
王冬梅,刘 志*,吕天星,闫忠业,杨 锋,黄金凤

(辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁 熊岳 115009)

摘 要:辽苹是由寒富×岳帅杂交选育出的晚熟苹果新品种。果实扁圆形,果顶略有棱起,极易着色,不套袋全面着深红色。平均单果质量235 g,果肉黄白色,肉质松脆,硬度10.8 kg·cm-2,风味甜酸浓郁,可溶性固形含量(w,后同)13.9%,总酸含量0.51%。果实生育期165 d,在熊岳地区10 月中旬成熟,极耐贮藏,冷库可至翌年5 月,贮后风味更佳。树势强,萌芽率高,平均67.8%,成枝力中等,平均5.3个。自花结实率低,S基因型为S1S9。丰产,利用带分枝乔化大苗建园(666.7 m2定植83 株),栽后第2 年见果,第3 年平均产量6 847.5 kg·hm-2,7 年生树平均产量60 258 kg·hm-2。抗病性中等,果实易感水心病,对苹果枝干轮纹病表现为中抗。抗寒性较强,适宜在辽宁省锦州市黑山以南及相似生态区栽培。



1 选育经过

辽宁省果树科学研究所苹果育种室在1996 年利用抗寒大苹果寒富[4]与金冠×红星的优良后代岳帅[5]进行杂交,获得的杂交种子于1997 年春季播种。1999年对田间假植的杂种苗进行预选,剔除病弱株和野生性状明显的单株,然后将768 株杂种苗定植在杂种圃中继续观察。2003 年起这个组合的杂种苗陆续开始结果,其中代号62-45 的单株果实着色突出,内膛果实也全红,果量较大,且连年结果。果实晚熟,果个中等,刚采收时偏硬,但极耐贮藏,贮后风味甜酸浓郁。连续观察3 a 后,果实主要性状遗传稳定,2005 年选为初选系,代号410-16。2008年将其嫁接到乔化大树上进行复选鉴定,同时繁苗进行一致性观察和省际区域试验。经过多年观察,其繁殖材料代际间稳定,树体及果实经济性状等各项指标表现一致,适应性也较强。认为该品种着色好,风味浓、耐贮藏,易管理,综合性状优良。2019年申请了植物新品种权,2021年6月通过授权,编号CNA20191000599,命名为辽苹(图1)。

图1 晚熟苹果新品种辽苹
Fig.1 A New late ripening apple cultivar Liaoping

2 主要特征特性

2.1 植物学特征

树势强,树姿开张。1 年生枝黄褐色,平均长35.3 cm、粗5.4 mm,节间平均长度3.3 cm,叶背茸毛稀疏,皮孔较密;叶姿水平,叶片深绿色,叶面抱合,叶缘锐锯齿,叶片长宽比1.6,叶柄长3.6 cm;每花序平均5 枚花朵,花冠直径4.1 cm,花蕾粉红色,花瓣邻接、卵圆形。果梗长3.7 cm,粗2.1 mm,梗洼深、中广,无锈,萼片宿存、半开张,萼洼中深、广、无锈。心室中等大小、半开,种子褐色。

2.2 果实经济性状

果实扁圆形,果形指数0.85,平均单果质量235 g。果实全面着深红色,片红,底色黄绿色,无蜡质、有少量果粉,果顶有弱棱起。果肉黄白色、肉质中粗、硬脆、液汁多,风味甜酸。采收时硬度10.8 kg·cm-2,可溶性固形物含量13.9%,总酸含量0.51%(表1)。熊岳地区果实10月中旬成熟,采前不落果,极耐贮藏,冷库(±1 ℃)可贮至翌年5月,贮后风味更佳。

表1 辽苹与对照品种果实经济性状比较
Table 1 Comparison of fruit economic characteristics of Liaoping and control varieties

品种Cultivar辽苹Liaoping寒富Hanfu岳帅Yueshuai成熟期Fructescence 10月中旬Mid-October 10月上旬Early October 10月中旬Mid-October果形Fruit shape扁圆Oblate圆锥Conical shape近圆Suborbicular着色Coloring深红色Strong red鲜红色Full red橙红晕Orange red单果质量Fruit weight/g 235果实硬度Firmness/(kg·cm-2)10.8 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%13.9 w(总酸)Total acid content/%0.51 245 8.5 13.2 0.32 224 8.2 14.5 0.27

2.3 生长结果习性

辽苹丰产性强。幼树生长较快,利用带分枝乔化大苗建园,第2年即可见果,第3年平均树高2.7 m,干径8.6 cm,东西冠径2.4 m,南北冠径2.5 m,主干上着生12~16个主枝,以短果枝和腋花芽结果为主,平均株产5.5 kg。进入稳产阶段树势变缓,7年生树树高控制在3.2~3.5 m,东西冠径3.1 m×3.4 m,以中、长枝结为主,单株结果个数220~250 个,平均产量60 258 kg·hm-2,连续结果能力强,无大小年结果现象。


2.4 物候期

辽苹在辽宁熊岳地区4月中旬花芽萌动,4月末至5月初初花,花期持续5~7 d,10月中旬果实成熟,果实发育期165 d左右,为晚熟品种,11月中下旬落叶,营养生长时间220 d左右。

2.5 适应性及抗病性

辽苹适应性较强,在辽宁熊岳地区(1月平均气温-9.2 ℃),多年生实生母树能正常生长。在较寒冷的锦州市黑山地区、辽阳市灯塔地区,新植幼树经过涂白或绑草把等简单防护可安全越冬。4~6年生树也无花芽、枝条及主干受冻情况。

辽苹抗病性中等,2016—2018 年田间自然发病观察及人工接种抗性鉴定表明,其对苹果枝干轮纹病表现为中抗[6];通过多年观察,其果实接近成熟时容易发生水心病(糖心)。从已有试栽结果看,适宜在辽宁省锦州市黑山以南及相似气候条件区栽植。

3 栽培技术要点

3.1 栽植密度及授粉品种

地势平坦、土质肥沃、有灌溉条件的地块可定植矮化树,株行距1.5 m×4 m,架式栽培;山地或土壤相对瘠薄的地块要选择适应性强的乔化树,株行距2 m×4 m。适宜的砧木有山定子、平邑甜茶、GM256、辽砧2 号等。选择带6~9 个分枝的大苗建园,成本高,但见效快,可提早2~3 a结果。授粉品种可选择花期相近、S基因型不同的嘎拉、金冠、岳艳、岳阳红、岳华、岳冠等。

3.2 整形修剪

树形可采用高纺锤形或细长纺锤形,树高3~3.5 m,干高1.0 m 以上;主枝在中心干上交错排列,数量30~35个,角度100°~120°;主枝不固定,枝干比1:3~5,在主枝上直接生结果枝组;成龄树树体顶端结果后回缩至较弱的结果枝处,控制树高。

3.3 花果管理

辽苹果实着色充分,可考虑无袋栽培。结果性良好,无大小年结果现象,采前不落果,生理落果后要及时疏果。病虫害方面重点防治果实水心病,可在春季土壤中根施硝酸钙300 kg·hm-2、果实套袋及采收前各喷2~3遍氨基酸类钙制剂进行预防。

3.4 肥水管理

成龄树一般每年施肥2 次。果实采收后,秋施基肥主要是有机肥及氮、磷、钾复混肥,可按每生产50 kg 果施农家肥如牛粪75 kg、尿素0.2 kg、磷酸二铵0.18 kg,硫酸钾0.1 kg。6—7 月追施氮、钾肥,促进果实膨大,提高果实品质,可结合灌水按每生产50 kg果施尿素0.35 kg、硫酸钾0.3 kg。

3.5 适宜区域



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Breeding report of new late-ripening apple cultivar Liaoping

WANG Dongmei,LIU Zhi*,LÜ Tianxing,YAN Zhongye,YANG Feng,HUANG Jinfeng
(Liaoning Institute of Pomology,Xiongyue 115009,Liaoning,China)

Abstract: Liaoping is a new late-ripening apple cultivar with excellent appearance.The seedling was derived from a cross between Hanfu and Yueshuai in 1996 in the experimental field.It was initially selected in 2003 for its prominent colors and strong sweet and acid flavor.Through artificial hybridization pollination,768 hybrid seedlings were planted in 1997.Liaoping was considered as a primary selection strain in 2008.The original code of Liaoping was 62-45.After regional adaptability testing at two sites(including Heishan country, Jinzhou city, and Dengta area, Liaoyang city,) over six years from 2015 to 2020,it was finally selected in 2019.This variety is tall,attaining a height of 3.5 m.The tree is vigorous with semicircular crown and upright gesture.1-year-old branch is yellow-brown.The average length of branch is 35.3 cm.The average width of branch is 5.4 mm.Leaves are ovate to elliptic,and acuminate.The ratio of leaf length to width is 1.6.The average length of leafstalk is 3.7 cm.There are five flowers within each cluster.Petals are pink.The diameter of flower is 4.1 cm.Most bearings came from both axillary flower bud and spurs on young trees.The fruit is oblate and the top of fruit is slightly prism.The fruit is full range of dark red without bagging and it’s easy to set color.The ground color is yellowishgreen.The average single fruit weight is 235 g.The fruit shape index is 0.85.The flesh is yellow and white.The flesh texture is light and crisp.The flavor is strong sweet acid and juicy.The soluble solid content is 13.9%, and total acidity is 0.51%.Fruit hardness is 10.8 kg·cm-2.Quality is excellent.The fruit development period is 165 d, and it matures in mid-October in Xiongyue area with 122°09′ east longitude and 40°10′ north latitude.The branching ability is moderate medium with an average of 5.3.The self-pollination rate is low, only 2.65%.It’s high yield.Usually, an orchard should be established with vigorous large branching seedlings and 83 plants are planted per 666.7 m2.It has moderate diseaseresistance.The fruit is susceptible to water core disorder.The plant is moderate resistance to ring rot of apple.The fruit has very long storage-life, cold storage life is 7 months and shelf life are over 90 days.The fruit has better flavor after storage.This variety is suitable for cultivation in Heishan area,south of Jinzhou and similar climate areas in Liaoning province.Fruiting started at the second year after planting.In the third year,the average yield was 6847.5 kg·hm-2.In 7th year,the yield was 60 258 kg·hm-2.On flat terrain, fertile soil with good irrigation conditions, dwarf trees and trellis cultivation can be applied.On mountain or relatively barren soil, relatively adaptable trees should be chosen.Spacing in the rows and between rows are 2 m× 4 m on vigorous rootstock and 1.5 m× 4 m on dwarf rootstock.The suitable interstocks are Malus micromalus, M. hupehensis, GM256, Liaozhen 2, etc.The S genetypes was S1S9.Suitable pollination varieties can be chosen from Golden Delicious, Gala,Yueyan,Yueyanghong, Yuehua, Yueguan, etc.Trees should be shaped as high spindle or thin spindle system, and the height is controlled at 3 to 3.5 meters.The number of branches is 30 to 35,angle of branch is from 100°to 120°, and the ratio of branch thickness to trunk thickness is from 1∶3 to 1∶5.Liaoping fruit is fully colored, which can be considered as non-bagging cultivation.In order to prevent from fruit water core disorder,300 kg·hm-2 of calcium nitrate can be applied into the soil in spring.Before fruit bagging and picking,amino acid calcium should be sprayed 2-3 times.

Key words:Apple;New cultivar;Liaoping;Hybrid;Late ripening









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:13470420115,E-mail:lnliuzhi@163.com