

1新疆林业科学院,乌鲁木齐 830000;2阿克苏地区实验林场试验站,新疆阿克苏 843000)

摘 要:灰实2号是新疆林业科学院和阿克苏大枣源枣业农民专业合作社在新疆阿克苏实验林场2队灰枣园中选育出的大果型、芽变新品种。该品种树姿半开张,树形圆头形。针刺不发达,长3.31 mm,二次枝弯曲度140°,当年生枝灰绿色。果实较大,近圆柱形,果实纵径3.48 cm、横径2.06 cm、果形指数约1.69,完熟期单果质量9.10 g。果皮稍厚,果面较平整。可食率95.6%,果核质量0.41 g。半干枣总糖含量(w,后同)66.11%,黄酮含量25.96 mg·g-1,可溶性蛋白质含量139.75 mg·g-1,纤维素含量7.37 mg·g-1。4月中旬萌芽,比灰枣晚7 d左右,10月中旬进入完熟期。树体营养生长期206 d左右,果实生育期105 d左右。较抗缩果病、枣树病毒病,裂果较轻。适于新疆南疆枣区及相似生态区及栽培,嫁接当年开花结果,第9年平均单株半干枣产量7.0 kg。


枣属鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)枣属(Zizyphus Mill.)植物,该属约有100 种。灰枣起源于河南新郑,已有2700 多年栽培历史,在新疆地区有大规模发展,品质性状优于原产地,表现较好[1]。截至2020 年底,新疆(不含兵团)红枣种植面积达3.187×105 hm2,其中灰枣种植面积约占70%。作为一种名优产品,灰枣仍存在一些缺陷,如生长缓慢,果型较小,落花、落果严重等。枣树作为当前我国发展最快的果树之一[2],根据市场需求,在灰枣基础上发现并选育出品质优良的大果型品种已成为灰枣发展的突破口。为实现新疆红枣产业提质增效,提供良种科技支撑,笔者课题组开展了十几年的田间观测、室内测定和区域试验,育成大果型枣新品种灰实2号。

1 选育过程

2002 年在阿克苏实验林场2 队灰枣园内发现1株果个明显大于普通灰枣的优良单株,将其标记。通过查对《中国果树志·枣卷》中未找到果形和成熟期相似的品种,初步认定为变异株。2003年以高接换头方式在阿克苏实验林场8队建立灰枣优良品系试验区。2004—2013年,连续多年观察表明其遗传性状稳定,单果质量、优质果率等明显高于普通灰枣。2014—2015 年,采用室外仪器观测、室内化验相结合的方法,对扩繁的9~10年生优系植株进行系统研究,重点调查其植物学特性、物候期、叶片光合生理特性和果实营养成分等,明确其综合经济性状优于普通灰枣,种植规模扩大至30 hm2。2015年12月通过新疆维吾尔自治区林木品种审定委员认定,命名为灰实2号(良种编号:新R-SV-ZJ-017-2015),2018 年在和田地区洛浦县拜什托格拉克乡推广21 hm2。2019 年12 月通过新疆维吾尔自治区林木品种审定委员审定,命名为灰实2 号(良种编号:新S-SV-ZJ-004-2019,图1、图2)。

图1 引物扩增结果
Fig.1 The amplification with primer

M.DL2000 DNA marker;A.灰枣;B.灰实2 号;C.蟠枣。1、2、3、4、9、10 和11 代表不同引物。
M.DL2000 DNA marker;A.Huizao;B.Huishi 2;C.Panzao.1,2,3,4,9,10 and 11 represent different primers.

图2 枣新品种灰实2 号
Fig.2 A new Chinese jujube cultivar Huishi 2

2 主要性状

2.1 果实主要性状

该品种果实较大,近圆柱形,果实纵径3.48 cm、横径2.06 cm、果形指数约1.69,完熟期单果质量9.10 g,可食率95.6%。核小,纺锤形,核质量0.41 g。果皮稍厚,不易裂果。果顶广圆,顶点微凹。果实品质优良,口感脆甜,半干枣总糖含量66.11%,维生素C 含量1.20 mg·g-1,黄酮含量25.96 mg·g-1,可溶性蛋白质含量139.75 mg·g-1,纤维素含量7.37 mg·g-1[3]。成熟后果皮橙红色,果面较平整。灰枣与灰实2 号二者果实性状比较见表1。

表1 灰实2 号与对照品种果实主要经济性状比较
Table 1 Comparisons of main characters between Huishi 2 and the control cultivar

2.2 植物学特征

树姿半开张,树形圆头形,树势中庸,树干皮状纵裂。当年生枝灰绿色,长117 cm,粗1.15 cm,针刺不发达,长3.31 mm。二次枝弯曲度140°,节间长度9.1 cm,枣股抽生枣吊2~5个,枣吊长度13.6~28.5 cm。叶片卵状披针形,长4.5~5.8 cm、宽2.2~2.7 cm,叶面积19.0 cm2,叶缘钝齿,百叶质量39.04 g、百叶厚23.76 mm。花量大,花径5.7 mm,花初开时蜜盘橙黄色,为昼开型。

2.3 生长结果习性

树势中等偏强,发枝力中等。繁殖多用嫁接法。用2 年生酸枣作为砧木嫁接,当年嫁接当年挂果,9 a 左右达到盛果期,平均株产半干枣7.0 kg,产量中等偏上,丰产稳定,自然坐果率低。

2.4 物候期

灰实2号在阿克苏地区实验林场附近,4月中旬萌芽,比灰枣晚7 d左右,5月初展叶,5月底至6月初进入初花期,6月中下旬进入盛花期,7月底至8月中旬进入果实迅速膨大期,9月上旬进入果实白熟期,10 月中旬进入完熟期,11 月上旬落叶[4]。树体营养生长期为206 d左右,果实生育期105 d左右,属晚熟品种。

2.5 抗逆性


3 栽培技术要点

栽植株行距以(1~2)m×4 m 为宜。施肥量一般为666.7 m2施入尿素25 kg、磷酸二铵15 kg、硫酸钾10 kg,有机肥(农家肥)500 kg 以上,有机肥于秋季落叶前后作基肥埋入。追肥每年进行3 次,第一次于开花萌芽期,氮肥追肥量占全年追肥量的50%、磷钾肥全部施入;第二次于6月中下旬,氮肥施入量占全年追肥量的30%;第三次于7月中下旬,氮肥施用量占全年施肥量的20%。枣树修剪要做到“随树作形、随枝修剪”,以夏季修剪为主、冬季修剪为辅,做到枣园内通风透光。6月中旬至8月中旬,每隔5~7 d喷施1次叶面肥,连续4~5次。

4 推广应用前景

灰实2 号具有果型大、果实品质优良、丰产稳产、抗逆性强等特点,满足了市场对灰枣的发展需求,为进入实际生产应用提供了广阔的发展空间。


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[2] 张东风,王振亮,刘志国,赵连峰,孔德璐,滕传亮.大果型、优质、晚熟鲜食枣良种沧冬3 号的选育[J].果树学报,2021,38(5):842-844.ZHANG Dongfeng,WANG Zhenliang,LIU Zhiguo,ZHAO Lianfeng,KONG Delu,TENG Chuanliang.Breeding report of a big fruit type,high quality,late-ripening and fresheating cultivar Cangdong 3[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2021,38(5):842-844.

[3] 冯会丽,吴正保,史彦江,张亚鸽,谢亚丽,马合木提·阿不来提.基于因子分析的灰枣优良无性系果实品质评价[J].食品科学,2016,37(9):77-81.FENG Huili,WU Zhengbao,SHI Yanjiang,ZHANG Yage,XIE Yali,Mahemuti·Abulaiti.Fruit quality evaluation of superior clones of Zizyphus jujuba cv.Huizao based on factor analysis[J].Food Science,2016,37(9):77-81.

[4] 冯会丽,郭佳欢,吴正保,史彦江.‘灰枣’及其芽变品系的物候和生育特性研究[J].西南农业学报,2017,30(5):1168-1175.FENG Huili,GUO Jiahuan,WU Zhengbao,SHI Yanjiang.Study on phenology and growth characteristics of Ziziphus jujuba‘Huizao’and its bud mutation strains[J].Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2017,30(5):1168-1175.

Breeding report of a new large-fruit-sized cultivar Huishi 2 in Chinese jujube(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)

WU Zhengbao1,SHI Yanjiang1,YAN Zhiwen2

(1Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Science,Urumqi 830000,Xinjiang,China;2The Experiment Forest Station of Aksu Region,Aksu 843000,Xinjiang,China)

Abstract: Huishi 2,a new jujube bud mutant with large fruit,was selected from a Huizao orchard in the production team 2 of Aksu Experimental Forest Farm,Xinjiang by Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences and Aksu Dazaoyuan jujube farmers specialized cooperative.The tree posture of this variety is half-spreading,the tree profile is globose-shaped,the tree vigor is intermediate and the trunk bark is split longitudinally.The thorn is underdeveloped,with a length of 3.31 mm.The curvatura degree of secondary shoot is approximately 140°,and the internode length is 9.1 cm.The color of current year growth is celadon.The fruit is large and nearly cylinder in shape.The vertical length of fruit is 3.48 cm,the cross length is 2.06 cm,the fruit shape index is about 1.69,and the single fruit weight at full maturity is 9.10 g.The leaf shape is oviform,being 4.5-5.8 cm long and 2.2-2.7 cm wide,with an average leaf area of 19.0 cm2,and the shape of leaf margin is bicrenate.The pericarp is slightly thick,the mature pericarp is orange red,and the fruit surface is flat.The fruit core is small,and spindle-shaped,which weighs 0.41 g,and the ratio of edibility is 95.6%.The fruit has good quality,and is crispy with sweet taste.The total sugar content of semi-dry jujube is 66.11%,Vitamin C content is 1.20 mg·g-1,flavonoids content is 25.96 mg·g-1,soluble protein content is 139.75 mg·g-1 and cellulose content is 7.37 mg·g-1.In the Aksu Experimental Forest Farm area,Huishi 2 sprouted in mid April,and about 7 d later than the standard Huizao (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.).It started to grow leaves in early May,entered the full bloom in mid and late June,came into the white maturity in early September and achieved the full maturity in mid-October.The vegetative growth period of this variety is about 206 d,and the fruit growth period is about 105 d.It is a late-maturing variety.The main pests are jujube Contarinia sp., Tetranychus truncates,flower thrips, Carposina niponensis,etc.,it is more resistant to jujube fruit brown cortex and ju-jube virus disease,and the fruit cracking is relatively less.It is suitable for jujube cultivation in southern Xinjiang and other similar ecological areas.The grafted jujube tree blooms and bears fruit in the same year,and the average yield of semi-dry jujube per tree in the ninth year can reach 7.0 kg.

Key words: Chinese jujube;New cultivar;Huishi 2;Large fruit type







