA 出版模式。绝大多数研究人员认为OA 能使其研究得到更广泛的传播和更高的显示度[14],“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”入选英文期刊中90%的领军期刊选择OA出版[15]

尝试连续出版模式,即每篇文章在校对后立即正式发表,大大缩短文章从接受到正式发表所需的时间,使相关的研究成果能够更快地被发现、被引用。目前,爱思唯尔部分期刊也采用类似的连续出版模式,称为ABP 形式(Article Base Publishing),《美国科学院院刊》自2021 年起也开始采用连续出版模式。可见,连续出版模式将是未来学术出版的趋势[16]

4 结 论



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Analysis of academic influence of Journal of Fruit Science based on Web of Science

ZHANG Hongping,XU Wei
(Library of China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)

Abstract:【Objective】Journal of Fruit Science is an important national professional academic journal in fruit disciplines.In order to master the development trend of the journal in recent ten years, the academic value and development potential are comprehensively evaluated in terms of the articles published in the journal, which will provide reference for the internationalization and influence promotion of the journal.【Methods】Based on the Web of Science platform and using bibliometric methods, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the citation of papers published in Journal of Fruit Science from 2011 to 2020,including the number of papers cited by SCI,cumulative citation and highly cited papers of Journal of Fruit Science in the past ten years.This paper analyzes the annual distribution of the citing articles,the main citing journals,the main citing countries and regions,the main citing institutions,the citing article's main research direction and so on.Search condition settings are as follows: Search in: SCI database; Retrieval cited work: Journal of Fruit Science; Retrieval cited years: 2011—2020; Retrieval time: September 7, 2021.【Results】The search results show that 487 papers published in Journal of Fruit Science from 2011 to 2020 were cited by 683 papers from SCI, with a cumulative number of citing times of 816 and an average number of citing times of 1.68 for a single paper.There are 9 papers that were cited more than 6 times among the 487 cited papers,and these papers are all research papers.There are 189 papers that were cited between 2-5 times,and the other 289 papers were cited only once.The cumulative number of citations of Journal of Fruit Science has increased steadily in the past decade.Among the 683 citing articles, ten papers were cited more than 50 times, and the highest number of citations was 129.Nine of the ten papers were published in foreign journals, and among the 64 authors of the ten papers, 53 were Chinese, accounting for 83%.The disciplines of these papers include Agriculture,Horticulture,Plant Science,Soil Science,etc.,which are highly related to the disciplines of papers published in Journal of Fruit Science.The audience of the journal is mainly researchers from Chinese universities and research institutions,and the journal has also attracted the attention of researchers from other countries, such as the United States, Canada, Pakistan, etc.Over the past decade, the number of citing papers of Journal of Fruit Science by newly published high-quality papers has continued to rise, and there is a large growth rate every 3-4 years.Papers from 41 countries and regions, including China, have cited articles from the Journal of Fruit Science.The number of citations from China is the largest,642 times,accounting for 94%.Journal of Fruit Science was cited by 589 institutions,with a largest cited times of 76 by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.The research directions of these citing papers belong to 74 subject categories respectively.They are concentrated in the fields of Botany,Horticulture,Agronomy,Food Science,Genetics and so on,but they are also distributed in other research fields, such as Energy and Fuel,Artificial Intelligence, Optical Components, Engineering, Electrical and Electronics, Material Science and many other disciplines.Almost 1/3 citing papers have been published in journals with international impact,such as Scientia Horticulturae published by Elsevier, Frontiers in Plant Science published by Frontiers Media S.A.The contribution rate of Chinese excellent authors to SCI is high.They are also readers of Journal of Fruit Science.However,most of their high-quality papers based on the literature of Journal of Fruit Science have been contributed to foreign academic journals.【Conclusion】Journal of Fruit Science has a high professional level,and has certain power of influence in Chinese mainland,its academic influence has maintained a trend of continuous enhancement, but the international impact needs to be further improved.It is suggested that the journal should base on the international vision,broaden its ideas,continue to support the traditional advantageous disciplines,and also pay attention to the cross-application research between horticulture and other disciplines,such as Electronic Information,Artificial Intelligence,Engineering Electrical,etc.The journal needs to pay close attention to the phenomenon that domestic high-quality authors and highquality papers might flow to foreign journals,strive to attract excellent authors and papers,explore a benign development path of mutual promotion between excellent papers and high-quality journals.The journal should explore the scientific development model,pay attention to the frontier of discipline development,track the research trends of high-level paper authors and their teams,and launch practical measures to attract high-quality academic papers, so as to improve the academic level of Journal of Fruit Science; It is suggested to increase the number of papers published online and give potential young scholars more opportunities,which will help to cultivate talents and accumulate a group of potential excellent authors.At the same time, it is recommended to improve the English interface of the official website,strengthen overseas publicity,change the traditional publishing mode and adopt other measures to improve the international influence from the journal.

key words:Journal of Fruit Science;SCI;Citation analysis






