
牛 良,鲁振华,崔国朝,曾文芳,潘 磊,王志强*

(中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所/国家桃、葡萄改良中心,郑州 450009)

摘 要:中油蟠36-3是以油蟠桃单株97-3-21为母本、早熟油桃品种中油桃5号为父本,经胚挽救后选育而成的早熟、白肉油蟠桃品种。该品种果形扁平,较对称,平均单果质量80~120 g,最大150 g左右。果皮底色浅绿白,成熟时大部分果面着鲜红色,美观,果顶有少量果锈。果肉白色,硬熟时脆甜,完熟后多汁,可溶性固形物含量(w)13.5%~16.9%,浓甜,品质优。黏核。花铃型,花瓣5枚,花粉多。自花结实,丰产。在郑州地区,一般年份2月底萌芽,3月中下旬始花,果实6月中旬成熟,果实发育期80 d左右,11月中旬左右完全落叶。适宜在北方露地及设施促早栽培,南方地区可尝试避雨栽培。




1 选育经过

1997 年,选用北京市农林科学院培育的红珊瑚[1]油桃为母本(该品种为中熟品种,品质优良),以中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所选育的油蟠桃单株NF9260[2]为父本[该品种单果质量85~100 g,黄肉,风味酸甜适口,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)15%~17%,品质优,不裂果,果实8月中旬成熟],配置杂交组合(图1)。从该组合中选出了综合表现较好的油蟠桃单株97-3-21,该单株于6月下旬成熟,白肉,果面干净,着色艳,但果个较小。

图1 中油蟠36-3 系谱图
Fig.1 Pedigree of flat nectarine cultivar Zhongyoupan 36-3

2002年,为培育更早熟、果个更大的油蟠桃,以97-3-21为母本,早熟油桃中油桃5号[3]为父本,进行人工杂交授粉,母本树采用常规管理。97-3-21×中油桃5号组合当年结果32个,由于母树成熟早,采用WPM培养基对杂交种子进行胚挽救,最终获得9株杂种实生苗。翌年(2003 年)春将杂种实生苗定植到桃育种圃,株行距1.0 m×4.0 m,按自然纺缍形整形,只进行疏枝等轻微修剪,常规管理。

该组合实生苗定植当年树体高度达到1.5 m 左右,没有成花,2004年秋季多数单株成花,2005年结果。编号为02-34-3的单株成熟期介于双亲之间,早于油蟠桃亲本97-3-21,品质优于双亲,综合性状优良,符合预期目标。2020年通过河南省林木品种审定(良种编号:豫S-SV-AP-001-2020)。

2 主要性状

2.1 植物学特征

中油蟠36-3 树体生长势强,树姿半直立,萌发力较强、成枝率较高。1 年生新梢绿色,阳面红色,中果枝平均节间长度2.31 cm。叶片长度中等,宽度中等,椭圆披针形,叶片横截面近水平,叶面呈绿色,叶背浅绿色,叶基钝尖,叶缘锯齿浅;叶柄长度中,叶柄蜜腺肾形,2 个以上。花枝粗度中等,花芽着生密,多复花芽。花铃型,花瓣5 枚,粉红色(图2-A),萼筒内壁绿黄色,花粉多。

图2 油蟠桃新品种中油蟠36-3 花枝和果枝
Fig.2 Flowering branch and fruiting branch of Zhongyoupan 36-3

2.2 果实主要经济性状

中油蟠36-3 果实大小中等,平均单果质量80~120 g,最大150 g;果形扁平,果顶凹,缝合线浅,较对称,不同年份及不同管理条件下,果面有一定果锈或糖点;果实梗洼浅、宽;果皮底色绿白,成熟时80%以上果面着红色,艳丽(图2-B)。果皮厚度中等,难剥离。果肉溶质,白色,成熟时果皮下有少量花色苷,近核处花色苷少,肉质细,纤维少,硬熟时果实脆甜,完全成熟后柔软多汁,浓甜。可溶性固形物含量13.5%~16.9%,品质优良(表1)。果核大小中等,扁平形,浅褐色,表面有点纹和沟纹,无裂核,黏核。在多雨地区或季节有轻微裂果。

表1 中油蟠36-3 与对照品种主要经济性状比较
Table 1 Comparison of main economic characters for Zhong Youpan 36-3 and the control

品种Cultivar中油蟠36-3 Zhong Youpan 36-3早露蟠桃Zaolu Pantao成熟期Mature stage 06-10—06-21 06-02—06-10果形Fruit shape扁平Flat无None扁平Flat多More果皮茸毛Skin fuzz着色Skin coloration多Much中Middle平均单果质量Average fruit mass/g 102 116 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solids concentration/%13.5~16.9 11.4~13.4风味Flavor浓甜More sweet甜Sweet硬度Firmness中Middle很软Very soft近核花青苷Anthocyanins near the pit少Less无None

2.3 生长结果习性

中油蟠36-3 生长势旺,萌芽较早,一年可抽生2~3 次新梢,当年可成花。花芽起始节位2~4 节,良好的通风透光条件有利于成花,花芽以复花芽为主。

各类果枝均能结果,幼树期以中长果枝结果为主,盛果期后树势稍缓和,各类结果枝均可稳定结果,坐果率超过50%,建议以培养中果枝结果为主。在较好管理条件下,该品种定植后第2年即可结果,第3 年每666.7 m2产量超过1000 kg,第4 年进入盛果期,每666.7 m2产量可达到1500 kg。

2.4 物候期

在郑州地区,中油蟠36-3 萌芽时间偏早(2 月底),开花时间较早(3 月中下旬)。果实6 月中旬成熟,果实发育期80 d 左右。10 月下旬开始落叶,到11月上中旬完全落叶,全年生育期230 d左右。

2.5 抗逆性及栽培适应性


经过多年、多点试验观察,中油蟠36-3 在河南省秦岭淮河一线以北各油桃主栽区表现出较好的栽培适应性,同时该品种具有早熟、高糖、需冷量低等特点,也适宜于北方设施栽培,在湖北等南方地区采用避雨栽培也可以取得较好效果。

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 建园定植

选择有机质含量较高、土层深厚、排水良好、光照充足的地块建园。此外,要求年降雨量不超过800 mm,秦岭淮河一线以南地区不建议露地建园。

选好园址后,先按南北行向确定树形和株行距,北方及山区、丘陵或较瘠薄的土地可采用(1.5~2.0)m×4.0 m的株行距,按V字形整枝;土壤条件较好的采用2.0 m×5.0 m 或3.0 m×5.0 m 的株行距,分别按两主枝V字形或多主枝V字形整枝。设施栽培可采用1.2 m×2.5 m株行距,按主干形整形。

定植前沿定植行撒入适量农家肥或碎秸秆等粗纤维,用机械挖宽深各80 cm的定植沟,把农家肥等翻入定植沟,灌一遍透水,让土壤沉实备用。定植时间可选在秋季或春季,秋季定植有利于缓苗,春季定植可避免冬季冻害及抽条等。定植前,先按挖好的定植沟划线定点,挖小坑,放苗后回填踩实,当天浇一遍透水,7 d后再浇一遍水即可。

3.2 定植后管理

春季萌芽前,在树干地面以上40~50 cm处留饱满芽定干。等新梢长度为20~30 cm时,在幼树东西两边交叉各立一竹竿,夹角60°左右,两边各选留1个新梢(两主枝V 字形,其他树形参照处理)进行绑缚,其余枝条进行疏剪或留10~15 cm 摘心,以后随着新梢的生长继续进行绑缚。

幼树期可适当补充复合肥,7 月份以后控水控肥,促进新梢尽快木质化,提高抗逆性。当年冬季修剪,以疏剪为主,剔除长势过旺的营养枝及生长过密的枝条,主枝延长头可根据需要适当回缩和调整走向。

3.3 整形修剪

要严控中上部大枝粗枝,做到枝枝见光。主枝间的夹角要求60°左右,下部可以略大,上部略小,为果园创造良好的通风条件。树体高度要兼顾管理方便,保持在2.5~3.0 m,行间延长头之间保持1 m左右的透光带。

3.4 土肥水管理




3.5 病虫害防控

中油蟠36-3 成熟较早,病虫害相对较易控制。冬季清园,萌芽期全园喷施1遍5波美度石硫合剂,花前花后各喷施1 遍吡虫啉或氟定虫胺腈防治蚜虫,视情况花后2周再喷1遍螺虫乙酯。其他病虫害视发生情况及时防控。


[1] 王虞英,冯德志,刘绍贤,王立平,刘素华.中熟甜油桃新品系红珊瑚、香珊瑚[J].中国果树,1996(2):10.WANG Yuying,FENG Dezhi,LIU Shaoxian,WANG Liping,LIU Suhua. Two middle season nectarine cultivars Hong Shanhu and Xiang Shanhu[J].China Fruits,1996(2):10.

[2] 宗学普,张贵荣,王志强,刘淑娥.桃特异种质油蟠桃NF9260[J].果树科学,1997,14(4):277.ZONG Xuepu,ZHANG Guirong,WANG Zhiqiang,LIU Shu’e.A specific germplasm of flat nectarine NF9260[J]. Fruit Tree Science,1997,14(4):277.

[3] 王志强,刘淑娥,牛良,宗学普,宋银花.早熟油桃新品种中油桃5 号的选育[J].果树学报,2005,22(1):89-90.WANG Zhiqiang,LIU Shu’e,NIU Liang,ZONG Xuepu,SONG Yinhua.A new early-ripening nectarine cultivar Zhongyoutao No.5[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2005,22(1):89-90.?

An early ripening and hiyh quality flat nectarine cultivar Zhong Youpan 36-3

NIU Liang,LU Zhenhua,CUI Guochao,ZENG Wenfang,PAN Lei,WANG Zhiqiang*
(Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Peach & Grape Improvement Center, Zhengzhou 450009,Henan,China)

Abstract: Flat peach/nectarine is a very distinctive variety of peach with a flat, plate like fruit. For a long time,the proportion of the flat peach/nectarine in the whole peach production has been very limited.The main reason is that there are few varieties with large, non-cracking fruit and wide adaptability.In particular,because the fruit surface is not protected by the fuzz like peaches,the fruit rust or cracking of the flat nectarine frequently occur.This results in the low rate of the commercial fruits in rainy areas or years and the loss of the production value of flat nectarine.In recent years,as the fast development of peach breeding in China,more and more new varieties have been introduced into the market,including flat peach and flat nectarine cultivars. More new flat peach/nectarine varieties with different ripening stages are expected to meet market supply.In 2002,a cross was made between the 97-3-21,a flat nectarine selection with small to middle fruit ripening in late June, and the early ripening nectarine Zhong Youtao 5 in order to breed early ripening flat nectarine.32 fruits were harvested.The embryos were cultured on WPM medium in tubes and stored in cold storage at 2-7 ℃for more than 90 days.When the seeds began to bud in the mid of October,the tubes were transfered to the culture room under 16 ℃and 16/8 hours of light for 2 weeks. Finally, the seedlings were transplanted into nutrition pot (the matrix was peat∶vermiculite∶garden soil 1∶1∶1) in the solar greenhouse. In the mid of April of the next year,the hybrid seedlings were transplanted to the breeding nursery with a space of 4.0 m between the rows and 1.0 m in the row.The seedlings naturally grew to a spindle shape and were pruned slightly.Flowers differentiation occurred for the most of the seedlings in the autumn of 2004 and fruit bearing in 2005.The seedling numbered‘02-34-3’was selected because of its early maturity and excellent fruit quality.After many years regional test,in 2020,it passed the tree variety examination and approval of variey in Henan Province and was named Zhong Youpan 36-3 finally.The fruit size of Zhong Youpan 36-3 is medium,with an average fruit weight of 80-120 g and a maximum weight of 150 g.The shape of the fruit is flat,the top of the fruit is concave,and the fruit surface has some rust or sugar point in different years and under different management conditions. The background of the fruit skin is green-white, and the most parts of the fruit surface is covered with bright red and looks pretty. The pericarp is medium in thickness,difficult to peel.The flesh color is white,with a small number of anthocyanins under the skin and trace amount near the stone when the fruit is ripe.The fruit is crispy and sweet when it is hard ripe,and become juicy with soluble solid content 13.5%-16.9%when it is fully ripe.The stone is cling,with no split.Infrequently,slight fruit cracking occurs in rainy areas or seasons.In terms of phenological period, the flowering time is in mid-late March in Zhengzhou, and the fruit ripens in mid-June.The fruit develop period is about 80 days. The leaves fall from late October to mid-November, and the annual growth period are about 230 days.It would be suitable for open field and protected cultivation in northern China or rain shelter cultivation in southern China.

Key words:Flat nectarine;New cultivar;Zhong Youpan 36-3;White flesh;Early ripening;High quality









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:13703841063,E-mail:wangzhiqiang@caas.cn