
魏岳荣,杨 护,周陈平,邝瑞彬,黄炳雄,杨 敏*

(广东省农业科学院果树研究所·农业农村部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室·广东省热带亚热带果树研究重点实验室,广州 510640)

摘 要:紫晖是由泰国红×GZ201301301杂交选育出的优质、丰产番木瓜新品种。该品种植株生长旺盛,冠幅290 cm,茎干高195 cm,茎干粗45 cm,叶片长90 cm,叶片宽93 cm,叶柄呈深紫色,长102 cm。花序主轴呈深紫色,平均长约7.5 cm,花数量多。果实长椭圆形,果肩有紫色印圈,果皮橙黄色,果面光滑,果肉橙红色,厚约3.3 cm,口感嫩滑清甜。平均单果质量1 142.7 g,平均纵径21.4 cm,横径10.8 cm,纵横径比为1.98。可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)11.5%,总糖含量10%,总酸含量0.21%,维生素C含量1.01 mg·g-1,粗纤维含量0.6%,品质优良。在珠江三角洲地区,组培苗春季定植至始花时间约63 d,定植至始采时间约180 d,最低结果部位离地约34.5 cm,连续坐果能力强,节位坐果率为92.2%;丰产性强,当年平均单株产量64.4 kg,每666.7 m2产量7728 kg。适应性良好,但感环斑花叶病毒病。常温条件下保鲜贮藏期为7 d。适宜在广东省番木瓜产区及类似生态区栽培,宜采用轮作或选择新区种植。


番木瓜(Carica papaya L.)隶属于番木瓜科(Caricaceae)番木瓜属(Carica),是热带、亚热带地区最重要的果树作物之一[1],果实富含维生素和矿物质,钠、脂肪和卡路里含量低,无淀粉[2],以其营养和药用价植闻名于世[3],被世界卫生组织列为最有营养价植的十大水果之首[4]

番木瓜为多年生草本果树,通常在定植后第2年进入丰产期,但毁灭性病害番木瓜环斑花叶病毒病(PRSV)往往导致定植后第2 年开始大幅减产甚至绝收[5],成为制约番木瓜产业发展的主要瓶颈。由于番木瓜属种质资源具有遗传背景狭窄、种内抗性资源缺乏、属间不亲和的特性,通过常规杂交育种难以改善番木瓜的抗逆性[2,6]。因此,培育丰产优质番木瓜新品种,研发优质高效配套栽培技术,实现当年定植、当年丰收的目的,成为当前番木瓜常规育种和产业发展的重点方向。

1 选育经过

2016年7月以泰国红两性株为母本、小果型夏威夷类GZ201301301 两性株为父本,通过常规杂交方式得到杂交种子358粒,12月播种后培育获得F1代健康种苗296株。2017年2月定植于白云区钟落潭镇育种基地,4月底始花挂果。经筛选和综合评价,获得植株生长速度快、生长势强、挂果早、结果部位低、连续结果能力强、果皮光滑、果形好、产量高、品质优良的两性株优系GZ16-2。为避免该优系感染环斑花叶病毒病,并尽快获得无性系种苗,缩短育种周期,于2017年12月采取搭建独立简易温室的方式对优系单株进行保护,覆盖塑料薄膜和防虫网。将该优系于离地1 m处截干,低温期辅助加热,促进侧芽萌发,保证侧芽在低温期的正常生长。所获得的侧芽部分被用于嫁接以获得嫁接苗,部分被用于种苗的组织培养快繁以获得组培苗,分别于2018年3月和9月定植在广州市天河区和白云区试验基地,进行品种比较试验。2019—2020年,于广州市、佛山市、湛江市等地开展多年多点试验。经综合评价,GZ16-2 遗传性状稳定,具有适应性强、生长势旺盛、结果早、结果部位低、连续坐果能力强、早熟、商品性状优良、商品果率高和丰产优质等特点。2021 年8 月通过广东省农作物品种审定委员会品种评定(评定编号:粤评果20210009),定名为紫晖番木瓜(图1)。

图1 优质丰产番木瓜新品种紫晖
Fig.1 A new papaya cultivar Zihui with good quality and high yield

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

植株壮旺,冠幅约290 cm,株高260 cm。茎干呈圆柱形,灰紫色,内中空,茎干高195 cm,粗45 cm。叶片大,叶长90 cm,宽93 cm,呈掌状缺刻状,缺刻深度中,无旗叶,颜色浓绿,叶脉清晰且呈浅紫色,叶片较厚而有光泽。叶柄粗大,呈深紫色,叶柄长约102 cm,粗11 cm。始花节位数19.3 节,花序主轴呈紫色,平均长约7.5 cm,花数量多,花冠紫色,花瓣黄色,花冠长度约3.4 cm。

2.2 主要经济学特性

结果部位低,最低结果高度34.5 cm,连续坐果能力强,节位坐果率为92.2%,定植当年单株收获果实数量61.8 个,其中商品果56.4 个,商品果率为91.3%。果实一致性高,呈椭圆形,平均纵径21.4 cm,横径10.8 cm,纵横径比为1.98,平均单果质量1 142.7 g,当年平均单株产量64.4 kg,按666.7 m2种植120株折算,每666.7 m2产量为7728 kg(表1)。成熟果实果皮表面光滑,橙黄色,果肩有紫色印圈,果顶圆形。平均果肉厚3.3 cm,橙红色,口感嫩滑清甜,品质优良,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)11.5%,总糖含量10.0%,总酸含量0.21%,维生素C 含量1.01 mg·g-1,粗纤维含量0.6%。

表1 紫晖番木瓜与对照品种结果性状及丰产性比较
Table 1 Comparison of characters on fruit setting and yield between Zihui and the control cultivar

品种Cultivar平均单果质量Average fruit weight/g 666.7 m2产量Yield per紫晖Zihui泰国红Taiguohong始花节位数Number of initial flower node 19.3 20.9最低结果高度The lowest fruiting height/cm 34.5 48.3节位坐果率Fruit setting rate/%92.2 89.9单株结果数Fruits Number per plant 61.8 53.0单株商品果数Commercial fruits Number per plant 56.4 46.0商品果率Commercial fruit rate/%91.3 86.7 1 142.7 1 359.5单株产量Plant yield/kg 64.4 62.5 666.7 m2/kg 7728 7512

2.3 生物学特性

组培苗在春植的栽培模式下,3 月初定植,4 月底至5 月初现蕾,定植至始花时间约63 d,9 月中下旬开始采收,定植至始采时间约180 d,10—11 月为采收盛期,当年可有效采收至12月中下旬。

2.4 适应性和抗性


3 栽培技术要点

3.1 适栽区域


3.2 选地与整地

选择远离三废污染、不带PRSV 病源且与其他番木瓜果园距离500 m 以上的新地,要求地块排灌良好、土壤肥沃、土层深厚、土质疏松。按种植规格整地,施足腐熟有机肥,一般每株5~10 kg,挖好排灌沟,使地下水位保持在离地面50 cm以下。

3.3 种苗选择


3.4 定植

根据不同管理水平可采用株行距(1.8~2.0)m×(2.5~2.6)m进行定植,建议每666.7 m2种植130~150株。该品种具有植株较矮壮、最低结果高度低的特点,为避免成熟期果实接触地面而导致烂果,定植及后续管理过程中不宜采用拉斜种植方法。定植后淋透定根水,注意不露根、不积水。

3.5 科学肥水管理

规模种植时建议采用水肥一体化技术进行高效肥水管理,施肥原则:主攻促生肥、催花肥和壮果肥。促生肥:定植后10~15 d抽生出新叶开始薄施,可用0.15%~0.2%的尿素淋施,每7~10 d 施1次;当叶色转为浓绿时,以速效氮肥为主,加适量钾肥,每10~15 d施肥1次,由薄施到多施,浓度由稀至浓。催花肥:现蕾前后(定植后45~50 d)及时施重肥,供花芽形成,仍以氮肥为主,适当增施磷、钾肥。每株施尿素50 g、复合肥25 g、钾肥25 g,每20 d施1次。另外,应每株施3~5 g硼砂3~5次,每30 d 施1次,防瘤肿病发生。壮果肥:盛花坐果期增施重肥,有机肥与无机肥结合施用,增施磷钾肥,少施氮肥。6—10月期间每月施重肥1次,每次每株施复合肥100 g、氯化钾100 g。在成熟前2个月开始增施有机肥,如沤熟的花生麸,加适量磷肥,以提高果实品质。水分管理原则:保持土壤润湿,旱灌涝排,防止积水烂根。

3.6 除草管理


3.7 树体和果实管理


该品种具有连续结果能力强、花数量较多的特点,应根据生产实际需要和管理水平,在盛花期和坐果期及时疏花疏果,每个节位以保留1~2 个正常果为宜。高温干旱等异常气温导致的畸形花和畸形果应尽早疏除。

3.8 病虫害防控


3.9 果实采收与护理



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Breeding of a new papaya cultivar Zihui with good quality and high yield

WEI Yuerong,YANG Hu,ZHOU Chenping,KUANG Ruibin,HUANG Bingxiong,YANG Min*
(Institute of Fruit Tree Research, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of South Subtropical Fruit Biology and Genetic Resource Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Tree Research,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China)

Abstract: Zihui is a new top-quality and high-yield papaya cultivar, which was selected from the first hybrid with Taiguohong as the female parent and the small-fruit Hawaiian type GZ201301301 as the male parent in 2021. Through artificial pollination in 2016, 358 hybrid seeds and 296 seedlings were got.It was initially selected in 2017 for its fast growth rate,strong growth vigor,low fruit-bearing position,strong continuous fruit-bearing capacity,smooth peel,good fruit shape,high yield and good quality. The clone seedlings were obtained by grafting and tissue culture with its lateral buds after the stem was cut off.After variety test and regional adaptability test at 3 sites(including Guangzhou,Foshan and Zhanjiang)over 3 years from 2018 to 2020,it was finally selected in 2020,and certificated by the Crop Varieties Certification Committee of Guangdong Province in 2021. The plant grows vigorously, showing as 290 cm in crown width, 195 cm in plant height from ground to apical meristem, 45 cm in stem circumference,90 cm in leaf length,93 cm in leaf width and 102 cm in dark purple petiole.The inflorescence has multi-flower properties,and the main axis of the inflorescence is dark purple,with an average length of about 7.5 cm.The corolla is purple,and the length is about 3.4 cm.Fruit shape is oblong oval,with an obvious purple circular mark on the fruit base.The average single fruit weight is 1 142.7 g,with an average longitudinal diameter of 21.4 cm, a transverse diameter of 10.8 cm, and the ratio of 1.98.The peel is smooth and orange yellow after ripening.The flesh is of good quality,with orange-red color,3.3 cm in thickness, and the taste is tender, smooth and sweet.The contents of soluble solid, total sugar,total acid,vitamin C,and crude fiber are 11.5%,10%,0.21%,1.01 mg·g-1 and 0.6%,respectively.When the tissue culture seedlings were planted in the Pearl River Delta Region in spring, the period from planting to first flowering was about 63 d, and the first fruit insertion height, defined as the distance from the ground to peduncle of the first fruit at harvest time,was about 34.5 cm.The period from planting to first harvesting, defined as the earliest fruit reaching color break stage, was about 180 d.This cultivar had strong ability of continuous fruit setting and high yield performance.Fruit setting rate at node position was 92.2%.In the year of planting,61.8 fruits were harvested per plant,including 56.4 commercial fruits,and the commercial fruit rate was 91.3%.The average yield per plant was 64.4 kg in the year of planting, and the yield was 115.92 t·hm-2 in the case of planting 1800 plants. The cultivar had strong adaptability to the environment,but it was susceptible to papaya ring-spot virus disease.The storage period of fruit at room temperature was 7 days.It was suitable for cultivation in papaya production areas in Guangdong province and additional similar ecological areas. It is suggested to adopt rotation or plant in the new field. The orchards should be established in new fields with PRSV free, good drainage and irrigation, fertile and loose soil, and more than 500 m distance from other papaya orchards.The healthy tissue culture seedlings with 6-8 functional leaves and well-developed roots should be selected to plant to ensure the consistency of seed and plant characteristics. Spacing in the rows and between rows are(1.8-2.0)m×(2.5-2.6)m.This cultivar has the characteristics of short and strong plant and low minimum fruit-bearing height,so it is not suitable to be planted by pulling slope.It is suggested that water and fertilizer integration and plastic film covering technology should be used for high efficiency management of fertilizer and water and grass control. In the process of management, side buds should be removed in time,and flowers and fruits should be thinned out to reserve 1-2 normal fruits at each node according to the actual needs of production and management level. The control of ring spot virus disease,root rot disease,red spider and aphid is the key of prevention of diseases and insect pests.

Key words:Papaya;New cultivar;Zihui;Good quality;High yield







基金项目:广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设项目(2021KJ116);广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2019B020214005);佛山市财政专项资金-2022 年度共建广东农业科技示范市项目;广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目(2021A1515010739);广州市科技计划项目(202102020038)


*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:020-38765468,E-mail:minyang_0123@126.com