
张艳波1,王雪松1,陈 蕾1,崔 龙1,李 锋1,隋松兵2,张连喜1*

1吉林省农业科学院,长春 130033;2吉林吉科生物高技术有限公司,吉林 公主岭 136100)

摘 要:公主红李是以跃进李实生播种选育出的中早熟新品种。果实扁圆形,果皮盖色红色,底色黄绿,果肉黄色,肉质松软,汁液含量多,纤维细,半离核,果顶平,缝合线浅。平均单果质量56.8 g,平均可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)16.4%,可溶性糖含量7.93%,可滴定酸含量0.92%,类黄酮含量67.27 mg·100 g-1、花青素含量14.05 mg·100 g-1、类胡萝卜素39.21 mg·100 g-1。公主岭地区4 月下旬开花。在吉林地区露地栽培8 月上旬果实成熟。果实发育期95 d 左右。可在吉林省无霜期≥130 d,≥10 ℃有效积温2800 ℃以上地区引种试栽。



1 选育经过

公主红李(图1)是以跃进李实生播种选育而来。1982年采集跃进李种子进行层积,1983年春季实生播种,共获得实生苗27 株,1990 年作为初选优系嫁接观察,通过对果实经济性状和抗逆性连续多年的调查、评价,该品系具有优质、半离核、丰产、抗逆性强等优点,2000 年确定为决选品系,2012 年开始在长春、磐石等地开展区域试验,2014 年在公主岭开始树形、品种生产试验。2020 年8 月通过吉林省农作物品种审定委员会现场查验,2021 年6 月份获得非主要农作物品种认定证书。

图1 抗寒李新品种公主红
Fig.1 A new cold resistance plum cultivar Gongzhu Hong

2006—2020 年分别在磐石、公主岭、松原、临江、龙井、辉南等地进行区试试验,并对果实性状、植物学特征、生物学性状等进行了研究,公主红具有果实品质佳、丰产性好、适应性强等优点。SSR分子鉴定表明,公主红DNA 遗传物质与跃进李有明显差异(图2)。

图2 李新品种公主红SSR 分子鉴定
Fig.2 SSR molecular identification of new plum cultivar Gongzhu Hong

M.DNA marker;奇数泳道为公主红扩增产物,偶数泳道为跃进李扩增产物。12 对引物依次为ampa101、cpdct040、cpsct005、pchgms5、udap-413、udap-418、udap-420、udp98411、ampa109、ampa116、paca18、cpsct042。
M.DNA marker.The odd number lane is Gongzhu Hong DNA amplification product,the even lane is the Yuejin DNA amplification product.The nine pairs of primers were ampa101, cpdct040, cpsct005, pchgms5, udap-413, udap-418, udap-420, udp98411, ampa109, ampa116, paca18 and cpsct042.

2 主要性状

2.1 果实主要经济性状

果实扁圆形,平均单果质量56.8 g,纵径4.2 cm,横径4.4 cm。果顶平,缝合线浅。果皮盖色红色,底色黄绿。果肉黄色,肉质松软,汁液含量多,纤维细,半离核,平均可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)16.4%,可溶性糖含量7.93%,可滴定酸含量0.92%,类黄酮 含 量67.27 mg·100 g-1、花青素含 量14.05 mg·100 g-1、类胡萝卜素含量39.21 mg·100 g-1。风味甜酸,鲜食品质上。

2.2 植物学特征

公主红树势较强,枝条角度半开张,当年生枝条黄褐色,一年生枝长度平均135 cm,节间长度2.69 cm。叶片椭圆形,叶尖突尖,叶基楔形,叶片长11.0 cm,叶片宽5.8 cm,叶柄长1.1 cm。当年新梢平均长度135 cm,节间长度2.69 cm。进入结果期早,连续丰产能力强。8 年生杯状形666.7 m2产量2250 kg,Y字形2708 kg。

2.3 生物学性状

公主岭地区每年4月上旬萌芽,4月下旬至5月初开花。在吉林地区露地栽培8 月上旬果实成熟。果实发育期95 d 左右,为中早熟品种。嫁接苗定植后3 a开始结果。与当地主栽李品种相比(表1),公主红树势明显强于吉胜和晚黄;树姿接近于吉胜,两者均为半开张树姿;3个品种李的盛花期接近,均为4月底;公主红果实成熟期明显早于吉胜和晚黄。

表1 公主红李与当地主栽李品种比较
Table 1 Comparison between Gongzhu Hong plum and local planted Plum cultivars

品种Cultivar公主红Gongzhu Hong吉胜Jisheng晚黄Wanhuang树势Tree potential强Strong弱Weak中Moderate树姿Tree posture半开张Half open半开张Half open直立Erect盛花期Full flowering 4月29日Apr.29 4月30日Apr.30 4月28日Apr.28落叶期Deciduous 10月28日Oct.28 10月26日Oct.26 10月18日Oct.18成熟期Fruit ripening 8月5日Aug.5 8月23日Aug.23 9月3日Sept.3

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 园址选择

对土壤要求不严,最为适宜的是土层深厚砂壤土,土壤pH 8.3以下,避免在山坡底部、正阳坡、风口的地方建园。

3.2 栽植

嫁接繁殖,砧木为毛樱桃或山李子。露地栽植时期为春季4月下旬至5月上旬,栽植密度为3 m×4 m;采用穴栽,挖60 cm×60 cm栽植坑,40 cm以下施入有机肥与土(体积比为1∶1)拌匀,施入二胺,踩实、浇透水。

3.3 土肥水管理

适时中耕除草,也可树盘铺设园艺地布,行间生草;至5年生时每年春季开花前追肥1次,每株追施N 肥0.3~0.5 kg,P 肥0.25 kg,K 肥0.5 kg,果实采收后施入农家肥,每株20~30 kg。灌水可采用漫灌或滴灌,果实转色期后控制水量。

3.4 修剪

树形为杯状形,定干高度50~60 cm,选留3个主枝全部短截,每个主枝选留2 个枝条,一个短截,一个甩放,甩放后的次年回缩,直至成形。整形完成后,除主干外,骨干枝和枝组大概分布在一个弯曲的扇面上,形成杯壁的形状。

3.5 花果管理

疏花从蕾期开始,从结果枝基部的花开始疏除,中上部只留单花。疏果工作在花后20~30 d 进行,首先疏除不良果、畸形果,再依据枝条强弱、树势和空间决定留果量,短果枝上留1~2个发育量好的果,间距4 cm左右。

3.6 病虫害防治

主要虫害是食心虫,落花10 d 左右开始喷洒灭幼脲,间隔10 d,共喷施4次。常见病害是李子红点病,萌芽前喷石硫合剂或波尔多液,5 月中旬与第2次食虫性防治一起,交替喷洒多菌灵、甲基托布津和苯醚甲环唑,每10 d喷1次,喷洒3次。


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A new cold-resistant plum variety Gongzhu Hong

ZHANG Yanbo1,WANG Xuesong1,CHEN Lei1,CUI Long1,LI Feng1,SUI Songbing2,ZHANG Lianxi1*
(1Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun 130033,Jilin,China;2Jilin Jike Biological High Technology Co.,Ltd.,Gongzhuling 136100,Jilin,China)

Abstract: Gongzhu Hong plum is a new mid early maturing variety bred from Yuejin plum.The seeds of Yuejin plum were collected in 1982 and sown in the spring of 1983.Scions were collected from the seedlings and grafted in 1990.The fruit characters and resistance characters were investigated and evaluated for several years.One line was found to have the advantages of high fruit quality, semidetached nucleus,high yield and strong stress resistance.It was selected as superior line in 2000.Regional experiments were carried out in Changchun,Panshi,and other regions in 2012.Tree shaping and yield experiments were carried out in Gongzhuling in 2014.The color of the annual branch is yellowish brown.The average length of annual branch is 135 cm,and the average internode length of annual branch 2.69 cm.The leaf shape is oval,the leaf tip is sharp,and the leaf base is wedge-shaped.Average length of leaf is 11 cm,average width 5.8 cm,and average petiole length is 1.1 cm.The tree is vigorous with semi-open canopy.Gongzhu Hong plum sprouts in early April and blooms from late April to early May in Gongzhuling area.The fruit ripen in early August in Jilin area and fruit developing period is about 95 days.The variety has strong resistance to cold,to plum red spot disease and bacterial perforation disease,and medium resistance to brown rot.The fruit shape is oblate.The average weight of the fruit is 56.8 g,with a longitudinal diameter of 4.2 cm and transverse diameter of 4.4 cm.Top of the fruit is flat with shallow suture.The background color of the pericarp is yellow green and the cover color is red.The color of the pulp is yellow.The pulp is firm and juicy with little fiber.The stone is semi-detached.The average soluble solid content is 16.4% and the soluble sugar of the fruit is 7.93%.The fruit acidity is 0.92%.The content of flavonoids in the fruit is 67.27 mg·100 g-1; the anthocyanins 14.05 mg·100 g-1 and carotenoids 39.21 mg·100 g-1.The fruit flavor is sweet and sour, and the fresh quality is good.Gongzhu Hong plum can be extended and planted in areas with a frost-free period above130 days and an effective accumulated temperature of ≥10 ℃above 2800 ℃.

Key words:Plum;New variety;Gongzhu Hong;Cold-resistant









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:13504440933,E-mail:lianxizhang2006@163.com