
杨 安1,李燕青1*,李 壮1,车升国2,程存刚1

1中国农业科学院果树研究所·辽宁省落叶果树矿质营养与肥料高效利用重点实验室·农业农村部园艺作物种质资源利用重点实验室,辽宁 兴城 125100;2菏泽市林业技术服务中心,山东 菏泽 274000)

摘 要:【目的】探究不同滴灌撒施组合下树体对15N的吸收分配以及氮肥利用率的影响,旨在获得适宜的肥料滴灌组合。【方法】以2年生烟富3/T337/山丁子为试材,采用盆栽、滴灌袋模拟滴灌施肥方法。设置氮肥(N)、磷钾肥(PK)的滴灌或撒施的5个处理。T1:N撒施,PK滴灌;T2:N撒施,PK撒施(PK为水溶肥);T3:N滴灌,PK滴灌;T4:N滴灌,PK撒施(PK为水溶肥);T5:N滴灌,PK撒施(PK为普通肥料)。【结果】植株各器官的Ndff值均在T3处理下最高,中间砧和毛细根在T3处理与T5处理间有显著差异;主干和主根的15N吸收量均在T5处理下吸收最高,其他部位的15N吸收量在T5处理与其他处理间均无显著差异,15N分配率除主干外其他部位均无显著差异,主干在不同处理间有显著差异,在T5处理下分配率最高(11.24%),T3、T4处理下叶片和枝条的分配率显著高于其他部位;多年生枝的氮肥利用率在T3处理下最高,且与T1处理有显著差异。主干的氮肥利用率在T5处理最高,与其他4个处理均有显著差异。侧根的氮肥利用率在T4处理下最高,与T1、T2处理有显著差异。植株整体的氮肥利用率在T3、T4处理与T1、T2处理间有显著差异,与T5处理无显著差异。【结论】综上所述,实际栽培管理中可以推广氮肥滴灌、磷钾肥撒施普通肥料的施肥方式。





1 材料和方法

1.1 试验设计与管理

盆栽试验于2019 年在辽宁兴城中国农业科学院果树研究所温泉实验基地进行。试材为2年生烟富3/T337/山丁子幼苗,每株3~4 个分枝,基部粗度2 cm,所需水肥一体化方式采用滴灌袋模拟。试验共设5 个处理,T1:N 撒施,PK 滴灌;T2:N 撒施,PK撒施(PK 为水溶肥);T3:N 滴灌,PK 滴灌;T4:N 滴灌,PK撒施(PK为水溶肥);T5:N滴灌,PK撒施(PK为普通肥料)。每个处理3次重复。

所有肥料在2019 年5 月、6 月、7 月施入。每月施入肥料的量各占肥料总量的三分之一。试验中用于撒施的肥料分别于月初(每月5日前)一次性撒入盆后与土混匀;用于滴灌处理的肥料,将每月肥料的总量分成等量3 次施用,每次间隔7~10 d。所有处理用于撒施的肥料分3 次施用完毕,用于滴灌处理的肥料分9 次施用完毕。肥料总养分施入量按照每kg 土0.5 g 氮(N)计算,加仑盆中干土质量约为20 kg,即每盆施入N的总量为10 g。五氧化二磷和氧化钾均按照每盆5 g 施用。具体肥料用量根据肥料实际养分含量计算。每月具体施用量见表1(仅列出5月份施用量,6、7月份相同)。2019年10月份用纱网将全株罩住,用于落叶收集。

表1 2019 年5 月份肥料用量
Table 1 Fertilizer dosage for May 2019g

处理Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4 T5尿素(农用)Urea(Agricultural)5.58 5.58 5.58 5.58 4.16 15N尿素Urea(15N)2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00磷酸二氢钾(试剂)KH2PO4(Reagents)3.21 3.21 3.21 3.21硫酸钾(试剂)K2SO4(Reagents)1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05磷酸二铵(农用)(NH4)2HPO4(Agricultural)硫酸钾(农用)K2SO4(Agricultural)3.62 3.27

1.2 测定项目及方法

当年冬季,树体进入休眠期后,将树体解析为叶片、一年生枝、多年生枝、主干、中间砧、主根、侧根、毛细根共8个部位。样品按清水→洗涤剂→清水→1%盐酸→3次去离子水顺序冲洗后,85 ℃杀青30 min,随后65 ℃烘干至恒质量,电磨粉碎后混匀装袋备用。

样品消煮全氮用凯氏定氮法测定。15N 丰度用ZHT-03质谱计测定。


Ndff/%=(植物样品中15N 丰度%-15N 自然丰度%)/(肥料中的15N丰度%-15N自然丰度%)×100;

各组织15N 吸收量/mg=各组织全氮含量(mg)×Ndff(%);



1.3 数据统计

数据用Excel 整理计算后,利用SAS 9.4 进行方差分析,利用LSD法进行多重比较。

2 结果与分析

2.1 不同滴灌施肥方式对植株干质量、氮含量及氮总量的影响


表2 不同滴灌方式对植株氮含量和氮总量的影响
Table 2 Effect of different drip irrigation methods on nitrogen content and total nitrogen

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among different treatments of the same tissue (p <0.05).“—”indicates that the data here are not measured.The same below.

氮总量Total nitrogen/g 1.09±0.33 a 1.32±0.31 a 1.44±0.46 a 1.26±0.32 a 1.08±0.23 a 0.93±0.53 a 0.98±0.12 a 1.50±0.27 a 1.29±0.54 a 1.07±0.47 a 1.34±0.24 a 1.50±0.28 a 1.67±0.29 a 1.64±0.25 a 1.75±0.07 a 0.43±0.07 b 0.30±0.04 b 0.49±0.08 b 0.44±0.06 b 0.98±0.08 a 0.46±0.02 a 0.54±0.27 a 0.62±0.01 a 0.59±0.06 a 0.78±0.20 a 0.98±0.06 a 0.55±0.02 ab 0.43±0.26 b 0.52±0.31 ab 0.93±0.01 a 0.44±0.11 a 0.47±0.11 a 0.56±0.13 a 0.75±0.21 a 0.53±0.06 a 0.91±0.33 a 0.74±0.12 a 0.63±0.26 a 1.14±0.61 a 0.71±0.04 a 6.58±0.83 a 6.40±0.66 a 7.34±0.81 a 7.62±0.17 a 7.82±0.34 a部位Plant tissue叶子Leaf一年生枝Annual branches多年生枝Perennial branches主干Trunk中间砧Intermediate anvil主根Main root侧根Lateral root毛细根Capillary root氮含量Nitrogen content/%1.15±0.29 a 1.33±0.04 a 1.32±0.06 a 1.25±0.31 a 1.07±0.23 a 1.29±0.11 ab 1.18±0.09 ab 1.56±0.21 a 1.42±0.24 ab 0.99±0.43 b 0.75±0.11 a 0.76±0.11 a 0.80±0.11 a 0.74±0.09 a 0.89±0.04 a 0.53±0.04 a 0.44±0.20 a 0.53±0.09 a 0.41±0.06 a 0.62±0.05 a 0.49±0.07 a 0.43±0.14 a 0.52±0.14 a 0.41±0.06 a 0.52±0.13 a 0.88±0.03 a 0.63±0.17 ab 0.63±0.20 ab 0.62±0.02 b 0.75±0.01 ab 1.32±0.18 a 1.14±0.32 a 1.36±0.17 a 1.14±0.16 a 1.47±0.17 a 1.42±0.00 a 1.25±0.13 a 1.61±0.35 a 1.48±0.25 a 1.51±0.08 a整株Whole plant处理Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5干质量Dry weight/g 94.70±4.86 a 99.44±20.45 a 108.61±29.69 a 101.08±0.47 a 91.49±12.72 a 73.91±47.40 a 83.07±16.13 a 97.92±30.13 a 88.83±22.40 a 107.63±0.28 a 178.51±5.36 a 202.81±64.85 a 213.79±66.13 a 220.34±6.72 a 173.71±30.64 a 81.08±6.01 b 73.38±24.71 b 91.09±0.37 b 107.93±1.26 b 149.69±11.18 a 94.04±7.87 b 123.44±22.86 ab 123.32±33.14 ab 145.31±6.04 a 130.89±27.41 a 112.00±10.38 a 90.87±28.07 a 64.87±20.09 a 82.55±47.98 a 95.48±41.53 a 33.13±3.57 a 43.89±22.29 a 40.79±4.38 a 67.86±27.47 a 45.42±13.20 a 64.03±23.43 a 60.03±16.34 a 38.28±7.57 a 74.55±28.65 a 54.67±10.90 a 731.40±70.27 a 776.91±169.98 a 778.66±166.86 a 888.45±38.87 a 848.98±99.66 a——

植株各组织干质量、氮含量和氮总量不同处理间表现出一定的差异性。植株主干的干质量在T3、T4处理高于T1、T2处理,且4个处理间无显著差异,T5 处理显著高于其他处理。中间砧的干质量在T4处理最高,与T1处理有显著差异,T5处理与T4处理无显著差异。其余部位的干质量在不同处理下无显著差异。多数部位的干质量在T3、T4处理高于T1、T2 处理。一年生枝的氮含量在T3 处理最高,与T5处理有显著差异。主根的氮含量在T1 处理最高与T4 处理有显著差异。其余各部位的氮含量在不同处理下无显著差异。

叶片的总氮量在T3处理下最高,与其他处理无显著差异。一年生枝的总氮量在T3、T4处理下高于T1、T2 处理,各处理间无显著差异。多年生枝的总氮量在T3、T4处理下要高于T1、T2处理,而在T5处理下最高。主干的总氮量在T5 处理下最高且与其他处理有显著差异。中间砧的总氮量在T5 处理下最高。主根的总氮量在T1 处理最高,T3处理最低,T1、T5处理的总氮量均显著高于T3处理。侧根、毛细根的总氮量在不同处理下无显著差异。植株各组织的总氮含量总体趋势多数为T3、T4、T5处理高于T1、T2处理,即氮肥滴灌处理的干质量、氮含量和总量总体高于氮肥撒施处理,而磷钾肥不同施用方式影响较小。

2.2 不同滴灌施肥方式对植株Ndff 值和15N 吸收量的影响

由表3 可以看出,不同处理间植株整体的Ndff值和15N吸收量有一定差异,氮肥滴灌处理(T3、T4、T5)的Ndff 值和15N 吸收量均高于氮肥撒施处理(T1、T2),且T3 处理最高,与T1、T2 处理有显著差异。在氮肥滴灌条件下磷钾肥不同施用方式下植株整体的Ndff值和15N吸收量并无显著差异。

表3 不同滴灌方式对植株Ndff 值和15N 吸收量的影响
Table 3 Effect of different drip irrigation methods on Ndff values and15N uptake

注:同列不同小写字母表示相同组织不同处理之间有显著性差异(p <0.05);同列不同大写字母表示相同处理不同组织间有显著性差异(p <0.05)。下同。
Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among different treatments of the same tissue (p <0.05); Different capital letters in the same column indicate significant differences among different tissues of the same treatment (p <0.05).The same below.

15N吸收量15N absorption/mg 72.93±32.81 Aa 93.69±19.87 Aa 134.66±54.36 Aa 96.51±20.36 ABa 81.42±20.23 ABa 72.78±36.24 Aa 75.06±1.10 ABa 155.93±19.87 Aa 122.89±65.85 Aa 86.54±56.94 ABa 80.67±22.51 Ab 93.32±8.90 Aab 135.31±13.29 Aa 125.48±13.75 Aa 122.78±1.94 Aab 23.95±1.06 Abc 15.37±7.12 Dc 38.11±9.54 Bb 26.72±9.58 Bbc 64.77±7.13 Ba 27.00±3.50 Aa 28.90±17.59 CDa 51.23±3.10 Ba 40.05±10.05 ABa 51.02±16.19 Ba 62.39±12.88 Abc 33.16±4.17 CDc 36.86±21.15 Bb 40.75±19.06 ABbc 65.87±13.28 Ba 29.98±13.86 Ab 31.80±3.35 CDb 55.64±14.55 Bab 67.83±7.05 ABa 46.00±0.80 Bab 63.66±23.44 Aa 52.46±5.06 BCa 61.02±22.66 Ba 108.49±63.95 ABa 58.16±0.26 Ba 433.35±40.81 b 423.76±9.42 b 668.77±58.81 a 628.72±89.21 a 576.57±70.82 ab部位Plant tissue叶子Leaf一年生枝Annual branches多年生枝Perennial branches主干Trunk中间砧Intermediate anvil主根Main root侧根Lateral root毛细根Capillary root整株Whole plant处理Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Ndff/%6.51±1.05 ABb 7.11±0.16 ABb 9.21±0.84 ABCa 7.70±0.32 BCab 7.53±0.30 ABb 8.04±0.72 Aa 7.73±0.84 Aa 10.47±0.53 Aa 9.28±1.26 Aa 7.69±1.97 ABa 5.98±0.60 Bb 6.27±0.56 BCb 8.13±0.61 CDa 7.67±0.34 BCa 7.03±0.19 ABab 5.63±0.62 Ba 5.04±1.72 Da 7.80±0.64 Da 6.01±1.39 Da 6.63±0.19 Ba 5.87±0.45 Bb 5.15±0.65 CDb 8.25±0.58 CDa 6.76±1.05 CDab 6.47±0.41 Bb 6.32±0.94 ABa 6.05±1.02 BCDa 8.66±0.27 BCDa 8.33±1.39 ABa 7.09±1.49 ABa 6.63±1.57 ABb 6.93±0.98 ABab 9.92±0.29 ABa 9.27±1.60 Aab 8.73±0.88 Aab 6.98±0.02 ABc 7.16±0.51 ABc 9.79±0.39 ABa 9.36±0.60 Aab 8.20±0.47 ABbc 51.96±3.83 b 51.45±6.45 b 72.22±1.68 a 64.39±7.94 ab 59.36±5.30 ab

植株各组织Ndff值和15N吸收量不同处理间表现出一定的差异性。叶片和中间砧的Ndff值在T3、T4 处理下高于T1、T2 处理,其中T3 处理与T1、T2处理有显著差异,T5 处理与T4 处理无显著差异。多年生枝的Ndff 值在T3、T4 处理下显著高于T1、T2 处理,T5 处理与T3、T4 处理无显著差异。侧根的Ndff值在T3、T4处理下高于T1、T2处理,其中T3处理与T1 处理有显著差异,T5 处理与T3、T4 处理无显著差异。毛细根的Ndff 值在T3、T4 处理显著高于T1、T2 处理,T5 处理与T4 处理无显著差异。其余各组织的Ndff值在不同处理下无显著差异,且T3、T4处理高于T1、T2处理,T3、T4处理与T5处理差异较小。同时,一年生枝的15N 吸收量在T3、T4处理高于T1、T2处理,T5处理与T3、T4处理无显著差异。多年生枝的15N 吸收量在T3、T4 处理高于T1、T2 处理,且T3、T4处理显著高于T1处理,T5处理低于T3、T4处理但无显著差异。主干的15N吸收量在T5 处理最高且显著高于其他处理。中间砧的15N吸收量在T3、T4、T5处理高于T1、T2处理,且T3、T4、T5 处理之间差异较小。主根的15N 吸收量在T5 处理最高且与其他处理有显著差异。侧根的15N吸收量在T3、T4处理高与T1、T2处理且T4处理与T1、T2处理有显著差异,T5处理略低于T3、T4处理且无显著差异。植株各组织的Ndff值和15N吸收量总体趋势多数为T3、T4、T5处理高于T1、T2处理,且T1 与T2 处理,T3、T4 与T5 处理间差异较小。即氮肥滴灌处理的Ndff值和15N吸收量总体高于撒施处理,在氮肥施用方式不变时,磷钾肥不同施用方式下Ndff值和15N吸收量差异较小。表明氮肥滴灌处理促进了树体对氮肥的吸收、征调,磷钾肥的不同施用方式影响较小。

2.3 不同滴灌施肥方式对植株氮肥分配率和氮肥利用率的影响

由表4 可以看出,不同处理间植株整体的氮肥利用率有显著差异,T3处理的氮肥利用率最高达到了28.83%,高出T1 和T2 处理10.13%和10.56%。T3、T4、T5处理间无显著差异。表明氮肥滴灌处理能够提高氮肥利用率,而磷钾肥不同施用方式无显著影响。

表4 不同滴灌方式对植株氮肥分配率和氮肥利用率的影响
Table 4 Effect of different drip irrigation methods on plant N fertilizer distribution rate and N fertilizer utilization

部位Plant tissue叶子Leaf 1年生枝Annual branches多年生枝Perennial branches主干Trunk中间砧Intermediate anvil主根Main root侧根Lateral root毛细根Capillary root氮肥分配率Nitrogen fertilizer distribution rate/%16.55±6.01 ABa 22.06±4.20 ABa 19.86±6.38 Aa 15.74±5.47 Aa 14.45±5.28 ABCa 16.47±6.81 ABa 17.72±0.13 ABa 23.28±0.92 ABa 18.99±7.78 Aa 14.51±8.09 ABa 18.94±6.98 Aa 22.00±1.61 Aa 20.22±0.21 Aa 20.32±5.07 Aa 21.48±2.97 Aa 5.54±0.28 Bb 3.65±1.76 Bb 5.78±1.94 Db 4.18±0.93 Bb 11.24±0.14 Ca 6.30±1.40 ABa 6.87±4.30 ABa 7.71±1.14 CDa 6.32±0.70 Ba 8.74±1.73 BCa 14.60±4.35 ABa 7.84±1.16 ABa 5.39±2.69 CDa 6.76±3.99 Ba 11.37±0.91 ABCa 7.10±3.87 ABa 7.50±0.62 ABa 8.45±2.92 CDa 10.98±2.68 Ba 8.05±1.13 ABCa 14.50±4.04 ABa 12.37±0.92 ABa 9.31±4.21 BCa 16.70±7.80 Ba 10.16±1.20 ABCa整株Whole plant处理Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5——氮肥利用率Fertilizer utilization rate/%3.14±1.41 a 4.04±0.86 a 5.80±2.34 a 4.16±0.88 a 3.51±0.87 a 3.14±1.56 a 3.24±0.05 a 6.72±0.86 a 5.30±2.84 a 3.73±2.45 a 3.48±0.97 b 4.02±0.38 ab 5.83±0.57 a 5.41±0.59 a 5.29±0.08 ab 1.03±0.05 bc 0.66±0.31 c 1.64±0.41 b 1.15±0.41 bc 2.79±0.31 a 1.16±0.15 a 1.25±0.76 a 2.21±0.13 a 1.73±0.43 a 2.20±0.70 a 2.69±0.56 a 1.43±0.18 a 1.59±0.91 a 1.76±0.82 a 2.84±0.57 a 1.29±0.60 b 1.37±0.14 b 2.40±0.63 ab 2.92±0.30 a 1.98±0.03 ab 2.74±1.01 a 2.26±0.22 a 2.63±0.98 a 4.68±2.76 a 2.51±0.01 a 18.68±1.76 b 18.27±0.41 b 28.83±2.54 a 27.10±3.85 a 24.85±3.05 ab

植株各组织氮肥分配率和氮肥利用率在不同处理间有一定差异。主干的氮肥分配率在T5 处理下最高且显著高于其他处理。其余各组织的氮肥分配率在不同处理下均无显著差异。叶片、一年生枝在T3 处理下氮肥利用率最高,分别为5.80%、6.72%。多年生枝在T3、T4 处理下氮肥利用率为5.83%、5.41%,与T1 处理有显著差异,T5 处理的氮肥利用率低于T3、T4处理,但无显著差异。主干在T5处理下氮肥利用率最高为2.79%,与其他处理有显著差异。中间砧在T3、T4、T5处理下氮肥利用率高于T1、T2处理,T5处理与T3、T4处理间无显著差异。主根在T5 处理下氮肥利用率最高(2.84%)。侧根在T4 处理下氮肥利用率最高(2.92%),与T1、T2 处理有显著差异,T5 处理与T3、T4 处理间无显著差异。其他各组织的氮肥利用率在不同处理间无显著差异。植株各组织的氮肥分配率和氮肥利用率总体趋势多数为T3、T4、T5处理高于T1、T2处理,且T1 与T2 之间,T3、T4、T5 之间无显著差异。表明氮肥滴灌条件有利于氮肥在植株内的分配及提高氮肥利用效率,磷钾肥不同施用方式影响较小。

3 讨 论

植株器官从肥料中吸收分配到的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率(Ndff)反映了植株器官对肥料15N的吸收征调能力[16]。在葡萄的研究中表明,在植株体内根部以及叶片对氮肥的竞争能力更强[17]。前人在苹果中的研究发现,同一器官的Ndff值在滴灌处理条件下要高于撒施处理[18]。任饴华等[19]认为水氮耦合使植株各器官对氮的吸收征调能力更强,促进了植株对15N 的吸收。路永莉等[20]认为水肥耦合在促进植物养分吸收方面效果显著。本试验的结果显示,在N滴灌,PK滴灌水溶肥(化学试剂)、N滴灌,PK撒施水溶肥(化学试剂)、N滴灌PK撒施普通肥料时,叶片、多年生枝、中间砧、侧根、毛细根的Ndff 值要高于N 撒施,PK 滴灌水溶肥(化学试剂)、N 撒施,PK 撒施水溶肥(化学试剂)处理。由此说明,水溶性氮肥更利于树体对于氮素的吸收征调。氮肥保持施用方式不变时,磷钾肥滴灌或撒施对植株的Ndff值并无显著影响。

不同滴灌方式不仅影响植株器官的Ndff值,还影响了各器官的氮素的分配。各器官中15N 占全株15N总量的百分比反映了肥料15N在树体内的分布及其在各器官间迁移的规律[17]。本试验中叶片在N撒施,PK撒施水溶肥(化学试剂)处理是氮肥分配率最高,说明撒施处理利于营养器官的生长。这与赵林等[21]的研究结论一致。田歌等[18]的研究也认为撒施处理有利于营养器官的生长。滴灌施氮处理下一年生枝、主干、中间砧、侧根、毛细根的氮肥分配率更高,说明氮肥滴灌处理有利于提高树体贮藏器官的营养水平以及第2年新生器官的建造[18]。本试验不同施肥处理下,叶片和枝条的分配率均高于其他部位。与前人研究中植株体内氮素更易向生命活动更活跃的区域移动[17, 22]的结论相一致。T3、T4 处理下叶片和枝条的分配率显著高于其他部位。说明滴灌更利于氮素向生长活跃区域移动。




4 结 论



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Effect of different combinations of dripping and spreading fertilization of N,P and K fertilizers on uptake,distribution and utilization of15N in Fuji apple

YANG An1,LI Yanqing1*,LI Zhuang1,CHE Shengguo2,CHENG Cungang1
(1Fruit Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Mineral Nutrition and Efficient Fertilization for Deciduous Fruits, Liaoning Province/Key Laboratory of Germplasm Resources Utilization of Horticultural Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Xingcheng 125100,Liaoning,China;2Heze Forestry Technical Service Center,Heze 274000,Shandong,China)

Abstract:【Objective】Fertigation is a new technology for integrated agricultural water and fertilizer management, which can effectively achieve simultaneous supply and efficient use of water and fertilizer.Fertigation technology is widely used in China in the production of maize, tomatoes, bananas and other fruits and vegetables,but the application in apple industry is far behind other countries.We aimed to study the effects of tree uptake,distribution and utilization of15N under different combinations of dripping and spreading fertilization of N,P and K fertilizers to obtain the proper way of fertilization.【Methods】The trial was conducted with 2-year-old nursery trees of Yanfu 3/T337/ Malus baccada (Linn.)Borkh.as test materials,and the pot test and drip irrigation bags were used to simulate dripping fertilization.Five treatments were set up for dripping and spreading application of nitrogen(N),phosphorus and potassium(PK)fertilizers.T1:N spreading,PK dripping;T2:N spreading,PK spreading(water soluble PK fertilizer);T3:N drip irrigation,PK drip irrigation;T4:N drip irrigation,PK sprinkle(water solublePK fertilizer);T5:N driping,PK spreading(common PK fertilizer).All fertilizers were applied in May,June and July 2019.The amount of fertilizer applied each month was one third of the total fertilizer.The fertilizers used for spreading fertilization in the trial were spread on the pots and then mixed with the soils on the 5th day of each month,1/3 amount of the fertilizers were used for each month.The fertilizers used for dripping fertilization treatment were used three times for each month at an interval of 7-10 days.All treatments were repeated three times.The total amount of the fertilizers used for each pot(the weight of dry soil in a pot was about 20 kg)was 10 g of N,5 g of phosphorus pentoxide and 5 g of potassium oxide.The specific fertilizer dosage was calculated based on the actual nutrient content of the fertilizer.The whole plant was covered with a screen net.The leaves were collected in October 2019.【Results】The total whole plant nitrogen was not significant different among the different treatments,but it was slightly lower under the T1 and T2 treatments (N used by spreading) than those under the T3, T4 and T5 treatment(N used by driping).The nitrogen content of annual branches was highest under the T3 treatment and significantly different from the T5 treatment.The nitrogen content of main roots was highest under the T1 treatment and significantly different from that under the T4 treatment.The total nitrogen of leaves and annual branches was highest under the T3 treatment.The total nitrogen of perennial branches and intermediate rootstock was highest under the T5 treatment.The total nitrogen of the main stems was highest under the T5 treatment and significantly different from those under the other treatments.The total nitrogen of main root was highest under the T1 treatment and lowest under the T3 treatment,and the total nitrogen under the T1 and T5 treatments were significantly higher than that under the T3 treatment.The total N of lateral roots and capillary roots was highest under the T4 treatment.The overall Ndff values of the plants varied with the treatments,and the Ndff values under the N dripping irrigation treatments(T3,T4,T5)were higher than those under N spreading treatments(T1,T2),and were highest under the T3 treatment and significantly different from those under the T1 and T2 treatments.The overall15N uptake of the plants varied with the treatments,and the15N uptake under N dripping irrigation treatments (T3, T4, T5) were all higher than those under the nitrogen fertilizer spreading treatments(T1,T2),and were highest under the T3 treatment,and was significantly different from those under the T1 and T2 treatments.The Ndff values of the leaves were highest under the T3 treatment and were significantly higher than those under the other treatments.The Ndff values of perennial branches were highest under the T3 treatment which was significantly different from those under the T1 and T2 treatments.The Ndff values of the inter-stock and hair roots were highest under the T3 treatment, and were significantly different from those under the T1,T2 and T5 treatments.Meanwhile,the15N uptake of the leaves and annual branches was highest under the T3 treatment.The15N uptake of perennial branches was highest under the T3 treatment and was significantly different from that under the T1 treatment.The15N uptake of the inter-stock was highest under the T3 treatment.The15N uptake of the main stems and main roots was highest under the T5 treatment and was significantly different from those under the other treatments.The15N uptake of the lateral roots was highest under the T4 treatment and was significantly different from those under the T1 and T2 treatments.The15N uptake of hair roots was highest under the T4 treatment.The overall N fertilizer utilization rate of the plants significantly varied with the treatments, and the highest N fertilizer utilization rate was 28.83% under the T3 treatment, which was 10.13%and 10.56%higher than those under the T1 and T2 treatments,and there was no significant difference between T4 and T5 treatments and T3.The leaf nitrogen fertilizer allocation rate was highest under the T2 treatment and was lowest under the T5 treatment.The N fertilizer distribution rate of the annual branches was highest under the T3 treatment.The N fertilizer distribution rate of the perennial branches was highest under the T2 treatment.The N fertilizer distribution rate of the main stems was highestunder the T5 treatment and was significantly higher than those under the other treatments.The N fertilizer distribution rate of the inter- stock was highest under the T5 treatment.The N fertilizer distribution rate of the main roots was highest under the T1 treatment.The N fertilizer distribution rate of the lateral roots and hair roots was highest under the T4 treatment.The leaf blades and annual branches had the highest N fertilizer utilization rate of 5.80%and 6.72%under the T3 treatment,respectively.The perennial branches had the highest nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate of 5.83% under the T3 treatment, which was significantly different from that under the T1 treatment.The inter-stock had the highest N fertilizer utilization rate of 2.21% under the T3 treatment.The highest N fertilizer utilization rate of the main stems was 2.79% under the T5 treatment, which was significantly different from those under the other treatments.The highest N fertilizer utilization rate of the main roots was 2.84%under the T5 treatment.The lateral roots had the highest N fertilizer utilization rate of 2.92%under the T4 treatment,which was significantly different from those under the T1 and T2 treatments.The hair roots had the highest N fertilizer utilization rate of 4.68%under the T4 treatment.【Conclusion】In summary,different combinations of dripping fertilization had different effects on15N uptake , distribution and utilization in apple trees.The N fertilizer uptake and utilization were highest when all fertilizers were used by dripping.However, the N fertilizer uptake and utilization under N, P, K dripping treatments was not different from that under N dripping fertigation and P,K spreading fertigation treatments.Considering that the costs of the water soluble phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are much higher than those of common phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, it would be recommended that nitrogen fertilizer could be used by dripping and common phosphorus and potassium fertilizers could be used by spreading in practice.

Key words:Apple;Drip irrigation method;Spreading method;15N;Fertilizer utilization rate









*通信作者Author for correspondence.Tel:0429-3598159,E-mail:liyanqing@caas.cn